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Everything posted by Hollysdower

  1. So, Gigi in 1995 is either Amy, the girl who stayed with Sophia (the girl who gave birth) while the rest danced to Waterfalls, or Gigi is Sophia. In that case, Sophia wasn't dead, they just thought she was, and she later dug herself out of the grave, which would give her a strong motive for wanting revenge. Also, we learned in episode 9 that Boone learned to slow down his heart rate and breathing so a coroner couldn't tell he was alive. Who did he learn that from? Who even gave him that idea? He's way too stupid to come up with that himself. If Gigi was Amy, and she ran off with the babies to live in that house and be the Hag and scrounge for food until she was institutionalized...then I'm not sure why she would have such a strong motivation to punish Kappa. Amy didn't do anything wrong, she could have called her parents at any time and gone home. Mandy Greenwell {the Kappa in the trailer they visited on Halloween) said that she knew one of the sisters from that night killed herself, and one was a Fox News personality. Bethany (Grace's mom) died in a car crash, so she didn't kill herself. So Amy is probably the suicide, and Coco is the one on Fox News. Coco did have that bubbly blonde thing going on. All the Chanels were accounted for in every attack, except Hester. We can rule out Munsch because she was attacked by all 3 (Gigi, Boone, and whoever the other one is). I don't know, I'm assuming that the 2 red devils are each of the boy/girl bathtub babies, but that doesn't have to be the case...but if it is, then I'm thinking either Hester, Grace, or Zayday has to be the girl baby/killer. Anyway, I just wanted to get my thoughts down, because it's really bugging me that I can't figure this out.
  2. I can't believe Liv didn't make the connection when she saw the photo of Minor in Bozzio's research.
  3. I totally thought Hester was the girl killer, if indeed there is a girl killer. But they've been very careful with the language in every conversation involving Boone and Gigi and whoever the other Red Devil is. They've kept it all gender-neutral. I just don't know. Can't wait for next week! And I don't think Hester's really dead either.
  4. Brenda at least told her admirer that she had a boyfriend at the outset. Yes, it was probably because Kelly was there, but she did it. Dylan took Sarah surfing, spent the night at her place cause she was scared, had meaningful conversations with her, etc., long before telling her he had a girlfriend. In surf Betty's defense, what was she supposed to think? To her, it seemed like Dylan was interested. Question for Dave about this "taking a dump together" scenario...are they like, sitting back to back (ass to ass) on the same toilet? Just wondering. :P
  5. Yeah, but does Mel know that Jackie knows that Kelly knows that David knows that Donna knows that Brenda knows that Kelly knows he knows she knows? Gotta fault Mel for twice being inappropriate with teenagers about his adult relationship: He tells Kelly to talk some sense into her mother, and he calls David into his office to commiserate about his break-up. Mel, you gotta handle your own issues. I know about the rabbit test, but I'm 42. *cries* One Ring to fool them all One Ring to shine them One Ring to beguile them all And in the darkness, blind them
  6. Neicy hasn't lost weight. She wore a huge fake prosthetic ass on Reno 911. I liked this episode. It wasn't as fast or fun as some of the others, but we found some new things out. We know who one of the Red Devil Killers is, and we know Gigi is in league with him, and we know Dean Munsch surprisingly has nothing to do with it.
  7. Well now we know what Major's been up to, and that he's not a killer! My favorite moment was Babineaux being all slick with his badge in front of his basketball idol XD I'm not so impressed with Stacy Boss...doesn't seem very menacing. I hope he changes my mind over the next few weeks.
  8. OK, I am trying to watch this episode, but I keep having to pause it in order to facepalm! Glad to see from the comments here that it's not just me! My god, I LIKED the first two episodes...what the hell happened?!
  9. GO HARD FOR ABSTINENCE! My favorite thing about this episode was the TV news reporter at the school at the beginning who said this: He's Ebony Bear?! I don't know how I can continue to be surprised at what an ass Brandon is, but he really topped himself this week. I don't understand what David meant when he said to Donna, "I guess driving to Vegas is out of the question"? Can someone enlighten me?
  10. I did wonder about that, because we didn't see them take Kelly's dad's head off, we just saw them buried. This cast is just so great. Every one of them has impeccable comic timing. This show is just knocking it out of the park. And who knew Mimi Rogers could do her own stunts? Can't wait to see how Xena and Detective Fisher fit into the plot next week.
  11. Sarah D. Bunting: the "drop the book behind him so he whips his head around" DID happen, but it happened on the Brady Bunch. They were in court with a guy who was suing them, wearing the comically large neck collar, when Mike stood up, threw a huge book on the floor behind the guy, and he whips around, thus proving his injury is fake and exonerating Carol Brady. ETA: Oh, excuse me, it wasn't a book, it was a briefcase.
  12. Me too! This was such a great episode! I LOL'd when Ramona said, "That ain't no case of the DTs, she been turn't!" And the doc curing the kid with her blood, the kid changing his whole school, just great. Some people had a problem with Gaga's acting...well, she was pretty fucking great in the scene where she made Liz Taylor!
  13. Me too. I am giving Ryan Murphy a lot more leeway than usual because this show is just so much fun. I don't care about inconsistencies or so-and-so's supposedly bad performance. I am just riding this wave and loving it.
  14. LOL tom87! For a "filler" episode, there were still a lot of clues dropped, especially the lady in the asylum who "paints them all". I was baffled as to why they didn't go look at her paintings! Munsch's voiceover confession at the end was key: she admitted that she took advantage of a killing spree that was already going on to get revenge. Who knows how many of the other killers did the same thing? We know there's at least 2, there could be many more. Anyway, I really enjoyed this episode.
  15. Except for the part where this is just a television show. I enjoy watching a monster getting a beat-down he deserves on a fictional television show.
  16. I'm no shipper, but I was glad to see Major and Liv friendly again and Major off drugs and coaching kids. This is the major we know and love! Boba Rat made me LOL! This is more of a Rob Thomas thing. In Veronica Mars, when Sheriff Lamb found out the Mannings were abusing their young daughter, he threatened them and then staked their house out every night to make them nervous. I like the idea of law enforcement being tough on abusive parents, even though it almost never happens in the real world. That scumbag abusive dad got what he deserved, and good on Babineaux for doing it.
  17. No, it was not. Not even close. But that 's really the only complaint I have about this episode. It moved along much faster than the pilot, and had plenty of action, while still managing to show that super-heroing has a learning curve. Can't wait to see how this interview turns out. Also can't wait to find out what's up with Henshaw's eyes.
  18. LOL, good point. But we have seen John lose time at least twice so far. In last week's episode, he handcuffed Sally and was gonna take her downtown, but then woke up alone in the elevator. This week, he woke up alone on the floor sometime after the dinner. It's easy to assume that this is the ghost's doing, but we don't know that. He could be blacking out while another side of him is killing people.
  19. I think the fact that John was invited to the serial killer dinner means that he will one day BE a serial killer. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if the killer John's been hunting with the police all season is, indeed, John himself.
  20. Gotta love that Livleen Lumpkin! If only she'd sang "Bunk with Me Tonight" to Major instead of giving him that "I'm letting you go" speech. Naming Major's dog "Minor" is a stroke of genius. I felt the same way about Major in season 1, but now that they've given him a better storyline, I'm liking him more.
  21. I loved Mechad from season 2 of True Blood...Hey Jimmy Olsen, remember when you and Tara ate Marianne's blood pie and then beat the shit out of each other for hours? Good times! mtlchick, I am forever in your debt for that video you posted *bows* There was a lot of cheese and cliches in this...I groaned quite a few times...but there was a lot of good, too. It's a pilot, and pilots often suck, so I'm gonna give it the benefit of the doubt and keep watching.
  22. OMFG, this is one of the most unintentionally funny episodes yet! Steve's TV hallucinations! FluffMullet insisting he's got a big scoop, chief! The gang's utter despair when Steve's bus pulls away! XD But my favorite moment was when Steve knocked on Cindy's door during the day while he was suspended. I thought he was gonna be like Bart Simpson to Milhouse's mom after Marge was angry at him for stealing Bonestorm... "Can I do mom stuff with you?" Also Tara's "HE DOESN'T DAAAAAAAA" cracked me up! XD Love the new "5 Ways Brandon Could Have Died"!
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