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  1. JoJo Siwa kissing Madison The Daily Mail is trash, but a photo is a photo and that is a photo of JoJo kissing Madison. Not a good move as a judge. Considering the ratings, she probably doesn't have a job to come back to.
  2. I just don't understand the choices made by production over the course of this season to lead to this result. Anthony was the one finalist with no real storyline. Even the showmance felt like it belonged more to Dakayla. We saw all the girls chatting about it which is how it was introduced. We didn't get the same level of his side of the relationship at all. The producers knew who was winning, why not edit Anthony to be a more prominent figure? Why give so much time to Dakayla's personal life and Madison's injuries if neither of them was going to win? It's just such a strange choice. How did the judges even decide the winner? It was so unclear to me. And then on a more micro level, why bring back Ivan and not put Allison in that room? Why bring back past contestants to choreograph some of the finale dances but not the others? Why have two of the three finalists dancing in what is basically their style and have one way out of his comfort zone? And what's crazy is the first half of the episode was great. It hit that nostalgic spot of what the show used to be. There was serious energy by having them dance in front of a live audience once again. Having them do duets really gave each contestant a chance to be noticed. There is still so much potential here and I just do not get what drove the choices that were made to get the blah ending.
  3. Goldfish goes last a lot. Seems unfair. In fact, I hate the way the show seems to favour her. They act like she is some singular talent but she's just a good singer. And I find they really use the backup singers to make her sound stronger than she actually is. Mostly I'm salty that we didn't get to see Clay and Ruben sing "A Moment Like This" That would have been epic.
  4. The only issue with that is Nicole is likely transferring with Sunset Boulevard and will be busy on Broadway once she's done in the West End.
  5. This was my favourite episode so far. Just having the energy of an audience really changed things in my eyes. It was dynamic. Also T-Pain seems chill and I appreciated that. The show is still a mess but this was an improvement for me. I agree with the comments above about liking the judging panel. I wish we could see them in the proper format for this show.
  6. This lab doesn't have one air-gapped computer that they can use to look at potential evidence? Painful. I enjoyed the main case up until the end which felt rushed. It was the guy we already met and he had a dead girlfriend but that was a lie. And he worked at the one dealership but I guess also worked at the other garage to have access to it. But he then brought the body to his first workplace where he had a known connection. It just didn't work with the time left in the episode. One thing I appreciated was how they made the victim's fake art look like it would be real, popular art. Sometimes when a show needs to create art, it doesn't work. Also, if I owned a car dealership and the cameras were taken out in an attempted robbery and then a portion of a dead body showed up hanging from my building, I would rush to get new cameras set up. That's too many crimes to not think I'm being targeted. I don't think that woman was kidnapped. I think she staged her own kidnapping. Hopefully we find out everything in the finale and aren't left with a brutal cliffhanger at the end of this show.
  7. I assume, based on context clues, that Connie is a bit younger than Annie. Not by a huge margin but probably supposed to be mid-sixties. I have to say, the way she was acting like 180 hours of community service was impossible bugged me. She currently has no work so she could treat the community service like a job and knock it out in less than two months. Considering the alternate option was jail time, I'd be at the church every day, reading to old people once or twice a week and whatever other physically light options I could find. I agree that she can't be picking up trash for 180 hours at her age but she can and should knock out those hours.
  8. At this point I don't want Gregory and Janine together. Whatever was there has become tedious and frustrating and not in that good "just kiss already" frustration. They just both seem so immature and out of touch with their emotions that I can't imagine they'd be good together.
  9. I hate to be the horrible "well, actually" person but my Canadian pride compels me to say that Matty is Canadian. He was born in New Brunswick, lived in Nova Scotia as a kid and moved to Ontario as a teen. All of his current restaurants are in Toronto except the one in Port Erie where he's from. He may be a loud slob but he's our loud slob. I'm a competitive person but I wouldn't want to win because the other person physically couldn't get up and down stairs. That's not how its done. So I bet the chefs will continue to be sporting when Dan is faced with challenges like this.
  10. I suspected the mom and the daughter right from the beginning but the scene where the daughter came back to get the cup and the mom was inside minute later being all "you were gone sooooo long. I was worried" really gave it away. That's a Smothered level of enmeshed. I was surprised when they didn't shoot a closeup of Catherine reacting to that. Josh and Allie are the most tedious thing ever. I was actually impressed when she pointed out that she was the boss and their close relationship could create issues. Of course Josh had to have a tantrum in response. Of course rank matters. Josh is lucky to have a job and he's complaining because his boss wants to create some professional boundaries? I hate these two so much! Serena is terrible at undercover. How did she fool all the CSI people for so long? But she looked amazing and she didn't get killed which was my main fear as she entered that apartment.
  11. Travel Agent Pete would know about airport shuttles to resorts and he could probably find one going to the specific resort once he lands. Those airport transfers were probably a nice upgrade that he sold back in his day. Pete probably would be caught up on Barack Obama but it was such a great line delivery that I don't even care. He kicked Tom Brady's ass, twice! I will never forget the joy I felt watching it. My big Pete fear is what if he goes to St. Lucia and is happy enough with his family that he gets sucked off. I know it won't happen because this is a TV show and that would be a terrible end for a character, but the ghosts don't know they live in a TV show. Pete could just never come back and they'd never, ever know what happened to him. A trip into town with Jay is a little risky. Going somewhere alone for an extended period of time just seems crazy to me. Unless Pete is comfortable with the idea that every time he leaves, he may never come back. But my anxiety about the whole thing is very high.
  12. I'm so glad someone was really thinking about what was best for Sheldon on a personal and professional level. He was ready to move on and face new challenges. One of the nice things about this is that it explains so much about the gap between when this show will end and when Leonard comes into Sheldon's life. George got him a car and driver so it makes sense how Sheldon got around before Leonard and others drove him places. George negotiated the perks that made it possible for a teenage and young adult Sheldon to live independently. It's probably the most impactful practical thing George ever did for Sheldon and it got him through what seemed to have been a very empty and lonely period in Sheldon's life. It's very sweet. I do wish the show would explain what's changed in Mary for her to become so lackadaisical with Sheldon's safety after seasons of her being the Mil V-12 of helicopters. Was it going to Germany and living a life for a few months free of housework? Was it seeing Sheldon move around in the world more independently? Was it a matter of necessity when there was no room for him? But even then, the Mary of a few years ago would have slept on the floor to make sure Sheldon wasn't in a dorm with teens and 20 somethings an hour a way. Is it that she's more into kids when they're younger and the baby has replaced Sheldon? I always assumed the big change in Mary would happen when she was widowed but there has been a huge shift this year and I don't know why. Scared is unfair. Snow and winter require a whole set of skills Sheldon has never developed and a new wardrobe that he would have to acquire. Just being good at walking in snow is work. Balancing on an icy sidewalk is hard. I've lived in a snowy winter climate my whole life and if I had an easy way to go to Southern California instead, I would take it. The schools were otherwise equal and whatever gut feeling Sheldon had about MIT, he's allowed to change his mind when faced with new information.
  13. The idea of this format isn't terrible but the execution is. I don't know these kids at all. In a group dance, someone pops up on-screen and I'm so busy trying to remember their name that I don't really notice the dancing. I don't care about who gets cut. I knew it would be guys this time to even things back out. I have no emotional attachment to any of them. The show thinks a package during the auditions makes up for spending time with each contestant in rehearsals and in partnerships. It doesn't. What made it easy to get to know the contestants in the past was seeing them in a variety of situations and seeing not only how they do but hearing partners and choreographers talk about them, who they are and how they are coping. So much of that has been stripped back that its soulless now. I don't care about the showmance. It's not the first one so I'm not mad about it but when they showed the women talking about it, I had no idea what guy they meant. Also, I get why the music video was shot and edited before we saw it because that's how it works in real life. But for Broadway, why didn't they perform it live in front of the audience? That's how that works in real life. Because watching it, I wondered how many times they filmed each dance to get all the angles without other cameras in view and then how they chose to manipulate the takes to justify the cuts. Did the two (I don't know their names!) crash into each other one time out of eight? Did someone mess up in one take and it wasn't shown? I just need Cat at the start of the episode to say each person's name and have them do a little dance. I need that visual reminder at the top of the show so I know who we are talking about the rest of the episode. I am a dumb TV person. I know its too late to change it now but it hurts. I would have thought the producers of the show understood the reason they did that for every other season but now I'm thinking they just thought it was to kill time?
  14. I thought this was one of the best episodes of the series. I thought by having a few strong suspects in the neighbor and the wife, the misdirection worked very well. Plus, Anne Ramsay is a great actor and she nailed every scene she was in. I love Serena now. She had a few very funny line deliveries. Without all the Folsom baggage, she is delightful. I also really liked Josh this episode. It helped that he behaved like a professional throughout. He still has no business being there but at the very least the angst was dialed way down and he took the work seriously. I was pretty confident we'd be going back to not-Elon eventually. I still think it's deeply stupid to have that robot in Max's office when there are still questions about if it can spy on them.
  15. Outside of the cold open and Melissa's impressions I thought this episode was terrible. It was so predictable. We knew Questlove was going to show up. We knew Janine would end up back at Abbott. I did not find the writing funny or even enjoyable. Janine looks like an idiot for her behaviour these past few episodes. She decides to go work for the district, doesn't understand that means doing projects with any and all of the schools, not just Abbott, behaves so erratically when she's being onboarded and then changes her mind during her welcome party. It makes me feel like all her progress this season at being more professional and confident was for nothing because she didn't behave that way at all dealing with this decision.
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