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Everything posted by ViewerPDX

  1. I watched Charlie's entrance into Old Lady House at least 5 times. He does a hilarious yet subtle homage to Kramer's entrance on Seinfeld, and Dennis even inserted the "audience favorite" applause that was reserved for Kramer, Schneider from One Day at a Time, and others during their entrances into a scene.
  2. If I'm CDB, I'd do a Daryl for Eugene trade all day and everyday. Plus Negan just got rid of Rick's only real threat at ASZ in Spencer, and Olivia has been a Redshirt from Day One we were introduced to her. Plus in Negan's mind she wasn't a Provider for him, but at some point he needs to stop killing people if he wants to take from his various groups. Episodes aren't shot one at a time. Locations are, but it's up to the show-runner, writers, and the editors following the show-runner's and writers' story to tell the tale of each episode. Each location is shot completely before moving to the next, regardless of story telling and episodic sequence.
  3. This episode should have been titled Lilith Despair. I kept waiting for the Indigo Girls and Edie Brickell to show up as Walkers. I liked the episode, though. Nice to see some females outside of CDB who can kick ass...
  4. ViewerPDX

    S07.E04: Service

    Too bad Olivia didn't know my old boss. Two books is always the way to go! Especially when there are surprise audits! I think she would have if she had known the harsh realities outside the Alexandria walls. Instead Rick had to compromise and then the ineffective and disorganized Wolves attacked. Negan is another thing in his entirety and Rick never really let any of them know about that group.
  5. It's been stated by the writers that zombie life isn't known in this Comic Book world. I'll add that if I walked in on a neighbor eating a dog even knowing about zombies, my first thoughts would be bath salts or Angel Dust, not "he's a zombie bash his head in!!!" without calling the cops first. Explain that one to the cops when the autopsy showed drugs, and the cops start asking questions. "Officer, I watch a lot of zombie stuff, and this guy was doing exactly what zombies do on TV so I smashed his head in with a baseball bat before calling you. I didn't want to turned into a zombie!" No, I'd run outside, call the cops, and wait for them to arrest the guy because this is reality and zombies, although I know their mythology, don't exist. Even if they did, would they at all act the exact same as their fictional "weaknesses" are depicted on TV and in movies?
  6. . The dog thinks the Z is dead. Dogs are attracted to the scent of fresh blood and raw meat. I found it to make sense, since the dog can't process why this fresh meal is moving, and its overriding instinct is telling it to bite the walkiing steak, because steaks don't bite back. To the dog, dead is dead, even if it moves. That's my theory, anyhow, and also why dogs are rarely seen in WD. They've been killed, because the only easy source of food available for a domesticated dog in the ZA will bite it, infect it, yet the dog's brain isn't nearly as complex as ours, so there is no re animation and the population trends toward extinction..
  7. Yeah, as a guy who appreciates the body of a woman, I have to admit my eyes weren't on her head. Um ...
  8. This is the book thread, isn't it? She gets her sight back.
  9. Regarding Lord Commander Snow and Olly, so many things differently have happened at this point in the Wall tale that I won't be surprised if Jon survives the attack, either via some "maestering" from Sam, some "fire magic" from Melisandre, and that GRRM put that at the end of Dance with Dragons to build suspense, only to show that he survives and recovers while Stannis is fighting the Boltons. Lose Jon Snow at this point, and the entire Wall becomes nothing due to the power vacuum that would ensue.
  10. First cousin marriage is allowed in these states under the following circumstances: Arizona- if both are 65 or older, or one is unable to reproduce. Illinois- if both are 50 or older, or one is unable to reproduce. Indiana- if both are at least 65. Maine- if couple obtains a physician's certificate of genetic counseling. Utah- if both are 65 or older, or if both are 55 or older and one is unable to reproduce. Wisconsin- if the woman is 55 or older, or one is unable to reproduce. * North Carolina- First cousin marriage is legal. Double cousin marriage is prohibited http://www.ncsl.org/research/human-services/state-laws-regarding-marriages-between-first-cousi.aspx You must know of a bunch of old people in Utah who are cousins and decided to marry late in life? Maine seems to be the outlier here to me.
  11. He's Michael Scott but much more frightening. I LOVE dark humor. I really do, but at some point, this show has to make me give a shit about Phil other than he's a selfish prick who only thinks with that prick. I need some sort of redemption for Forte's character. If not, Fox should have passed on this show and let a cable network pick it up and make it even more absurd, or even put it on FX or FXX. I do not like Phil at all, yet I love some things about him. The need for space of his own from the "wife" he has nothing in common with, his own bar filled with his inflated friends, and frankly, even the poop pool, which I assume was supposed to show us how he'd given up before Carol had her campfire literally seconds before Phil killed himself.
  12. I don't mean this as an insult to anyone, but I grew up definitely lower middle-class, and my mom had to use canned soup and canned sauces in general to make up meals after she got home from work. I've read a few posts about parents who choose all-organic, and frankly, that was a pipe dream to many of us in the late 1970s. I don't understand what this canned soup discussion has to do with this thread, and yes, I'm happy that my wife and I can afford to make my own kids authentic marinara sauce, fresh pasta, and deli sausage when I follow my Italian roots. What's more likely? Being able to grow or find all of the ingredients for a perfect mushroom sauce to go with fresh tuna and fresh pasta, or having to use close-to-stale mushroom cream soup, processed pasta, and canned tuna for a meal during the ZA? I can't be the only one who understood what "bring me back a pasta maker" meant to the cook at ASZ, right?
  13. I feel that most viewers were missing the importance of Aaron being with Daryl as they were saved with Morgan on that run. Aaron was willing to die with Daryl, and he read the note about the Wolves. I see a new society forming under the leadership of Rick and Deanna. Prepared, aware, yet allowed to enjoy itself, which the prison completely represented in ironic fashion.
  14. That was the same tank from Season One, I assume.
  15. I'm a sports' junkie, so I was anticipating a cheesy "Daryl pulls out legal pad and pen, and starts diagramming to Carol the plan" scene. "See, there are 8 walkers here, and 4 here, and if we run up the middle, we're golden, Carol, GOLDEN!" I was dreading it, so thank you, show, for not making that happen. Instead, he did the smart Daryl thing, and used the paper as a flaming distraction right before they ran like hell out of there. Who says rednecks don't know the best use for paper?
  16. Hatch won Season One walking around naked. If after all of these seasons farting is too much for the women, I suggest we've regressed as a society.
  17. The highlight of the episode to me was 40-something Missy (we're around the same age) saying "I've made some bad decisions in my life..." There are going to be many more bad decisions to come from her, after being on TV and men knowing she's basically a skinny headcase.
  18. I'm praying that they're not going for the Baby Jeedith angle.
  19. I had no idea. As someone who liked the acting in this show so much I gave it a 9th shot, that surprised me. It also explains how Kevin is so messed up, too. Laurie's former patient went to a client's cult, and not only that, became her lackey. The cabin stuff with Patti makes sense, too, more than it did. It's why she said the "Dirty Dick" stuff. It was to show Kevin she was now his wife's shrink. Sends chills again thinking about it!
  20. Was anyone else completely distracted by that fountain-like toupe'/hair extensions on Eph's forehead? It was so poorly done, and you can tell that the editors knew it, because they rarely showed Eph in a head shot for anything more than a second or two.
  21. Bill as the brooding Louis; Northman as the irreverent Lestat. Even brainwashing a man can't stop the lurve train, amiright Jessica! Tara "releases" her mom, in her own way. Sam can now roam the streets of The Windy as a dog. Jason Stackhouse yet again is the most interesting character. That's S07:E09 in a nutshell.
  22. What the writers should do: - Have Bill's new strain be a superbug that wipes out all vampires. - Final scene says "10 years later," and an aged Sookie serving a table at Bellefleur's while Lala is cooking, Sam is teaching his kids about going feral, Andy and Holly are canoodling in the corner, Jason is sheriff, Arlene is the governor of Louisiana, and whoever else is left of the humans/werewolves are all in the bar in an updated homage to Lost. Fade to black as "People are Strange" comes on the screen. What they will do: 1) Tara will be the Marie Curie/Patrick Swayze of true death vamps, and will somehow let Bill know via Lettie Mae how to become the Jonas Salk of 'living' vamps. 2) They will all get along, and rumors of a movie will surface from time to time, depending on who is stupid enough to fund the project.
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