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Posts posted by crazychicken

  1. No, I think this is her new hosting gig called "Unfiltered" where she is suppose to tell us the truth about what is going on in the show.  Since the producers are editing the crap out of it.  It is on for 15 minutes after each MAFS episode airs.

    Instead we hear about how crap Doug is in bed and how awesome Ashley is.


    She really is a terrible interviewer, we learn more about her and her opinions than what the couples actually think. How this drivel makes it to air astounds me, her producer mate must really love Jamie.

    • Love 10
  2. From the social media after text gate it sounds like David spoke to a friend who knew a woman that attended the same school as Ashley, David reached out the woman said she knew who Ashley was but didn't know Ashley so turned down the meeting. She then told Ashley's friend that David had reached out who relayed it to Ashley who then requested a screenshot. David's sister commented that there was a photo of Ashley & the woman together at a some event so Ashley knew who she was as Ashley denied even knowing her.

    So they both had a friend that knew the woman but weren't friends with her themselves. In my opinion it just comes down to how you view friends David seems to be a guy that introduces himself and converses with his friends friends while Ashley seems to be one that goes to a party and only engages with people she already knows.

    • Love 6
  3. According to the link:


    More than 20,000 people applied for season 3. Sure buddy, sure. If you believe that Levkoff, Epstein, Celona and Pepper are experts.

    There was an article from Sam Dean the excutive producer (I think on Reality Tv with Bee) that the 20 000 was nation wide and once they threw out the undesirables that Atlanta had the best variety of participants. So there was a general casting call, then a more direct one with them actively seeking participants (aka men from dating apps) they also started Miami casting from the same applicants pool straight after confirming Atlanta's participants to try to avoid more rushed casting decisions.

    It seems universal that they need to seek out men, a family friend was approached by casting people at his business for Australia season 2 he laughed in their face as he had never heard of the show plus he was only about 3 weeks out of a 4 year relationship. That did not bother them they reached out again about a month later to ask him again where he told them bluntly where to go.

  4. I admit I was curious about Ashley's sainted ex and what made him so much better than David, for me easily googled information is about my limit, I do not search for criminal records, addresses etc but I do find old photos and fashions funny. I am just glad I grew up before digital cameras and the internet was just beginning so my secrets are safe.


    My tip do not use your full name as a username on the internet people it is amazing what pops up and while you can control what you post and your security level you can not control your family and friends.

    • Love 3
  5. For me, Ashley's past boyfriend means nothing. There are two sides to every pancake, so that is a very personal situation without clarity.

    My concern is the selection process. Why was David selected with his arrest record? An arrest record that reflects court ordered Domestic Abuse counseling, Psychological Counseling and the order for restitution? This is all court public record as is his employment record that reveals he was living in that area at the time of arrest, the same birthdate and first, middle and last name?

    What is the selection criteria? If my son or daughter went on this crazy show I would not want them married to some one with aa criminal record.

    This is why things escalate the Arizona record only has a month of birth, so that gives a range of 31 days for somebody with the same first, last name and middle initial to be a possibility. Yes it could be him it could also be another person with similar statistics, no matter what unless he pulled that sort of behavior with Ashley it does not excuse her behavior and if he had shown any sort of aggression I have no doubt Ashley would have screamed it to the rooftops with the way she handled text gate.


    Some people on twitters behavior is appalling, I made the mistake of looking at Carrie's twitter to see if she had added snark this week and there is a group of  5 women from a forum (not us) who proudly bombard her with this information as proof that her brother is a criminal and then boasted on the forum about it. My personal opinion is leave the family members alone they did not sign up for this. For the record she says it is not him



    • Love 4
  6. Thanks for the previews


    Tres is totally playing her in that scene, I get the feeling that if they stay together he wants them both in his place and just think he needs time to convince Vanessa and if they break up down the track then he goes straight back to the life he had before marriage.


    Sam is just weird she tells Neil that is question is weird, turns it back on him and then gets offended when he doesn't answer how she wants yet didn't answer herself. I can see why Neil is confused after 5 weeks of put downs and tantrums she suddenly misses him after 24 hours.


    BTW I like to more playful video chat Neil, I think he is sweet


    This was up as well



    Ashley seriously thinks that we believe she did not go to Buffalo out of respect for David's family, I find it more disrespectful that she made plans with them and then didn't show, does she realize that even if there was tension with David that they can put a lid on it for a few hours act like a human and not involve other people. Two days, she needed to 2 days to simmer down enough to discuss textgate, wow that girls needs to let it go, how is she a qualified social worker that is supposed to help people sort these issues out when she cannot do it herself



    Gee I am an idiot it has taken me all season to work out how to embed the videos and it was so simple

    Ooh thanks ctbabe so in a nutshell Ashley is having a toddler tantrum because the public did not love her.

    • Love 10
  7. I just wanted to alert everyone on Comcast who might set their DVR to record that the next episode "Last Chance for Romance" is currently listed as a "repeat" on both A&E and FYI even though it's a new episode.  I caught it and had to set my DVR to record it manually.  Of course, it's probably on "On Demand" anyway.

    I know that they go with a set formula for the episode names but they really needed to change them this season, so far we have not seen intimacy between 2/3 of the couples despite two episodes devoted to it and how are the expected to have last chance romance when once again 2/3 of the couples haven't had any.


    OMG just looked up the schedule and for Final Decisions it has part 1 of 2 this season needs a bullet not be dragged out further

    • Love 1
  8. Sigh. I don't know someone who knows him. I know someone who works at that shop.

    The fact that this person from the shop confirmed his address is one that makes me uneasy, while he applied for a reality show and should expect his people to look into his past some random guy that happens to work at a shop where he got his hair cut at giving out his address is too much. If I was David I would complain, information available to the public on the internet is different. To be honest I am sick of talking about David's past.

    • Love 5
  9. For me personally anything said on social media is free reign, I personally will not publish addresses and even if I am aware of it I will not publish names or personal information with people connected with the participants. I do not mind light research but digging for dirt does make me uneasy especially when it is rumor and unsubstantiated.

    • Love 4
  10. Also very interesting that the arrest record was requested on June 4, 2015! Timing directly around the marriage!  Another interesting thing is that the honeymoon was in Phoenix, near where he was arrested in Peoria, AZ. 

    Why would he request a honeymoon in the one state he had a conviction in, to me that is just stupid. I believe the honeymoons would have been set up before the couples were even confirmed as production would have been trying to get as much comped as possible and the participants have no say, like I believe production sets up 2-3 houses for the participants to choose from on return.


    On the record request timing from hints in David's twitter he knew he was getting married 23rd May so why wouldn't production request the record then in not before when they were down to final selections. Production has said that they do an initial cull to about 50, they then outsource psychological testing and background checks before they are even presented to the experts. Surely a background check with full name, DOB would turn up more than our random internet sleuthing. The timing to me seems to close to the wedding as they had 3 months prior to access the record why wait until 2 days before the wedding when family, friends, crew, reception, honeymoon etc would already be in place, even if he turned out to be a serial killer there would be questions.

    • Love 4
  11. With the accusations thrown out by camp Ashley if they had concrete proof that it was David IMO we would have seen it by now. They have proven over and over that they are not above slinging mud and making insinuations about David to excuse Ashley's behavior during the experiment. They seem to forget Ashley shut down straight after the ceremony and she could not have found out that early.

    She is an adult who married a stranger even if David turned out to be a serial killer that is on production and the experts for not weeding him out. Cortney did an interview in the last few day that said that the requests she made before matching even went into penis size so surely Ashley could have made any criminal record a deal breaker, the experts have ignored them in the past but she would have had a legitimate beef against production/experts if they ignored that.

    On location of the honeymoon having to do with his criminal past (if it is him) I looked at the record and it was all completely closed long ago Sean was still on probation from his DUI and had to seek permission from the courts to leave the state for his honeymoon. They are completely different scenarios.

    • Love 4
  12. I think the fake twitter account preceded the hate though, the first tweet was made Dec 3rd which was the matchmaking episodes and from memory we thought Ashley was normal. The comments started after the wedding episode which aired Deb 8th,  Ashley's friends were referring people to the tweets from very early in the season I am not sure if they did it before or after the wedding episode aired, whichever one it was the allegations had already been made before we knew about Ashley's coldness.


    Here you go the tweets

    phxprofessional ‏@phxprofessiona5 3 Dec 2015
    @Ashley_MAFS be aware @David_MAFS attacked his girlfriend with knife in 8/07 in Phoenix. He was arrested & convicted #MarriedAtFirstSight


    phxprofessional ‏@phxprofessiona5 4 Dec 2015
    @mafs_original as someone who knows of the abuse firsthand. this was real. There is a darkness and emptiness beyond words


    phxprofessional ‏@phxprofessiona5 3 Dec 2015
    @CCoelen @AETV @FYI @Kinetic_Content all put @Ashley_MAFS in danger with @David_MAFS #domesticviolence #MarriedAtFirstSight

  13. Hey y'all, I got the scoop. During the "speak now for forever hold your peace" portion of the wedding, a woman in a mumu stood, up, ripped of her wig and exclaimed,

    "Thank you, Dr. Pepper. Well, I cannot tell you all how deeply moved I am. I never in my wildest dreams imagined that Ashley would be the object of so much genuine affection. It makes it all the more difficult for me to say what I'm now going to say. Yes. I do feel it's time to set the record straight. You see, I didn't come here just as a wedding guest, Dr. Pepper, I came to this church to settle an old score. Now you all know that my Ashley was a brilliant social worker; she saved all the children. What you don't know is that to Ashley's family, she was an unmerciful tyrant - a absolute dodo bird. She drove me, her boyfriend, to - to drink; in fact, she - uh, she she she went riding one time and lost all her teeth..."

    Unfortunately, the producers couldn't get permission from the boyfriend to air that scene so they had to go through with the wedding and pretend it never happened after he was escorted out. Terribly embarrassing and awkward for all.

    Whatever the spoiler I will always love yours more.

    • Love 6
  14. Looking at David's sisters and brothers facebook there are a lot of references to his dad and what he would do between the family especially around family events. His mothers has even more she posted a lot about how she still loves him and misses him even after all this time and what a great man he was. So I just put it down to his mother keeping the memory alive and keeping it positive so his father has reached almost saint status with David. I still find the grave scene a bit icky but I after looking at the families post history on his father I do not doubt that he is very much spoken about still.

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