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Posts posted by crazychicken

  1. 1 hour ago, pheebs said:

    Did anyone notice the dead sod? I sure did!

    It never had a chance I think you are not supposed to walk on freshly laid sod for a few weeks. Since they were still laying it the morning of the swamp hoedown and then trampling it during preperations combined with leaving it to dry out to attend to the princesses needs yesterday that poor sod just curled up and died.


    I think it represents their marriage nicely, no chance of survival.

    • Love 12
  2. Hang on just catching up here, so babynoname finally has a name and babydaddy#3 had no say in the process. So if I recall he has not been named because the names they had did not suit him then they couldn't agree so Kail's solution is to pull a name out of a bag in which Chris got no input. I guess that is one way to get the name you want. If this kid isn't called something epic I am going to be disappointed. Bleeergh who am I kidding I never gave a stuff about the name or the baby even though I am feeling sorry for the little tyke with a manatee as a parent who can't be stuffed naming him


    Never mind Radar says she still isn't sure and won't announce until she lodges the legal paperwork and she is not sure the name suits his personality. She has to make sure his name matches his personality so babylojack will be named after his 2nd birthday I expect.

    • Love 3
  3. 15 minutes ago, druzy said:

    Did I miss something. I don't understand this tweet.


    I think she is referring to Barb not being invited to the wedding and Barb spilling her guts to tabloids about David. Janelle seems to find it funny that Barb is hurt by the lack of invitation.

    • Love 9
  4. 2 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

    Yay! The pool is done! Right in time to close it down for the winter!

    How long before a tragic 'accident' occurs. Maybe Kaisers fear of the water is a good thing and will keep him safe. I suspect UBD is one of those parents that throws the kids in to get over their fear though.

    • Love 15
  5. I wonder if Jace's attachment to Barb plays a part in his feelings for UBT.  He loves his Meme and David openly yells and trashes her in front of him. Most kids automatically defend their 'parents' even when you know they are wrong and Barb is more his mum than the She Devil.

    Jace to me seems to be such an anxious boy who internalizes his feelings, that can come out as angry outbursts. Until he learns how to deal with the anxiety he will probably keep lashing out. He broke my heart when he went from excitment of staying with Barb to looking so sad that he still needed to go to The Land. Barb was trying so hard to get him not to worry but you could see the concern written all over his face.

    • Love 18
  6. Bahaha Janelle's lets take the kids to St Thomas to celebrate getting Jace just me just get rid of Kaiser & Endtable so we can have a family vacation. Why let a 5 month old baby get in the way of 2 weeks family time and the poor Roll really is disposable to them.


    I think Endtable has been shoved off to her grandmother more in 9 months than my 17 year olds have. I musn't treasure my family vacations enough. #parentinggoals

    • Love 20
  7. 11 hours ago, BitterApple said:

    I would bet on it. My own family is similar where my brother and sister were born while my dad was finishing grad school, and I came along when my parents were established and had disposable income. My sister always tells me I was way more spoiled than she was, lol. I also think Randy had a heaping dose of "Divorced Dad Guilt" and probably over compensated with Chelsea and Emily. I don't think it's a coincidence the older two Houska girls stayed on the straight and narrow while the younger two were teen moms.


    Considering Angie just became a grandmother at age 36 I suspect she lead the charge on teen pregnancy or was pretty close herself.

    • Love 7
  8. 1 hour ago, Lovecat said:

    She already has her own Twitter account. I shit you not.

    Let me guess it is all about her awesome mommy.


    I like Henley as a name not with the surname though, and of course it has to reference a 'Jamie' moment. Hopefully motherhood calms the famewhore in Jamie or Henley is in for a heck of a ride.

    • Love 4
  9. On 07/25/2017 at 0:30 AM, gonecrackers said:

    Derek needs to find something else to do besides stoned Twittering.



    Why did you post this, I blame you for this mess. Since each episode is over an hour I am assuming he has now branched out into stoned podcasting.


    I think I am going to have to adjust my listening habits when crap like this pops up in my recommended list.

  10. 8 hours ago, kassa said:

    Perhaps others will know -- isn't the blood test done after the ultrasound shows an irregularity?  The show appeared to indicate that the blood had already been drawn and sent out.  I suspect they asked for the blood AFTER seeing the ultrasound measurements.  But maybe blood screening is something they do on everybody nowadays right from the start?  

    At least parents no longer need amnio.  

    My SIL has just been through the screening and it hasn't seemed to change since I had my babies 16 years ago. Bloods and US are taken and the combined results give you the chance of DS, if you come back in the high category then further diagnostic testing (amnio) may be recommended. Here all mothers are offered the screening tests and they need to be done in a specific period (bloods 9 - 12 weeks) (US 11 -13 weeks) so bloods are normally done first because of timing. If you miss those dates there is a different screening blood test that can be taken from 14-20 weeks but it is less accurate.


    What they showed on the show was still only a screening test so even with a combined high risk result it is not a diagnosis, to confirm DS an amnio or CVS still need to be carried out. From memory about 1 in 5 high risk result turns out to be nothing. US alone on the nuchal fold and nasal bones is about 60% accuracy so giving the result of just the US was a bit of a douche move.

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