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Posts posted by crazychicken

  1. I am not sure get along is the right term more like 2/3 dads bite their tongue because they want to see their child. If they don't accept her abuse with a smile would not put it past Kwhale to pack up disappear overnight.

    • Love 14
  2. 51 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

    Maybe Twitter closed down their accounts? How could we know if it was deleted by them or Twitter? I am not Twitter savvy. 

    My guess it was them UBT had 47 tweets started to delete got down to 29 tweets and then suddenly it was closed. Within a minute Jenelle's was closed as well so I suspect UBT took control of Janelle's phone.

    • Love 6
  3. Yeah the timing was off she said she was about 13 weeks and going to the doctor to get prenatal vitamins, on return from the doctor she said she was booked in for an ultrasound on Monday and she thought she was far enough along to find out the sex. At the ultrasound she was suddenly 17 weeks so considering she has had shocking morning sickness according to her I think she just didn't want to admit how quickly she fell pregnant. I think this is why she has been cagey about her due date until NuMatt announced it.

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  4. 41 minutes ago, druzy said:

    The people on the Land were tweeting and deleting. Here are some of the tweets

    Wow what bad luck that they are both allergic enough to penicillin to die, now I am not a doctor nor play one on TV but while hypersensitivity is common (hive, rash, wheeze, cough) anaphylactic  reaction is rare and from my limited science mold on cheese is neutralized by the enzymes and it has to be the right strain to start off with.

    On the bright side we now know how to kill her, any medical personal out there willing to get close enough to Janelle to give her a shot.

    • Love 11
  5. 4Both Swamp donkeys are retweeting all the Blueapron complaints like it is a full time job and according to them they dropped Blueapron


    Umm call me skeptical but that does not seem to be an exchange with Blueapron telling them they quit. I also wonder what is missing between the 2 screen shots my guess would be that they are sending more 'ammo' to the lawyer for the cease and desist.


    Edited to add screencaps as she has since deleted.


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  6. 7 hours ago, mamadrama said:

    I still laugh when I think about Gary on that "weekend at Corey's" special. How chatty he was. It was super cute. 

    Wish we saw more of is sense of humor he is a funny man, he has to contain it when around Amber so she doesn't rage out on him and when he filming he needs to the counterpoint to Amber's good mom claims.


    I still laugh at Jo asking if Gary kept a notebook on things to talk about

    • Love 10
  7. 24 minutes ago, toodywoody said:

    Jesus, Kai barely made that photo.

    At least he made it unlike the birthday girl. Notice all the kids have changed yet Eggsley and her parents are still in white from the photo shoot in the cake shots. Eggsley is eating rainbow cake the others have vanilla, Eggsley also has the same top pony as the photo shoot day. My bet is the Jace was not the only kid missing from the party as  normal parents would pull the birthday girls highchair up to the table so they can enjoy their party.

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