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Posts posted by crazychicken

  1. I just listened to a podcast that had Jason & Courtney talking about this season  it was only a few minutes but

    They got 15K for their season (sounded like each but not sure)


    Ryan reached out to Jason before the season aired and was not happy with how it went. Jason said Ryan is a good dude.


    They think Jaclyn should not have been cast as the process brings up raw emotions. They said that anybody that goes on show needs constant therapy to help them. Needs more time to heal.


    Not a Molly fan they say she should not have been cast due to her being slow to open up . Said when she said she needs to be friends before any intimacy that should have taken her out of the running. Thinks Molly never wanted a relationship. They suspect past trauma


    Jon it is strange that he gave up job for $15K. They don't know what went on with cameras off. Thinks Jon may have had a chip on his shoulder with some of the stuff that he has been through. Used to push his family away because he could not process it but now seems to be able to process his emotions better (from a linkedin article Courtney read).


    Thinks Ryan & Jac have no chance and think they have broken up already.


    Shawneice & Jephte the show needed another couple willing to make it work through rough times.


    Season was way too long.

    • Love 10
  2. 11 minutes ago, Real4real said:

    Gah!  I did NOT need to see Ryan in his shirtless fireman’s outfit getting ready for sexy times again.  NO . . .just no.

    Re Jon and Molly—I am not a fan of Molly, but if I remember right, it seemed like Jon was making some pretty crude sexual “jokes” leading up to the honeymoon night, plus he put a ball-gag in the welcome basket.  I thought it seemed like Molly was trying to be a good sport, but she looked very uncomfortable at that point.  So, not a fan of Jon either, but no one deserves to be treated that way.

    While I agree I cringed at Jon's crude jokes Molly laughed with him and played along Jon did not know it was a problem until he was blindsided when they talked to Dr Jessica as soon as she said that it was turning her off he toned right down. I do not remember him making another crude joke to her so what was an issue for Molly was addressed quite early into the honeymoon but even Jon being aware of the issue and changing his behavior did not help. I could understand Molly continuing to withdraw if Jon had done a Ryan and said 'this is me and I am not changing' but he didn't.


    On Ryan I am still traumatized from the first time I see the scene starting and I mute the TV and turn away, nobody needs to see that. This year they went a little to far with the fantasy dates Jephte hauling Shawneice off to the bedroom was a bit too much info too. We are all adults we know they are intimate they could have cut the cameras a bit earlier and left them to it.

    • Love 8
  3. 11 minutes ago, Crazy Bird Lady said:

    One more question, before the last show airs.

    Am I the only one who thinks Dr. Jessica will disappear from the show, after essentially giving Molly and Jon permission *not* to live together at the end?

    Her and Dr Cal were in Dallas on April 21st filming what looks like final decisions so it looks like all the experts return

    • Love 3
  4. 5 hours ago, Lusterleaf said:

    In case anyone cared, Jamie is now having sex with Doug again


    Why she felt to publish this info is beyond me.

    How convenient that a pregnancy is annnounced and Jamie's knees unlock, enjoy Doug cause once she has her brood you will be celibate for life.

    *cough* attention whore *cough*

    • Love 10
  5. Next week that box that Shawniece gives Jephte better contain baby socks to keep the joke going, if it is a pee stick I am going to be sorely disappointed.


    Just because I can't stress enough that Ryan is an idiot (courtesy of Reddit) and WTF has Jamie done to her hair she looks like Witchy Poo.

    • Love 5
  6. Not me I have to wait since I am in Australia I count on Tara & Brian to bring the snark then read the forums before I finally see it. I will have to wait extra today as well as it is Anzac Day so lots going on and it is a long day with an early start for Dawn Service so may be in bed by dinner.

    • Love 2
  7. 8 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

    LOL Jon has pushed her to try new things and be a better person yet she won't even cuddle her husband. Keep that spin going Molly she will still be playing the innocent until the days he dies. I really hope Jon tells her bluntly that she really did not try and he can't wait for the divorce to be finalized and never see her again. The looks she gives Jon when he will not play along are funny she really doesn't like to be called out.

    • Love 5
  8. @MyPeopleAreNordic I did not have both ovaries out so I did not experience surgical menopause it is supposed to be quite rough due to the sudden reduction of hormones. I do not know if you will be having follow up treatment I was prescribed Tamoxifen & Lupron (anti-estrogen tumor blocker and ovarian suppressor which caused chemical menopause) and was told HRT was best left as late as possible due to my age and it would need to be oestrogen therapy only. Once I finished my course of treatment my body recovered somewhat as my remaining ovary started to function again at lower levels, I do have increased monitoring due to keeping my right ovary but for me that was the decision I made for quality of life. I will get the remaining ovary out when my body goes through natural menopause and probably start HRT. The worst ongoing side effect for me has been the increased bone pain due to osteoarthritis. Not going to lie I was a space cadet for a few months and it was frustrating, I could not drive as it felt like I lived in a fog and my brain was just not connecting to my body. I could time my medication so my worst nausea, sweats and headaches were at night so that I could functions somewhat normally during the day with my children, the symptoms started to ease around 3 months post surgery.


    Oh just to add the decision to kept the right ovary was dependent on what they found during surgery, if my tumor had not been contained and there was any spread they would have taken everything out at the time. So going into surgery I had 3 outcomes that were possible. One of the side effects of surgery I did not expect was the burning, when they clean out the cavity I swear they use steel wool it is like a gravel rash on the inside and was quite uncomfortable and took a few weeks to clear.


    It is really a decision that needs to be made with your oncologist as the benefits vs side effects on both sides of the coin can be quite severe. I would try to do some research and come armed with any questions at your next visit about the best way to manage any symptoms and get on them early. Once the surgery has been done and your tumor staged there may be other options that open up for you. I am lucky that I had an gynecological oncologist that was willing to preserve as much quality of life as possible as my first (regular) oncologist was quite adamant and removing everything even though I was only in the early stages. I found reassurance going with the gynecological oncologist as they specialize in the surgery, I do not know if that is an option for you but if it is I would ask as they really do know a lot more than a regular oncologist . Do not be afraid to find a doctor that suits you as you will be dealing with them regularly for a long time.


    Good luck

    • Love 6
  9. 1 hour ago, psychoticstate said:

    I worry how she felt when viewing Ryan's comments to the guys about how it really wouldn't bother him at all if the marriage didn't succeed.

    42 minutes ago, gonecrackers said:

    She will find out, while watching with everyone else, that he couldn't have cared less.


    Yep you would think that the POS would at least give her heads up to what he said even if they do not decide to stay married on decision day, though I suspect they do last a few months in the real world due to Jackie being way to forgiving but nope Ryan the douche bag struck again.


    • Love 5
  10. 56 minutes ago, LakeGal said:

    Molly did not want to be touched and have a massage on the honeymoon.  I don't think it is just Jon that Molly was running from. I think the woman has issues.

    Yet she was fine with a stripper grinding on her on her hen's night and she was touching him as well. Who she likes to touch her seems to change with the wind.

    • Love 6
  11. 1 minute ago, Gem 10 said:

    They are all full of shit, and Molly did a complete turn around .. WTH?  She's the victim once again.  Is tonite the last nite?

    Unfortunately no, next week is decision day and then I guess we will get reunion

    • Love 1
  12. 19 minutes ago, heatherchandler said:

    She's so beautiful here.  She looks like the Irish actress Kelly MacDonald.



    Jesus Christ call her Leah!  Who the fuck writes out booboo?

    Well we know it is not Amber's house, it's too clean. It does look like Kristina next to her.  Of course they have to invite her, they need to fill up the room- Amber has no friends.

    I figured Kristina was invited so the Slothqueen didn't need to move her butt to see her daughter. She can tell all the haters she has seen booboo and not exert any effort.

    • Love 15
  13. Something I caught during my re watching the episodes was what Molly said after the threesome fight the next day she said that is was good that Jon is like her and does not bring up things that are said during a fight. I may be stretching but maybe that is why she is so butthurt by Jon showing Dr Jessica the video, my husbands family is the same no matter how dirty you get during a fight it is all swept under the rug and never mentioned again. They genuinely do not think that you are responsible for any words said in anger and as long as they project a good image in public then all is good in the world.

    • Love 1
  14. 59 minutes ago, Crazy Bird Lady said:

    I'm gonna get flamed for saying this, but: Ryan was pretty much paired with exactly the wrong person for him. Ryan is always on the go, either working or doing some sort of sports or partying. Jaqui... well, I don't really know what she does, besides talk, and dream of travelling to foreign lands. Clearly, Ryan is not the kind of person who likes to sit around and 'chat' about his feelings. That would be a problem even if they could resolve Ryan's drinking and the "gypsy soul" thing.

    That's the weird thing from the show you would think think that she just sits around and mopes but she plays soccer, runs marathon and is quite active. Now that the experiment is over she travels a fair bit as well just through the USA but she does seem quite busy. I assume she freed up time to get to know her husband assuming that he would do the same so they had time to get to know each other.

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