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Posts posted by crazychicken

  1. 1 minute ago, CaliforniaLove said:

    I didn't know they slice your balls open for a vasectomy. They were so high. 

    If UBT gets a vasectomy I hope his Urologist starts the slicing at his throat

    • Love 23
  2. Jesus God Kail the ripped pants is spreading to the next generation at least Lux will have to give his up when he grows out of them.


    I never thought I would say this but I think I prefer Big Papi.


    Poor Linc not only does he have two jackarses for parents he now has two names.


    These people continue to find new ways to screw their children over, I am really starting to think it is a race to the bottom to see who cares less about their child in the name of screwing each other over.

    • Love 11
  3. Just thought of her tattoo maybe she blended the photo to erase her tatt and that is why there are dark tones underneath. I think it is that side but I am not an expert on her anatomy.


    Edited because I was wrong her tatt is on the other side. I went to the original tweet and she is a photographer and just adjusted the contrast  and clarity on the original.

    • Love 1
  4. 56 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

    Is it possible that the pic Jenelle posted had already BEEN edited, to make the bruising appear less evident? I use filters on IG all the time, because of poor lighting. We know these chicks use the filters. It's possible she lightened it herself. 

    The lightened photo above I don't see it, but when I click on the link above it and then look at Jenelle's I can see how it looks like she edited her photo. That area of her chest is pale like it had been lightened. But if the bruising was that bad why would she be in that top, she is in a car so I am assuming she was going somewhere public.



    • Love 2
  5. 1 hour ago, Lm2162 said:

    Yeah, it was a bit much IMO.



    I think it was this one that sent her over the edge, it is one thing to say she will see Jo it is a whole other level to say she will fuck him. Vee is very aware that trash tabloids pick up this crap from social media and spin it and Jo and Vee normally stay out of the drama I don't blame her for squashing it early. Bri has done herself no favors by pissing Vee & Jo off considering they are on such good terms with Javi.

    • Love 16
  6. She seems to come around and be semi decent to Barb whenever she is single which is not often. I am not holding my breath this time as UBT seems to have broken her and I really think it is until death (most likely early and tradgically). I am also afraid the one day when Jace is older that he will have had enough and take UBT on, he is already angry so I do not see it getting better with the new set visitation. I have my fingers crossed that UBT's bobcat comes to life and takes him out (I may have watched Maximum Overdrive too many times in my teenage years)

    • Love 12
  7. 56 minutes ago, AmyFarrahFowler said:

    Can someone refresh my memory and tell me how Jenelle and UBT met? I'll bet dollars to donuts he knew exactly who she was before they were even introduced. These TM dad's who pretend not to know aren't fooling anyone. The only one I think didn't know is Cole.

    FUN FACT: UBT was cellmates with Courtland on his first jail stint in 2014 and gave him marriage advice, he was released from his second stint in January 2015. Nathan and Chinelle dated from June 2013 - August 2015. He meet Chinelle on Tinder in September 2015 and locked that bitch and her money down fast.



    • Love 17
  8. Full disclosure we have 17 year old boys so we normally end up with a few family selfies when we go on holidays (it is nice after years of not being in the picture to have everybody included) but I really don't  understand the need to take a mirror selfie in pub/restaurant toilets if you want a picture of your night out there are a lot nicer settings to take one. Girls seem to take it to a whole other level I have watched girls spend over 30 minutes in the bathroom to get the perfect angle. We have a high school reunion every year and we spend most of it mocking the youth of today, now I feel the need to get on my porch and yell at kids to get of my lawn as I feel old.

    • Love 12
  9. Lessons we can learn from Farrah's book:

    Spelling doesn't matter

    Baffle people with bullshit, if they understand what you are saying you failed

    If you end an insulting rant with a positive hashtag it does not count as an insult

    If people don't like what you are doing cry victim #hatecrime

    • Love 11
  10. 3 minutes ago, SheTalksShit said:

    Same here! I thought the same thing as you did, so I thought, "oh, he doesn't know any better, no one showed him how to be a dad," not in a sympathetic, "make excuses for him" kind of way, really, just an "it is what it is," matter-of-fact kind of way, if that makes sense. Like I felt like I knew what was wrong with him, why this whole thing was a struggle for him. But if both his parents raised him and they've got money, that changes things, bc then I'm like, "ok, so what's wrong with him, then?" 

    IIRC, I think she told them she was calling the police, so they left. Someone else can confirm or correct me if I'm not remembering accurately. 

    No UBT/Chinelle  called the police for a 'welfare' check because they were worried about Barb.

    • Love 4
  11. 5 minutes ago, Booted said:

    She should of called the police if she was afraid of them. Why didnt she?

    Maybe she did not want to escalate the situation, maybe she didn't want Jace to see his mom escorted away by the police. I do not know the reason she did not call the cops but the people acting badly were Janelle & UBT who did not leave the property when it was obvious Barb was not wanting to engage in an argument.

    • Love 15
  12. Farrah did Marriage Boot Camp Family Addition last season with Deb & Michael and was a foul as usual. She has also done Couples Therapy with a non existent boyfriend so MTV have let her do 2 outside shows already.

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