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Posts posted by crazychicken

  1. Not sure how recent that photo is, it looks like his current glasses in the blood photo but he has had the same ones for a while. He did have different ones when he arrived with his trash bags and a quick google show that he had them at the S5 reunion which was January 2016 so I would say the are photo was within the past 15 months.

    According to this the background is Mamber's house


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  2. I am on my phone does that cup say 'Black soul & a heart of gold' cause I just spat my drink out. I looked on Instagram but am now too traumatized to go look again after after seeing Kail boosting her saggy boobs.

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  3. nelle10.jpg


    I can't even with this girl, what absolute crap that she only left for food I am pretty sure that MTV would have had more than enough food there to cater for all the freakin people needed there for the taping. Funny that Leah & Barb found food to eat while having a chat guess they given the star treatment by MTV and excluded poor Janelle again. Plus if nobody was allowed to leave until the end doesn't that just prove that Barb should have felt safe to leave Jace with her and not do a runner with him


    I had to wade through so much leg humping I feel ill now.

    • Love 17
  4. 5 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

    I really do not remember this! I wonder if I just didn't see it, and watched only the reunion(s). The way this thing was aired before the reunion, I thought it was going to be a regular finale episode, and then the reunion. It was weird.

    I kind of forgot about it too as the Backstage Pass episode aired at the end of November 5 months after the reunion

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  5. 56 minutes ago, Calm81 said:

    I'm not sure if this has been mentioned, yet, but Dr. Drew said "They'll be a surprise for the girls at the end of this show that you won't want to miss," something is hoping telling me that Larry is going to announce the ending of the series. I say that because the "Behind the scenes" episode seemed weird to me like with the montage at the end. It was almost like a goodbye to the cast. IDK.

    I have a strange feeling that this was the last season and that the cancellation is the big surprise and the girls are being contracted not to say anything until the end of reunion part. 2.

    Wishful thinking?

    I suspect very wishful thinking Mandi (Chelsea's producer) was filming this past week in South Dakota according to her Instagram

    • Love 4
  6. More sneak peeks, Janelle leaving has nothing to do with Barb. They are due to shoot the intro and Chelsea gets sent home because she is sick so Janelle decides that she feels unwell and leaves as well. How they get from that to a call to the cops I have no idea since from the clips it sounds like Janelle & Chelsea have already filmed their segments.




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  7. I am not sure I want to watch going by this preview the reunion is going to be rough. When David jumps out of the car it is scary it looks like he is going to hit somebody, poor Barb she looks devastated slumping against the wall and looks totally spent when talking to the police. It looks like Jace is there for it all as well.


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  8. GreatKazu I was just coming to post about the wheelchair, it annoyed me enough when the wheelchair was in the car on the way to pick up the girls so it obviously was not at school with Ali but I gasped to see Ali seated in it while the car was moving. The wheelchair was strapped in better while empty. Not sure of the laws in the USA but in Australia the wheelchair has to secured to the floor of the car and the person still requires to were a proper seatbelt as the lap belt on the wheelchair is not made to withstand the forces exerted in an accident.




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  9. 2 hours ago, salvame said:

    I thought I saw her coming out of (the kitchen area?) with a bowl on a plate, carrying it like she had just taken it out of a microwave.  Anyone else see this?

    Gracie was eating 2 minute noodles and they looked soft so I assume that she actually used hot water, probably straight from the tap but at least hers was hot. Chasity's girl also had them and I have no idea what Bailey ?? (Isaac's daughter) had as the were trying to hide her but they flashed her hair briefly when they cut to Ali. One hot meal a day must have taxed Leah too much to cook the soup as well.

  10. After finally catching up, the thing that stood out to me was that when Leah actually used the wheelchair was the most stupid time. I am not an expert but sand can not be good for an electric wheelchair and where did they leave it while doing yoga, was it just left up the boardwalk. While I am on a wheelchair rant how did they get the wheelchair to the beach, this is the car they drove and if it fitted in that car then they should be able to transport it back in the holler easily. It would have made more sense to carry Ali instead of Gracie at the beach and leave the wheelchair somewhere secure.



    • Love 4
  11. Except Heather & Derek are not gone the article says that they continued filming as they were still under contract and the producers were unsure what would happen once Heather was less overwhelmed.


    From that article I assumed that Heather thought once she made her decision she was done with filming but production made her continue and she was not happy. Maybe that explains the SM silence, lack of family and friends and late filming of Unfiltered  from her as she was forced to continue.

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  12. Here is an article from the producers on the split


    Interesting to me that they were not aware that the issues were so huge until the meeting with Cal and the problems they experienced were normal for a lot of the couples. The difference here I think is that the other couples were willing to try where Heather just gave up.

    • Love 5
  13. Just now, okerry said:

    If I remember correctly, early in the season, Heather mentioned on her TH that she had a very good life and knew exactly what she wanted.  Derek wasn't it.  she mentioned last night that she thought Derek was willing to be married to ANYONE he was matched with. 

    (sorry, quote box not working)

    Did someone forget to tell Heather that "being married to anyone you're matched with" IS the premise of the whole show? That it wasn't a dating show where you get to pick and choose??

    Also that they MARRIED not dating so they would work harder to sort their issues out. I think Heather missed the memo.

    • Love 6
  14. Since her family & friends did not participate at all in Unfiltered I think Heather had no plans to film it. Jamie has never met Heather and if you watch the segments Jamie asks the question to other participants and they tack her answers on. I am not willing to watch the show again but I do not think Heather gets any specific questions about Derek they are more general mentioning 'your husband' etc.


    It was rather sudden that Heather appeared in epidode 3?  while Jamie had been mentioning on social media that Heather did not film Unfiltered not that she had not filmed with Jamie.  Heather is also MIA on social media so I think she has just refused to participate and her job is a convient excuse.

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  15. I do not think there is a set rule, both season 1 couples lived together after filming. Other seasons couples only loved together for a few weeks after filming, they all split before the 6 months anyway. It would be strange telling a married couple that they can not live together and I imagine it would set the relationship back a step.

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