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Posts posted by crazychicken

  1. That is totally gross, I love dogs, have had dogs most of my life I am always cuddling them but none of them would be allowed to do that to me. If DH allowed that I would never kiss him again as I would just think dog slobber. Part of being a dog owner is training them to behave and most dogs love the discipline and pleasing their owners.


    On a deeper level while he probably thinks it is funny I think it is quite disrespectful to Sonia, he obviously does not care one iota about her and is clearly showing that he does not care about her discomfort around dogs. You would think that if they remained together he would have done some training so his dogs were easier for Sonia to bond with.

    • Love 7
  2. 3 hours ago, Lola16 said:

    At the end of the episode we see Lily crying and Tom kneeling by her, trying to be supportive. Lily says something like she doesn't want him to have to take care of her as if she is ill. Anyone else catch that?  I already deleted it from my DVR.

    Oh I assumed she had lost her job and was worried about Tom would take it but illness makes sense since their relationship is so new.

  3. On the Heather/Derek texts I took it as he sent 2 texts. On return he sent her a short 'I would like to keep trying text' she replied 'I need time', he then sent a second longer text that she never replied to. So I think that she did reply and did not reply is both true depending on which text they are talking about.

    • Love 1
  4. 8 minutes ago, humbleopinion said:

    Help me with the timeline...

    Get married

    That night go home separate to their own places?

    Next morning brunch with the families.

    Spend another night separate in their own places?

    Leave for honeymoon.

    I think it is more

    Day 1 Get married - spend wedding night together

    Day 2 - Brunch and leave for honeymoon

    Day 3 - 6 Honeymoon

    Day 7 - Return from honeymoon - Night alone

    Day 8 - Look for houses - Night together (bus for Lilly, Nicks for Sonia)

    Day 9 - Move in together

  5. Not sure on the original since it is gone but this pic clearly shows her nipple ring, I wish she would erase them all each time I look I see another terrible thing the butt, the boobs, the eyebrows, the tatts. I like the hair but the rest is just wrong, that top is an appalling fit


  6. 26 minutes ago, kat12379 said:

    It could be that they both realize that she makes more money than him and he wants her to feel secure and protected with her assets...

    I would be surprised during the preview he said he commented that she bought a lot of debt and he needs to protect his businesses. That is what set my douche alert off, they got married on a reality show sight unseen with a prenup. A week into a 6 week experiment he needs to let her know that he is better of than her. I think it was a discussion that didnt need to happen unless they decide to stay together. Lilly has shown no sign of marrying for money she would have been pretty stupid to leave her fate up to the experts if she wanted a rich husband. The only person that seems to have issues surrounding money is Tom. It makes me question why he married a stranger if this was such a concern for him.

    • Love 7
  7. 10 minutes ago, Evil Queen said:

    What if what she said was ok to smoke was a cigarette or it wasn't made clear it was pot and the next thing you know he is smoking pot. We have no clue what she said ok to or what happened since it was never shown. There is no way they are going to show that its pot with it being illegal. They rather do the edit to make Heather look bad instead. I'd be checked out though in her spot too and pissed at this show and stupid "experts" for picking him and not discussing drugs. If someone is so willing to do something illegal so soon in front of someone he didn't even know more than a day, it might make you wonder what else he could be hiding. 

    Yet what wasn't shown? Even if something can be good drama for tv it doesn't mean it will make it to tv...especially if its about something illegal or it creates more of a drama/people talking trying to figure out if there is more to it or not. No matter it just seems there are things missing in this story of theirs and what is really going on with both sides. 

    This may be a radical idea, but if she thought she was saying yes to cigarettes and he pulled out a joint she could have opened her mouth and said 'I am not comfortable with that' he now knows she does not like it and the ball is in his court. If he then lit up then I could understand her shutting down and having a problem, instead she kept it to herself and expected him to change without even knowing it was an issue.


    How can they build a relationship with no communication

    • Love 3
  8. 1 hour ago, Snarklepuss said:

    But Jack, it's still only temporary, he's not scaling back in his entire life to only a few joints every now and then!!!!!!!  She doesn't want someone who only changes on a temporary basis!!!!  I can't be more clear than this!!!

    Umm from what I saw she never gave him the chance to quit, she was checked out before he even knew it was a problem. I am failing to see how it is Derek's fault that Heather did not tell him smoking was an issue, she just acted passive aggressive and gave him the cold shoulder. When Derek asked her what the issue was she started out insulting him then walked away when she refused to listen to his point. After a few hours he approached her on the balcony and tried to reach a solution and she went straight back into attack.

    • Love 2
  9. 5 minutes ago, mbarry said:

    You can't go the less drama route when it's on a and e that's why I wish the show would go back to FYI where they were able to be more serious and make sure the couples were 100 percent right the problem isn't the matching the department is the casting department you can only match what your given 

    No the experts were quite clear from the start if they did not believe in the matches the show would not go ahead Dr C banged on about it constantly online, so the crap matches are the experts fault the drama is productions fault. The channel is a cop out it is still produced by the same company, they both contain the same content during season 2 I noticed that A&E's previews were more dramatic but the show was the same (FYI had a few extended scenes that were online after but the show was the same). I just watched the A & E preview for the next episode and it was way less dramatic than FYI's, they do not seem to be promoting the show very much online anymore, I wonder if they will dump it.

    • Love 2
  10. 7 minutes ago, mbarry said:

    Last season their was a successful couple Vanessa and tre but they didn't work out after the show wbls fault is that? The show or them?

    That is what is strange to me, production call the couples successful if they choose to stay married on decision day but the whole premise of the show was to see if science could produce long lasting marriages. I can not remember who remained together at the 6 week mark but by 6 months all season 2 & 3 couples had split, so I call all those marriages a failure. Just looked at wiki 5/9 stayed together on decision day so they claim 55% success while in reality it is 22% at least until Jamie gets offered a divorce special. So my answer is the matching process sucks and is to blame, as other have said it is just an entertainment show now. Due to the drama content I struggle to root for any of the couples and that is solely down to production. The first season the biggest drama was Doug lied about a cigarette and Vaughn suggested a threesome it was just a,lot more organic. I would love for the show to go a less dramatic route so that I want to see the couples succeed, that is why I still love the Australian version.

    • Love 7
  11. Looking at the MAFS casting page on Facebook they started events to cast Miami in Oct last year and Chicago March this year, so assuming they casting process is again 6 months they should begin filming within the next month. It wouldn't be much to hold off another few months until this season is over but I think they will keep milking it since it is the break out show for FYI


    I wonder how the ratings compare across seasons, does anybody know where to find them?

  12. For me knowing who stayed together would not ruin it for me, I would probably watch more intently to see how their communication and connection developed. I feel they are actually shooting themselves on the foot with the drama as I start to become annoyed at the participants so am no longer rooting for them to last. It is the dramatic editting of the show that has turn it into the mess it is today the first season was so much more authentic even with Jamie involved.

    • Love 6
  13. 1 minute ago, ctbabe said:

    Really??? So they continued... hmmmmm.. Maybe Heather would give it a chance 

    Surprises me as well, considering she checked out day 2 and they do not look like they move in together after the honeymoon I thought that she would choose to bolt at the first opportunity.


    I am also a bit WTF about Sonia & Nick going to a tantric healer, maybe it will kick start something but he just looks so awkward even kissing her I can't imagine him doing this session well.

    • Love 1
  14. 19 minutes ago, ctbabe said:

    I am not getting that vibe too but I don't trust this preview.. 

    I agree previews are often misleading it is the way he phrases his statements that set off alarm bells in me, he starts with a put down then asks the question in such a way that if she does not agree then in his mind he is justified in dismissing her as materalistic/gold digging. Last week when he had doubts about Lilly because she took offense to be lumped into the materialistic category was telling for me, she had a normal response and calmly challenged him and he did not like it.

    • Love 2
  15. If the projects he has started on the bus were finished to a decent standard he would have a better chance of converting her, but there are missing drawer faces in both the kitchen and bedroom. The front is a gutted shell with futon, since luxury interiors are his job then I would not have much faith in his skills.

    • Love 6
  16. 3 hours ago, Zanne505 said:


    As long as they don't cancel! 

    1. Its weed (I know. A dead horse.  Had to put my 2cents in)

    2. They are both idiots but i have a little more sympathy for Derek: he is sharing his mind and he is trying.

    3. Something very off about Tom. I guess i will find out soon enough! 

    4. I STILL hope they all make it! :-)

    5. I gotta say people here are so articulate, posts so well written, is it the mods? Love how the show comes on once a week but i am here everyday checking threads! 

    That article mentions TV3 which is a New Zealand network so I think it is safe.

    • Love 2
  17. Thank you I was beginning to think I was way to cynical of Tom  he has given me creepy vibes from the start and the more I see the more I see a controlling manipulative jerk. The way he phrases his statements/questions are totally set up to put Lilly down if she does not agree. I see gaslighting, he is setting Lilly up to think that she is not worthy of him so he can control her.

    • Love 7
  18. 1 hour ago, ctbabe said:

    Tom is a douche, he is such a controlling toad I do not like him at all. They have been married a week, he springs a bus on her and then goes straight into I need to protect my businesses. Did Lilly even suggest they combine finances because I am betting that the thought never entered her head, if it did I would have some serious concerns about her sanity. The way he speaks it the car redux, he sets her up that if she says no then she is a gold digger and poor put upon Tom was saddled with another materialistic woman.


    Run Lilly run you are way too good for Tom

    • Love 5
  19. 20 minutes ago, BunnySlippers said:

    Why is it not true? That's exactly what I was saying about Ashley and David: they knew she liked dark-haired men, and they paired him with ginger-haired David. How was that supposed to help with the attraction?

    The exes pictures is new this season, I remember reading it in the media when production talked about the changes made this time around like talking to family & friends about participants past relationships, more contact by the experts early on, the experts stepping in when conflict started rather than letting it play out, more marriage counseling like exercises. Overall production was heading for more support towards building a relationship rather than just throwing the participants together and leaving them to figure it out on their own which is what most of us on these forums suggested right from the start.

    • Love 3
  20. Jamie & Cortney said they exchanged numbers at casting before they were matched so they kept in touch through the experiment even though it was a big no no in the first season. I would also not be surprised if they reached out to past participants and got in contact that way especially if Jamie 'big mouth overshare' Otis was involved she did comment on Twitter around the time filming started that she was open to contact with the participants if they reached out.

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