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Posts posted by crazychicken

  1. Evil Queen I love you I just watched Confessions and was about to post the same thing. Tom is a major dick and I hope Lilly dumps his butt and finds somebody that appreciates her sweet nature. Last week when she got upset he did a backflip and assured her he did not mean her and he understood about the car and her profession. So WTF is this diary cam, if I was Lilly seeing that tonight even if I remained with him I would be tearing him a new one and doubt his sincerity. As for the we fight because of passion, I will just repeat what I said last week I get major controlling vibes from Tom it seems like he will say anything so the little woman will put out even if he does not mean it at all. Also why the heck was he so upset that he needed to leave and stay away long enough for Lilly to go to sleep only to return and wake her as he did not want to go to bed angry. Last week it looked like a minor event, he tried to set her up so she couldn't get upset for his 'non-materalistic' lifestyle and she she rightly called him on it and he 'corrected' her and all was happy again. If anybody had the right to be angry it was Lilly, I would not be surprised if he patted her on the head, told her not to worry her pretty little self about it and just screw him and it will all be alright.

    • Love 4
  2. 2 hours ago, Snarklepuss said:

    No way is the Derek you posted him.  The one I posted has "account executive" in his title - That's way more than coincidental, plus he was on the same sidebar with the others.  I will bet my bank account on it.  I am a good sleuth!!!

    No the second Derek is the correct one the picture attached is this



    and listed for education is


    Defense Language Institute

    Iranian/Persian Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics

    While at the Defensive Language Institute I studied and successfully learned to read, write and speak Persian-Farsi while serving in the United States Navy

    Sound familiar, there is a huge gap in his education as he went back to study from 2012-2015


    Now for a laugh he was a rapper and video game blogger from  2010 - 2014

    Here's one of his clips look at 0.42

    • Love 2
  3. Tom was giving me douche vibes with his talk about the Lexus with Lilly, he knew what car she drove yet still used a nice car as an example. Since we was talking in context to bus dwelling even though Lilly has no idea that was the context he could have used a house as an example, like a couple needing to live in a McMansion with 5 bedrooms, 3 living areas etc just to keep up appearances while drowning in debt. To me that a reference she would have taken better as it probably something that she sees in her work. Then when she takes offense the condescending attitude the oh I did not mean you just every other person in Miami was a dick move that he should have been called on. To me it looked like he is used to trying to talk away his foot in mouth disease and if they do not swallow his bulldust he blames the woman for being materialistic.

    Tom claims to design luxury yachts so if he is so jaded by the materialism in Miami maybe it is time he changed jobs since the very people he seems to loathe are the people he deals with.


    I detest all the Hubby & Wifey gear this year, the tshirts, the cups, the thongs it's like they went into a tacky $2 store and bought up big. On that note when Derek & Heather sat down for breakfast I thought this


    was way more appropriate because I am incredibly mature.

    • Love 15
  4. 24 minutes ago, ctbabe said:

    Heather was in NY a week ago and she met up with Cortney. I am hoping they were able to film her unfiltered episode then. I am assuming thats why they ve been delaying the cast interviews. 

    Jamie would not have missed a promo opportunity so I doubt she filmed with Heather or it would be all over her social media. I think working was a convenient excuse for Heather not to film, that does not explain the lack of friends and family appearing.

    • Love 2
  5. 9 hours ago, ctbabe said:

    Thanks for the preview, does anybody get the vibe that Lily is getting sick of the constant call for affection her laughed seemed fake and while Tom went in for a real kiss she rubbed noses instead. I do think these guys make it long term but I wonder if Lily is changing her personality a little to make Tom happy.


    Heather is so over Derek, she could not have been shorter with him when he commented on the speed they were riding, instead of slowing the whole attitude of suck it up that is me says to me that she does not care at all.

  6. From the previews I have seen Heather told the experts she was ok with an occasional user, Derek asked her if she minded if he smoked before dinner and she said ok. At dinner she did the passive aggressive how often is occasional while not telling Derek it was an issue, did a talking head about not bringing it up so until I see the episode I am going with the opinion that it was not a deal breaker for her, he did not lie and she did not address the issue before assuming he smoked weekly.


    Sam well the pot was the least of her problems and Doug lied, he smoked got caught and then lied.

    • Love 1
  7. Heather really turned a casual getting to know your spouse conversation into an issue. You can see he is shocked when she says 'no I am really asking a question' considering they were talking about her road rage being occasional and she asked how many times in 7 days is occasional how was he supposed to know he was really answering about his smoking. Then she is being a bigger person not bringing it up, how can he answer and address the issue when he is not aware it is an issue. Sigh I had high hopes for this season, we do not need another woman who doesn't use her words and then is shocked that the problem is not resolved.

    • Love 4
  8. Now we know how she fitted all their clothes in one suitcase, Ali is wearing the same clothes all the others have changed guess somebody had to give up clothing so Leah could fit makeup. On second look Ali is wearing Addie's Monday tshirt from her awesome packing post.

    • Love 9
  9. 36 minutes ago, ctbabe said:

    They were on the decision day couch in the previews, so if it is true that they split before decision day then it would be strange to have them there. I could totally see them not lasting though going by the previews.

    • Love 1
  10. 34 minutes ago, DoctorWhovian said:

    Is it just me or did Lincoln inadvertently draw a dick

     Yes I see a picture of Javi too


    Seriously now that you have pointed it out I can't not see it

    • Love 13
  11. Derek can sit down with his bulldust that being in the military has affected his relationship as he never knew when he was going to leave. He was in for 4 years, they showed his diploma from the Defense Language Institute he graduated 2nd March 2000, so giving him the benefit of the doubt even if that was his first day he has been out for 12 YEARS.

    19 minutes ago, Jack Sampson said:

    My biggest problems with Lillian is that her idea of affection is someone doing things for her without being asked.  Plus, she flunked out of medical school...excuse me, transferred to anthropology but is now in real estate.  That makes her seem like she can't stay committed to anything.

    Thumbs up that was my thoughts, her past shows lack of commitment not maturity

    • Love 7
  12. 13 minutes ago, Tara Ariano said:

    LOL, and for the record I belatedly figured this out myself and JUST fixed it. My excuses are (a) it was so early when I wrote that and (b) I am stupid.

    While we are talking about it there have been 9 couples not 18 so the success rate just doubled. Sorry Tara we knew what you meant, whatever the percentage it is still a train wreck.


    I have not seen the matchmaking episode as it is locked online, having watched the wedding preps I think this will be another season that I will be watching from behind my fingers waiting for the crash. I tried watching Unfiltered and got through Jamie saying I am Jamie Otis with her fake smile and wanted to punch her so I stopped.


    Looking on the official Facebook page, Nick is all over it and is a bigger fame whore than Jamie was so I am side eyeing him already.

    • Love 3
  13. Now we know the people I am going with Sonia as this seasons whackjob and  Derek or Tom as criminal record. My opinion may change when I see video when they do the matchmaking episodes but it wouldn't be MAFS without at least one of each. (yes I am cynical I watch for the trainwreck factor now)


    And really couldn't they have booted Jamie me me me fake smile Otis and got somebody that wouldn't make the show all about themselves. I expect at least a plug a week about how they need to read her book to make their marriages work and an abundance of spoon jewelry.

    • Love 4
  14. Here are the matches from court records Starcasm


    There is another late wedding this season Heather & Derek married April 29th while Lillian & Tom and Sonia & Nick both got married April 6th.


    55 minutes ago, qtpye said:

    Did I read correctly that one of the guys lives on a bus?  Mind you..it is a luxury tour bus, but that is still unusual.

    And he married the real estate agent, guess it would be a change of pace looking at houses all day and then going home to a bus. A blinged out bus mind you as the guy does luxury yacht interiors but still a bus. Nothing relieves stress on a relationship like being crammed together in a small space, oh wait. Hopefully they do not live there or fireworks will ensue.

    • Love 2
  15. I vote psycho obsessed, from what she says he does not seem to share the same level of interest in her and never did. From what I have seen and read it seemed like they were very casual, FGS he wrote her wedding song if he had any feelings at all for the girl he could have stopped the wedding, even now 2 years later I get the vibe if he called and told her he loved her she would drop Doug like a hot potato. If letting her go to do the Bachelor, Bachelor Pad, move to New York, marry a stranger all without protest is a good relationship then I have been delusional for a long time. Knowing that Doug has put up with the 'my ex' crap for 2 years and still hung around makes me lose what little respect I had left for him.


    Upstater If you find out any gossip feel free to share, Lonnie and his GF are nicer than me I would have called Jamie crazy when she first started her 'my ex' crap.

    • Love 3
  16. Probably a 3 since 2 seems really harsh. Looking at the reviews they are good so I might just be expecting too much. It left me feeling that it was lacking a lot especially with Jamie hyping it up as explaining a lot of her decisions and behavior. For me it left me feeling that she has not really progressed very far. She talks about having to be open in marriage but then writes about the abuse and abortions and how she will have to tell Doug before the book is released yet at the time of finishing the book they were is a fantastic place and trying for a baby. She also calls Doug her best friend but then says right through her marriage she called Lonnie 3 -4 times a week as he understood her and made her feel safe, that she had a connection with him that she did not have with Doug. She also feels like she betrayed Lonnie by jumping into marriage so felt she needed to keep the connection open, he does not seem to return the sentiment, he gave her the $5 000 for her to move to New York, she traveled to see him and then broke up with him as she felt they did not spend enough time together and he accepted that without protest. Funnily she says she moved to New York as she couldn't just get married and start popping out babies and he understood that, yet she says they broke up because he did not want more kids.  Oh and she says she is not a jealous person so does not mind that Doug is best friends with the girl he lost his virginity too, but is jealous of Lonnie's girlfriend and feels it should have been her standing beside him after a concert she attended. Lonnie became an issue not long after they returned from their honeymoon so no wonder Doug was so over it after listening to her for over 12 months. Oh and the gem that Jamie rang into Lonnie and the grocery store not long after the experiment and knew she still had feelings as she had butterflies seeing him again, so to resolve the issue she no longer saw him physically just continued talking to him on the phone nearly daily *facepalm*


    Overall I get the normal Jamie whine 'I had a crap childhood, I can't help how I behave so you just have to accept it' and that she still has feelings for Lonnie and Doug will always be second best.

    • Love 8
  17. Yep she had a standard 8 week sex rule for anybody she dated to prove they weren't just after her 'goodies'. Doug was not just a horny man he was a horny man that loved her as he waited. If you do read it I suggest you also stock up on brain bleach.


    The first few chapters on her childhood I can't mock but as soon as she found reality 'fame' I regret continuing reading just due to her writing style. The grammar is poor, the editing crap and she talks like a teenager. There are not too many things we do not already know from the show, things went south around their first anniversary, they nearly got divorced, she got off to a poor start with the IL's.


    The feeling I picked up from her talking about her relationship with Bonnie, is one where she throws Bonnie under the bus, Bonnie grew up middle class so can not understand her relationship with her mother and does not try too. From the show I always got the feeling that Bonnie was supportive as much as could be. The way she describes conversations like bringing chocolate for Doug Snr at the first meeting which I thought they joked about, Jamie describes as tough and harsh. The other conversation that I got a totally different feel from was at the vow renewal when Bonnie made the comment about only having one mom, which I took as yes your mom made mistakes but at some point you need to let it go and accept that parents aren't perfect but she is here now trying so maybe give her a chance, Jamie describes that she was so angry as Bonnie would never understand as went to Doug about it. He dismissed it as her being too sensitive.

    • Love 2
  18. 39 minutes ago, Kiss my mutt said:

    I'm loathe to read it, yet intrigued!  I just don't want her to make money off this book so I won't buy it. Maybe on the secondary market.

    You should totally do a part 2!!

    I read it on Scribd under a free 14 day trail


    3 minutes ago, Tara Ariano said:

    It's more that it's stuff that was too grim to make fun of.

    There are parts of the book that I wouldn't  make fun of either, though I thought the talking like a teenager would have made a cameo, there was also a few TMI moments like they did not have sex for 8 weeks that they had lots of dry humping and blowjobs. I actually shouted Jamie the word is PENIS, as a nurse ween and pee pee should not be in your vocabulary. My husband was most impressed by my intellectual reading material that meant I was ignoring him.


    It was funny that she did not name the experts, the show or the ex throughout the book but then listed some of them in the acknowledgments.

    • Love 4
  19. Just now, ChristmasJones said:

    All this just reminds me again of how deeply thankful I am that social media did not exist when I was in middle school, high school, or undergrad.

    Babs parody account says it best, I shake my head at the crap that people post especially 'celebrities' that post crap and then start crying that they have no privacy.

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