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Posts posted by crazychicken

  1. I did not watch it but there is a 1 minute clip up on A&E from the scene




    Didn't Sam use the excuse this week that Neil was not taking the housing topic seriously as to why she threw her tantrum, yet next week she is back to her stupid childish humor and sees no problem with it. Sam is a huge hypocrite that is my biggest issue with her, she can act anyway she wants and Neil has to accept her 'quirkiness' yet if Neil does not act how she wants she throws a toddler tantrum.


    Oh there is a clip up talking about how Neil came home with 'anger', to me I took Neil talking in the car as working up the courage to voice his opinion and hoping that Sam did not explode. The way he sat down and reeled off the reasons he thought they needed a place of their own to me was him bracing for the explosions and trying to get it out before she went off so when she bowed her head and said "I am so all in, lets do this, lets start looking right now' with her usual passive agressive tone he responded in kind.




    Sam also has an issue with Neil being friends with his ex which hasn't been mentioned on the show I think



    • Love 4
  2. I think that tweet from David about tweeting First year was just sticking it to Jamie for trashing him in her blog and even when he corrected her earlier on twitter she kept up with the same tweets. Jamie likes to preach about people not understanding how hard the show is so they shouldn't tweet negatively but then puts her oar in herself about what the other couples are doing wrong because it is not the same as her journey. Jamie & David were tweeting back and forth until today's blog. These are some more replies to the earlier tweets between Davis & Jamie


    Kristin smith @Ksmith122608

    @jamienotis Is it possible with editing that David truly didn't say the love stuff at week 3 tbut they put it in then as if he did ?


    Jamie N. Otis ‏@jamienotis 22 hours ago Sayreville, NJ

     @Ksmith122608 honestly, I've never been duped like that by married at first sight. It's not that kind of show. #mafs #MarriedAtFirstSight

    Kristin smith ‏@Ksmith122608 21 hours ago

    @jamienotis ugh you would obv know best. Well then your blog is spot on !


    Just Smile! ‏@iambeit 20 hours ago

    @jamienotis I agree w/ most of what u say..& think @David_MAFS love talk simply wishful thinking. Great 2 get ur take on things @ this pt.

    David Norton ‏@David_MAFS 19h19 hours ago

    @iambeit @jamienotis I think this explains the love comment.  @jamienotis http://www.theknot.com/news/married-at-first-sight-david-norton-vulnerable-3593… #MAFS  Not as "cray" as u think #lame




    ashley paulman ‏@ashley_paulman 12h12 hours ago

    @jamienotis @David_MAFS no one should presume to know your feelings&claim we all must agree. We don't. So many r in your corner. :)

    David Norton ‏@David_MAFS 12h12 hours ago

    @ashley_paulman @jamienotis thanks, hey haters gonna hate right. 4 some actual insight check this out instead http://knot.ly/6017BX7bb  #mafs
    View summary

    ashley paulman ‏@ashley_paulman 12h12 hours ago

    @David_MAFS @jamienotis And to add in the "cray cray" part is tacky and insensitive.
    0 retweets 4 likes

    David Norton ‏@David_MAFS 12h12 hours ago

    @ashley_paulman @jamienotis I know Its cray right?

    • Love 1
  3. Imagine the phone call today happy 6th birthday Issac mommy got a new butt and a flatter stomach for you, best birthday present ever right. It is totally worth not seeing you for this special day as you can now admire my new bubble butt and tiny waist. Love you.


    I really hope that Issac is spending his birthday with Jo

    • Love 3
  4. This is a an extended scene of Davis & Ashley's fishbowl



    And then them talking about the exercise


    David is really frustrated with Ashley over the exercise (I do not blame him at all) and Ashley is just so much more frustrating in her talking head. Seriously she was disappointed in David during the fishbowl that he wanted her to answer questions and he did not make her comfortable. I do not see what he could have done differently other than refuse to do the exercise to put her at ease. Do not get me started on Ashley's reasoning that she could not answer as they do not have an intimate relationship, that was the flippin point of the excercise to build intimacy. Why David has not ran for the hill I do not know, it is like watching a puppy being kicked and coming back for more.

    Very good points. I actually wonder if Ashley even got that cupcake for David or did she get it for someone else, and it was just an afterthought to give it to him.

    That was my first thought she bought herself a cupcake for later and then gave it to David as an afterthought, hence why it was in her bag in who knows what shape. If I buy a food item for a person I try to the best of my ability to give it to them in good shape and I do not shove it in my bag, I shove food in my bag when I want to hide it from my husband and kids.

    • Love 8
  5. Thanks for the preview it looks like Logan has already discarded most of the questions for Sam & Neil and David & Ashley they are lucky to have 10 questions in a nearly empty bowl yet Tres & Vanessa have a pretty full bowl, guess she already knew that there is no hope for intimacy between most of the couples.


    *Sigh* Ashley I feel sorry for her she was obviously born without a sense of humor, it must be hard to keep friends when you are such a killjoy all the time

    • Love 2
  6. Is there a link to the diary videos for 'In laws" ? I. would appreciate it.

    Sam calls Neil "little Neil" ? He answers to it?? What the hell is being a noodle. Ghad those two. I know i'm going to cringe thru their sex therapy session next week (shudder).

    Sorry can't link to the clips due to geo blocking but if click on the full episode there are a few episode clips under each one


    • Love 1
  7. Watching the diary clips from the meet the inlaws episode is the first thing I noticed is that David, Ashley, Sam & Vanessa's are all filmed in their original pre-marriage apartments. Tres I can not tell and Neils look like they are filmed in neither his original apartment nor his and Sams's first house together but he is not wearing his ring the numbers on the microwave are the right way so it is defiantly his left hand.



    • Love 1
  8. While Neil is not my normal cup of tea the more I see of him the more I adore him, his roll with it attitude and dry sense of humor is what I love in a man so I would have totally cracked up and took it for the joke that it was. From Sam's twitter it seems she is over it too and he gave her a little spoon onsie as a wedding(I assume) gift. I have my fingers crossed that she realises how unfair she is being to Neil and opens up and gets to know him before it is too late.



  9. qtype, I think you're right on the money here - Dr. C. is trying to protect his professional reputation by pushing how "serious" and "scientific" this whole thing is.  If he did admit it was less than that he would also be admitting that he has compromised his professional ethics.  He doesn't want to admit that he is involved in some kind of low-class reality show gimmick, which is really what this show is. 


    I believe that like I believe there's a bridge in Brooklyn for sale.  He has to stick to the "we believed they were good matches" line to make that story consistent.  And who can argue with a belief?  Too bad I think it's total BS, just like his professional "ethics".


    I do not believe it either just to be clear, I fall firmly in the this is a trashy reality show not a documentary category like the experts proudly proclaim. I also do not get that it would go against the basis of the experiment to provide help for the couples and would ruin the whole premise of the show, there is a reason that these people are not married or in a serious relationship yet. If they were taught some marriage/communication/coping skills I think that the marriages would be more likely to survive. In an already stressful situation if the participants knew how to communicate effectively with their new spouses and had support of the other participants going through the process with them then I would imagine it would take some of the stress out of the situation. For me since it is a marriage I would like to see them get all the support they need to succeed or know that they did everything possible before filing for divorce because even though it is a reality show experiment it still has to suck to get a divorce especially with it being so public.

    • Love 3
  10. Dr C has stated more than once though that if the experts do not find matches that they believe will work than the show won't go ahead, do I believe that the producers stack the pool of participants presented to the experts and push them to rush the matches for sure. Originally season 2 was set to film in Feb/March but the production company pushed it up to Dec when the first season was a sucess.

    From just random comments made by the experts while they had 20 thousand apply for this season they get presented with about 50 people and look in depth (test, interview etc) about 25. So really the chances of finding a better match for the participants could have been excluded by the producers for not being the right look for tv early on in the process.

    Also editing makes a huge difference in the sneak peeks A&E seem to edit for doom and gloom while FIA has a more lighthearted feel, I much prefer the less dramatic edit.

    • Love 3
  11. Not a lot, when this seasons participants twitter accounts were opened (by the network) they were following all season 1 & 2 participants as well as the experts and the networks, Davina sent a tweet wishing this years girls luck regardless of outcome. Somebody replied they were ruining the sanctity if marriage and would not be watching, Jaclyn replied with we won't argue with you. So somebody asked and the girls replied they would not be watching, they were then blocked by the network from following this seasons participants. They commented they had been blocked. Jess retweeted the link to the article about the ongoing legal battle between Jessica & Ryan so people asked and Jac commented that they could not respond due to still being under contract. Now it is just a bunch of tweets by Jessica mainly about how hard it has been to relive the experience due to the lawsuit and the other girls responding that it has been hard to watch her go through it but she will always have their support. Jac has made a few tweets about promises that were made re the matching process and she feels lied to after Ryan R made a sudden reappearance on facebook and instagram to support this season and replied a few times that he was disappointed in the editing as Jaclyn was hard to live with and the picture shown of their relationship was highly edited to make a story the network wanted told. Somewhere early in all that mess Logan sent a passive agressive tweet to this years participant that annualment was not an option as that is what Jessica wants and Jess said that Logan was too old to throw shade.

    So really a whole bunch of nothing.

    • Love 1
  12. Looks like Dr Joseph has put his foot in it again. This guy is a professional matchmaker you would think he knows something about matchmaking then but once again Dr C knows way more and has to let him know how wrong he is.


    It started with this post about Logan's remarks regarding black men not wanting black women



    So Dr C replied with his usual you need to watch and listen more carefully and got smacked down I am laughing





    If you want to know his rationale he posted a 17 minute video explaining how ignorant Dr C is it is here


    • Love 7
  13. I haven't spent an enormous amount of time looking yet, but do any of the participants this year have FB accounts?  I kind of enjoyed following those for a bit, although by about the middle, the participants were not posting much to them.

    They look like they have really cracked down on the social media this year, they all have official twitter accounts started just before the first episode aired separate to their personal ones. They do not look like they have official public figure Facebook accounts and their personal accounts are locked down.


    BTW the season 2 girls have been blocked from posting after they went on a rampage the day before the new season and the season 1 girls are really talking it up as the most amazing show ever and how genuine this years participants are, they all got together to tweet the episode with the program manager/co-ordinator?? from Kinetic the production company that produces the show.


    By sheer coincidence I am sure Vanessa started an inspiration blog last month and is using her twitter to promote it http://she-spark.com/



    I've decided to follow social media with one eye this season as I think it will be heavily producer driven this time after Davina spent all of last season hitting like when a negative post about Sean showed up on Twitter.  So no real feeling at this point of who stayed together at the six week mark

    I had a look at their twitters and beside Tres & Vanessa both tweeting around the same (99 v 77)  the other couples each had a prolific tweeter David & Ashley (83 v 12) Sam & Neil (165 v 7) now if I was watching the show with my newish spouse and they spent the whole time tweeting the phone would end up somewhere the sun don't shine.

  14. Never liked Jessica and can't stand Ryan. That said, I believe that if one goes around threatening to kill people, there should be consequences.

    I agree while Jessica is not all innocent and light like she wants everybody to believe that does not mean Ryan shouldn't face consequences for threatening not just Jessica but her family as well twice it seems by the new articles released. Jessica recorded threats in March which a 'source' played for Intouch so they are real and she is still trying to get the audio from the reunion.


    This one is more indepth she also has him admitting to dealing drugs and being in debt


    Even after all that he is still acting like a raging asshat

  15. If am taking that info with a huge grain of salt as David has been front and centre with Vanessa for the media promotions for the show. I would think that they would try to hide him after all the heat they got for selecting raging Ryan last season they do not need to promote an even worse douche.

    Having said that there is something off about David, with his constant lament of he is awesome, adores his partners, just wants to marry but woman dump him for no reason my spider senses are tingling.

    • Love 1
  16. To be honest I am not even sure that Lonnie is aware that Jamie has been using him as a weapon against Doug, I think the feelings are all in Jamie's head and Lonnie is just a convenient tool to hold over Doug's head that if he doesn't give her a baby, house, kiss her butt enough or any other of her selfish desires that she will hold Lonnie up as her perfect partner to show Doug how he is failing. Jamie is only happy when Doug puts his feelings aside to make sure Jamie is happy, yet  she never thinks to reciprocate and do anything to show her appreciation of how much crap Doug puts up with and we all know there is no hot bedroom action to make up for the craziness of Jamie's emotional needs.

    • Love 4
  17. I missed that! But I imagined her ex-boyfriend and best friend as a much older man in his 50's at least. I must have heard her wrong when she described him. But she did say he has children, right?  Thanks for the info.

    If you go into the last episode thread you will see that he has two sons that appeared to be older teenagers when he posted their photo 5 years ago, and while I am not sure of Lonnie's age he has owned his business for 23 years. He has a girlfriend who is older as she has 3 teenage daughters herself, she is quite pretty and they have been dating for a while as they attended the Grammy's together in February this year.

  18. I agree if he is the yearned for ex then it is weird even by Jamie's standards.


    I did a quick snoop on Lonnie's Facebook and Linked In and something do fit


    There is this picture of his two sons that he posted 5 years ago and they look like older teenagers then.



    I can't find an age for him but his Linked In has he did an associates degree form 1987-1989 and he has owned his business for 23 years so my guess is he around 46 at a minimum. His business is about 15 minutes from Jamie's hometown.


    Before the show came out Lonnie & Jamie did a radio interview promoting the wedding song, they do not speak to each other but Jamie calls Lonnie one of her closest friends




    That is as far as I went as I feel like a stalker already and it all could be coincidence.

  19. I could've sworn Jamie called the ex Matt in the preview, but perhaps it was Myex instead.

    I thought it was Max at first but wasn't sure as she mumbled it. There was another sneak peek up on facebook and I am pretty sure she says my ex. She is really pushing for the meeting though and she wants Doug to met him and get along. She says she won't find it awkward as he is her best friend and it is not about showing each other up and she wants to be all Doug's. In the car on the way to her hometown she is pretty happy and Doug says the meeting could go horribly wrong and she fall back in love with her ex.

    It looks like we find out next week as the synopsis for the episode says that Doug does meet him.

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