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Posts posted by crazychicken


    "Girls with untreated ADHD are at risk for chronic low self-esteem, underachievement, anxiety, depression, teen pregnancy, early smoking during middle school and high school.....As adults, they're at risk for 'divorce, financial crises, single-parenting a child with ADHD, never completing college, underemployment, substance abuse, eating disorders...."

    You just described Leah maybe rehab did teach her she had ADHD *cough* or maybe she is just the result of Delta's crap parenting. I personally am going with the latter as Gracie seems a different child away from the Messer crew and we have all seen how much an enabler Dawn is to the possum princess. At least Gracie seems to have a bit of stability from the Simms so hoping that outweighs the Messers.


    Co-sign to there being no way Leah would offer consistency enough to guide Gracie towards behavioral changes if she does have ADHD. It must not be really worrying her since she made the allegations 4 months ago if she followed up she would have shouted form the rooftops on how she was great mother looking out for her child. Gracie is the victim in this, Leah gets to throw her hands in the air and claim the hellion behavior is not her fault due to ADHD, all while Gracie gets labeled as the problem.

    • Love 5
  2. On the Leah cheer competitions thing, Corey really should get a say as weekends are his time from memory he has them Friday-Monday 3 out of the 4 weeks so by Gracie doing Cheerleading he either has to give up his time with Gracie or travel himself, actually maybe that is why we did not see Ali going to the comp in the trash mobile from hell.


    Did anybody else catch when Neesa?? went to the break before the segment on the producers needing to step in Leah put her head in her hands expecting for the segment to be about her.

    • Love 4
  3. Tara you nailed it from the start, I love your recaps



    In the first season when they hooked up, I thought Jamie was a bitch and Doug was the saint.  In First Year I, I began to think Doug was only in love with her looks and the fact she didn't want him, and now that he had her he wasn't that interested anymore.  Now after one episode of First Year II, I'm thinking Doug is a lot more immature than I thought.  Not because he doesn't want a baby, but because he's not manning up to that and being honest to her.


    I think that Doug is also starting to get sick of her faking for the camera, he just seemed feed up in the preview at the end when talking to his dad. It has always been about Jamie, what she wants, what she needs with no consideration for his needs. In the clips about their married life and during the show it seems to be that Jamie goes on about what she does for Doug and what she puts up with it. Even when his parents come to dinner it was about admonishing Doug, she started off defending the baby bucket list until his parents called it stupid then she was smug about how right she was and he should just knock her up now. Just my hunch but as soon as she gets knocked up Doug is not seeing any bedroom action until she wants another baby, not that he seems to get a heck of a lot anyway. If she is not comfortable being naked in front of Doug after 12 months then I see a very long dry spell coming if they remain together. She will have to go lingerie shopping every day as Doug gets more feed up with her behavior as that seems to be her go to move, she will buy lingerie put up with Doug's sweaty body for 10 minutes and then expect him to pant at her feet and put up with more admonishment as she was a 'good wife'. From the preview clips they seem to have a more mother child relationship, she is always talking to him like he is a naughty boy that she needs to correct and the way she says 'Douglas' just like his mother makes me cringe that is a boner killer right there. Intimacy is an important part of a relationship, it bonds you and gives you a closeness so I can see why there seems to be a distance emotionally with them if they are not connecting.


    It is telling to me that she was more excited to see her MIL than her husband, she wants the close family so is willing to stick with Doug for that and the fame yet doesn't want to deal with Doug when the cameras are gone. If their marriage is that hard during the first 18 months then I say good luck in a few years when all the quirks that she thought was cute annoy the heck out of her. I think that is part of what grates me about Jamie she was all over the media on how to make marriage work and keep the spark alive etc and I just went bitch please get back to me after you have been married longer than 5 seconds then in a total backflip this year it is all about how they were barely speaking, if their marriage was that bad why did they not seek help instead of waiting for the cameras to reappear to get expert help, out of all the experts Dr Pepper seems the most genuine but she would still have limited time to help on camera, they would have been better dealing with it is private and then decide once and for all if they would work knowing that they gave it the best chance they could.



    The blog was an eye-opener with her admitting they were not getting along at all.  I do think Jamie has grown to love Doug, but I don't think it's the fireworks and body tingling type of love that Jason and Courtney have.  She realized he was a good guy and he loved her, and I think she began to loosen up and give him a chance and grew to love him, but when she's walking down the street and sees couples in advanced stages of PDA, she probably wonders why she doesn't have that.  It's a common thing with marriages that are long term.....but at least we HAD that.  I don't think she has ever had that with Doug, and at age 29 she still wants it.

    I think you nailed it Jamie knows he is a good guy underneath all the immaturity, and during the first season the public loved him and told her how lucky she was to be matched with Doug, so she talked herself into loving him. It was weird to me that the first time she told him she loved him was at the 6 month reunion on camera after getting all the public feedback. What she seems to be realizing that just because he is a good guy doesn't mean he is the right guy for her, if they accept that they will never have that chemistry then they could probably have a satisfying marriage but Jamie seems to be missing that spark now and it is only going to get worse the longer the relationship especially if they bring children into the mix as those little angels put a strain on even great relationships during the first few year in my experience.


    Having said all that I can see the finale being fake happy Jamie being totally in love with Doug again and kissing the experts feet about how they gave her a man that was willing to be a floor mat so she could be famous, Jamie is not giving up her chance at camera time. I see a split announced once they stop filming and then Jamie doing all the media rounds trashing Doug's immaturity.


    This show has just shown me how important dating and getting to know a partner is, even with all the scientific matching you can not account for human chemistry,

    • Love 4
  4. I have had a change of mind I would love Janelle to come over she would last about 2 minutes before she freaked out that people are being mean to her. I will even volunteer my town I live 5 minutes walk from the surf beach that has sharks, our woodshed currently has a brown snake hibernating waiting for the snake catcher to come back from holidays and it also has a colony of spiders. I can lure her in as we also have koalas in the the trees and we have a friendly kangaroo that sunbathes on our back lawn. If the deadly animals don't get her the cute ones are quite viscous too, she would run for the hills.





    A gross generalization but us Aussies we just don't take ourselves as seriously as Americans. I live in a tourist town with lots of international tourism and by far the most serious are the Americans, it takes a while for them to get that we poke fun at ourselves and each other a lot. I do agree we can be rather crass to as the saying goes we call strangers mate but our mates cunts (though I do not know many that use that word I shudder at it) we do seem to drop a lot of get stuffed/fuc'd though.


    • Love 3
  5. I believe so. I've always wanted to go to Australia, it's my dream trip. Unfortunately I will probably never be able to afford it. The flights alone cost thousands of dollars. I also dreamed of seeing both Silverchair and Magic Dirt while I was there, but neither band is still together. I still have all my cd's, mp3's, and youtube videos but it's not the same.


    Also question for the Aussie folks here: I'm curious, does the show Recovery (I think) still exist? I have a double cd set called Hits from the Backdoor full of awesome live performances, many from bands most people here in the states have never heard of. If there's more than one set I think I need to order them! I've also been dying to find a Magic Dirt band tee, and never have been able to. I still want one of them too! I have a ladyboner for Adalita.

    If you decide to come over you need to book your tickets from the Australian side as separate flights, we book for my brother as it is cheaper than for him to book from USA (normally saves about $500pp) We fly Melbourne-Sydney-LA-Boston for about $1250 pp with Ethihad when they have a sale or Air New Zealand is also good (they stop in Sans Fransisco instead of LA), it is crazy to me that the leg from LA to Boston costs more than the Melbourne-Sydney-LA leg. It is a brutal trip you will be wanting to kiss the ground after 24 hours of flying and airports.


    Recovery went off the air in 2000, I spent many a morning on the couch trying not to hurl after getting home from the pub turning the TV on to catch Rage and then  Recovery with Dylan Lewis and crew.  It was replaced with Triple J TV which is a more adult version of the show. I think there was only one CD set produced according to the ABC website. If you like the live performances try Live at the Chapel they released a few CD sets.

  6. Why are you all being so meaaaan Australia does not want her, even though she wouldn't come near me as there is not enough bogan entertainment as we do not live near the Gold Coast. I vote we send her to Bali for her bogan fill she would get detained at the airport and get a hefty prison sentence for her stash and the prisons are not well there.

    • Love 3
  7. Yikes is that recent, she looks like her anxiety has kicked in again going by her hair, or maybe it was the narcolepsy or the ADD but at least we know it wasn't the pillses


    On a bigger yikes from that account this come up and gave me a heart attack




    Just as I was ready to set Australia on fire I read the comments and she can't leave the USA so now I am doing a happy dance. Sorry America you can keep her forever.

    • Love 3
  8. First off thank you for the hilarious recap the snark is so much better than the show.


    I do not hold out much hope for Jamie & Doug she is always so fake. All the sneak peeks and media have been about how bad their marriage is and yet she still wants a baby, she changed her name to show her commitment etc yet still expects Doug to bow down and take all the crap she dishes. Every time  Jamie appears I just want to shout shut up we all know that the minute the cameras stop rolling you are out of there faster than Speedy Gonzales you are fooling nobody.


    From Jamie's blog about joining the second season


    During the conversations with FYI and our production company, Kinetic Content, I was brutally honest (as I usually am). I just flat out told them that Doug and I aren’t having dinner parties or decorating – we are barely speaking. Doug and I were both mature enough to lay it all out there and say ‘listen, we need help.’ If we were going to film another show we couldn’t pretend to be happy with each other. We couldn’t paste a smile on and invite friends over to join us for dinner when we weren’t even eating dinner together.




    I did chuckle at Kinetic allowing them to be real and show the struggles of their marriage instead of good TV of fake happy Jamie. We all know that fake happy is boring, fights are much better snark fodder

    • Love 3
  9. While thinking about how disappointing it was that Corey and Leah cheated early on his marriage to Miranda I had a thought about the time line. Ali received her intial diagnosis of Ullrich muscular dystrophy just before Corey & Miranda wedding (S05E01)  it was about 2 months later and further testing that they found out that she had the rarer form of Titans and was the only child in the world with it so the specialist had no idea in how it would affect her. I am not excusing their behavior but I wonder if sleeping together was out of grief/comfort to help cope with the fact that their child had a degenreative disease that had a huge unknown element to it.


    On to the the more recent rumours that Leah & Corey hooked up again in the back of his truck, last night Leah mentioned that cheating during the early part of Corey's marriage was the only time she disrespected Miranda. I would have thought that if the more recent cheating scandal was true that Miranda would have shown more anger or called Leah out on it.

    • Love 3
  10. Leah absolutely refuses to have her child medicated? that's rich. She's the only special special princess who gets to have medication for her multitude of "issues". ADHD/ADD are overdiagnosed and over medicated, but it is a real thing, and medication can be a godsend. Get off your high horse, Leah. That said, I don't think Gracie has ADHD (I'm not a doctor and I don't play one on TV). I think she is acting out, in a big way. I think she is desperate for attention. And I think her behavior reflects this.

    I know I was seriously shaking my head at Leah proclaiming Gracie has ADHD without any sort of professional diagnosis, if she seriously thought that it was an issue she should shut up and seek help. She has been in the spotlight long enough to know that the label will follow Gracie even if it is not true. Even if Gracie does have ADD and they choose to medicate it is not a quick fix, the first thing from my experience they recommend is to change how you interact with the child to give them the best chance of understanding and I can not see Leah being patient enough to follow through to see results, she can't be bothered taking Ali to therapy due to her exhaustion imagine how much it would drain her to have to adjust her parenting style 24/7 it is much easier for her to bury her head under the pillow and ignore the behaviour.


    I know a few kids with a formal diagnosis and it took more than a computer test to get it. Most of the more scattered ones I know are medicated for school but not at home as it can be a disservice to a child to not give them an optimum chance at learning and if they can not even sit still how are the supposed to learn. There is a difference between being a normal active child and ADHD one of our twins is highly active, never shuts up and is always on the move but as soon as he gets into the classroom he has the concentration of a ninja, our niece on the other hand is less active, less talkative but it highly scattered in her thoughts medication for her makes a huge difference she has gone from struggling to learn to being accepted to a selective school and you can tell when he medication is wearing off as she goes back to rambling. I can not tell you how many people have told me to test our child and when I tell them he is just active the think I am in denial (he was tested as a toddler and during primary school by a education psychologist)

    • Love 6
  11. So, according to Leah, she spent the first two weeks of "therapy", crying.  So, then the 2nd two weeks she met a man and then moved him in?  I mean, she was only in there 30 days, right?  I didn't even have sex with my now husband that fast. 


    She meet her man before she went in to rehab, according to rumours he stayed at Dawn's house while Leah was in rehab.


    I did crack up at her stupidity at the reunion of I do not have a boyfriend, he has only attended a cook out with me, he does not stay the night, Corey met him backstage at the reunion, Corey knows his family the whole 2 of them from the Water Board?? I went idiot you should have yelled monkey as the sentence before that was Corey you know I do not lie.

    • Love 5
  12. I have a lot to mention about the reunion but, the one thing that stood out to me was when Cory mentioned Leah had moved several times. Did we not only witness the move to the apartment and then to the home Jermy bought? That means there were at least 3-4 more moves within that time period. What the hell?? Did I miss any stories or articles linked here about those moves? Why did they move so much?


    He said in the 4 years since their divorce from memory we have

    1. To the trailer Leah bought

    2. To Jeremy mums house that they rented

    3. To the first house Jeremy and Leah bought together that was not wheelchair friendly

    4. To the apartment

    5. To the Deer Cam house

    6. To Delta Dawns

    7. To her current house with the personal trainer that is not her boyfriend that she only went to a cook out with but got a free trip on MTV dime

    • Love 9
  13. Sad panda is making me so maaaad I am going to go slam doors. Just because Leah was graced with a virgina does not make her a better parent you overtanned hack. I wish he would of called her out on the ADHD crap as well, instead of labelling her child on national TV it would not even have gone through her head to get her help and protect her and if Gracie does have ADHD the best thing for her is stability and consistancy. Hmm I wonder who could provide that.

    I do find it sad that Leah is willing to throw Gracie under the bus with the ADHD bullcrap to absole herself of the repercusions of her crap parenting. It is one thing to blame everybody else for your poor behavior but it is a new low even for her. Maybe she should have just asked Nathan the resident expert on ADHD for a diagnosis. While on my high horse you know what would help your hyper child a healthy diet, cut out the cheetos and mountain dew and she might lose her sugar buzz.

    My opinion of Leahs diagnosis is Delusional Dumbarse and I will throw Dawn in as well.

    • Love 11
  14. It cracks me up, too , hehe! I wish I wouldn't have had to crop and resize it, because it was much funnier before I did all that; I took a pic of Katy Perry in her Cheetoh costume from Halloween (not sure what year) and cloned in Leah's "nodding off with tongue out" face, lol. :)

    Post it or a link to the full size one in Leah's thread for our entertainment pretty pretty please

    • Love 2
  15. Thanks for the snark I am a few weeks behind in my teen mom veiwing but have kept up to date with the forums.

    I have not watched the clip but is Leah implying that Corey cheated with her during the first 3 months of his marriage to Miranda because if you look at the dates Leah got married April 2012 Corey got married June 2013 and Addie was born Feb 2013 so that means Leah found time to cheat with a 3 month old baby and was barely out of her first year of marriage herself. Props to her for finding the time I thought it was a good day if I had time to shower and brush my hair and teeth.

    I do not get why she keeps throwing this crap out there that Corey cheated with her but conveniently forgets that she was married at the time too.

    • Love 16
  16. This clip has me rolling on the floor with Janelle's responses.





    She just knew that after Jace she had to get her life together and having Jace stopped her from being too crazy and out of control. If what we have seen over the past 5 years is her in control and being responsible I hate to think the stuff she would have done without Jace.

    • Love 1
  17. Most embarrassing moment for me is a toss up

    1. Our twin boys were about 6 weeks old and going through a day of never ending feeding so I was exhausted. There was a knock at the door so I answered it to some Jehovah Witnesses, they backed away and apologised for disturbing me after closing the door I realized my boobs were still hanging out of my bra. On the upside they never returned.

    2. Our aircon broke down during a brutal summer so while waiting for a part to fix it we needed to manually fill the water resevoir with a hose. Worked great for the first few days until the hose came out. After some debate I climbed onto the roof to put the hose back in. Then freaked out and couldn't get down as I hate heights. Cue me crying on the roof for about an hour when a removalist van pulls in next door, after some yelling our new neighbours came and rescued me. It is still a running joke 12 years later.

    3. While looking at houses while pregnant with our boys the agent took us through a 3 bedroom house, I insisted that was not enough bedrooms as if we had another child I didn't want any different genders to share. Even my husband asking how many different gender children I expected didn't make me twig. I went into a rambling explaination on how we didn't know if the twins I was carrying were boy/girl so we needed at least a 4 bedroom in case our 3rd child was a different gender. It was about an hour later when we got home that I finally twigged that there was only 2 genders so a 3 bedroom home was fine for us.

    • LOL 1
    • Love 7
  18. It puzzles me too that Leah takes such a harsh approach to Corey yet makes excuses for Jeremy. My theory is that


    1. While Corey suspects what Leah was on and has/hasn't done while looking after the girlses Jerm knows so can totally throw her under the bus in her custody case

    2. Jerm has not disputed custody as that seems to be Corey's big offence by asking for more time he is calling her a bad mother, even the pills allegations seemed to hurt less than anybody thinking she was less than a stellar mother


    I do love the total flip flopping on her marriage though, when she divorced Corey her marriage was terrible as he did not pay enough attention to her, now she never wanted to divorce Corey and struggled with it. Jeremy and her marriage was awesome even though we could see it was not all roses she still shouted out through social media etc that it was great now it was terrible and she only stayed due to embarrassment.


    The whole Messer clan seems to think that they can say whatever they want and we are expected to swallow it hook, line and sinker even if it totally contradicts something they said previously. Y'all the truth will come out.


    On the Messer clan note is Delta Dawn running a half way house for her daughters and their current bed partners, Oreo and her husband seem to have taken up permanent residence at her house.

    • Love 4
  19. This weeks deleted scene must sting for Leah, I have my fingers crossed she goes on another twitter rampage as I find her delusion amusing. I am wondering how she will spin that Jerm regrets having a child with her into Jerm told me that the producers made him do it.




    Nice stash of pills on the fridge that must have been Leah's last daily dose

    • Love 2
  20. Here if they fail to pay a warrant to arrest with debt is issued by the court, you get picked up by the police and given the option to pay and have the warrant ammended or go before the court and face jail time or community service. The arrest is not processed until it is before the courts, so if you pay then no arrest is recorded (the ammended warrant is still on record though).

    • Love 1
  21. I also read not long ago that the dads and live-in boyfriends got 15k a season.

     Then Jeremy is a bigger idiot than I previously thought, he put himself through a sham marriage reunion with a wife he clearly despises for a few weeks pay.

    • Love 1
  22. I thought it did as well. So Kail will have two kids and two dogs fighting for the slivers of grass between the pool and the fence line. But hey, she gets to say SHE has a pool and Jo doesn't, so it's totally worth it.

    It was reported when Jo moved his house has a pool, I think that is what set Karl off Isaac probably came home and talked about the fun he had in Jo's pool so she went out and bought a new house with a pool so Isaac wouldn't ask to go swim at Jo's

    • Love 6
  23. I went to the official site to see if there were any clues, there are none but I did notice that they haven't even tried casting for season 4 so maybe season 3 will be the last since it has already been filmed, depending on the outcomes they may bury it.


    I did laugh that they have removed all of the season 2 episodes yet still have all of season 1 up.

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