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Posts posted by crazychicken

  1. Does anyone know if Dr C has showed up again on the Baby boards... I admit I am feeling too lazy to scroll through pages and pages over there......

    Just to say goodbye and throw shade about people being negative Logan did the same. I suspect the have been told to shut their pieholes in case Jess does go forward with a lawsuit as some of his posts were damaging.

    • Love 1
  2. Sean's fake crying at the reunion was so infuriating. I cannot believe the experts still cannot read through his bull shit. I have no professional qualifications in psychology, but to me it's clear as day that Sean has been a con artist from day one.

    That and his narrative that Davina made him stay away due to causing his anxiety, I just wanted somebody to say Sean you are an adult you choose your actions, even if Davina was the worst person in the world it was still YOU that chose to sulk in NJ.

    • Love 7
  3. I'm not certain how valid a news source viralglobalnews is anywho.  Just my two cents.  I did a search and found they were not in the top 25 news sources online.


    They are going solely off of what they have gleaned from other online sources (here, Twitter, other FB groups) and have not interviewed anyone directly.  Again, this is just my opinion, but it is amazingly easy to spread unsubstantiated information via the internet, and not be aware of who one is actually dealing with. 

    Until the instagram/protection order fiasco I don't think this show made any of the top news sources at all it has always been reported in lesser known gossip sites and when the experts commented on little known blogs or did interviews. I know that it is not  a main news source but it is telling the other side of the coin based on public opinion and I have read all the articles on that site as opinion pieces just like when I have read the interviews with the experts they are putting forth their opinion.

    • Love 1
  4. What are you guy talking about, you expect that the first requirement of the experiment to get married was they be mature enough for marriage, don't you guys listen to the experts actually I still have no idea on what they think the most important quality is, sexiness, shared childhood bullying I do not think they even know why they paired these couples.

    • Love 2

    That's a great article, but it's not true that none of the experts have taken any of the blame.  Dr. Pepper is on camera on the 6 month reunion show apologizing to Jessica for her role in choosing her match.  While she is not down as admitting this anywhere else, she hasn't been posting to the contrary anywhere else either.

    You are correct I should have excluded Pepper I found he really genuine and she does seem to care deeply for the participants and suffers remorse on what happened this season. If they do season 4 I hope she remains and the jettison at least Logan & Cilona and their high school mean girls look at each other if to say "see it is like we talked about, totally their fault" Greg was pretty neutral to me until his whole monologue to Jac about giving Ryan a second chance after her just telling them he never follows through.

    • Love 4
  6. I have to admit I have a soft spot for Davina as I am like her in that I am willing to help somebody but only if they are willing to help themselves, I quickly lose patience with people that constantly moan about the same things yet do nothing to change situation and once I lose patience there is no coming back. I will be polite but I will no longer listen to the whining and cut them off so probably do come across as cold and disinterested. We heard over and over from Sean about how he needed to step up and fix the situation yet his actions didn't reflect that, now we know that he pretty much only turned up for filming we know why Davina thought he wasn't present because he wasn't not just emotionally but physically.  Sean & Ryan R say the right things yet never follow through, Jac handled it a lot more graciously then I would she gave him more chances than what he deserved.


    Now I have finally watched the whole reunion after 3 attempts I didn't even make it to the 5 minute mark the first time as when Sean came out with his hunched shoulder and said meek "nice to meet you Mr Frasier" I say red I thought you fake bastard how can the experts not see what a manipulative jackhole you are. When he got into the conversation his whole meek demeanor dropped until he had to play the victim card again when he suffered 'severe' anxiety at the thought of seeing Davina that was my second straw. Not even Ryan douche bothered me as much as Sean's fakeness, and then we got Ryan R he had me fooled I really thought he was genuine, turns out he is just a great smooth talker, talk about telling everybody what they want to hear, he made it sound like he made an effort when on the couch alone and was put on the spot when asked if him and Jac were still together with her there. The look he gave her said to me you answer but don't rat me out, no wonder the coward deleted his social media he has been getting the good guy edit and he was the biggest douche of the lot.

    • Love 10
  7. And another MAFS vetran that can STFU is Doug, the original tweet is gone but this is what be posted


    It is always fun to make of Protection Orders

    I love this.

    I also want to take this opportunity to salute the author, who evidently reads this forum.

    I loved that both Jac & Jess tweeted the article about the experts taking none of the blame so that it gets out there to fans.


    • Love 2
  8. Does anyone know if its a song or what is being sung, when "Married at First Sight" with the little bride and groom characters appears on the screen?


    It is played when the show comes back from a commercial.


    I've been trying to figure this out all season!

    I am really disappointed in myself for knowing this as it bothered me too


    No holding back

    No holding back

    It's all or nothing

    It's all or nothing

    And there's no other way


    I also shouted "NO an idiot can see its a fail" at the intro when the narrator says "At the end of the 6 weeks the couples must decide if the experiment has been a success"

    • Love 1
  9. I have noticed at the start we used the tags Dr for both Logan & Cirlona now we do not do you think it is because we lost respect with them?


    For me it is a big yes, when I lose respect for somebody I also tune out their opinions so find even if they had the best message I would automatically dismiss it and look for the fault so lose more respect and the cycle continue to all I do is snark about them.

    • Love 2
  10. I believe that the Show offered Jessica protection after Ryan D threatened her at the Reunion.   I think any damage caused to Ryan's reputation was caused by Ryan.    

    Until that lunkhead went on his social media rampage they were just rumours that were on forums, that a lot of people were taking with a grain of salt. The idiot posted the Protection Order that sent it into mainstream media, it was even news here is Australia.

    • Love 2
  11. I think next season the show should pair up the experts and force them to live with a stranger.      Or maybe "Christian Grey" Sean can be paired with Logan.  


    The first thing I said to my husband was since they are such experts and believe so highly of their skills they should match for each other eg Logan, Epstein & Pepper can find a match fro Cilona since most of them are married they can do a crossover into the 7 year itch crap that was advertised (seriously you think your marriage is failing so go live & sleep with a new spouse for 2 weeks)


    I equated the picture falling twice when Sean told his sad little lies with the growing nose of Pinocchio.

    I am going to hell I equated it with God is not happy with Sean for his fake rediscovered religious belief due to his traumatic marriage

    • Love 1
  12. He's an ER nurse. Presumably he's seen more than his fair share of people coming into ER who were victims of impaired drivers. Then he goes out and drives impaired himself? What an as*wipe!!

    And to top it off gets caught speeding 4 days later, you think the first driving charge make him more cautious for a while

    • Love 4

    I'm experienced driving in and out of Manhattan and I don't think living on the UWS would have made more than 10 minutes worth of difference to Sean's commute, if that.  In fact, it could have been worse depending on where they lived.




    I don't think that's necessarily the case.  The right Ryan could have cheated but Jac didn't want to out him about it on the show, esp. because at that point she might have wanted to keep her options open with him.   He may have done it because in his mind he was done with her by that point anyway.  The experts probably had nothing to do with "forcing" the women to stay in a bad situation.  It was probably production, who didn't force them but strongly advised them that it was in their best interests to do so for many non-relationship reasons, like their contract, the money, etc.  So I think they might have been strong-armed into it.

    My theory just from tweets and comments is that Ryan R might have seen his ex after the initial 6 weeks when he moved back to LI so while he knew that Jac and him were finished he was still leading her to believe that they could work on the relationship, so while she might see it as cheating he does not IYKWIM. I have absolutely no proof to back it up though

    • Love 1
  14. Considering the giant clusterf**k that is Season 2, I'd sure like to know two things:


    1) Were the Season 3 couples matched the same way that the Season 2 couples were matched? Because if the experts and producers did this again --


    2) How do the Season 3 couples feel now, since they all got married just 7-10 days ago? I can't imagine they haven't heard about all this!

    I was just thinking that after watching the crap shower that has hit and the battering that the producers & experts are copping that it might really affect the season 3 couples. In both series throughout the relationships when they struggle they seem to fall back onto the reasoning that the experts matched us for a reason so we need to find the common ground. These guys are still very early into the experiment and with so much doubt cast on the process I am predicting that the season 3 participants all split as well.

  15. Or acted professionally.

    That is so true, only one to blame is themselves for the tattering of their reputations. I actually think we have been quite restrained some of the twitter stuff is way harsher, and we did not go to 'his' board and troll I just rolled my eyes so many time I am amazed they are still in their sockets.

    • Love 2
  16. Omg

    You know what? Blaming and shaming and NO ACCOUNTABILITY

    I think he has forgotten some of his posts, they are quite passive aggressive like if you do not agree with him he tells you to go looks deeper and you obviously misunderstood him, I understood his Ryan anger posts fine, you knew he had a temper, you cast him end of story I do not need to know more thanks. Not to mention the nudge nudge we know who to ignore don't we wenders.


    IMO he seems to get butt hurt about the smallest things, if he didn't want us to comment on what we think of him maybe he should have stayed away from TV

    • Love 3
  17. Someone on the babyboard just figured out that Dr C's posts are missing....


    on page 50, it says 'comment no longer available' for one of Dr C's posts. Weird that it is missing. Could the mods shed some light? (Maybe a server problem?)



    Ha ha we had the same discussion on this board about 7 hours ago, but the missing post was found by Snarklepus, it is the last post on this link




    We figure he deleted it to try and cover his backside


    Edited because my grammar is appalling

  18. Thanks for that link crazychicken.  Davina and Sean's picture falling off the wall was perfect.  Loved that.  


    I am off to buy some snacks and whiskey (for my sciatica).  Seriously.  These 2 hours are going to make me feel better.  

    The falling picture was so funny, pity it wasn't above the experts heads it would have been perfect if one got beaned except Pepper she looks like she is over this crap and had doubts about Raging Ryan you could see her biting her tongue not to tell Jess to run during the decisions.


    LOL I am not speaking to my husband tonight to watch this, stupid me scheduled both kids dental appointments today so I tried to convince my husband to do it, he wouldn't leave work early so I said I will grab takeaway on the way home and none of you are allowed to speak to me for 2 hours and he agreed. Since it has been extended to 2 hours I am grabbing more wine I think 2 bottles is not enough BTW if he speaks to me he has been told we are getting a divorce. In the mean time I will be sitting on my butt this afternoon refreshing for snark since I don't get it until about 6pm Australian time when it goes up on the website though.

    • Love 6
  19. This season it was defiantly a controversial experiment isn't that they have always billed it as, the experts just matched couples to live up to the hype, none of this romance like last season lets see if we showcase dysfunction and make people believe that is normal.

    • Love 2
  20. I think Davina is probably a bit difficult to get along with. I personally wouldn't mesh well with the way she analyzes things to death. But, I don't think she is a bad person and she seems to have gotten a worse edit than Sean. They were always depicted as her confronting him and him apologizing or backtracking, but it never really showed his actions or when he may have brought up problems with her to the same degree.

    This season I think the only person I would get along with is Jaclyn, Jessica, Sean & Ryan R would do my head in with whining and playing the victim, only 1 person would make it out if Ryan D pitched a fit at me as I do not take kindly to an sort of abuse and don't back down and Davina I think I couldn't spend too much time with dues to her analyzing everything.

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