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Posts posted by crazychicken

  1. It basically said 'and the next one will be an oreo' #nasty.

    I'm assuming he's referring to her next child. He did try to backtrack and said something else about a butterfinger but I think it's pretty obvious.

    I'm going to hope against all hope that her newest boyfriend isn't that much of an idiot and is just using her to get his name out there and no children or marriages come from this relationship. She needs to step back from her personal life and be a mom for awhile.

     Wow that is incredibly low, no wonder why he deleted it

    • Love 3
  2. Leah is supposedly dating a much older, African-American, personal trainer. Tru Wuv 4eva.


     Thanks for that article he sounds like a great catch if he moved in with Mumma Dawn, and once again Dawn shows great parenting skills by enabling Leah's non stop love life.


    Jeremy have to say hypocrite, you had no issue with Leah having your strange butt around the twins but are shocked that once again she moved on at lightening speed

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  3. Just curious. Does anyone know what sign Davina is? Sean is a sagittarius .

    She posted on May 22nd that she was celebrating her birthday with the other girls so that still doesn't answer it as she could be Taurus or Gemini depending on if she celebrated on the weekend before or after her birthday lol Sorry it narrowed it down a little

  4. Wow fast response or coincidence Dr C again



    I would like to preface this post by stating that in my opinion, we (the experts) are ultimately 100% accountable and responsible for the matches we make on MAFS.   After all, we are the ones who chose to put these couples together.

    With that said, I think it’s fair to say that a considerable amount of responsibility and accountability should be placed on all of the participants when it comes to assessing how they navigated these marriages.  I would like to make it very clear that when it comes to my personal assessment of accountability and responsibility with regard to how both Sean and Davina navigated their relationship, I attribute EQUAL responsibility when it comes to how that relationship evolved, and ultimately devolved and combusted.  I think they both, in their own and very different ways, contributed equally to many of the problems and issues that emerged between them. 

    I certainly have my issues, struggles, and frustrations with each of them, for very different reasons.   Certainly some of these frustrations are more potent than others, but I feel compelled to clarify again very clearly that my opinion is that they both made their own contributions to the troubles that emerged.

    Contrary to many accounts in other venues, I do not “side with Sean†or “against Davina.† In fact, on this very forum (posted on 4/28/15) I rather strongly defended all of the participants, including Davina, against what I considered to be very inappropriate criticisms and treatment on social media.  I certainly have specific issues in which I am much more aligned with Sean, and others with Davina.

    I would also add that an important part of my role as the expert psychologist is to share my opinions and analyses of each of the participants and the trajectories of the relationships.  The opinions that I share represent just that, my opinions based on my knowledge of all the assessments, the journeys of the couples through the experiment, and my knowledge of what goes on “behind the scenes.â€

    Regarding the issue of Davina’s deal-breaker of living in Manhattan.  The exact quote from Davina’s questionnaire section on Deal-Breakers is:

    “I need to live in Manhattan.â€

    When we started to see what we felt to be a match with Sean and Davina, and identified the potential problems with geographical locations, we followed up with Sean and asked him if he would be open to moving or traveling if a match was found for him and this was an important issue.  Sean stated that he would be open to moving or traveling if a match was found for him and location was an important issue.

    I can absolutely see and understand Davina’s frustration with clearly and specifically stating this deal breaker, and then later hearing from Sean that he was not willing to move.  She was clear.  So was Sean. And he did change his mind or go back on his word in a very literal sense.  For this, I place full accountability on Sean.

    However, I do not think Davina is free of accountability here.  Davina did not state that her deal breaker was remaining on the UES.  Sean clearly did not know NYC, and acquiesced to allow Davina to choose the location of the interim apartment.  I think Sean has some accountability in allowing that decision.  Davina, however, chose an interim apartment on the UES that was only a few blocks away from both her old apartment (which was for sale at the time), and her new apartment, which was under construction for renovation.

    Making the choice to live in an interim apartment that was literally less than a five-minute walk from both of her apartments is where I really struggle.  Sean’s commute to his three consecutive 12-hour shifts in NJ often turned out to be almost two hours.  Davina, who loves NYC and knows it like the back of her hand, certainly was aware that if she chose an interim apartment on the West Side of Manhattan near one of the bridges or tunnels to NJ, Sean’s commute time could have easily been reduced by 45 min or more.

    So, even with regard to this OFTEN discussed topic, I personally feel that both Sean and Davina have equal responsibility for the problems and issues it caused.

     From http://community.babycenter.com/post/a55825153/married_at_first_sight_season_two?cpg=352#c2498332050


    Notice the


    Contrary to many accounts in other venues, I do not “side with Sean†or “against Davina

    • Love 2
  5. Now I am suspicious about the producers of this show so it could be a coincidence but I do find it funny that they are filming the S3 weddings right now just before it all blows up at the reunion apparently. Better gets the next lot of suckers locked down before they watch the upcoming train wreck.

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  6. I am just curious if someone can answer this for me.. as to why the experts are on that particular board which appears to be for mom's of new babies?   I'm seriously inquiring if someone knows or has an idea about it. . It seems as tho it's their biggest outlet to discuss the show...were they originally drawn to that board for baby behavior or child psychology?


    Dr C actually posted here first if you look in the first seasons forum at the start he made a few posts. When people ask him to prove himself he disappeared however he made a few references on the baby board early on to stuff we were discussing here so I suspect he lurked.


    He has posted numerous times that he posts on that board as they are 'insightful' and look deeper into why the participants act like they do. Now in my opinion it is because they tow the line with his 'expert' opinion early this season people were posting that Sean seemed fake he came in did a huge defence post and then a slam Davina post and like magic Sean was a hero.

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  7. For my assesments, I compare 141 responses from the 265 question questionnaire.

     So do they fill out the other 124 questions for fun, you would think they they could take the questions out of his expert matching assessments if they were useless.


    On  a more series note I love how he always says it was much more in depth than 'they were bullied' 'they are sexy together' etc but never explains the in depth reasons, how about this for a radical idea if you don't want to keep getting called on the shallow reasons presented flippin explain, he knows that his responses are quoted across many boards, but only responds on that board as he knows he will never be called out.


    Edited to add Thank you for the quote in my grumpiness I forgot my manners

    • Love 4
  8. No wonder Dr. C. thinks everyone on that baby board is so wise - They're all drinking the Kool-Aid he's giving them.

    Lol he doesn't think I am wise after telling me many times that I need to reread his posts and look deeper I am obviously too stupid to get my head around this social experiment. Now he ignores me, maybe I should do a Davina is the devil who duped poor Sean post so he will like me. Who I am kidding his opinions mean nothing to me, I love that we do not all agree plus I love snark and nobody gets called mean for it.

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  9. Bringing this article over from the bachelor forum as it sums up my thoughts on the experts professionalism. I do not normally follow social media so I only knew of the slamming of Davina by Dr C on the baby forum. Ironic they slam Davina for social media interactions but are not above rolling in thd dirt too.


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  10. According to her twitter she wants us to all know they are moving. ugh We called it saying they were having problems and they argued that "No they were not!"

    So Jo moved closer to Isaac and now Kail is moving away?

    • Love 1
  11. Thanks I needed that trailer today as there has been an outbreak of deadly man flu in this house


    Anyway I could watch Nipps crying in the back of the cruiser while Janelle doesn't seem to care at all on loop all day it never gets old, it is right up there with the mystery of Germy's missing shorts.

    • Love 6
  12. Also, I wonder why Addy was with Oreo instead of Jermy's mom? Do we know if Leah was on Oreo's side of her epic feud with Sandy Kay? I could be wrong about this, but I thought Oreo and her husband lived in PA, and even though I'm pretty sure parts of PA border WV, that seems much further away than Jerm's mom who lived in the next town over. I'm assuming the girlses are with Corey, which is the best place they could be.

    I really feel bad for all of Leah's kids.


    My guess (based on Aussie custody agreements so could be wrong) is that Jeremy will still be needed to pay child support as even though Addy is with Oreo that is a nominated caretaker on Leah side so counts as custody time for Leah, if Addy went to Jeremy's mum then the time would count as custody time for Jeremy and he could argue for paying less support.


    I do not know if they even have a custody agreement in place and Leah will not let Addy go until she has it in writing, she did the same to Corey when they split from memory so he did not see the girlses for a few weeks.

    • Love 4
  13. My default is: "The opposite of whatever Cilona says."

    That is my default position too, he contridicts himself so much.

    One minute his instruments are so good they weed out liars, the next he can't help that the participants self reporting means he gets duped as he has to beleive them. The experts always take deal breakers into account, yet both Ryan R & Jaclyn said they could not move far from their homes due to work/family commitments and yet both end up with a big commute when questioned he said the experts do not consult maps when making matches. Sean is so awesome and the best person in the world and he does not understand why the public can't see it. The experts knew Ryan D had anger issues before matching him yet are surprised that he reacts badly, they also knew Jess has a problem with speaking up and yet are surprised that she won't speak up when she faced with an aggressive angry man. Yeah Cilona can go chew grass as far as his 'expert' opinions go, I most be missing something as both Jamie & Ryan D were magically cured of their crap personalities and they were suddenly treating their victims better after a few hours in his presence just in time for the big decision.

    • Love 6
  14. Dr C posted did an interview on a blog.




    Will be back with my comments, but it looks like he is still posting about participant's personal business


    Thanks for that interview I read as


    Blah blah blah we are not their therapist, we believe the participants when they 'self report' ie feed us crap through the interview process therefore it is not our (experts) fault that we selected four trainwrecks for this season and we are surprised the couples have issues, but once again we are not their therapist so therefore not our fault.

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  15. I am going to hell I laughed at the article, in no way do I condone domestic abuse but seriously it is so comical that Grandma came after him with a pipe and then he hits her and they are stupid enough to put it on social media knowing full well they are in the public eye.

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  16. In Australia they could not be legally married as you need to lodge an intention to marry at least 30 days prior to the ceremony, it does make a mockery of the premise of the show that they can not just walk away when times get tough as they are married so will be more committed to making the relationship work


    I thought this was the case!  Because the 6 week decision show seemed to be this big deal and I always said, if they are truly married what difference does it make to stay together a bit longer to give it their best shot?

    Jamie has said in the media that at the end of the 6 weeks they were not in love and they still did not know if it would work but Doug convinced her to give it a shot, she said it was not until around the 6 month mark of the relationship that she felt committed, now I could be cynical but it was around the time they announced they would be filming them for First Year. It was a pretty telling that the first time she told him she loved him was on the 6 month follow up, I thought it was a bit off that she saves the 'big' moments for filming. Like the vow renewal it looked like Doug proposed so they organised the second wedding, but in the media she said they had already planned the renewal, but she was surprised by the proposal.

    • Love 1
  17. The pool of applicants was 7,000.  One of the experts mentioned this on their Today interview before the season started.  Not large at all.  Right away they eliminate people are not TV attractive.  So let's say that knocks the pool down to 3500 or less.  


    Yeah I love the 7000 applicant figure from the same interview he said he had 3800 pages of data with an average of 150 pages per applicant which means they looked at 26 applicants in depth then wonder why some of the matches don't seem to work. I think using some common sense would have yielded better matches.

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  18. Read some of the news about the Australian version, they are petitioning to have it cancelled as we still do not have legalised same sex marriage so they are annoyed that strangers can get married but same sex couples can not. The funniest thing to come out of it was that the producers in the Aussie version admitted that's they don't get married until 30 days into the experiment. They go through a commitment ceremony and sign an intention to marry and then at the end of the experiment they then decide on if they get legally married, which flies in the face of the whole premise that the participants will to be more willing to work through issues as they are legally married.

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