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Posts posted by crazychicken

  1. Does Dr. C's revealing all of this stuff re: individual contestants violate professional ethics regulations?

    Last year he also shared a lot on Jamie on another board when questioned he answered about her. Sorry can't quote on my phone but if you go to the link it is in the second post.


    While it may not violate ethics I do find it quite unprofessional that he sharing so much info on another person not even thinking how to affects them and their family.

    Since Davina's mum did not want to participate I am sure that she is thrilled that her failings as a parent are out there for us to see.

    • Love 1
  2. Stop you are breaking my heart these two gave me hope.

    Fingers crossed it is a bump and with these two's ability to compromise and communicate that they figure it out.

    It is pretty crappy if the both said they couldn't relocate and the experts still paired them.

    • Love 1
  3. I'm wondering about the size of his practice. I don't see how he has the time to write these long posts for baby center if he's not getting paid.

    I am wondering how he can spend 400 hours analyzing the data with such a busy career. Not to mention his ability to talk to the random bloggers that post his 'thoughts' and he had an awful lot of media articles about how awesome his instruments are.

    • Love 5
  4. We will see what changes with season 3 according to Dr C they are going to be looking into the partcipants social media I am guessing in response to the flack they have copped due to Ryan D being an obvious douche on his accounts. I am anticipating an even bigger wreck as he adjusted his instuments this year due to Vaughn and we can all see how well that turned out.

    • Love 6
  5. Is this from the baby center message board? Why is he posting *there*? Does he figure that those posters are drunk with oxytocin and therefore less likely to question him? So weird. Dr. C deserves his own psychoanalysis dissertation.

    It is like a different planet over there, they do not question him and if you do he has a hissy and tells you that you are not looking deep enough. Last time I questioned him I got asked to leave the board as I was not willing to understand that Ryan & Jessica are going to fix each others issues.

    I have to say I am a little disturbed at how much personal information he puts out about the participants and how he seems to take sides in the couples that split it was Monet last year, this year it is Sean. For somenody that keeps telling posters not to judge the partcipants he is pretty judgmental on the cause of the relationship breakdowns.

    • Love 10
  6. That was 400 hours wasted then, all this magical data bought us two trainwreck couples and one couple that know how to communicate. Last year he only had 100 pages per participant so he has created a lot more paperwork for himself and yet could not see the basic character traits that created the trainwreck.

    On a related note

    I wish Dr C would stop with the huge pool of applicants to match according to his own figures (3800 pages of data/150 pages per applicant) they only looked at 26 people in depth, I would met more potential spouses at the pub.

    And Logan stop with the 'we gave them the tools to a successful marriage now it is up to them' No you didn't you threw them to the wolves, it is pretty evident this year that the ability to communicate was not one of the priorities and I saw no evidence that any of the experts explained to the participants what makes a successful marriage.

    • Love 7
  7. ^^^^

    I'm copying the comment and link from another board


    Jaclyn Methuen: Knowing Davina personally she is anything but a diva. Her deal-breaker when she signed up for the show was not leaving Manhattan just like mine was not being able to leave NJ. Sean said he was willing to relocate until he actually had to relocate! And as for her being needy- she was emotional one time because she was touched during her honeymoon. I seem to remember Sean crying multiple times about being bullied, even though he is in his mid-thirties. I also recall him freaking out and accusing the hotel staff of stealing her wedding ring when it was simply misplaced. It seems that all of us will have our turn to be the villain, and it's not fair since we were all completely open and honest with this experiment.


    Source:MAFS Facebook


     Hmm yet Jac did leave NJ as a compromise as Ryan couldn't move his career either. Funny how that works in a marriage.

    • Love 1
  8. Only part way through the episode but WTH was that apartment/s that Jess & Ryan looked at that had the seperate bedroom across the landing. Do you need to lock your bedroom while going to the kitchen as they landing was open to anybody.

    • Love 6
  9. In a bonus clip on the A&E site Sean said that he would need to leave at 5am and would get home at 9pm on a good traffic day. I would hate to do a 4 hour commute and a 12 hour shift in a demanding job and then come home to nagging about what I was doing wrong, that being said he probably could have stayed the first night since he didn't plan to come back for 2 days. It was funny to me though that the mention of Davina wanting more affection sent him running from the shoebox apartment.

    • Love 6
  10. The pharma sales industry in the USA seems crazy to me, from the advertisements for drugs on tv to the sales reps being able to see what each doctor prescribed and then going to tell them they are unhappy if they prescribe a drug from the competition (thanks John Oliver) so they can earn a big commision seems slimy to me. Maybe it is just so totally different to what i know, here in Australia prescribed drugs can not be advertised so I go to the doctor and follow their recommendation because I think they are prescribing in my best interests not on what earns them the best bonuses. It was crazy to me while we were in Boston (my brother lives there) that while in a doctors waiting room a sales rep was in the there asking patients symptoms and telling them to ask the doctor for xyz drug.

    • Love 1
  11. I can't remember where on social media I read it but Ryan did move out of home, he moved back in when his niece moved in as his mother was recently diagnosed with breast cancer.


    I will see if I can find the post.

  12. I got the feeling on this last episode that The result of Jessica and Ryan's talk was that the were going to put a good face on things and go through with the filming. I did not get the impression they worked anything out other than that agreement.


    Yep I get the impression that was the final straw for Jess, I am guessing somebody slept on the couch that night as it is unfolded when they are eating breakfast.


    It is a mystery why these two were paired Jess has said that this sort of behavior from men has hurt her in past relationships. She seems to have slipped already into not voicing all her thoughts (the awkward honeymoon talk with Ryans mom at Christmas) so that she not on the receiving end of more anger. If they had truly resolved the issue she should not be afraid to bring it up again.


    Ryan seems to think he can act like a jerk, half apologise and then the behavior is wiped.

    • Love 4
  13. Sorry haven't watched the episode so can not comment on that since FYI has now geoblocked me in Australia. So I will just leave Dr C's comments on Sean.



    Posted 23 mins ago

    In reply to jacq714:
    See I don't understand why they put Sean on this show if he just had a...


    Miscarriage was Feb 2014, MAFS marriage was 12/13/14.  Remember, grieving and loss is a very individual thing.  This was assessed carefully. We ultimately (obviously) felt this was not an exclusionary variable when it came to determining Sean as a good candidate for the experiment.  Many were considered that were even more recently out of a significant relationship.

    • Love 2
  14. Dr. C. dropped by this forum at the start of the first season and explained how long and hard he had to think about being part of this show, since he was worried it would ruin his reputation. This is a guy who is published in such scientific publications as Glamour and Cosmopolitan. I guess his involvement was supposed to convince us that this is a serious social experiment, not just a reality TV show.

    And then he never came back because we asked questions and debated the show & participants instead of sucking up to him and telling him how great he was.

    • Love 7
  15. Agree with you. I don't get all the hate toward the experts. This is part real life, part TV show. I don't think they take it lightly, I think they do their effort. Giving the circumstances they are working on, they are ok. They are doing their part. O course, that in not the only "part", the other part is the producers, who have a different agenda. Why not get mad at the producers?

    People who willingly get into this show have to be well aware of this. It is a huge risk to put themselves out there.

    (And I would love to hear what Dr. Phil has to say about it!)

    Speaking for myself I do not 'hate' the experts, I do not like that they knowingly put a man with anger issues that admits he will not apologise on the show especially with a more sensitive partner who is expected to suck it up so she can become 'less sensitive' to fix him. Maybe before all the in depth testing they rule out people that are just general arseholes.


    Maybe I am not one to talk though, they say the experiment in part is because in todays society we are all too ready to walk from a relationship when it gets hard. If my husband (15 years) acted like Ryan and then failed to apologise I would tell him to pull his head out of butt & stop acting like a jerk. If he continued to act like that I would not hesitate to leave. For me my self worth is worth more than be treated like crap and be expected to accept it because 'that is just me'. I love my husband but I am not his therapist or his mother if he can not treat me with respect then why the heck would I stick around.

    • Love 2
  16.  I rolled my eyes at the great Dr's first response thinking yeah great you threw together a couple knowing that one was sensitive and the other had a temper and expected Jessica to fix Ryan. From his previous posts I knew he was a pompus arse but now I am putting the great doctor above Ryan in the douche stakes with his follow up response. I have highlighted the part that sent my temper flaring oh and his follow up to that. When I calm down I am going to write a huge rant to the good Dr, I got howled down last year when I didn't agree with his defence of his great love Jamie but  politeness be damned I hope that Jessica stands up for herself and tells the experts that they put her in a relationship which is dangerous to her mentally at the least.



    Last edited 2 hrs ago
    In reply to Wenders11:
    "I think my favorite person, besides Dr C, is the editor who added the...


    I would caution you all to look at everyone with as fresh a perspective as possible for deeper understanding of the dynamics of these relationships.  I see the temptation to draw comparisons (e.g. V. and Ryan D.), especially when behaviors are so glaring, maddening, and inappropriate.

    However, I will say that although there may seem to be similarities between V and Ryan, for me they are extremely superficial and not at all significiant or substantive.

    Ryan often has big issues with controlling his temper and acting out inappropriately.  His impulse control is poor when it comes to some "hot button" triggers that are unique to him.  This follows through in many areas for him.  For example, he is VERY into politics, and has strong opinions and gets very passionate about them in political discussions.

    The important thing to know about Ryan D. is that when the moment is over and his emotions settle, he is (often, though not always) very aware that he crossed the line.  He struggles with this and often feels deep remorse and guilt--even to the point of having trouble taking responsibility, apologizing, being accountable, etc.  NOT because deep down he thinks he is right, but the opposite.  I think that some of his arguing defending himself is actually an attmept to convince himself, because the alternative is tough for him to accept.

    V. on the other hand, is much more tunnel-visioned so-to-speak.  He has strong opinions and I cannot think of one instance (even his apology letter) throughout season 1 in which he recognized poor or otherwise inappropriate behvior and seemingly felt badly about it, gave a heartfult apology, genuinely tried to make amends, etc. 

    He had very strong justifications for his behavior and opinions, and rarely, if ever, waivered from them. I would speculate that even to this day, he might argue somthing like: "Well,  her hand WASN'T broken, the surgery was on her foot!"  ;)

    I do believe firmly that under all of the troublesome behavior, Ryan D. has a good and loving heart.  He struggles with those parts of himself that really need work--when he is not in the grips of intense emotional reactions. 

    However, I totally get how with Ryan that can become either dificult to see or even difficult to care about when it comes to certain behaviors. For me, though, this is an important distinction.

    Finally, I would say that the dynamic between Ryan and Jessica is a very common one, and that there are MANY couples that can relate to it.  I think this becomes a very charged issue for friends and family members of couples like this, and very polarizing and emotionally charged.  Most often the woman who is more like the Jessica, struggles around reconciling the good qualities and her feelings, and the bad qualities and struggles. 

    There are a lot of nuances that impact the dynamics of these kinds of relationships.  I hope that the viewers don't get too wrapped up in strong reactions that they lose the opportunity to understand what's really going on in these kinds of relationhips.  I'm sure most people can think of someone they know that is in a similar kind of relationship...to one degree or another.

    Remember, it's VERY easy to judge, especially when it comes to extremes.  It's NOT so easy to really UNDERSTAND.  I would encourage and challenge everyone to try strive for the latter.  This is what can really create change in all of us and in all of our relationships.


    So from that I got that Ryan acts like an areshole, knows that he acted like an arsehole but will not apologise and acts like a bigger arsehole to cover up that acted like an arsehole.

    Last edited 1 hr ago

    In reply to Transatlantic Baby

    In my dating life my hard limits were men who didn't understand boundaries and thoses who had violent tempers.

    It is difficult to see how that would be good for anyone, but I am trying to be open to watch how it will work out for them.



    Let me be very clear.  Under no circumstances do I think disrespect of boundaries and a violent and explosive temper is good for anyone, ever. Nor is there any way, place, or time that it is healthy, positive, okay, or acceptable.

    It might be helpful to reread what I wrote to understand more fully what I was trying to communicate.

     Oops my bad you would never put a person with an explosive temper into not only a relationship but a friggin marriage, guess I better go tell the great man 'he makes everything better' like his other fangirls

    • Love 3
  17.  I would really like to hear Dr. C's justification for putting Ryan D on the show. If you're still reading this forum, Dr C., then feel free to state your case!

     He is still posting rarely on another forum.  He has just replied to a similar question, I will just cut and paste as it is rather lengthy.



    Sorry to be so absent, but things are REALLY hectic with Season 3 getting underway.

    There was much discussion and debate about Ryan D's issues with expressing anger appropriately and having the capacity to be very hot tempered at times.  The potential difficulties posed by this tendency of his in combination with Jessica's sensitivity were very thoroughly considered.  I believe some of this was highlighted in the Matchmaking Special.

    Jessica sometimes has difficulty expressing herself frankly and clearly, particularly when it comes to emotional issues.  They both demonstrated siginficant insight and awareness around these tendencies.  They (and we the experts) ultimately felt that there was a potential for them to help eachother grow in the areas they both needed to.  Ryan learning to be more patient/less reactive by being matched with and learning to be senstive to the needs of a more sensitve and less overtly communicative spouse.  And Jessica learning to buffer her sensitivity a bit and communicate more freely and directly. 

    They both expressed that they felt strongly that a spouse that could complement them in that way and help foster growth in the ways they each needed was rather striking.  For me, have such a keen awareness around this and apparent desire and motivation to foster personal growth for themsleves in this way through their marriage was what utimately convinced me that the potential benefit and complementarity outweighed the risks.

    With that said, Ryan's anger issues and reactivity became troublesome (as you are seeing) rather quickly.  Many of the reactions and behaviors that are being discussed here were surprising to us, even though I was well aware of the issues with anger and reactivity.  He is an interesting dichotomy of quite thoughtful, intelligent, mature and insightful when it comes to certain issues and situations, and quite the polar opposite of these traits in others. 

    One of the things that I'm learning about my assessments for MAFS is that my instruments give very accurate and powerful measures of personality that are really seeming to be very on target in the context of the experiment, however, measures of personality are not measures of maturity.  There are really no instruments that can give accurate information about that.

    More imporantly, however, is what is turing out to be the big wild card of the experiment:  the way these individuals are actually affected when the experiment begins and they reality of being married to a stranger (and everything be documented on film) acutally hits.

    We place tremendous emphasis on trying to be as confident as possible that the individuals we choose are prepared, aware, and have the internal resources to cope effectively.  It is becoming more and more evident, that this is not so easy to predict. 

    For example, Sean impressed all of us as exceptionally prepared and equipped for the experiment.  All my testing supported this, and he was extremely calm and certain in his decison.  In fact, his calm and composure was quite uncanny and created a strong impression on everyone involved.

    Interestingly, he was the first to really feel overwhelmed and stressed by the experiment.  His reaction and experience was quite a surprise to all of us, and even more so to him.  What is appearing to be a lack of awareness and poor listening skills in recent episodes to me is the manifestation of this "surprise' stress reaction.

    I think that it's imporant to really remember the intesity of the experiment, and to always factor in how this might be impacting the reactions and reponses you are seeing on screen.  I'm finding that often times traits and qualites are exagerated and amplified (e.g Ryan D.) and in others, unexpected and a typical reactions occur (e.g Sean).

    This is by no means a free pass for poor behavior and it in no way removes accountability and responsibility for words and actions (e.g. Vaughn, Ryan D.), however, I think it can be helpful for the viewer watching these journeys unfold to understand them better and decipher the nuances and subtleties of the dynamics of these evolving relationships.

    From  http://community.babycenter.com/post/a55825153/married_at_first_sight_season_two?cpg=48


    So essentially they knew and hoped Jess would suck it up and become less sensitive, over time in a normal relationship where they are not together 24/7 and she could have a timeout from the douche I could understand but this is a 6 week experiment where there is no real reprieve from the jerk and he does not seem the be self aware enough to change his behavior. If he was so aware of his reactivity and anger then you think he would be making a huge effort since he should be on his best behavior during the start of a relationship. If they stay together I can only see the 'jokes' getting worse.


    I am no expert but expecting people to change to make a relationship work does not seem the best start to me.

    • Love 15
  18. http://frocofreshfrozen.com/history/

    Maybe it's not a franchise but it kind of felt like that.

    I am not sure I can thank you for that link it bought on a headache reading the first paragraph obviously Farrah the multi talented girl that is wrote it herself.

    Wow what a bargain for only 200K I too can have a francise of a business that doesn't even exist yet. See you later off to get in contact with Farrah so I too can be an entrepreneur like her before the guaranteed rush of investors take all the good towns. Since I can forsee we are going to be awesome business partners my first tip to her is free, take the dummy print of a website before launching it.

    Not sure I will be back since I am going to be too rich to talk to the plebs after joining this totally new business concept.

    /end sarcasm

    • Love 2
  19. Thanks MKay



    Nathan is alleged to have pinned Jenelle, 22, to a toilet before tearing off her engagement ring during an argument, leaving her with an injured finger.

    I know domestic violence is a serious matter but I could not help laughing at this quote from the article. Those two are class all the way, they had to find the lowest place to have an argument

    • Love 3
  20. Just quickly for me the issue with Doug is his phrasing is so juvenile, as soon as he makes a remark it reminds me of high school with boys trying to get some action not a grown man in a stable relationship. Maybe I am weird but if my DH makes comments like that I do not find them funny I find them disrespectful especially if he made them on camera knowing that his wife has issues with sex jokes.

    I am really cynical I know Jamie is hurt by her mothers actions but I can't help thinking that she is amping up the drama to sell the book she is writing about her childhood. It stood out to me that when she with her brother & sister at the table when she suggested calling her mum her brother shook his head and her sister got all bugged eyed knowing that it was not a good idea. They seem to have accepted that it is good if their mum turns up but expecting it is just setting them up for disappointment. Then when her mum called her Jamie went straight into questioning/lecturing her, I know I would have not wanted to call somebody if that is the normal response I got either.

    • Love 2
  21. Did anyone see Jamie's latest post on Instagram? She took a picture of herself in some lingerie and then wrote "doug came home to a surprise today. Sexy lingerie".

    Seriously?!?! She annoys me

    You missed the best part on youtube she has the getting ready video with commentry of how the episode opened her eyes to Doug's feeling rejected like it was a surprise to her. Umm you were right there at the meeting with Dr Logan.

    Here is a truly radical idea if you want to dress up for your hubs do it in private for both your enjoyment not for random fans on the internet to tell you you're an awesome wife. Sigh I think she is fleeing as soon as the stardom runs out.

    • Love 3
  22. I have just watched and I cringe at Jamie's always happy sunshine and lollipops routine. It is like she is desperate to make this work with anybody so she is not embarrassed on TV again. She sounds like a PR rep for the show 'the experts' know everything you have to have to believe in them and the process *vomit* you just have to be open minded like her. Only problem is she was so close minded even towards the end of the process that she was still expecting more from Doug than was realistic.


    I did laugh at Monet's face when Jamie said that she still believed that her and Vaughn had a chance.

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