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Posts posted by crazychicken

  1. Thanks for that a response form Kinetic at last, I do get the impression they are washing their hands of the whole mess from the article.



    "The experts on our show have the best of intentions and highest hopes for success for each couple. After undergoing extensive background and psychological checks by third parties, couples agree to be legally married on our show. We document their journey for six weeks after their wedding, but we can't control how they behave, or govern their actions after production. Our thoughts are with these individuals, and as always we have offered each of them significant aftercare resources. We wish them nothing but the best and hope they have a bright future ahead of them."

    Yeah and the fact that this loose canon was cast by the experts is not their fault either right. I would have more respect if they admitted that the goofed and this slimeball should never have made it through the initial testing

    • Love 10
  2. Those people in the matchmaking special must be thinking they dodged a bullet. Even creepy Asian fetish guy looks better than Ryan now.

    Right now a turd looks better than Ryan and the other husbands are no better they are silent in defence of the crap Jac is getting from Ryan and his mates, no what happened in their own marriages how can they remain silent while he tells Jac she is too ugly for the show and other garbage. The silence from the network, experts & husbands against this douche is absolutely appalling.

    • Love 9
  3. Just thought of something when this first came to the USA there was an article on how the network had to conform to a set of standards that the Danish creater wanted hence why it ended up on FYI as they were prepared to do it more documentry style rather than drama like some other networks pitched. Maybe they won't have a choice on continuing as the Danish production company may pull the rights, this has to be considered damaging for the whole francise.

  4. cmuggs_ about 4 hours ago

    No he is defending himself from the ridicule and speculations before they happen he is making it known not hiding like a punk.. He's a man of his word and I stand by my boy 100% @natalieguillen

    No brain cells

    Seriously the idiot confirmed the speculation about the threats that went down at the reunion by posting the protection order, does he really think that it is going to make him look good. Then letting his boys slut shame his 'wife' and commenting on others looks, I can totally see that he was ready to be 'a man' and prepared for marriage.

    I think Cirlona is curled up in a fetal position rocking chanting 'I am not wrong, I am not wrong' right now. How they can spin this and save the franchise is beyond me, I don't think even the trainwreck that is the Bachelor franchise has a protection order yet.

    • Love 10
  5. Thank you for the timeline crazychicken! Do you know when the reunion was filmed in relation to the timeline of events you posted?

    It was about 5 weeks ago that they all went to LA there are pics on instagram from the media rounds they did at the same time.


    Here is the tweet the suggests Davina walked away from the reunion dated May 9 so close to then



  6. The order of protection came before he posted any of the stuff on Instagram

    Thursday -the insider came out and said Jess was threatened at the reunion and the producers offered her protection if she did not file an order of protection. She then filed an order of protection on Thursday I am assuming in response to the info becoming public.

    Friday - Ryan is served with the Order of protection

    Saturday - The second meme is uploaded to the fake instagram and Ryan suspects it is Jess that has done it. So the insiders information had already been out 2 days before the meme was made. Ryan then uploads the Order of Protection to show everybody (I am still puzzled why he made it public)


    Easiest way for Ryan to shut his friends behaviour down was close the account down even temporarily, it is not the first time his friends have down this to Jess and each time he leaves it go.

    • Love 7
  7. My only question is, are they busyre-editing the edit of Tuesday's show? We have already seen Ryan R storm off set.  We can put two and two together.  But they may try to totally white-wash the show anyway.

    Yep normally during the week they release a few slightly different teaser so far the only one I have seen in the initial 30 second one that played at the end of the episode. I would not be surprised though is season 3 is kept in the can for a while before airing.



    I will be very surprised if there are no lawsuits coming out of this. Someone is going to sue someone else. I imagine the producers and network execs already have had several screaming matches.


    If he weren't being such a bozo in defending all of his actions, I'd almost feel sorry for Dr. C. Almost.

    LOL I am hoping that Dr C and the other experts get a firm bollocking from the execs after this disaster of a season, even without all that has gone down on social media in the past few days there was so much dissent from the viewers. I actually think Vaughn wasn't so bad compared to this seasons boys.

  8. Jaimie's latest tweet:
    Jamie N. Otis

    1h1 hour ago
    Jamie N. Otis ‏@jamienotis
    I strongly encourage abused to stay away & abuser to get help. Both need counseling, albeit for different reasons. #NoToleranceForViolence

    That seems like victim blaming. It's not just a matter of the "abused" staying away. She's so dumb


    The irony kills me does she not remember her behavior was broadcast, maybe she can take her own advice and get some counseling herself, at least this year she was smart enough to keep it off TV after the social media bashing she got during her season.


    The 'abused' was encouraged to stay with that douche by the experts and producers when they witnessed Ryan's rage not one of them pulled her out for safety they left her in her 'marriage' with him.


    Edited to add she just added fuel to the fire I didn't pay attention to her hashtag, now people are questioning if it was physical rather than emotional.

    • Love 7
  9. And Davina ways in telling the season 1 contestants off





    I agree with her, they should not place more importance in protecting the brand over Jessica's safety


    Everytime somebody tweets something it ends up in more people knowing the situation. Maybe if they all shut up they would protect their brand more. On a more personal note maybe Jamie will learn not to stick her nose into everybody else's business I am so sick of her opinion popping up on social media and gossip siteson what makes a perfect relationship and what they are doing wrong as her and Doug have found tru wuv. Rack off get back to me when you have been married more than a year.


    Still total silence from the networks and experts though.

    • Love 7
  10. Funny after reading this forum again I suddenly got the motivation to watch and I solved the mystery on how they matched




    Look at the centre pics in each row, the intern put all the pics on the board and whoever was centre in the first 3 rows were declared a match, now we know who the backup couple was in case anybody ran.


    Also a shout out to Ryan D's puke face during Peppers speech about how this was a real marriage




    This is way more amusing watching it in hindsight Cirlona loves Davina and how self aware she is, and Davina loves Dr Joseph as she can trust all his data and science.

  11. After the mess of a season I thought I would rewatch this episode to see what the experts said about how/why they were matched. After putting it off for a week I knew it wasn't going to happen so just reread the forum and what do you know people here picked the problems from the start, good work maybe we should match them in future we seem to pick their issues without having to analyze 2 billion pages of data.


    I do imagine there are a lot of relieved ladies out there thanking their lucky star that they did not match this season I know I would be.

    • Love 2
  12. The reference is about the cop show. It took him 48h to figure out who was behind the rumors. His friends said Jess slept wiht him less than 3 hours after meeting him. 

    Um was that possible I would imagine the ceremony, photos, reception and interviews would take more time than that especially being filmed.

  13. I think the murder reference was an indirect threat. I know what he's trying to say but why reference that show to prove that you caught Jess? It was done on purpose.


    It takes a special kind of arrogance to be served with papers to stop threatening/harassing your wife and then threaten her even indirectly so publicly all she now needs is to screen shot his instagram present it to the judge and boom the temporary protection order then becomes permanent at the sitting/hearing. If Jess had no grounds for a permanent order he has just given them. Surely somebody would have told him to remove the posts they have been up for 15 hours now and the longer they sit there the worse it looks for him.

    • Love 4
  14. https://twitter.com/jamienotis

    Jaimie's working hardcore on twitter. Jaimie, when someone files a restraining order, it's time to stop defending production. I know you want a spin-off or a show of your own, but damn.

    Well she is copping it, there are a lot of annoyed fans.

    Jason is defending Ryan on his instagram


    I have noticed a distinct silence from some experts that are normally quick with the 'do not believe everything you read' line, I guess legal paperwork is harder to deny.

    • Love 5
  15. Yikes that went from Ryan is being a douche to worrying pretty fast. So if I have the timeline right he got served the day after the insider information came out. The next day he finds the fake instagram account and links it to Jess via location and then loses it and starts posting threats (that how I took 48 hours) and his friends back him up and slut shame Jess. To me he seems to have come unhinged and I am worried about Jess now.

    • Love 4
  16. While none of us viewers knows what really happened, I think that Dr C's defense of Sean and criticism of Davina should count for something. It's quite clear he thinks she was the problem. Now I don't know how great a shrink he is, but he was present for a lot of this and I'm sure he knows things we don't. If you don't believe me about the Hayride of Doom, watch it with the sound off and see, if you had been sitting next to her, you would have known what was going on.

    Only problem is by his own admission he only knows what the participants tell him and he sees the footage the same time as us hence why he was surprised at Ryan D's anger as Jess didn't mention it in their session.

    He may think Davina is the problem but it is not really professional of him to take sides. He also posted saying Sean called him after the honeymoon and he spoke at length with him, after the 4th call in a matter of days he told Sean to stop calling, there is a photo of them metting after the experiment so Sean has had Dr C's ear a lot more than Davina.

    • Love 4

    Assuming everything was on the up-and-up I've never heard the experts say that their 'instruments" and procedures may need some tweaking.  There were glaring issues. It would be satisfying to hear them say they are working to improve the vetting process and have learned something from each failed match.  Instead, they hold tight to their failed formula. It's maddening.

    The funny thing is according to Dr C he tweaked his instruments to avoid another Vaughn situation, so next season I suggest he adjusts his instruments to get as many Vaughn's as possible as obviously his instruments were way off this season.



    Knowing that there is a time element involved because another show needs to be produced can not help but cast doubt on the integrity of the experiment. There is money involved.  The experts aren't producing the show.  It would be great to believe that a show would be produced ONLY when best matches were found.  I doubt they can afford to make this the priority. That is the inherent problem with a TV show.  There is always the awareness and truth that money rules the day regardless of best intentions.

    No idea on this season but Dr C made it clear last season that is they could not find suitable matches the show was not going to go ahead, so I am going with the theory that the 2/3 success rate just went to the experts heads and they thought hey good enough. I have no doubt though that the producers would have been exerting pressure to get another season though. I know he was very unhappy that is was filmed during the holidays season and he thought it added too much pressure.



    I think we are all aware that we must take "insider" info with a proper grain of salt. I love the concept of the show and truly want to believe in the experiment and in the idea that the experts are really giving it their all in finding matches.


    Yeah we seem to be a pretty sensible bunch, last year (well for me at least) we may have not liked some of the behaviour but we were rooting for most of the couple to make it, this year I am tuned in for the train wreck mostly. Last year I watched the episodes as soon as they were available to me, this year I find myself watching it 3-4 days later as I am not invested in any of them. To be honest I am enjoying the snark much more than the show itself.

    • Love 3
  18. Yeah I love the respect Jac & Ryan showed towards each either even when they disagree but it really does seem like the old adage that even if he is a good guy it does not mean he is a good guy for me applies. Jac deserves somebody that loves all aspects of her and is not such a baby about trying new things and eats more than pizza.

    • Love 5
  19. I sort of think "much older" is overstating things. Amber's guy is "much older" as in "old enough to be her parent." Leah's is only what, 6-7 years older? That's huge if you're talking say 14 to 21, but to me the difference between 23 and 30 isn't that huge. Especially if he's an immature 30 year old, which seems likely if he's moving in with Leah's parents.

    I hate even thinking this but I wonder if she got pregnant before entering "not rehab."

    It is wrong that I laugh thinking about how they would spin that, how do you get served with divorce papers in mid april and two months later you live with a new guy at your mums house, get pregnant and do a rehab stint. Delta Dawn would somehow blame it on Corey or Jeremy as we all know they are so meàn to her princess.

    Fingers crossed for all the girlses sake that it is just Jeremy being his usual jerky self. I do love that Jeremy is not taking the high road like Corey did maybe Princess Leah will be called out on all her crap.

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