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Posts posted by crazychicken

  1. Does anybody else see the irony is Cirlona asking Davina whats her accountability all the while he maintains that the casting for this season was great. I really hope Davina and the other wives call the experts on there own accountability. No wonder why he loves Jamie, she would never call him on anything. I can see season 3 casting there will be no strong woman involved incase they don't kiss expert butt.

    • Love 10
  2. (bold text added)

    What a shame Dr. C didn’t review this article discussing Monet & Vaughn’s situation before he paired Jaclyn with Basement Ryan.


    That may be describing Monet but it sounds a lot like the same concerns Jaclyn voiced in her THs. Yet having failed in the first season he then subjected Jaclyn to the same set of circumstances.

    Maybe he can get a refund on his degree.

    Good catch what is ironic to me is that he tried to avoid creating anothe Monet Vaughn situation and made 3 even worse matches. Think he should throw darts for season 3 and save him 600 million hours of analysis

  3. Ugh. Swore I wouldn't get at all involved in sofa psychiatry or NY law but since Jessica is said to have a high profile attorney and litigation v. A&E may be a possibility according to one article, I'm wondering if her decision to marry this dude in spite of problems a blind man could see will affect any settlement she and/or her attorney may be expecting...

    The whole premise of the show is that they meet at the alter and get married, how was Jess going to pick up his anger issues in the 5 minutes before they actually married. She trusted that the experts had vetted her husband and she would be safe

    • Love 3
  4. Did I get all of them? I didn't take a full screenshot because I use an extension that displays my IP. And I'm not chartering a private jet, I was just curious about the cost because of a cast member on RHOC, lol.


    not quite you hot to the end of the paragraph starting with V on the other hand about 6 paragraphs up.

    Lol I screenshot some of his other posts earlier and then looked at the tabs I had open and reshot as it had my mortgage account info clearly visable

  5. I read on that other board that he may have acted like he didn't want to move to Manhattan because he would have been in violation of his parole for the DUI by doing so.  He may not have been allowed to move over state lines.  That's an interesting theory I haven't seen voiced anywhere else.

    You are a genius I just had a thought on what the annotation could mean

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  6. I read on that other board that he may have acted like he didn't want to move to Manhattan because he would have been in violation of his parole for the DUI by doing so.  He may not have been allowed to move over state lines.  That's an interesting theory I haven't seen voiced anywhere else.

    That puts a new spin on not moving, while his record is public I have no idea what some of the annotations mean

  7. Well, there's asshats and then there's death threats . . . just sayin'.


    And I, for one, cannot wait for the "experts" to get ripped apart for saying they knew RyanD-Bag had a bad temper and an anger problem, and still let him on the show. It's all over the Internetz - too late to take it back now.

    Dr C had already deleted the worse post about Ryan's temper, I quoted it here in the experts thread but it is no longer on the other forum and all the references to it just show 'post not available' wish I had of screen capped it.


    Wow I know where it should be in the forum, but it looks like they have gone into protection mode all posts quoting it were edited 4-6 hours ago starting with Wenders



    • Love 1
  8. My cable (Fios) is showing FYI is airing Part 1 and then that Arranged show but A&E is showing Parts 1 and 2. FYI doesn't have an extended hour like they did all season.

    I'm thinking A&E will offer Jessica a settlement to save face/prevent more headlines.

    The FYI site is showing that the Arranged Couples meet has been pushed to June 23rd 9pm followed by an unseen footage episode at 10pm and MAFS 6 months later part 2 is now showing at 10pm June 16th right after part 1 at 9pm

    Does anybody else suspect that Part 1 finishes with Ryan D throwing his tanty and they now do not want to leave it like that so people won't speculate for a week about it. Just a hunch they love their drama this year.

  9. My cable (Fios) is showing FYI is airing Part 1 and then that Arranged show but A&E is showing Parts 1 and 2. FYI doesn't have an extended hour like they did all season.

    I'm thinking A&E will offer Jessica a settlement to save face/prevent more headlines.

    According to the FYI website the Arranged Couples Meet has been pushed to next week 23rd June and been replaced with MAFS Part 2 6 months later

    When he posted it, didn't he make some comment about how it wouldn't be explained until the reunion show aired?  He acted as if he thought the public would find out it was a ruse or something based on info. that comes out during the reunion.  I don't know how he could possibly think that given all that we have now heard.  Plus we all suspect the show will sanitize whatever we see, so what he thinks will be proven is beyond me.  What a dirtbag and an idiot!

    Yeah there was some crap of it would all be explained but I don't see how he thought that after watching him on the show people would think he was some innocent lamb


    Having said that the amount of comments on that pic telling him he is awesome and they would date him etc etc makes me ill

    • Love 3
  10.         A&E Sues Jessica Castro For 5 Million Because Of Her Refusal To Keep Death Threats Secret


           I don't think they want to see that headline anywhere.

     But I would love to see the headline


    A&E Sues Ryan DeNinio For 5 Million Because Of His Refusal To Keep protection Order Secret


    If that douche hadn't of posted this it would have been gossip and back page news, really he did us all a favor shooting himself in the foot as now the network and experts might be held accountable

    • Love 6
  11. Being the curious person I am I thought I remembered him saying the experts had total control of the matches and bingo



    One of the only reasons I agreed to do this in the beginning, was because we were assured (and it was put in our contracts) that we have total control of the matches.  Not the network or production company.  They cannot make the matches,  we (the experts) do.

     From http://community.babycenter.com/post/a55825153/married_at_first_sight_season_two?cpg=18 2nd last post on page



    I am also mean I am really hoping that him blathering on online comes and bites him in the butt big time

    • Love 5
  12. Wow Jamie's latest tweet is really inappropriate


    Good people do bad things-Wish we could anticipate the bad & prevent it frm happening #mafs #marriedatfirstsight http://bit.ly/1MWY42m




    Way to victim blame, why the heck should anybody need to anticipate and prevent Ryan D from behaving like he has and still is.


    Will say it again JAMIE NEED TO STFU . That woman needs to stick her nose into everybodies business since she is a relationship expert now that she is married.

    • Love 8
  13. Huh. I see, that makes sense. I know that Chris was talking about posting a "statement" on his twitter from the women last night but never did. I don't think that one can get around an ironclad entertainment contract by using a friend to speak for you, unless it's as one of those shady "anonymous sources" in a gossip magazine.

    I have no idea why he hyped it


    Davina Kullar retweeted

    Chris ‏@cpierro 13h13 hours ago

    It feels like it's the us against the world. We are supporting each other and we hope the truth is revealed soon. Tnx for the support. #MAFS

  14. I don't know if there are any family law attorneys who can speak from experience, but I can't imagine that it is all that difficult to get a temporary order of protection. I can't imagine that the city wants to take the chance of someone in a dangerous situation not getting an OoP and being killed by a former domestic partner. I wonder when his court date re: the OoP is. Playing devil's advocate, let's say that the reunion was a shit show, and Ryan and Jess split up shortly afterwards. He posts those things on instagram, she gets pissed, and gets an OoP based on (verbal?) abuse that took place during the marriage that may or may not be substantiated in court. I don't know. Ryan is trash but I think that I'll have to see what happens in court. It's hard for me to believe that production would be so morally bereft as to manipulate someone in to forgoing filing an OoP. That seems evil. But who knows. I hope that Jessica is safe and that Ryan and his friends cool off. He's looking more and more like an impulsive (and possibly dangerous) person with all of the rants he and his friends are posting.

    Jess took out the protection order on Thursday the day the insider information came out, Ryan was served Friday and he started his instagram campaign on Saturday. So I think it was the other way when the insider info became public Jess knew the crap was about to fly so she tried to protect herself.

    • Love 2
  15.  Many times matchmakers make mistakes, but they don't make too many mistakes when they have time to talk with and interact with someone.  I think the problem with this show was time.   The experts really didn't have enough time with these people.  I mean how could an expert have known that Ryan had an anger problem?  People on this board figured something was wrong because of how he treated Jessica on the honeymoon.  And you really, really can't tell 100% because people aren't robots and there is no one healthy way that people behave.  What I think happened is that the experts were rushed and picked who they did, but now they can't say that the producers rushed them because they don't want to lose their gravy train or get sued by producers and the network.



    In Dr C's own words they knew



    Sorry to be so absent, but things are REALLY hectic with Season 3 getting underway.

    There was much discussion and debate about Ryan D's issues with expressing anger appropriately and having the capacity to be very hot tempered at times.  The potential difficulties posed by this tendency of his in combination with Jessica's sensitivity were very thoroughly considered.  I believe some of this was highlighted in the Matchmaking Special.

    Jessica sometimes has difficulty expressing herself frankly and clearly, particularly when it comes to emotional issues.  They both demonstrated siginficant insight and awareness around these tendencies.  They (and we the experts) ultimately felt that there was a potential for them to help eachother grow in the areas they both needed to.  Ryan learning to be more patient/less reactive by being matched with and learning to be sensitive to the needs of a more sensitive and less overtly communicative spouse.  And Jessica learning to buffer her sensitivity a bit and communicate more freely and directly. 

    They both expressed that they felt strongly that a spouse that could complement them in that way and help foster growth in the ways they each needed was rather striking.  For me, having such a keen awareness around this and apparent desire and motivation to foster personal growth for themselves in this way through their marriage was what utimately convinced me that the potential benefit and complementarity outweighed the risks.

    With that said, Ryan's anger issues and reactivity became troublesome (as you are seeing) rather quickly.  Many of the reactions and behaviors that are being discussed here were surprising to us, even though I was well aware of the issues with anger and reactivity.  He is an interesting dichotomy of quite thoughtful, intelligent, mature and insightful when it comes to certain issues and situations, and quite the polar opposite of these traits in others. 

    One of the things that I'm learning about my assessments for MAFS is that my instruments give very accurate and powerful measures of personality that are really seeming to be very on target in the context of the experiment, however, measures of personality are not measures of maturity.  There are really no instruments that can give accurate information about that. 

    I think in some cases, much like a child often "regresses" to previous levels of maturity when tired, sick or under stress, adults can have their own version of this reaction.

    More importantly, however, is what is turning out to be the big wild card of the experiment:  the way these individuals are actually affected when the experiment begins and they reality of being married to a stranger (and everything be documented on film) acutally hits.

    His full response is here http://community.babycenter.com/post/a55825153/married_at_first_sight_season_two?cpg=48 2nd post down

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