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Posts posted by crazychicken

  1. I am confused by Leah's rants it likes she never finishes her thoughts



    Leah D. Calvert ‏@TM2LeahDawn  4h4 hours ago
    By "winning the case" ... it's not okay to put legal situations out in social media at such a time like this. Every human that was included


    She is the one that has put it on social media, there is not a peep from Corey about custody and I don't get what she means by "winning the case" I thought the final decision was going to be made in December.


    Might I just say I regret going to Leah's twitter to see if I could figure out the context, the amount of followers that are telling her the Corey has never been involved with the girls is sickening.

    • Love 4
  2. Can someone please explain to me why physical therapy "isn't necessary" for a child with a MUSCULAR disorder? Wouldn't consistent physical therapy play a primary role in helping maintain the child's health? I'm kind of thinking that the recommendations of Dr. Tsao trump Sad Panda's opinions in this arena.

     It is a head scratcher for me as well. There is a line of thinking that muscles strength needs to be conserved and everyday living/movement is enough of a strain for a person with muscle dystrophy and to do anything further will damage the muscle fibres. But (and it is huge but) from our experience of physical therapy for DS it is not pushing him to keep up with his mates, it is more gentle strengthening over time using stretching, massage and gentle exercise (swimming, core strengthening on fit ball etc)  help with co ordination and both fine and gross motor skills. Most importantly it is about finding the balance between improvement without causing further damage and for DS to learn his limit so that he can limit his activities before he gets to tired and sore.

    • Love 3
  3. I do not know who is dumber in that clip Leah and her Ali missed A LOT of therapy and school but it was reasonable or Dr Drew and physical therapy is not necessary.


    Our DS has mild Muscle Dystrophy and his first form of treatment and most important was physical therapy to keep the muscles flexible and build strength. His therapist also has a much better idea of his physical development and it is her recommendations that the school and doctors work off. There were days that DS was tired at both school and during therapy but the teacher and his therapist adapted on those days and worked with him. For the first 2 years of school by the end of the week he would need to take an afternoon nap, so they set up a 'quiet' corner in his classroom, during lunch and recess if he was having a bad day he would go to the art room with a group of friends and refresh. Therapists are trained to adapt they are not some ogre that is going to force a child to do therapy if it causing pain.


    If Ali had not had physical therapy from early on she probably would not have walked.

    • Love 6
  4. Cosign I want the ever patient *eyeroll* Doug to tell Jamie that her behavior is not acceptable and he will not lie down and be her whipping boy anymore. I also want to see the real relationship between Cortney & Jason she has always been the wise patient saint but on the reunion she said that she had kicked Jason out of the apartment more than once. I do not want to see any experts especially the smug Dr C defending his pet Jamie.

    I am so cynical when the show started I was really rooting for the couples to work now I am hoping for drama.

    • Love 1
  5. Does anyone think the producers care how annoyed many viewers were with the over the top promotion of Jamie and Dr. Cilona's excessive protection and devotion to Jamie? Especially since they got such high ratings?

    I think as long as they get the ratings they do not care about anything else as evidenced by the spin off. Having a tv camera in your face for the first year of marriage is going to add strain to an already new relationship but hey the network gets more ratings so lets do that. The producers say that it is more documentry style than 'reality tv' with little producer interference so it will be interesting to see if that continues in the spin off. I love how mature Cortney was but it was boring, Jamie claims that she has learnt her lesson and her behavior has changed but I am incredibly sceptical. If it is just shiny loving relationships then I am going to be bored. It was the bad behavior of Monet, Vaughn & Jamie that seemed to generate the most dicussion and now we only have Jamie left.

    I really do have my fingers crossed for Jason & Cortney that they make it long term, but then I do wonder if we will see more fights that bring the ratings. Jamie & Doug I hope we do see an improvement in Jamie's attitude but life long reactions can not be broken that quick no matter how many time she tells us that Dr C changed that with his super amazing session. While Doug is 'tough' in Jamie's words and the abuse doesn't bother him I can not imagine his family & friends sitting back and saying that the treatment he recieved was alright. I could not imagine going to work and my co workers seeing my wife treat me like and dog and not give their opinion either. That has to put extra stress on the relationship as well.

    If the spin off turns out to be a Jamie redemption arc I am going to be annoyed.

  6. Yeah I finally watched the full episode and there was a weird vibe from Doug all I can say is thankfully he is not willing to jump into pregnancy unlike him wife now that she knows its twuuu love *cough cough*. I am so not buying Jamie's miraculous turnaround on how to maintain a good relationship after the amazeballs "Dr's" session. How the heck does she go from he lies, therefore he will beat me and I will be stuck with the kids to I want babies now in 4 months . Everytime she opened her mouth during the show I just wanted to shout.


    1. Children are not mandatory

    2. You can spend some time getting to know your partner before bringing spawn into the mix there is not a time limit

    3. He will lie again, hey I would lie on purpose for fun just to see your head spin again if I married you.

    4. Abuse is not just physical numbskull how about you analyze your own behaviour, because you are far from perfect.


    Now that there is the spin off I think Jamie is going to cling on a bit longer, I thought she would be doing the tearful media rounds by now boo hooing about the evil untrustworthy slub she married but the experts were so great so it was not their fault blah blah blah.

    • Love 1
  7. Common sense from Janelle & Nathan  really is not that common. If they are so worried about moving him away from his school friends etc and what is best for Jace here is a truly novel idea, why don't they move their backsides closer to him. Neither of them work so what is stopping them from moving closer so that Jace still has some security from a familiar setting. As a bonus when they are 'never fighting' again at 2am then Barb doesn't need to drive over an hour in the middle of the night, you know because Janelle couldn't possibly move her backside from bed because she is so worried about Jace hearing it.


    I think Barb is biding her time until the inevitable Janelle/Nathan explosion and Janelle comes running back with Kaiser that is if she can make it out of the bedroom.


    Leah if Corey is texting you weekly that him or his family is willing to take Ali to therapy how does that not translate to he is looking after Ali's best interests and accepting her condition. On the topic of appointments I have seen Corey, Miranda as well as his parents at Columbus so no you have not done all the medical for Ali, just because he can not make every appointment does not mean that he does not care.


    OT slightly where did Lee come from, I thought in 16 & P that it was just Dawn and her brood with no mention of Lee then he popped up with his crap always supporting Leahs butt but I can't remember when.


    Kail just grrr really still going on about Issac messing out on the beach and how traumatized he will be, guess what my parents never split but all of us kids (6)  missed out on some holidays because my parents took us in groups of 3 to maintain sanity and plus we could never get big enough accommodation we survived and quite frankly did not care. At the moment DH is  interstate and he only took one child the remaining one does not care because we are eating way too much takeaway and I am not limiting his electronics time, he thinks it is awesome to be home.

    • Love 2
  8. I thought I remembered Jenelle and creepy Nathan making a big fuss about creating a bedroom for Jace for when he slept over on weekends? Didn't that room used to be Jace's? Where's Jace's bed? Why isn't there a bed in that room for Jace?

    I thought the same at first until I rewatched, Jace's room is blue and next door to Kaiser's. Kaiser's room looks like where they had the computer and ottoman when they were doing the shower invitations. So at least they didn't take Jace's room that would have been another dagger to his little heart.

  9. I have just watched the episode and something Javi said just jumped out at me when they were discussing the 6 weeks, Kail said it will be hard and Javi replied with "well if you want to give him up" WTF way to be supportive your wife is struggling with not seeing her son and you tell her she is giving him up. Javi you are a douche.


    To answer my own question from before Jace still has a room, when they were getting ready to go to the hospital his room was blue and next to Kaisers room/office. Thank you for at least not taking that away Janelle & Nathan.


    Jeremy once again you can shut up you out douche Javi. Leah I do not feel sorry for poor Jeremy for marrying a woman with 2 children and an ex husband having to deal with court and the emotions involved, you know because he thought the divorce would mean it was over. Maybe it would help if you stopped taking you ex to court this is your second filing and Corey responded so how is that Corey's fault that poor Jeremy has to deal with it again.

    • Love 3
  10. I have a question is Kaiser's room Jace's old room, I can't remember where his room was in Janelle's house. I know he was sleeping with Janelle in her room when Nathan was in jail but when they first got the house I thought they made a big deal of Jace being able to stay as he had a spiderman?? room. I could just be confused though.

    • Love 3
  11. Hang on did I hear right Dr C comments that people from Jamie's background normally have a romanticised view of the perfect relationship/family. Jamie wants babies before telling her husband she loves him (after 4 months when the reunion was filmed) but it is a sign that she is all in and trusts Doug now. WT is no expert willing to say to Jamie slow it down lady your expectations on your perfect family are way to high due to your upbringing go and get some counseling sort your crap out.


    My takeout from the reunion was the experts do not like being called out especially Dr C, the death glares they were throwing Monet for not being willing to sit back and take abuse from her perfect match, but all smiles and praise for Jamie because in all the interviews I have seen she is praising the experts.

    • Love 3
  12. I think Corey's been incredibly accommodating when it comes to Leah, her whims, her living situation, and the girls' needs. It's water under the bridge now but I feel like he probably would've gotten more visitation and it would've cost him less (per month) if he'd gone through the courts and pushed the issue to begin with. I'm not saying he should have, but I wonder if it would have been a wake up call for Leah that she doesn't just get to dictate what happens.


    I think that is why Leah is so riled up now, Corey has always seemed to give in to keep the peace as he does not want to fight in front of the girls. He is finally taking a stand and not letting Leah dictate so much and she is now getting vindictive. Heck he went along with a truck broke up their marriage and even in later episodes he does not correct it when Leah throws it at him. Corey is a better person than me I would have said 'no your cheating arse broke us up both times'.

    • Love 4
  13. I have not seen the reunion but I think if you are going to claim that super duper CIA level testings will weed out all the liars and fame seekers with over 120 categories then they need to see what is clear in front of their faces. Monet is 33 has career focused and wants the same in a man, Vaughn is just a chauvinistic pig that wants a woman to cater to his every whim.

    • Love 8
  14. If my memory isn't faulty I think when Leah cheated the first time and Corey moved out he continued to pay all the bills for the trailer as he didn't want Leah to have to worry about money as she had enough on her plate with the twins and school. That for me was a stand out moment for Corey as I could not imagine too many guys reacting like that after being cheated on. I think he was also asking to take the girls to his dads house to have time with them but Leah was refusing and only allowing the girls to go if she was present.

    • Love 6
  15. Absolutely crazy, they haven't even known each other for 6 months. If Jamie thinks children will complete her fairytale she is delusional, children add so much stress to a relationship. Not to mention that Doug does not seem to have a great job history, why add a bigger financial burden to a new relationship if your biggest fear is poverty. I will not even go into Jamie's miraculous recovery from her issues after having one session with Dr C.

    • Love 3
  16. Jeremy can shut up, so Corey is a bad dad because he asks for extra time with the girls when he has events etc that he wants to take them to, yet you are a great dad when the limited time you are home from your job your mother has your daughter so you can bitch about how bad a dad Corey is WT.


    On the page that flashed on screen with the Leah/Corey situation it said Leah wants it court ordered that Cory must follow all instructions provided by medical doctors. Again WT yes Corey is reluctant to use the wheelchair but from what I have seen he is not beating Ali up and making her suffer, at the zoo they hired a pram, you see him and Miranda carrying Ali at times. The girls are well feed, clean and loved and both Jeremy and Leah are bitching about him not looking after the girls.


    Javi can also shut up, it is not one day you are taking away from Joe the vacation is a week idiot.


    Jace is just too sad to comment on, that poor child.

  17. I decided to suck it up and watch the finale online after quitting the show earlier, I made it to through first 1 minute 14 seconds before turning it off with Dr Peppers declaration that they will now stay together permanently. Then to be followed by a divorce after 5 weeks of marriage is worse than a relationship break up. Get stuffed you can not tell me a 5 week marriage to a stranger that you did not chose for yourself is more important or more painful than a relationship. If the legal implications of divorce are so freakin bad then why the heck did they not consider the legal implications of marrying a stranger.


    So I am now content with just reading other peoples opinions and snark.

    • Love 4
  18. QUESTION: If they offered a sequel reality show to one couple, which one would you watch, The Jamie and Doug Show or The Carry-Ons (Carrion's)?

    Toss up for me. I like the Carry-Ons but Jamie is very entertaining.

    I vote Doug & Lady she treats him with love and respect.

    • Love 6
  19. For the love God, please tell me you took some artistic license in transcribing this nausea-inducing anthropomorphic ode to a frickin' house----a frickin' house!!!!!

    The house should have been the back drop for their lives, but right here, Hedy has given it a starring role in their "return to TV". If there was any question in my mind that the Dubrows are not fame-whoring, shallow, pretentious, materialistic dweebs, that notion has been obliterated.

    That is word for word what was written I don't think I could have made it sound more pretentious if I tried. My jaw seriously dropped after I read it I assumed the longer piece would have been about their children and memories. I do wish Hedy would learn about paragraphs it hurt me typing it out and not correcting it.

    • Love 11
  20. I was hoping the decisions had been made by now, I want to know the outcome but stopped watching the show after the beat down Jamie gave Doug over the cig. I still hope Doug realizes that Jamie is a nut bag and he deserves better and Monet punched Vaughn in the face before telling him hell no.

    • Love 2
  21. Just because I am a dork I paused to read all Heather had written


    Dear Terry


    We got the lot. Those four words changed the course of our lives in many ways.
    Buying this parcel of land and creating this amazing home solidifies our lives in Orange County. We owe this project for the many opportunities we've had.

    Although we only lived in this home for three years it saw some major life changes for us personally and professionally.

    The most significant being the miracle addition to our family. We were so blessed already with our children Nicky, Max and Katarina. Yet how could we ever imagine it without being filled by the laughter of Collette?


    Our family was completed in this home. This home was also a key player in our journey back on TV.  The house became a character on its own in many ways.


    Interestingly I don't think we ever felt like it was our 'final home' More like a stop along the way.

    Beyond all of the bells and whistles, the movie theatre, heated towel drawers and a closet for the TV, this house represent the best of us.


    An amazing collaboration of style and spirit. A beautiful backdrop for our amazing lives. We are blessed.


    Look through these pages and see what we accomplished together. Remember the journey and be proud.


    Can't wait to do it again.


    Love Hedy.


    Now I am off to puke

    • Love 13
  22. 62Great I thought that was you under a different username, don't worry I got slammed and some rather rude messages as well for questioning the great doctor I just laugh at the suckups.


    If Jason walks away I think he will regret it done the line. Funny with Cortney being the youngest yet she seems the most mature of the lot. I really have my fingers crossed for this two.


    Monet & Vaughn I was bracing myself for a fight and was disappointed when they were communicating (yes I am mean). Wasn't Dr C so  sure tonight that they were so compatible, I think he was just saving face on the whole mess. Even when communicating with each other I saw no real connection, for the people that jump into bed at every opportunity they sure don't show any connection outside the bedroom.


    Doug still needs to run Jamie defiantly has passive aggressive down well if he does stay he needs to lay some boundaries or Jamie is just going to keep on with the hurtful comments. Who am I kidding as soon as Doug says something she will berate him like  a little boy about his lack of understanding of her past. How many times can she tell Doug she is not feeling it with her little jokes and he laughs along. I just get the feeling she is playing to the cameras.


    I was only half watching as quite frankly I am over this crap but didn't Jamie say she had done nothing romantic for Doug to his face but then in the talking head talk about all she had done for him as she realizes marriage is give and take (in there case all take on Jamies part and all give on Dougs)

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