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Posts posted by crazychicken

  1. Just now, Marisagf said:

    Does the "invitation" even say were the place is located?

    You are right that woman is seriously stupid as the address is not listed on any social media accounts and the website is down, the only reference is Austin Texas so after some googling I found the ribbon cutting listed on the local chamber of commerce site, went to google street view and found that it was previously a frozen yogurt shop that moved to a new location in April 2015.

    So after all that if you want to pop in it is at

    2127 Lohman's Crossing Rd
    Austin, TX 78734

    This is what the previous store looked like

    Fresh & Fruiti

    Will be interesting to see if Farrah redecorates

    • Love 5
  2. Just when I thought I couldn't get more disturbed I stupidly looked at Farrah's instagram after I bleached my eyeballs I saw that Fro Co is opening next week.

    In related news I do not know who Coaxme19 is but they have my eternal love for their comment




    • Love 4
  3. Good catch on TR's hand in the photo. First thing I noticed was that the two living room photos were not taken at the same time, there are a lot less photos in the shelving in the loftview. Plus the girlses are in bed in the bedroom photos, nothing like having to have proof so bad that you disturb your kids (the tv is on but I still go with it could have waited until morning)

    The fresh vacuum tracks plus furniture placed up for cleaning says to me that her house was not in such a clean state in the hour before the photo was taken. The cynic in me says maybe she had to show photos in court of the state of her house during one of the custody hearings or she was expecting an inspection after the girlses 'lied' about how dirty the house normally is.

    • Love 6
  4. Yes, it is indeed the same trailer! I was also wondering how come there was such a friggin' hoard in that place. Shit everywhere. Wouldn't it be fairly empty if nobody had been living there? Makes me wonder if Jamie has been renting it out.

    Jamie commented that she bought it through Rent to Buy and she was passing on the favor to her friend, so she has probably been living in thr trailer for a year or more already. It also was not some grand gesture of commitment to Doug now that she is secure in her marriage after her miracle therapy session as she has known that she would be signing the trailer over on completion of payment for a while.

  5. I have not seen the early episodes for a while now but I thought original recommendation for the wheelchair was for sustained activities like longer outings and days she is already tired etc and that in normal play she was encouraged to do as much as she could without tiring herself.While I am not certain on Ali's form from my understanding mild excercise is good for the longer term prognosis, children are encouraged to build as much muscle as they can before they reach their peek at about 7, this helps with muscle contractions and staying mobile longer. Now that we see Ali falling so much I do see a need for her to use her wheelchair in more everyday activities to conserve her energy and hope it reappears soon. I do not hold out much hope for it to be used as Leah can't even summon the energy to feed the girls or brush their hair, so if it comes back it will probably remain in her car as it would be too much effort for Leah to load and unload it.

    • Love 1
  6. From Jeffs twitter

    There are many words to describe Aliannah Hope, none of them are "liar." #sweet #intelligent #beautiful #inspiring #honest #blessing #lovin

    Normally he is diplomatic about Leah but it looks like insulting Ali was a step too far for him, he has also responded about texting and driving being illegal in WV

    • Love 14
  7. With all the drama Corey has gone through with Leah I would not have held it against him if he ignored Addie, instead he showed he is a bigger person than Leah. I wish that Jeremy and Corey could share custody of baby Addie to give her a chance.

    • Love 14
  8. Jamie was trying so hard to make it Doug's fault when discussing it with everybody. First of telling Doug not to place the blame on her with her trust issues after he apologized and then took her to dinner, then Pepper telling her to get therapy again. Her last resort was Bonnie and she looked shocked when Bonnie suggested that therapy would be good for Jamie it is like she expected Bonnie to take her side and tell Doug to just accept her nagging and all.


    While Doug spending so little time at the wedding was a crap move, I can see why he wants to spend so little time with Jamie since she is always right and always needs to be reassured. I do see his point about Jamie not following through, from the start Jamie has admitted that she has trust issues and needs therapy but 18 months later she is still not gone and just expects Doug to accept her condescending attitude and then in the least surprising move ever it looks like she is going to film her therapy as well.

    • Love 3
  9. I hate that she wrote a book and I hate that I will read it the day it comes out.

    Can you please review it, I want to know how she could have written a book about her marriage and promote it as inspirational when 6 months ago her husband could not have been more checked out, preferring to drive 5 hours rather than spend a night in a hotel with her.

    Much as I hate to side with Jamie, Doug is huge dick. Poor Jamie people were rooting for them as Doug was so patient and seemed a catch now everybody knows that he is a unmotivated douche all while Jamie is trying to maintain the fairytale facade so she can be a z list celebrity.

    Cortney also needs to shut up, instead of thanking Jason for showing she was important by changing schedules she used it to bash him about the lack of a ring again, if I was Jason I wouldn't present one to her until she shuts up because as soon as he does she is going to want something else to prove his commitment.

    • Love 1
  10. We have a family friend with a son with MD and from diagnosis she has spent so much time refining his diet to ensure that he gets the best nutrients to aid with muscle strength. As soon as he was diagnosed she was referred to a dietician who helped with some of the things that needed to be eliminated like bread pasta and to boost protein and vitamins that aid him so they can prolong his mobility and life. From my understanding that if the best thing she can do for him along with making sure he gets lots of vitamin D to help with the absorption of the vitamins and minerals as well as light exercise regularly. I can see Leah throwing a multi-vitamin at Ali the day before a check up so in her mind she can claim that she has made sure Ali gets all the nutrients she can and think has the same benefit.


    It makes me quite annoyed thinking that she is shortening the time that Ali will have mobility due to her lazy arse thinking that pills and dicks are more important than her daughters health.

    • Love 10
  11. Sleuths- is this really Leah's house?


    I could believe it if so.




    The cladding looks the same to me to a pic she posted on twitter of her front porch and I believe that she would have no problems with throwing all the mess into the garage so that he house looks cleaner while filming.


    Now I feel even more sorry for those girls if that is the mess they are being raised in.CZhEyziWcAEV9hq.jpg

    • Love 4
  12. Here is the tweet for non SM folks



    So it is now just Pepper, hopefully with the new experts and new super secretive CIA test they also add in some common sense so I can go back to rooting for the couples and enjoying the show.


    It also has not taken long for the season 2 girls to align themselves with Ashley while dissing the other girls, classy as always.



    • Love 1
  13. I don't think Sam was defacing anything by writing in pencil on the back: The End and adding Ex to wifey. She obviously had written the Our Story and signed it Wifey and since Neil wanted a divorce, what was she supposed to do with it. Sam has issues and didn't start things off right-I honestly see it as immaturity and anxiety more than anything else. Neil remains a complete mystery to me. People see his blank stare and unemotional state and say it means he is a wonderful, loving man who is affectionate, works hard at the marriage, has lots of friends and interests etc. But in reality we don't know any of that. We know too much about Sam, but nothing about Neil.


    I think it's possible they may get back together once the cameras stop rolling-who knows. 

    It wasn't Sam's canvas to deface though she gave it to Neil as a wedding present, if he wanted to deface it that is his choice if Neil broke the set of Big Spoon Little Spoon that he gave Sam then I am sure she would have had something to say about it. Even after his decision to divorce he might have wanted to keep the canvas as a memory of their journey together now he gets to remember her childish reaction. By her actions I think Sam only confirmed to Neil that she had not changed that much and he made the right decision and that was before the passive aggressive conversation.

    • Love 7
  14. Didn't Sam and Neil meet up a week after Decision Day, not the very next day? That's how I remembered it. Can anybody who recorded the show check?

    I think it was the next day as Sam referenced leaving the night before as she was upset and embarrassed that is why I think her being alright with things was all for show. With her commenting more than once that Neil should have waited just one more day to tell her says to me that it was getting dumped on TV hurt her more than the divorce


    Sam obviously went back to the house after the decision because when Neil picked up the painting Sam gave him before the wedding was defaced, which I think was a bitch move and proves to me that Sam has not grown that much.



    • Love 11
  15. No problem. That's for a program in NY. Any info for an AZ course? I'm looking also. The "anger control" class on David's case docs is listed as a 10 session, 2-hour each class.

    That was the course that was accepted by the court to satisfy his requirements, the completion certificate was on file that is why I know he only did a 6 hour course. Since he moved I assume they let him complete his course in NY instead of traveling to AZ.

  16. Anyway.....


    I think:


    1) Vanessa and Tres stayed together after the six week mark, but are no longer currently together.

    2) Sam and Neil stayed together after the six week mark, and are still currently together. But I do suspect he said no at first.

    3) David and Ashley....do I need to even state my "prediction"?


    I know all couples have to keep up the pretense that they are together, but Sam's SM activity seems a little OTT if they aren't together. Either he dumped her and she's trying to get him to change his mind somehow by tweeting about how great he is or she's doing it for some sympathy. But I kind of don't buy that. There's a line between keeping people guessing for contractual reasons and declaring her love for him/expressing how great he is nearly every tweet. 

    I agree with your predictions


    What I hope happens is that when Neil says no Sam goes into a hulk smash rage, bangs Logan & Joe's heads together knocking some sense into them and they realize that matching people with anger issues is stupid

    • Love 6
  17. Anger control is still listed as ten, 2 hour courses. Either way, he's lying.

    Have a look at the program he completed, it is a 6 hour, 1 day program. They talk to the individual and then refer on if they feel the participant needs further help. So he could have done just 2 hours and they felt he learned from the situation and was not a threat.




    Edited to correct the link

  18. Looks like David was lying in his People interview...  https://twitter.com/UhOSpaghettiO/status/702248341774716929


    Documents show a 26 weeks anger management course...  Not a 2 hour DV course.  Physical contact with the GF and threatens to "slit the throat" of his brother.


    David also told police that the GF was sleeping with a co-worker, not his brother.  Interesting that he would throw his brother to the wolves like that.


    ETA: source article http://www.intouchweekly.com/posts/married-at-first-sight-david-norton-ashley-doherty-91734

    No it shows he was ordered to do a 26 week DV course but was allowed by the court to substitute it for a 2 hour anger management course.

    • Love 1
  19. I think the backlash is from Ashley's friend constantly pointing to the tweet (HipHop???)  that was posted in December a few days after the season premiere, they started the smear campaign before the wedding episode was even on TV. When nobody really picked it up and investigated, they told that all would revealed about David's character and waited until textgate when people where not angry about that the twitter campaign really stepped up.


    The original tweet from memory said that he held a knife to his girlfriends throat, when the record came out and the charges didn't fit they started the burner twitter account and said a family member was involved but not his brother. The burner account has changed stories a few times now, all while claiming they have the police report and mug shot and they will be released within hours, then days and now they have given them to the media for release on Wednesday.


    Whoever the burner account is, they really are vile IMO


    Carrie may not have been aware of the charges for all we know, David said there was a falling out with his brother due to the incident so his brother may have kept quiet out of guilt. I have brothers and I do not know every detail of their lives and quite frankly don't need to they are adults in control of their own lives, they also do not know everything about my life.

    • Love 10
  20. With the shit storm from Season 2 and Season 3 this show seems out of control.  I feel bad for the couples who married in Miami a few weeks ago thinking that Season 3 was not that bad.


    Can you imagine in the future nobody will go on this show unless they are friendly, perky, great people, no skeletons in their closet etc, clean lifestyle including family.  etc.  

    Are the Miami couples already married I thought they were still casting?


    With the shit storm that was season 2 I was amazed that any of the season 3 couples married, even before the insider information they had ragey Ryan & anxious Sean. First season we had Jamie 'issues' Otis & Vaughn then this season we had ball buster Sam and cold fish Ashley I do not know why anybody would sign up the track record sucks.

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