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Posts posted by crazychicken

  1. 2 hours ago, Mkay said:

    WTF I thought it was only a few months ago that Chinnelle shouted from the rooftops with photographic proof that UBT had visitation now. Color me shocked that he stuffed up any goodwill he had from the woman he abused by posting pictures of her son against her wishes. I am sure that the situation will improve now that he has set his leghumpers onto that evil bitch.

    • Love 4
  2. The dumb from DebzOG is killing me and if that wasn't enough she actually has leg humpers.


    I wonder how many copies she sold the first time round?

    • Love 5
  3. In the 2nd picture I think the sign says 'Do not call dad about food' that is weird first he is only dad to Maryssa & Eggsley and the baby can't read yet. While kids can be annoying as heck they should be able to express they are hungry. No wonder Kai calls out feed me

    • Love 9
  4. Let me guess we get to see her cry about how precious this pregnancy is after her miscarriage, how worried she is about losing another baby, how brave she is for not hiding her grief, how she is going to have an awesome mother/daughter relationship unlike her childhood, witness the birth (fluids and all), 5000 photoshoots and sone sickly sweet cooing over the awesomeness of being a parent all while sniping at Doug.

    • Love 3
  5. Wow Chris must have kissed some major arse in the last 48 hours he not only got to see his son he got to take him unsupervised and now Kail herself is bestowing the name Lopez on Suds. I think Hell just froze over so you may want a winter coat @JuliesMommy

    • Love 12
  6. I hate myself for knowing this but no that is not the baby momma, they have been dating about 12 months so that has to be a Messer record for no babies with a soulmate. Victoria's new guy appeared really quick after her split with hubby #1 from memory it was about 3 weeks before he appeared as 'the best daddy'. I noticed baby Oreo is missing as well.

    • Love 11
  7. 16 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

    I know decorating the tops of graduation caps is a thing now, but your baby's naked butt????

    But is is Suds it looks like a baby walking and Suds is to young

    • Love 7
  8. Thanks @druzy


    First good for Barb getting her entitlements I hope she really enjoys her retirement 


    Now onto Jenelle once again making no sense, so Kai was sick and I am assuming abandoned by his birth mother once again since UBT's mom was doing the custody drop. He was sick enough to require medication for a few days before said drop off but nobody mentions it to Nathan leading up to the exchange. Linda? forgets to tell Nathan due to him raging which is Doris's fault (I am going to assume it is about Kai being sick). Neither Nathan nor Doris find the medication in Kai's things and can't contact Jenelle so take him to the hospital themselves. Nathan tweets Jenelle and so she doesn't look like the crap parent she is try to put the blame back onto Nathan. These people are exhausting a simple message could have avoided the whole situation we know from Nathan's tweet that he asked if he was getting Kai for the weekend why the heck didn't parent of the year tell him and where is the medication. I smell fish.

    • Love 15
  9. I am with you @leighroda if I got a phone call like that I would be in the car quick smart.


    From memory the custody agreement specifically mentioned that Barb & Janelle were the only people allowed to physically discipline Jace so I am assuming that reasonable physical discipline is allowed in NC. Something more has to be coming down the pipe for the swamp dwellers they are trying way to hard to shut everybody up and throw suspicion elsewhere. They are getting more desperate by the day the C&D's came out only a few days before this report and I have no doubt the Janelle is the one who sold the story. They miss a custody weekend with Jace even though Janelle fought so hard for guaranteed access time.  It is suspicious to me that only the first page is was released so there are no details of what was said to the the police. We have Janelle's version from Raddar but I want to know what Jace said when the officer attended and if he listened to the recordings before the report was closed.


    Nice try swamp donkeys but no dice


    Edited to add, bet she got a beating after the call when she identifies herself as Evans we all know that UBT owns her arse now and she better make it clear that she is an Eason

    • Love 15
  10. 40 minutes ago, AirQuotes said:

    OK, thanks.  I get it now.  It didn't make sense to me because it is confusing to everyone! lol

    It is rather confusing so I googled him and confused myself even more. It is not listed as one of his offices but is within a block of the courthouse (401 Chestnut St) so it would makes sense that he has an office there instead of going back to Bolivia (which is his office we saw in the Kesha feathers in my hair era). He seems to know his clientele both his offices are opposite the jail for easy access, he has a flat rate fee that you pay online and he mentions that he believes in holding police members accountable for not doing there job correctly.  After reading his website my feelings for him have dropped Randy has deleted the tweet but she also mentioned that he never mentions he represented Jenelle but he lists it on his website. His bio also confuses me he list the JAG Corps as past employment 2001 but he never accepted the position and from my reading of his bio he only had a Bachelor of Art majoring in history and did not graduate until 2006 from Appalachian School of Law, Grundy, Virginia (articles written about him also say he never worked there but was offered the job). He seems to change partners pretty frequently he managed Sullivan & Williams  for 3 years but it is not mentioned on his bio, he then managed Sullivan & Snow which is in his bio for 4 years (still operating just not with him) before starting Sullivan Law this year. A quick google of his law school does not reassure me  if he was offered a position at JAG Corp and they were going to pay for his education why turn it down and go to a less than steller (according to Wiki ranked 178th out of 197 law schools in the USA) private school.





    Now back to the address another law firm (Rice Family Law) has offices there and they offer virtual services so I would not be surprised if while high they decided it would be a good idea to buy everybody a cease & desist letter all from the bathtub. What could be better for these idiots they can now go after people without even having to leave The Land



    • Love 10
  11. This is hilarious only the swamp donkeys could think that sending a cease and desist letter to half the population would scare them into submission especially since nobody has mentioned them since the reunion taping. I wonder if is specifically mentioned that they can not use the word balloon in relation to UBT.

    • Love 16
  12. It is really strange timing the season is over and they only time I have really seen any of the girls comment on them was the reunion fight and balloon gate and it was pretty mild comments. Part of me is hoping that MTV let Chinelle know that they are doing a behind the scenes reunion special so the brains trust thought if we send out these letters nobody can comment on what went down after it airs.

    • Love 3
  13. I know right who would have thought that inviting a gossip mag to cover your wedding and then calling off the wedding in a blazing row the night before would have created interest in the event. For my next wedding I know what to do so I will be famous, I learn so much from Janelle she always has great parenting and relationship advice.

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