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Everything posted by SevenStars

  1. I wish I liked the casting for Superman and Lois.
  2. SevenStars

    Iris West

    I'm trying to give Eric the benefit of the doubt when it comes to Iris simply because Candice seems happy with the direction of the show and she knows more than I do what is coming up in future episodes. But I'm pulling back on any hope I had for this season in regard to Iris.
  3. I suspected that too. The problem is, that would explain why Iris is acting the way she is but it doesn't explain why the other characters are showing no concern or comfort for her. The characters showing concern and care for Iris would show and acknowledge their care for her. It would acknowledge that they see her as a human being who is about to lose her husband, best-friend and the chance to have the daughter she met and wanted. The same way that Iris has shown concern for them, even when they were acting like nothing was wrong with them. Even when they tried to push her away. She still ask them about their feelings. The way other characters are being written regarding Iris is really badly writen because it shows that these people are not going to be there for her in her time of need like she has been for them. So this is either really bad writing or the writers wants us to believe that these characters truly believe that a strong black woman doesn't need concern or comfort because she is inhumanly strong. Either way, the optic is ugly.
  4. So Iris, who is about to lose her husband and best-friend is not going to get a scene with her and her Dad until 7 episodes after she has been dealing with the situation. Seriously, this is just bad writing if I'm correct.
  5. The fans who hated and complain about Iris being TF leader instead of Cisco can stop now because Barry personally pick Cisco to be the leader. It does feel like the writers are trying to "correct" things that a segment of the fandom have been hating Iris for. A segment I wanted them to ignore because that segment just hates that Iris exist in that skin. Anyway, I hope I'm wrong, so I'll wait and see.
  6. Iris desperately need a friend, and since the writers refuse to give her one outside of TF, I was hopping that Ralph would have become that. Hartley and Candice have great chemistry and work really well together. So I was hopping that Ralph and Iris would have been the friend that they both need. Iris wouldn't have to always be strong and saint like with Ralph. That she would be allow to have a friend, outside of Barry, who she could be open honest about her feelings and stuff. And Ralph would feel the same way. Barry get to have that with Cisco. I need Iris to have that. This arc is the perfect time to have shown this developing friendship and bond. Instead we get the same old, Iris trying to be there for Ralph, even while she is hurting and Ralph being a jerk. I hate that I keep harpy on this but this really disappointed me.
  7. Usually I try to see where the writers are going with a story, even when I disagree with it but I can't when it comes to Iris "story" in this episode. I really, really hated the writing for Iris in this episode. In this episode, Iris was basically the epitome of the "strong black woman" ugly and hurtful trope that writers love to put upon characters who are black woman. Iris is losing her HUSBAND AND BEST FRIEND. Someone who has been in her life for most of her life. But NOT ONE PERSON have botherd to asked her how she is doing. Not her Stepmom, not her Dad, not her so called friends, no one. Instead, we get one of her so called friend judging her harshly for trying to be there for him and helping him. We get her going back for more rude and jerk behavior from stupid ass Ralph. And if she hadn't continue to be so freaking concern about him, she wouldn't have even gotten a stupid weak ass apology. Like he wasn't even the one to go after her, after she sent her Dad to help him, after he was so totally rude to her. To top it off, the one time it seems like someone was coming to comfort her, instead they were just concern about how Ralph was handling the fact that Iris was going to lose her husband, best friend, and the love her life. Jesse and Grant was great in their scenes but I'm so pissed off about the writing for Iris that I can't even fully appreciate it.
  8. I think it has been like this for the past few seasons where Caitlin/KF are concern. At this point, I think the main reason we are seeing more KF than Caitlin is probably because DP enjoy playing her and she is much more love than Caitlin in the fandom.
  9. Barry didn't reveal himself as The Flash to Ramsey. This is why Ramsey was confident in challenging Barry to stop him from taking the dark matters.
  10. You are correct and I think the reason is because to the writers Iris is IT for Barry. Just the idea of losing Iris is impossible for Barry to deal with or accept. This is why when Iris is in danger, the writers show Barry ignoring everyone and everything in order to protect/save her. It is so much part of Barry that it feels force/unnatural in the few instances where he doesn't show too much concern when Iris is hurt or in danger. But with Iris, it is different. She has know from the jump that she was going to lose Barry. She has lost Barry more than once and he came back. I think her being the daughter of a cop, being use to loving someone who has a risky job, and now being married to one, has made her more accepting of lose. With all that said, I hate the writing of her already accepting Barry's death. I think it was done so the focus is taking off her and towards the other characters. Because Barry would not have been, and it wouldn't have been realistic for Barry to focus on others while Iris was fighting it. Also, they might just being doing it this way so that when the time come it will impact Iris more because she hadn't really accepted that Barry was going to die. She was just going along with it to make it easier for Barry to do what he needs to do.
  11. That could work but there would need to be a big reason why both Joe and Francine lied to Iris again and again.
  12. Yeah, the writers are so determine to make KF happens that they keep contradicting themselves. This time it was just one episode ago. Anyway, they can't fix this KF. They should just kill her off during the cross-over and bring a new one from another earth. One they can truly start from scratch with.
  13. I like the idea of Joe being from the future but I want this story mainly to change Francine druggie storyline and that can't happen if it is Joe who is from the future. But with that said, Joe being from the future would give Joe a storyline and I need Joe to have something this season. I hate that it seems like he has disappeared from the show.
  14. I love the idea that Iris might be from the future but I still want Iris to be Joe's bio daughter. So I need Wallace to find a way to make both be true, lol.
  15. I love Ralph and his Mom. I have really been enjoying Ralph. I wanted more Cisco/Iris. Wallace is trying hard with KF. I wish I cared enough to appreciate his effort. Instead, it just annoys me. I love Ramsey and Barry's scene in the lab. Good acting on both their parts. Looking forward to Iris' relationship with her co-workers. I miss Joe. This episode was mostly boring and wasn't as good as the others.
  16. I wonder who Wells think Iris is and why his wrist gadget beeped? I hope it is an interesting reason, like maybe Iris from his earth is a criminal or metahuman or from the future🙄.
  17. I'm just glad we want the same thing, for different reasons. I love Cisco and I don't want him with this snowflake character.
  18. Totally agree with this. I would have been more forgiven of this stupidity if they had done it because they had something better/more interesting they needed time to do. But they had NOTHING. It was basically a continuity of stupidity on repeat. I truly dislike that season. Westallen's child is the only reason I came back for S5 and S5 was so bad that I gave up half-way in and wasn't planning on coming back for S6. Wallace is the only reason I came back.
  19. We know her and Candice are not really friends, so she is just being honest in not promoting Caitlin and Iris friendship. I get that. But has she mention friendships with Cecile or Cisco current gf or past gf ?
  20. Yeah, I read some of the responses. DP wants Caitlin to be Joan's daughter on that earth. Desperation, lol. But giving her the benefit of the doubt, maybe she likes the actress who plays Joan and wants to work with her.
  21. SevenStars

    Iris West

    Unlike past seasons, Candice seems to be posting/promoting the show and Westallen more than usually. I think she might finally be truly happy there and the direction the show is taking. I'm glad.
  22. Stupidity. This is why even when I disagree with those who see her in the worst light, I find it hard to defend her. She plays into it.
  23. And you know the worst thing about those scenes is that it felt like the writers were not even TRYING. It felt like the writers were trying to gaslight us, by telling us how great Cecile is as a prosecutor/defense lawyer but intentionally showing us how TERRIBLE she was. Forget accuracy in the legally system, logic could have saved those scenes. It wasn't even the lack of accuracy that bothered me, it was the total stupidity of it all. It was so bad I wanted/wished that Cecile was intentionally being this bad because for some reason she wanted Barry to be find guilty. Even then, I would still have wanted Joe or Iris to notice and question her about it. But no, all the characters were praising Cecile and acting like her "best" just wasn't good enough, lmao. So she can't even be a good defense lawyer. I hope Wallace treats her better, us better, in her new career. I can't rewatch those scenes because they are so ugly terrible.
  24. If this is true, that means the writers knew almost from the start that DP/Caitlin would need a new pathway that didn't include Ronnie. So they could have easily done that, because at that point, they could have gone in any direction with Caitlin. The fact that they didn't, makes me question their talent as writers, their commitment to Caitlin/KF as a long-term character. This really makes me question wtf was going on behind the scene, because base on screen time it seems they were committed to the character/actor but base on the writing, it seems/feel like they really dgaf about the character, even now. So it might be that they like DP/ her good size fanbase/or her contract have certain requirements or they feel the need to have a white woman on the show as a counter to the black women on the show, any of those reasons could account for her screen time but they don't care about her character. I can see it being a combination of all these things or just one of them.
  25. Also, really, really bad performance in court during Barry's trial. I cringe whenever I even think of those scenes.
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