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Everything posted by SevenStars

  1. Didn't Candice said something about 6.10 being a good Iris episode?
  2. Also, this award was given to him by father-in-law, the man who raised him, and just got promoted to Captain. Like, some of his colleagues should feel some type of way about him getting this award. We, the audience might think that Barry earned that award, also understand that Joe probably gave it to him because he knows Barry is about to die, we have seen all he has been willing to risk and give up to protect the city. But base on the storylines, Barry didn't earn that award and Joe was wrong to give it to him.
  3. This explain why he has been so resigned to die. Why he accepted his death so calmly and quickly. He believe Flash is more important to the world than Barry Allen. This makes me mad at Iris and all of them for proven him right by not fighting harder to save him. Them just acting like Barry dying for the world/universe is acceptable and they can just jeep on moving without him is just wrong. So this makes me feel like Barry need better friends/families, lol .
  4. This episode reminded me of how beautiful Candice is. She has a really warm and approachable beauty that just radiates. I love the frame of Iris with her team. It was a beautiful shot. I like that Wallace have all of Iris' team members know about the Flash. It will make it easier to bring them into the fold and they won't feel separate or need to be separate from the main story. Wallace is clumsy about it but I think he is actually trying to give Iris something separate from Flash/Barry but at the same time keep her/team within the fold.
  5. I guess base on Candice tweets, there was a scene film with Iris and Joe. But it was edited out off the episode.
  6. We desperately need more Joe. I don't know if Jesse asked then to ease back on giving him screen time or not but this season story arc call for Joe to be on more. Like, Joe could have been the one who went to Westallen apartment to spend time with Barry and find him on the floor. They just need to bring Joe more into the story since his two children are basically in the center of it, one dying and one losing her husband.
  7. Yeah, the writing for Iris when it comes to Barry dying is very problematic for me. Honestly, this episode was one of the best. But because they keep ignoring the little details in the story that would make the Crisis story compelling and emotionally, I'm sitting here giving criticism instead of just praise. When all they had to do was show one or two scenes of the other characters showing concern for Iris, especially Joe. But I guess we might get to see that next week. Which will still bother me, lol, because it will feel a little too late.
  8. @phoenics you are so right about only Allegra showing concern for Iris. I mean it wasn't even because Iris was showing stress/worry about her husband dying, that Allegra noticed. Which would have reminded the audience that Iris is a HUMAN BEING, therefore she is stress/worry/depress about losing her HUSBAND. But no, Allegra only know this because she saw the headline of Iris' article. So it wasn't because Iris was being human. Also, Iris had a scene with Joe, her Dad, who knows that his daughter only have two days before she loses her husband and childhood best-friend but didn't bother taking a few minutes to talk to his daughter. He didn't bother to show concern or comfort for his daughter. Instead, he acted like it was business as usually. Dman, this episode was really good, so I hate complaining but I just can't let this go because the optic of it to me is so ugly.
  9. It seems like Eric decided to give into the #Original team Flash fans demands in wanting only Cisco/Barry/Caitlin in the lab. While giving Iris her own team, I guess to shut up her fans, lol. This was a really good episode in regard to Barry and Remsey. GG once again display his talent as a great actor beautifully. As for Westallen, I understood why they kept them apart because that ending couldn't have worked if she had been there when Barry was going through everything. But still, it felt wrong. It felt so wrong that it distracted me from fully enjoying the episode. Candice once again prove that she can make whatever little amount the writerrs give her good.
  10. I think the reason Baywoman is such a big presence is because it is a new show and they want to use the cross-over to help it gain success. As for Cisco being Vibe. Just because Earth1 Cisco is no longer Vibe, doesn't mean there is no Vibe on other earths. With that said, the PR people probably just didn't care and spoil Cisco gaining back his power.
  11. I guess now people can stop hopping anything will change when it comes West Allen physical intimacy, lol. And I totally, 100% disagree with CP about the Flash not being that kind of show when it comes to sex scenes. I don't know and might never know the real reason why we might never get that scene but this isn't it.
  12. I just don't like the idea of killing off a baby, even a fictional one, lol. I just want this baby gone.
  13. There are so few main women character on the show that I can't advocate this, despite the fact that I would have liked under different circumstances. The main problem with Cecile is that the writers felt like she needed to be more than just a side character on team Flash. So they made her Joe's baby mama, to tie her to the family in the center of the show (suppose to be) , then gave her power to tie her into team Flash. It just doesn't work because it feels like they are forcing her into the show. I wish the writers would sit down and really find a way to make her work without forcing it. As for the baby, they should have heroes do something to save Barry and all the world, that forces certain things to disapear/change, starting with the baby.
  14. I see your point and I especially agree with this point. This is what frustrations me about this season. It feels like Wallace want these characters to have screen-time and "bonding" time with Barry separately, but he doesn't know how to do that while still showing the urgency of the situation. This is why I said that I feel like everything being done with characters is season 1 stuff, where Barry have time to do this, is not schedule to die within weeks and this is their first time dealing with future events. It feels like Wallace is writing this story arc like this is a normal show without superheros/metahumans, who are used to making the impossible happen. And it might have work great if he was also writing the emotional beat these characters, especially Iris and Barry, would be feeling when face with impossible death. If he wrote it like Barry had a deathly disease. The parallel with Ramsey and Barry makes it more glaring to me because Ramsey is acting like TF should be, not the willing to kill people part. But the part where he knows the impossible is possible, so he is willing to look and find a way to make the impossible happen. In a nut shell, where the hack is the urgency ?!! Why should I care about Barry dying when no one else does?! I know the writers might show us most of these things 1 or if we are lucky, 2 episodes before the cross-over but by then it will feel like manipulation, instead of story telling.
  15. If this was the first season, I would totally agree with this. But this is happening in season 6, after TF have fought against what was destined to happened and won. After they have seen how easily the future can be change. So they know, nothing in the future is written in stone and can't be change. So them just accepting that the futures Barry has seen is ALL the futures that can come to past without first trying to get more info, is really lazy writing, inconsistent character writing and make all the characters look bad. Speaking of the characters looking bad, to add insult to injury after 6 years of being a crime fighting team, who at time had to do without Barry being there for months. It is truly insulting to have Barry acting like he needs to teach this team how to be leaders and fighters without him, when they did it before. I truly hated Barry's speech to Cisco because it made no sense and insulted the growth of Cisco that we witness for the past 6 yrs. I understood KF and even maybe Ralph because he is a come lately team member. But not anyone else on the team, especially not Cisco. So this writing is insulting to the characters and it makes me give Barry the side-eye, because clearly his opinion of his team is not great after 6yrs of working with them. As for the pregnancy thing, I agree with you. I don't want or expect them to try to have a kid right now. That doesn't seem right or fair to the kid. But I expect them to talk about the lose of that future kid. A kid they have alreeady met. But I'll wait for that before complaining because maybe the writers are waiting for them to meet Oliver's future daughter before showing them feeling that lost.
  16. I guess the promo department is going with the Caitlin who is popular with the fan base. Honestly, if I cared about Caitlin, I would not be happy with this.
  17. Hallucinating both and Nora would make sense. He witness his mother not given a chance to fight for her life. That means if he has that chance, he should fight. His past (Nora's death), present(life with Iris), and future( Nora, his future daughter) should make him want to fight. But base on past episodes this season, I'm not holding my breath that the writers care about what make sense. Ex: not bringing out Caitlin to work on a cure for Ramsey, instead using Cisco.
  18. Yeah, they will have to bring back Caitlin because KF can't be sitting behind things and not be fighting. We might be seeing more Ralph and Barry fighting combination later on this season.
  19. Congrats to her. I wonder how they are going to write around that.
  20. Which doesn't do the character or actress any favor. She lost out on a meaty storyline could have given her a chance to display whatever acting talent she has.
  21. For me, it is the writers. Joe and Barry were my favorite relationship on the show, even above Westallen as a romantic couple. But the writers ruined it for me by downplaying Joe's relationship with Iris and Wally. So now when I see Barry and Joe's scenes, I feel some type of way about them. I can't love/enjoy them the way I did before I realized that for the most part Joe/Iris&Joe/Wally relationship was just going to be use as plot point while only Barry get the actually relationship with him. So unlike before, I am just like whatever, when it comes to their scenes, despite the fact that Jesse and Grant have great chemistry together. Same way Jesse/Candice does.
  22. Since the West family is the heart of the show, I wish they would play up all the relationships within that family unit and not just Barry and Joe. I get why, Barry is the star, but it is not good story telling because it makes Joe looks bad and lessen the show.
  23. I get it but she didn't have to answer that way. Clearly her fans wanted that info, if they kept asking her. If it was annoying her or she didn't care, she didn't have to answer. It feels like a slap down to some of her fans. But I appreciate that she gave out the episodes she would be feature in more. It kind of make up for her first response to me.
  24. So people who have already seen 6×05 said that it is very Cisco center, and we only get maybe two small scenes with Iris and Barry. So I think those scenes will be when Barry suggest they go on a vacation and one scene for when they come back from this off-screen vacation. All that press and interviews, and this is all we are going to see, lol. I had a feeling the tradition of Iris/Barry being off-screen for their vacation would continue. Also, Candice did warn us that Iris wasn't really in this episode.
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