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Everything posted by grandemocha

  1. I just don't know what the hell is going on with the third season. We get John Ross saying he's not giving up on he and Pamela..yet you can clearly see in the preview for 3x10 (next episode) that he kisses Elena. What the hell? The show manages to create a good couple with a hell of alot of chemistry in John Ross/Pamela and they break them apart? Why? Just for pointless drama?
  2. Oh American children. Hah, if I spoke to my mother the way Grant talked to Elizabeth, I would've been slapped upside the head & more...affair or no affair. Carter is a hypocrite as usual. Who is she to tell Elizabeth how to behave..in any way? Definitely not condoning affairs or cheating, and shady Dad & Elizabeth definitely should divorce, but Carter pretty much has no right to tell anyone what to do ever, after all the shit she's pulled. I think I just hate smug teenagers. I think it's going to irritate me alot if shady!dad isn't exposed for his bullshit about his secret book by the end of the season. None of these people have the moral high ground yet the teenagers, especially Carter, try to take it 90% of the time. Crash disgusts me. He's such a loser yet I guess if I was still a teenage girl looking to rebel. he'd be the exact kind of dumbass I'd want to screw around with to piss off my parents. He gives me a hint of crazy too whenever he talks to Carter. Like he's one wrong statement from Carter away from snapping. "Now I look like a loser to my children, to Carter" -- THIS is the problem with the dad. He doesn't give a fuck about being a good, honest person, he just wants to be seen as the "cool" dad, the badass to the kids. He wants to get one up on his wife. He's a grown man, but he has such a complex about not being a loser that it engulfs his entire being. Shit, I wouldn't want to be married to him either if I was Elizabeth. He's a man child. Nothing more. He's so "wahh wahh, life didn't turn out how I wanted. Pity me." He manipulated Carter into letting him write his book. Asshole. He's been writing the book all along. Has the actress who plays Taylor never been high? Ending thought: They need to get Carter into some therapy..AND quick.
  3. Same here. Damn, I know I'm probably watching DALLAS for all the wrong reasons, but I loved them as a couple. Can't they scheme and deal together? Emma is so ordinary compared to Pamela. Ughh..John Ross.
  4. Did I mention already that I'm here for Dash and Ingrid as a couple? Because I definitely am. Could see those two working out. Hope the show doesn't go completely predictable and makes Dash a bad guy in this life too, that'd be so boring. Eva trying to get knocked up, haha, uh oh Freya.
  5. I think what I am personally finding so disappointing about the show is that I somehow got it into my head that GMW would be more like Good Luck Charlie in terms of (fairly) natural acting/reactions from the teen characters, and funny parents who manage to be integrated into the episodes seamlessly. The show so far isn't like GLC to me, it's more like "I didn't do it" or one of the other newer disney shows. The nerd kids in this episode were exaggerated stereotypes, someone on set needs to direct Rowan to give calm or normal facial expressions when she delivers a regular line and not act like she has ADD and Cory and Topanga are forgetting to give her Ritalin at breakfast. Something still needs to be done about Farkle IMO, I thought they'd fixed his character about an episode ago so that he wouldn't be so annoying, but he irritated me a tiny bit with the whole "Ohh, now we have a girl at the party who is pretty and smart. Let me ignore the other one who has been present the entire time"
  6. LMAO. Exactly! Cory and Topanga must have sheltered the hell out of Riley because she does act like she should be in elementary school.
  7. Will Cory ever make it through an actual lesson? Hah, I guess it shows that I'm too old to be watching this show because all I was thinking during the class scene was "If my kid was in this guy's class and never actually learned a damn thing because he was always off topic or his daughter and friends were constantly interrupting, I'd be in the principal's office immediately raising HELL!"
  8. What could possibly be done to make her sympathetic? She is acting like a straight up deranged asshole when she talks to Max, who is the only character smart enough to now see through her bullshit. Are we going to have some crappy OOC flashback where shady!Dad was snorting coke and Elizabeth was an abusive alcoholic who beat and neglected Carter so Lori was the gracious saint who liberated her from such awful awful parents? This lady is an unrepentant kidnapper. Nothing logical can be done to "make her sympathetic". But this is MTV, so I'm sure they'll try. And then fail.
  9. Soo....I see Carter is still leaking brain cells and rapidly losing any intelligence she once had. Absolutely no "Hey mom, why the fuck did you kidnap me 13 years ago? Are you really who they say you are? What's going on? Tell me the truth now" etc etc. It's looking more and more like my theory that this season is going to end with Carter leaving town with the kidnapper and Elizabeth and co. discovering it at the last moment. Cliffhanger! Lame.
  10. Her sister doesn't want to act right now.
  11. This is why teenagers shouldn't make important decisions like this. Carter just doesn't get it, she wasn't raised by a good woman and that obviously affected her. What she doesn't understand is that someone like Elizabeth has compassion for the VICTIMS that were harmed by the actions of the criminal. Justice has to occur. But Carter would rather just let them go.
  12. I think she's talented, so it'll be interesting to see what Lea does once she's not permanently tied to Glee anymore and a non stop schedule of filming singing and acting and dancing scenes. Glee is time intensive, I don't think anyone would dispute that, so the next year or two will be interesting to see for her and her projects.
  13. I know that? Did my comment come out wrong somehow? Because I agree with you.
  14. She's playing a single mother who is a waitress. She'll interact with Katey Segal's character, Gemma. Episode airs in October. No, not necessarily naive. Not every single escort out there is going to fuck their client/customer. But, and this isn't 100% of the time, your average prostitute is going to get tested for STDs much more frequently than a regular person just because (for example) a raging case of herpes won't earn you too many repeat clients, so it's good for them to constantly stay updated about the state of their sexual health. Even regular 9-5 people can easily get STDs, it's not limited to sex workers. The guy was apparently a gigolo/escort for a few months to a year and then quit. Also, I think Lea has been in the business long enough to recognize and get rid of moochers, scam artists, or just generally people who want to use her for money and fame. She's not dumb.
  15. Is Jamal still raping and abusing women? I tuned out after the second episode because I couldn't handle the possibility of seeing anymore of that. But I liked the general story.
  16. Exactly!! Like how is this grown ass man not even a little embarrassed that his wife has to ask her mother for money to bail them out of their financial difficulties? No sympathy for him. If he was any kind of responsible or helpful man, he would put aside the writing for the time being and get a job, any job that will give him a bi-weekly or monthly paycheck. His wife has a very difficult job that contributes to the household financially, but he does not. But no, he does stupid shit like buy his daughter a car that they can't afford just so she likes him more than Elizabeth. He wants to be the "cool and well-liked" dad and that is so annoying. ETA: Yeah, I know you're right, and of course they're out there, the shady dad just gets on my nerves.
  17. So damn tired of Carter screwing around with a drug dealer and an overall asshole. She deserves whatever bad shit will happen to her. Like how stupid do you have to be, even at 16, to think that a guy your mother arrested on fairly serious criminal charges, is a good guy to be around. Is all teenage rebellion this stupid? Lori is still batshit crazy. I like Max. I feel really bad for Elizabeth. Honestly, at this point, I hope Carter just leaves with her crazy ass kidnapper. Elizabeth deserves better. Saying that she was going to stop looking for Lori, the woman who took her child, is a very selfless thing for her to do. Yet Carter doesn't appreciate it. The preview/promo pissed me off. I really feel like this season might end with a cliffhanger, and have Carter run away with Lori again, and I'm not okay with that. Lori needs to have her psycho ass in jail. She STILL tries to act like she didn't kidnap a child and destroy a family. Disgusting. This scene irritated the hell out of me. He's such a loser. He and Elizabeth still should get divorced. They're not good together and it's certainly not a healthy example of a good relationship to show their children.
  18. Good for Lea for doing something radically different compared to Rachel Berry. Looking forward to her episode of SOA in October. It's going to be nice to see her play an adult that doesn't sing or dance.
  19. This show just keeps getting weirder and weirder. I kinda like it, hah! Was that Wendy's paramedic date getting killed and tentacle!attacked at the end? I can't believe they actually went there with the shapeshifter twins. Twincest!! Wasn't expecting that tonight. I also didn't think the dad was going to die, I thought Joanna would somehow save Victor. Are they setting up Dash and Ingrid? Because I think I could see it potentially working. The tentacle rape with Ingrid and that monster/guy is getting a little uncomfortable and I'd like an explanation for it soon.
  20. And I personally never did, as a fan of the show who watched all 10 seasons. I am so glad they didn't end it like that. Chloe and Clark separately were much better characters with their own individual love interests, than when they were together. I feel the same way here for Arrow. And if it doesn't, it'll just be a bone the writers threw to the large amount of Olicity fans to keep them watching. Honestly, unless the ratings for the show seriously dip, I ultimately think they'll stick Oliver with Laurel (..unfortunately). I think they're fine deviating from canon on some things, but not the major ones. Anyways, I do look forward to seeing more flashbacks this season to see what happened to Oliver after he left the island and who he met.
  21. Certainly not the best thing in the world (to me). It's just that I personally see no difference between Felicity and how Chloe Sullivan was on Smallville. Audiences that watch the CW have proven time and time again that they LOVE the nerdy, shy girl who secretly lusts after the hot hero, because they relate to her and want to be her. It certainly doesn't hurt that the actress is gorgeous and gets to be around someone as hot as Oliver. But it doesn't work to me, and never has. At least the writers of Smallville eventually had enough sense to let Chloe move on with her life and find happiness elsewhere, I don't think that's going to happen here. The constant babbling from Felicity and awkward comments she makes is enough to make me roll my eyes often. She's been working with Diggle and Oliver for awhile now, so I wish they'd have the character dial down the awkwardness. It's like the show runners feel the need to insert Cute Olicity Scene #___ into every episode to keep certain parts of the audience watching. To me, it adds very little. Fact remains, Sara or Laurel (personally I liked Sara more) are going to be the Black Canary. That is straight from the comics, and I enjoy when the show sticks to including things like that. I love the fact that they're bringing in Brandon Routh as Ray Palmer, because I can relate to the comics and I enjoy seeing that. I'd love to see more Nyssa, or maybe more hints of Ra's Al Ghul.
  22. The preview had way too much Olicity for me. I didn't enjoy Chloe Sullivan/Clark Kent when Smallville had hints of that, and I don't enjoy it in a new version on Arrow. I hope this isn't a sign of where the show is heading in the 3rd season: prioritizing the ship that has the loudest fans over more hero stuff. I don't really care too much for Felicity, haven't since Season 2, so I'm more excited for the introduction of Brandon Routh on the show and seeing the new Thea. ETA: Also wonder how the hell Laurel is going to be in Season 3, but I guess it's a wait and see approach.
  23. and possibly the ring, if gossip about any of this is remotely credible. Use it or lose it!
  24. How have cops proven themselves to be untrustworthy though? Is this something cuckoo Mom ingrained in her at a young age? That she shouldn't like the police? Yeah, exactly. That situation that the other poster presented is not at all even close to what Carter is dealing with right now. There's no equal comparison there.
  25. OT: But who did Shannen Doherty stalk?
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