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Everything posted by toodles

  1. With this group, there seem to be varying degrees of stupid. Some very and some only a little bit.
  2. Pride and ignorance goeth before the fall. And it's going to be a long, long fall.
  3. So now a new born baby is spewing religious vitriol? How low can they sink.
  4. I remember a tweet or comment on cj' s blog a few months ago that said meri left the family and more to come. I think the divorce was a for real divorce in every sense of the word.
  5. It was mentioned in the early episodes that kody has always needed to be the center of attention and one woman couldn't satisfy his needs. Ewwwwwwwwwwwww. I can't believe I just typed that sentence. Meri was young and hot for him. So they collected a harem for kody. Now he is stuck with pissed off women who are sick of his shit. So meri wants out and all he can do is sit there with a stupid expression on his face. All of their kids see what should be a private adult matter played out on tv and go to school the next day. This is not the first family to crash and burn on reality tv. But the whole situation is just disgusting.
  6. Among the many other atrocities of this lifestyle, the double standard is off the charts. It's not ok for meri to have an online romance ( however ill advised) but kody can chase whatever tail catches his eye and call it courting? Why oh why would anyone sign up for this?
  7. maybe it's expected, but I sure as hell would not want to be the for free babysitter. I take it she was lonely for adult company. She went about it ass backward. #polygamy sucks
  8. According to what I read elsewhere, the divorce was never supposed to be public. TLC had to scramble last year for a different ending when it all came out. But somehow it was leaked to the ebil internets. It was sold as a legal reshuffling and didn't make a damn bit of difference in the family scheme of things. Meri was dumped, plain and simple We saw it play out over this season. Her reaction to the necklace was so telling. She was dumped for the younger model but she can't find a new love because that's not how this works? Spiritual marriage my ass. Christine and meri expected kody to be a real husband. Joke is on them. What an f ed up deal.
  9. I said all along that the let's get a divorce for some stupid adoption scheme was a crock. Meri was dumped for Robyn plain and simple. And your husband just sits there like a lump because he is afraid of the truth? Tell us again how great this lifestyle is.
  10. van lady love (or something like that) played at their commitment ceremony. After that, meri started following them around (literally), tweeting about them around a 100 times a day. They have CD s for sale on MSWC.Danny gokey was on American idol a few seasons back. He is a good Mormon boy. He is from Utah. He sends godly tweets, which meri retweets on a regular basis. I don't know this for sure, but I think he performs at Mormon gatherings. Meri likes to keep up with his comings and goings.
  11. I'm sucked in to the marathon too. There are no words to describe the Brown adults. Oh wait, I just thought of one. Idiots.
  12. After the duggar and sister wives ugliness that played out recently, I'm ready for my favorite tv family to come back. I sure hope it's soon. I would settle for reruns, even though I've seen them all a million times.
  13. All of the above. It was just mean. Christine frequently does really stupid things and then is surprised when it turns out badly.
  14. I'm a little behind here since I just watched this today. How much of the show was spent on grocery shopping? I hate grocery shopping and I hate watching OTHER PEOPLE grocery shopping even more. WTH? I agree with everyone that said Christine needs a med adjustment. Girlfriend needs to take it down a notch or ten. And this may be extra mean, but the little Kody spawns need some speech therapy. Some of the littles have kind of an Elmer Fudd thing going with their "R" words. It makes them kind of hard to understand at times. I guess they will out grow it. I skipped through most of it. If I were Maddie, I think I would have been super pissed at them dragging that bad Maddie tape out again. It was cringeworthy the first time, but even worse this time. They seem like a nice couple and why her family thought it was OK to embarrass her like that is just beyond me. It wasn't one bit funny and I bet Caleb was thinking what a bunch of morons. He would be right too.
  15. Meri had her boy band crush and her days as their groupie for awhile. Then it was Danny Gokey. I think after her only child went to college she was really floundering. Then Kody dumped her like a hot potato for the newer, younger model. She was ripe for the picking, just for someone to pay some attention to her. My fantasy is she took Kody to the cleaners in the divorce, but I guess that's what I would have done. I'm sure there wasn't much to take, but that's beside the point. I believe the part about needing a friend. Yeah, there were lots of things she could have done to meet people, but she lived in that isolated plyg world for so long she obviously didn't know how. I think it must be pretty awful living in her skin right now. Then to have to go on tv and talk about what an idiot she was on top of everything. If I were her, I would be using the wet bar for more than pastries.
  16. I normally don't post this much, but for some reason this whole business bugs the everylovin' shit out of me. First the drama over having the baby, then the name, now the drumroll for the nickname. This kid is not the crown prince of fundie land. It's just the baby of two immature, ignorant, pompous, obnoxious people who have mastered the art of famewhoring. The problem with famewhoring is there always a bigger, better famewhore just around the corner. It's a short temp job at best. By the time Fishstick II arrives, no one will care one way or the other, let alone a People cover. Binjermin will have put his foot in his dopey mouth big time by that point and bye bye Seewalds. At least I can hope.
  17. I thought Spud too. But I'm marked down for fish because of the sturgen thing. But Spud would be cute. If it's good enough for Dolly Parton (a Duggar approved person) it should be good enough for Tweedle Dumb and Tweedle Dumber.
  18. I was at the airport today and saw the stupid people mag. To everyone who said people is the worst for putting tweedle dee and tweedle dumber on the cover on veterans day instead of a true hero was right on. What did they do beside make the first of many spawn. Just the worst.
  19. I'm calling this kid fish because it's easier to spell than his unfortunate given name.
  20. Bin is such a deep thinker, especially since the wizard just gave him his brain. He couldn't go to school because he needs to think deep thoughts all day and enlighten us sinners about the error of our evil ways. Of course it took him weeks to come up with this baby name, because deep thinker.
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