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  1. When Rinna asked Sutton to think about why she tries to hurt her, Sutton should have replied, “That’s easy; for the same reason ‘it’s like, kind of fun for you to torture me!’ ” The way everyone has discussed TalentedTenth’s posts is refreshing. @Talented Tenth, I respectfully disagree with you—while Rinna may be grieving the loss of Lois, I believe she was acting (badly) in that scene & I also believe Lois’ passing had absolutely nothing to do with Lisa’s behavior (whIch far predates the loss of her dear mother). Even judges sometimes have to make decisions based on nothing more than intuition & mine tells me Rinna displayed crocodile tears at Dorit’s charity spaghetti western, & had to feign freaking out to justify her cruel, nasty behavior. Rinna does whatever she has to (including apologizing) to keep that Bravo paycheck coming…
  2. I’m beginning to feel like this is all made up pretend drama that’s gotten out of hand & off script. I really need to wean myself off these shows altogether!
  3. Yes, I actually agree with you that it’s not inherently necessarily racist! But one can’t help point out Crystal’s hypocrisy—I can only imagine how Crystal would have flipped her lid had that been said to her. More than anything, it’s Crystal’s hypocrisy that grates no end…
  4. In fact, the abuse Crystal is receiving says more about us as viewers than any of the Real Housewives or the issues & does make me uncomfortable taking part in it, even as a spectator. With all that’s going on in the USA, Ukraine (& other countries etc…) these days, this kind of thing isn’t exactly soul soothing…
  5. Yes, I know what you mean… 😞❤️
  6. Yes, any day now I’m expecting Crystal to add how it started snowing & her car slid down a hill after talking to Sutton!
  7. Of course Crystal has the right to find Sutton’s words problematic, just as I have the right not to. That’s not the problem; the issue is Crystal publicly accusing Sutton of saying something heinous but refusing to say what it was she said. As much as I’m not a fan of Crystal, she absolutely does not deserve hate mail & threats—that’s deplorable & I do feel bad for her…
  8. Thank you for putting into words what bothers me the most: Crystal weaponizes her feelings (similar to when she felt so “violated”). As a person of color, I actually like when people don’t see color. If I have to hear one more time that I “don’t look like someone who’d play golf”…😡🤬 It’s fine that I don’t agree with Garcelle & that she wants her color seen; we don’t have to agree just because we both have dark skin 😊 What a piece of garbage Crystal is to tell Garcelle these are big words—now it could be said that’s about the most racist thing said so far Crystal…
  9. You’re right, that was for Marty; somehow I missed that! I read an interview with I think the show runner. He said the ending showed that rich people get away with a lot in the US, & bad rich people get away with even more. In another interview Jason Bateman said if the series had continued for another year the Byrdes would end up either dead or in jail. They both said Jonah did shoot the detective, not Wendy or the goat urn.
  10. What cute guy? He was the douchiest douchebag to ever douche! Loved your post & agree with most of it except I think Jason was earnestly considering having a child with Chrishell; basically thinking if he’s going to have a baby, she would be the mother he’d choose. I think it pained him to lose her. If he was acting, then he really missed his calling…
  11. I don’t think it was only Lisa Rinna they were after; Harry Hamlin was pretty big after LA Law. While tacky in my opinion not to buy tickets, I’m sure many donors come to hobnob with celebrities…
  12. I like to imagine Three inherits everything, marries a wonderful person & they adopt Baby Zeek, then give birth to a little girl named Ruth; all while the Byrdes’ Teflon coating wears off & they finally have to pay the piper… JohnBoy’s performance sent shivers up & down my spine 😳🫣
  13. I think Ruth was suicidal when she approached that vehicle. And yes, I was also shocked to see Wendy trying so hard to figure out a way to keep Ruth from being killed. Very off brand for her…
  14. Oh that makes a lot of sense! Can’t stand Teresa but now I feel bad🙃😚
  15. Oh that eye blinking is so funny 😂 I always expect to see smoke coming out of her ears!
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