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Everything posted by vb68

  1. If anything, the cast had to try to keep up with her.
  2. Already so much better than last week. I never get tired of Maya as Beyonce.
  3. I had the mean thought of wanting to ask him if he was mad at himself for not thinking of doing the Tracy Chapman song first. 😜 That's about the extent of my knowledge of both of them put together.
  4. Well the whole point of those sketches was always Kate messing with Ryan and getting him to break, but after tonight, it did seem redundant.
  5. Ryan sure does break a lot, but he's a fun host. I knew Kate would come back for the alien sketch.
  6. Yeah, for whatever it's worth, I thought it was one of the better Trump sketches. Not that it's exactly a high bar.
  7. I thought it was an average show at best. Ramy was fine, and I thought his monologue was really good. There were just some sketches (The basketball team, He should have ordered delivery, etc) that I wondered what they were thinking. Maybe they sounded better on paper. The basketball one in particular just came off as creepy to me.
  8. Why do I feel like they are trying to take a cue from the NFL and are hoping Taylor at least posts about the show? I'm sure they would switch back to a live finale if they knew she'd come.
  9. Kenzie is trapping herself in her little social web.
  10. Shoutout to Malcolm and Denise. I love analogies to former players. I was hoping Venus would find the clue.
  11. I do feel for Venus. She's aware enough to understand the dynamics. Also, Tevin seems like A LOT.
  12. It's a little early to feel so defeated.
  13. From the time he was announced as the host, I thought it was basically an apology for the way everything that went down with him being hired as a cast member and then immediately fired. I don't think his profile is big enough to be considered for hosting otherwise. I think they were saying yeah, we probably made a mistake with all of that. Based on the episode, I think that's debatable. I liked the Forrest Gump sketch. I certainly didn't have that on my bingo card, and it was actually fun and creative. I also enjoyed Bowen as Truman Capote. I think he mumbled something about nothing from his act being suitable for TV. I took him on his word on that.
  14. So why didn't Timberlake just host as well? Dakota Johnson was completely overshadowed and upstaged. It seemed like she had very little to do, and what she did do was stiff and awkward. Even Justin seemed annoyed with Jimmy this time too.
  15. Bravo for getting Cate Blanchett back as Hela. She made this one fun almost all on her own. I hope she's up for an Emmy for Voice Over narration.
  16. Yeah I was instantly thinking of Blade Runner from the opening scene. I appreciated the hypothesis that Nebula was always good outside of Thanos' control/domination. It was also interesting to see her as a solitary character without the Guardians or Avengers. For whatever reason, I was not expecting the turn with Nova Prime. Not that I know much of anything about the character. I just had the assumption that she wasn't a villain after the first Guardians movie. Disappointed Glenn Close didn't return, but I always had the feeling that she wasn't overly fond of the part. The rest of the voice cast is so interesting who they get and don't get to return. Jude Law returns but Lee Pace can't voice Ronan for even a couple of lines.
  17. It's now my crouch idol. Thanks for that Jake.
  18. I can't believe Austin believes Dee. He's that smitten?
  19. PLEASE, please, please blindside Bruce. That would make my night. Please.
  20. Sweet Jeebus I hope Emily votes Bruce's ass out.
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