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Everything posted by mightysparrow

  1. THAT was a beautiful moment. And a real palate cleanser.
  2. Sergio doesn't even know his own history. It wasn't 'Happy Days' back in the 50s for a gay, Mexican man. Maybe in his dreams he's a straight, White, 'Ward Cleaver' type but that wasn't the reality for millions of men and women. And if Sergio wants to talk shit, he's going to have to be able to take it when somebody, with a better education, calls him on it.
  3. Sergio being of Mexican descent is no excuse for his overwhelming ignorance. If his family was told about the so-called American Dream in Mexico, I'm sure they discovered American REALITY once they arrived in the US. I have a degree in history, so I know what the 50s were REALLY like. Unlike Sergio.
  4. I call bullshit as well. Sergio wants to pass himself off as the ULTIMATE EXPERT but he doesn't know one of Galliano's most famous designs? He needs to sit his pretentious ass down.
  5. Then perhaps he needs to educate himself a bit more and talk a little less. Both about history AND fashion since he CLAIMS he's never seen one of the most famous tuxedos ever.
  6. Perhaps Sergio should sit down with his grandparents and ask them what life was like for them back in the good old days. If the other contestants aren't crazy about Sergio it might be because he spends his time reminiscing about the days when they had no civil rights or opportunities.
  7. I'm so proud and happy for Marquise. As self-taught designer, he can hold his head high. I'm glad that Delvin was safe; he's better than that. I think he got a bit too self-confident for this challenge. It's understandable, because he's seen the judges lose their minds over total shit but he still needs to remember that good designers have gone home. Sergio's dress was lovely (the pink lapels were gorgeous) but I find it hard to believe that he's never seen Celine's backwards tux; it's iconic (and one of my favourite things ever). Sergio should be embarrassed about his ignorance about what the 1950s were like. His little speech STUNK of White male privilege but he should remember that HE wouldn't have had such a good time back then. Nancy's was a pantsuit, not a tuxedo. I liked Geoffrey's jumpsuit; it was very cute. I'm sick of Victoria and YSL did a better tuxedo dress.
  8. Is harassing a model only a bad thing if the model is female? I've worked with male models and I always made a point of being as respectful with them as I was with the women because I was shocked at how people spoke about them, often to their faces.
  9. It was designed by John Galliano and she wore it to the Academy Awards.
  10. The most impressive thing about Chelsea last night was that she didn't blame Christian for her failure. She could have said that Christian talked her into changing her design which lost her a lot of time. But Chelsea is a grown ass woman. She took Christian's direction, even though she didn't agree with it, and changed her design. And when it didn't turn out as well as I think her original idea would have, she took responsibility for what she created. In comparison, Victoria basically ignored Christian and pretended that she didn't know what 'sheer' meant'. What total and utter bullshit! She claims to be a designer and she doesn't know what SHEER means? I liked the fact that Christian FINALLY took her aside for a 'come to Jesus' moment. But the fawning and coddling she received from the judges was vomit inducing. It makes me question their 'taste level'. We know that Victoria can do ONE thing well. But it's clear that's the ONLY thing she can do well because whenever she's forced to try something different it's a mess. Do the producers think that Victoria is interesting and makes for good TV? They need to actually watch this show because there are people much more interesting (and more TALENTED) than her in the cast. The show won't suffer if she leaves.
  11. Chelsea showed more grace in losing than Victoria has shown in the whole fucking competition.
  12. I've never listened to it and I don't think I ever will.
  13. I once saw Joaquin Phoenix at a film premiere and he was more fucked up than just about anyone I've ever seen. He couldn't stand up by himself, so one of his co-stars and the director held him up. The one thing that I noticed is that it seemed that all the people connected with the film were VERY concerned about him and seemed to care about him a great deal. I remember feeling angry at him because he had watched his beautiful brother die of a drug overdose in a parking lot. I hope he's clean for his sake and for all the people who really seem to love him.
  14. Did Gervais get fired halfway through because he's been so boring? Where is he?
  15. It's good to see Wesley Snipes back. He's such a good actor and it's a shame that he lost his way for a while. It's especially nice that it's in an Eddie Murphy joint.
  16. I feel the same way about her. But she was totally right tonight and I applaud her courage.
  17. I'm not a big fan of Michelle but she was very good in Fosse/Verdon and I admire her courage for giving a prochoice speech. I adore Tiffany!!!
  18. If Murphy isn't doing MuShu, I'm out. 'My baby is saving China!'
  19. He didn't burn any crosses, but he didn't keep it a secret. I read it in a biography and it was such a disappointment. He's such a good actor and has been in so many great films. I've had to work hard to separate the artist from the man.
  20. Jimmy Stewart didn't like Black people. Tom Hanks has relatives who are Black people so I'll take Tom Hanks every time.
  21. JLO must have been so relieved when she saw Beyonce's dress.
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