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Not only do the baby's outfit look odd, old fashioned, cold and even give off Amish vibes to me when she pairs them with those awful bonnets... But I'm just imagining that those tights and onesies are a pain in the butt when it comes to diaper changes and the imminent blowouts babies have ?
All Episodes Talk: Celebrating Diversity
fuzzylollipop replied to Meredith Quill's topic in Born This Way [V]
Kris irritated me more than usual in the last episode. The way she called out Steven when Megan had a hissy fit (after SEAN said she liked him) was really uncalled for and made me feel very uncomfortable for poor Steven who doesn't have the adequate emotional and verbal development to defend himself. I see where Megan gets her dramatic character from. To the powers that be, if this show gets renewed, please, please, please NO more Rocco and his granola looking family. Less Megan, Sean and Steven and a lot more Rachel! That is all I ask. Heck give Rachel her own show! That girl is a doll, can't get enough of her. -
Haha! I just had to chime in to say that I'm from Spain and to us chichi and chocho is slang for...."pussy." Now I'm beet-red. Jilly Bean needs to be really careful with her "Spanish" because the slang can be really misinterpreted depending on the region.
Joy and Austin: This One Time At Family Camp
fuzzylollipop replied to frenchtoast's topic in Counting On
I'm sick and home today and have had TLC on all day. They've been playing the commercial for the new Counting On season literally every single commercial break. It already features Joy and Austin's wedding! Anyways I had to come here and comment because one thing that really strikes me is that in the commercial, Joy is crying during the wedding and, maybe I'm reading too much into it, but it does not look like happy wedding tears at all, looks more like scared tears. Then Austin reaches up to wipe her tears and she flinches away from his touch. The darn commercial breaks my heart every time. I can't even snark on Joy like I do her sisters. Anybody else catch it yet? -
I'm my opinion, Oddj is conniving and loves attention. She only posted the picture because she knows everyone wants to see Baby Roloff and all the speculation about whether he's LP that's going on. She knew what she was doing and thought she could get some of the spotlight back by posting a picture that, I believe, made it obvious the baby is LP (forehead and something about his adorable little squishy toes). Also her comment about "we will always pray for you" kind of hinted that everything isn't normal. I'm thinking TLC ordered her to take it down or Zach and Tori did, but they seem to nice to ask that. Or maybe I'm just reading too much into it because of my utter dislike for her. Plus yes, her very Christian boobies ?
Jeremy makes mention of the curls somewhere in his instagram as well. I find it hilarious that they're having a girl, you know deep down they're both disappointed at that. Now I can't wait for this kid to be born with Asian straight hair.
Little People in the Media
fuzzylollipop replied to SongbirdHollow's topic in Little People Big World
As someone who lost her own fur baby of 14 years to cancer, seeing Tori's post hit me right in the feels this morning. No snark for her on this (not that Zac and Tori are even snarkable on a regular basis). I feel bad for her going through this now, not because she's pregnant and shouldn't be "mourning because it could hurt the baby" (ugh people ?I know what you mean @Celia Rubenstein ) but because she's pregnant and it's supposed to be the happiest time of her life and she has to go through this. I was really close to my dog, and even then it probably didn't reach Tori levels of closeness, plus my dog was up there in years, but to this day I cannot pass places that remind me of him without breaking down in tears. And it has been over a year for me! I am sad for her because from her posts on SM, Sully was going to play a big brother role and have a huge part in her child's life and now that dream has been yanked from her. I also really hope she gets privacy and this isn't exploited by TLC as a "very special episode." -
Due September? Was the pee stick even dry when they announced it? The timing makes it so obvious that they've been trying as soon as Zach and Tori announced. I'm feeling particularly evil today (it's been a long week) so I'm going to say that I hope Zach and Tori have a beautiful and healthy baby with CURLY hair. And that Jerk and Oddj have a dwarf child with perfectly STRAIGHT hair. I'm not saying this because having a child with dwarfism is bad, in fact I think Tori would absolutely rock the role of mom to such a child. I'm saying this because that would completely shatter Jerk and Oddj's perfect photogenic hipster existence and would be the huge wake up call they both need. Sad part is they wouldn't be able to step up to the role. Which makes me feel conflicted about my wish because the child would suffer. Also, I just want to add that now that they're throwing a baby into the mix, we can start the countdown to the divorce. Marriage won't be fun anymore. I wonder who will break first.
I know it's been said before but can I also chime in on how much I absolutely despise Jilly Muffin? When she rudely tapped Jana and barked at her to make a packing list, while walking away without even making eye contact! I don't know about Jana but I felt an urge to punch her. And I swear I'm a hippie pacifist! I bet you that she learned that kind of thing from Mullet. Jana's response of "bitch please, take your man bun skeletor and giant baby and go back to CA. Don't you have a shower rack to cry over? Because none of us have missed your ass" was perfect ?? Because she said that right? At least her face did so I'm just going to pretend she actually said it out loud. I think it's obvious that none of the siblings (minus Joy the intellectually challenged) are close to Mrs. Dill Pickle at all. I know we all feel bad for Jana for being the Cinderella of the household, but I think she has it made now with all the sisters out of the house and all the littles out already being elementary age. She has more of a chance to grow as a person than her sisters did. She seems to have friends and hobbies at least. Now if only I could take her out to happy hour with my girlfriends next week ?
My favorite part of this episode? Jill: "I'll say girl because Derrick says girl and he's always right and I'm always wrong." ... Strip Mall Ultrasound Tech: "It's a boy!"
It's been awhile since I've seen an episode that sums up the Duggars so perfectly. J'ichelle and Boob have practically no kids left at home, yet Janarella has still has to stay behind so they can drink Starbucks and hairspray each other's hair. The older boys are absolutely indistinguishable and have zero personality even when combined into one entity. Also, Joe's looks have vanished in the blink of an eye and he already looks as middle aged as Josh and JD. I don't even know the names of any of the other boys, but poor things to have to go from looking like an awkward 14 year old to an awkward soccer dad in the span of mere months. The Dullards are nothing but a hot mess. I was having breakfast at the moment they decided to replay Derelict's 10 minute long barf n gag scene, so thank you for that TLC. They are both so checked out, it's almost scary. Jill has zero expression for anything. She is completely disconnected from Izzy and from life overall. All she's capable of is to plaster on a blank and fake smile, at least Michelle had 16 kids before she got to the stage Jill is at now with one. Not only was there zero response when she got her diagnosis at the doctor, which fine, as mentioned above it could have totally been a reenactment and we know Jill doesn't have the two brain cells to rub together and fake emotion, but the Derelict barf-o-rama scene was definitely not a reenactment and Jill just lingers back looking like the completely unconcerned mental toddler she is. At least hold back Derelict's man bun! Jessa clearly wears Ben's balls as a necklace underneath her modesty layers and I kind of love that she's the real headship in that family but is she trying to get ownership of Jeremy's as well? I know it's the Duggars and after watching them for so many years, I shouldn't be shocked at their lack of tact, but they still got me. I can't even wrap my head around descending to an in-laws house and completely redecorating things MY way and refusing to listen to what they want. Putting a queen bed in that tiny spare bedroom? Rolling her eyes when Jeremy suggested a bunk bed and annoyingly stating, "a couple can't sleep in a bunk bed." News flash Jessa: yes! A couple can "totally" sleep in a bunk bed when they're a guest at another's house for a few days! That comment made me think that her and Ben plan on spending a lot of time in Laredo and bunk beds are beneath her since she left the TTH. Finally, can Jinger not be Robin to Jessa's Batman for just a minute?! My goodness she needs to grow a spine. I don't think she did anything the entire episode except roll her eyes and walk away anytime Jessa and Jeremy started disagreeing about something. For being the "creative one" you would think she would have more input on her future home. Or at least stand up for Jeremy, who was obviously very overwhelmed the entire episode.
All Episodes Talk: Small World, Big Lives
fuzzylollipop replied to NewOrleansLady's topic in Little People Big World
Yet my boyfriend and I are around Zach and Tori's age and we absolutely despise "babe" and refuse to use it. Different strokes for different folks. To whoever mentioned it, I totally caught Zach's nonstop butt grabbing in Tori's video! Feels like he's a little more confident behind the camera, which is normal. It really surprised me though. I love the person Zach is becoming, but I think deep down I still see him as that total dweeb he was for years on the show so it's weird to see him show even a spark of personality. -
All Episodes Talk: Small World, Big Lives
fuzzylollipop replied to NewOrleansLady's topic in Little People Big World
Finally got around to watching. Wow looks like TLC is giving in to the hate watchers and giving the golden hipster couple a horrible edit this season. I don't know what was worse, judging Amy for dating vs courting (who the hell outside of Duggar circles even speaks like that?!) or broadcasting their plans to kick mom out and steal the spotlight from Zach and Tori with the promises of babies for the upcoming year. Just when I thought I couldn't dislike them anymore. Honestly it's getting to the point where I don't even want to watch the show just to not contribute to their lazy lifestyle...but I know I'll be back next week and I kind of hate myself for it. Newsflash to Jerk and Oddj, the show is called LITTLE people, big world, you two are nothing but obnoxious accessories. Everyone is tuning in to see Matt, Amy and Zach. No one cares how you guys style that rats nest of hair or how "intentional" your knockoff marriage is. Looks like next week will be the baby announcement so hopefully we won't have to deal with their smug mugs on tv. On the other hand, I cannot get over how much Zach has matured lately. Married life and Tori have done him good, this cannot be said enough. I actually look forward to seeing him as a dad. I hope Tori doesn't go the Duggar route and film the entire birth though. -
He is so annoying and ironic. He and Oddj completely abuse the instagram live story feature. It's obscene how often their boring stories pop up on my feed. I wonder what it feels like to not have to do anything all day everyday ?
All Episodes Talk: Small World, Big Lives
fuzzylollipop replied to NewOrleansLady's topic in Little People Big World
I find it interesting that pretty much every Roloff posted something on instagram about Molly's engagement...except Jerk and Oddj. Aren't they also the same ones who missed her graduation last season? Their selfishness never ceases to amaze me. As far as Molly's wedding, I'm curious to see if she'll put it on the show. I don't blame her if she does because I wouldn't hesitate to get married on TLC if they are comping the event. But, I'll also be super surprised because she seems as private as Jacob. I guess we'll wait and see. I won't judge her either way she goes though. But I do applaud her and Jacob for not turning into reality tv whores (*cough cough* Oddj and Jerk *cough cough*).