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Everything posted by PaperTree

  1. STFU Melissa! I hope her "pivotal" position gets her and her Tony Award booted out of there I didn't have to climb a rope back in the '70s before Ross was even born. Is that still a thing? He's playing a smart "floater" game. Reminds me of Andy (ugh) without the personal bashing. He's got a deal with everybody and keeps tabs on everybody. I love how "St. James" totally pissed off Brandi throwing that HoH. Good strategery. As much as I dislike Oma, she has a good head for this game. Yappy Marissa "painting targets". I want her to paint one on herself. I can understand Mark missing music, but I would take silence over James' singing. Neil Young would be better. TWENTY THREE DOLLARS and you called somebody to get it comped. BITCH! Drunken Brandi attacks the HoH. Smart way to end up on the block! Mark stays strong. Nice speech! Guilt by association. heh heh. He's move to the top of my FTW list.
  2. Omarosa blew her shot. She could have replacement nominated Ari/Marissa. Ross takes one down, the other goes up, Brandi goes home.
  3. Big time! Had he saved her, anybody else was safe against crybaby Metta (except James, maybe) Then all the cloying sadness about evicting Metta. Spare me. ETA: Shut up Marissa! "My kids and their assorted mothers' "I had them on their heels" so I bailed. "I'm such a competitor." Blah bla bla bla bla. Go hump your owl.
  4. This happens every season and it never ceases to annoy the crap out of me. The oh so righteous hypocritical whining that somebody else dared to play their own game.
  5. OMG what a bunch of crybabies! That wall challenge wasn't nearly as nasty as usual. Brandi was stupid throwing that hinky vote, but the rest of them need to get over it. That "we love you, but you were a bad, bad puppy" routine was gross. I hope she flips on them. Good on James making the deal with Oma. Safe for now and he gets to play next time. Marissa, the "giggly horny over-40 woman" thing is not a good look on you. Eww. I'm voting Spotlight. Ross or Marissa have to go. Oma doing what she has to do to get numbers. Then getting the women to dump info. Smooth. Not sure about nominating Brandi since she's on the outs with her gang. Oma's spiel was convincing, but why not use Brandi for a vote. They need to kick this up a notch with only a week left.
  6. Ocean Spray can go away and take Indy with you. Lost his passport. LOL "My ring is safe and sound!" She will spend the next 7+ years planning the "perfect" wedding that will never happen and doesn't have that million bucks to blow on it. Awwwww. "Does he still have the ring?", sez douchbro whining that Jessica was "cold" to him. Waaah. Bahrain in September? is very hot. Go skiers "hang upside down naked and set my arms on fire first." wtf? Cody is a log dragging beast. 2 people carrying one big log versus the individual dragging method will vary depending on the team dynamic. Hard to say if making pottery would have been more interesting than a trinket hunt. Mazel tov!!! Camel milking! No that's not how you get malaria, dude! Indy car is really bugging me. Jessica must have failed Sex-ed in High School. Testicles usually aren't found next to udders. Thailand looks fantastic. (and blistering humid and hot). Damn, it's been ~40 years since I caught my last frog :) I wouldn't want to be knee-deep in Thai mud. Parasites plus.... Get over yourself Jessica. "I don't know what I'd do without you!" You would lose. Elephant task seems much easier. Then Evan and Henry screw it up. OT I visited the famous San Diego Zoo in 1995 and I almost puked at the elephant exhibit. The stench was horrible. No other exhibit was even close. Tasty scorpions. Yeah, no thanks. But I love watching these gross eating tasks. I smelled the NEL an hour ago:) This is a decent F4. My preferred order: Kristi/Jen win Evan/Henry Jess/Cody Douchebros
  7. Keisha. Ugh. Why come on this show? Oh. $$$$$ Right. And a double ugh for Omarossa and her phony "concern". Poor deluded Shannon. Has no clue her whole "alliance" wants her out. Ross thinks he can keep the backdoor plan a secret. Sure he can. James loses HoH by 0.01 sec. Go Metta! Why not? He better win comps or his new "friends" will use his vote and toss him when necessary. Deluded Shannon wakes up too late and spirals into "poor me" whining. Whatever. James continues to grow on me. He doesn't give a fuck. Brandi, Ari and Marissa could make a female F3. Sorry Ross! And a triple ugh for O for her outro. She is evil.
  8. I have no idea what is in the contract, but self-eviction could forfeit or radically reduce any compensation. Someone here said they are being paid $200K for this, so that's a big incentive to tough it out and get the others to evict you. He's whining about others playing "too hard", while he himself is playing too hard.
  9. If Marissa was sticking to the plan, she should have thrown the Veto to Oma at the end. Then Keisha starts begging to be voted out. It must be a contract issue that she loses a lot of money if she just walks. Marissa saves Shannon to grant Keisha's wish. Once she is out she will know what the plan was so Marissa probably gets her vote if she makes F2. Oma is quite a piece of work. Not sure what to make of the whole Pence thing, though I agree with voiced opinion. You can never trust a professional liar. Mark reminds me of Maxx Headroom from back in the dark ages. He's well under the radar along with Ari. Metta is hilarious. He could float/stumble to the end. Anything's possible in this accelerated season. James was strangely bearable. It's all up in the air until the HOH is chosen. Ross will come up with a plan D.
  10. Is there a reason they shrunk the backyard? "Winter" (such as it is in LA) weather? Porn Name: Champ Knolls
  11. I feel so disadvantaged. I never got a drop of breast milk. Damn.
  12. Shannon and Marissa had a good plan to neutralize the bag twist and keep a woman as HOH. Keisha should not have nominated James. He could win Veto. The Celebrators? Oy Mark calling Shannon a "threat" lol. Yes, I think she is a smart chick. Pulling in Ross is smart. He needs to lose the Kim Jong-Un look. James keeps his douchebro routine going. Too bad he and Chuck are "friends". I guess "JM" must be his clothing line. barf. Metta is literally out of his league. I'm not buying Omarosa's schtick here. Keisha isn't either. Or here. Don't fall for it Ross. She's good. CBS knows how to pump the ratings. I'm liking Shannon A LOT. I hope that doesn't jinx her.
  13. I knew Cody would kill that tent building. Hashtag go away lifeguards. Partner swap? Magic 8 ball sez bad idea. Somebody is getting hosed. Smart partner choice Cody. Pick a strong team. Blindsided by the stick shift. I like the show's anti-poaching message. Rhino horns have no more "medicinal properties" than granny's ground up fingernails. (bleep) you Jessica. Nobody is required to be your team player. I smelled NEL from the start of this dumb "twist". Vicious double U-turn. Skiiers FTW. Backed up at the singing. Having zero musical talent, I feel for them all. Cody reminds me of my dad. He had zero rhythm and tunnel vision too. "What else can I rehearse?" Ya gotta dance; dumbass! Clueman's standards seemed to seriously drop as the competition dragged on. And on. And on.... Sad to see the brothers go. They had really grown on me.
  14. LOL. Since I've seen less than 3 minutes of DWTS, I had no clue :)
  15. Open bar 24/7? Oh yeah! Interesting definition of "celebrities". I think 3 weeks of this will be plenty. I'm liking Shannon and.....Brandi, strangely enough. James is exactly the asshole I expected of an old boy band member. They drug out loser Paul Abrahamasshole. and talent-free Rachel. Funny in a sick kind of way. Gift bags.....It's a Cootie Taw!
  16. Good point. In other tasks, they have had to go back to the picture and figure out what was wrong. Maybe the judge just wanted to knock off early :)
  17. "The meaning of life is that it stops" I love Kafka and that challenge. I have to rewatch for the BB "treachery". I thought Jess gave them the correct info on the way out and lovebird Brittney was too dumb to realize it. I'm hoping they destroy each other. Using the U Turn when on the second flight was good strategy. They would have been last otherwise. Violinists showed their smarts at the lecture challenge. Sad to see them go. Skiiers continue to be impressive. Alex and One n can go away any time. Still love Henry and Evan. But that nose thing! (I sound like an old fart) That beer spa looks like one of those things that sounds really cool in a fantasy, but in real life; not so much :)
  18. No they said the fireman were from Louisiana so their accent wouldn't sound like someone from California. Or from Appalachia either for that matter. Whoops! Don't know how CA got in to my head :)
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