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Everything posted by PaperTree

  1. No Lolo, Ryan didn't "try" and backdoor you. He had the power and didn't do it. The Dina bashing was silly. She had no clue what was going on and voted for her friend. So what! Kato purposely didn't tell her. Fun with the wall! BB is blasting them really good. Tamar is over the top. It's only 2 feet down! Kandi was funny "Drowning in the shallow end. Just stand up!" Good deal making by Kato - even though his DRs are annoying as hell - and She of Many Names can play next time. Did we really need that whole piece about his colon? TMI. Joey looks like the creepy old dude hanging out with the teenagers at the arcade. Tamar finally pushes LoLo over the edge. She is exhausting with that attitude and then some. Please evict her. That voice gets to me like the proverbial nails on the chalkboard. Good move by LoLo to make peace. That will last about.......lol Kato's speech was interesting. I think he's overreacting to Dina's cheering, but whatever, it's as good an excuse as anything else.
  2. Indeed. LOL! That put the coffee right up my nose!
  3. Ryan is so pathetically clueless. Thanks for subjecting us to Joey. Those speeches were dreadfully boring and stupid. Bug Eyed Cupcake Boy was the worst. Adios. The problem with protecting Dina was blindsiding his alliance. Julie nailed him on his BS. Kandi is now my doomed favorite. Tamar looks much better with hair. I'm not buying this "twist". Mooch bailed and they are covering it up.
  4. This "twist" is bullshit. The Mooch bailed and they are trying to cover it up.
  5. So Jon's great manipulation to save his mama Dina has backfired spectacularly. NEM stupidly announcing her F2 without seeing Tamar was monumentally dumb. Tamar then wisely used this to go after Jon, who she correctly saw as the brains behind this move behind the alliance's back. Her demeanor annoys the hell out of me, but props for seeing a bigger picture. Her thing with Kandi is nuts. Catty woman #56,202. Cue the waterworks. Then the tantrum Broncos. Kato. Just no. OJ got out of prison 10/17 and has thankfully stfu. Mooch reminds me why I despise the Banksters. (Credit Union member for 55 years) Invisible Ricky wins veto! Genius Ryan throws Lolo under the bus which Ricky then beelines to tell Lolo and the other women, just to "stir the pot" LOL! "None of them are worth saving" Indeed. He may have more game than initially shown.
  6. I agree. As someone upthread said - until he is sprayed with condiments while riding a slippery weiner. (to the best of my recollection.....) :)
  7. Props to Jon for quickly whipping up an alliance. I didn't know he existed until last night. I still want him gone. Apologies to those who like him from his old shows. I guess you had to be there :) When he made the ride or die with Ryan before the HoH, they should have picked the second nominee and cleared it with the 6 (minus Joey). Then when Whoa! Ryan still has to nominate two people. He knows competition, but not strategy. Jon had no plan except for saving Dina (ugh), letting his puppet go back on his word, thus making Kandi and the other women suspicious. Use Dina as a pawn and backdoor Mooch or Tom of the idiot alliance. (Kato being safe) Or the Invisible Ricky. These multiple alliances will be fun, especially suited for a short 3 week game. They seem to have forgotten about the (assumed) Veto. Better start counting votes.
  8. That competition was dreadful. So happy they only needed one ball. New HoH twist. Ha! Jonathan being first out the door won't make me sad. Ryan is dumb as a rock. Tom Green is already on my last nerve. Joey looks awful. Not a very likable bunch, I hope they are entertaining.
  9. Nice to be back with everyone! An interesting mix of annoying people this season. Should be fun. Let the backstabbing commence. Shut up Jonathan!
  10. Rhylee - The Great Professional. Does she bang the crew on her fishing boat? She blabbed before Tyler. lol. Josiah handled that speedo "junk" quite well, considering his insecurities. The editors certainly loved it. That dude whining "I'm starving!" stfu you just had the whole "light lunch" you requested. Patience drama queen. Kate nails it: "These guests are assholes" The A-1 proves it, while complaining the meat wasn't bloody enough. I expected this the way they started hard drinking right away. Billy passed out on the toilet topped it. Then he manages an epic recovery. lol. Why did it take Adrian so long to get dinner on the table once the "guests" finally got their act together? Then of course the non-dairy sugar free dessert Mr. Primary asked for isn't very good.. Imagine that! Laura is still in her bubble of delusion. She didn't "set Kate straight". Kate got off her ass when she finally started doing her job. "Girl talk", Kate lets it go. Not sure what to make of Ashton with Laura. He either doesn't see how nuts she is, or is just playing her to score over ever creepier Adrian. A nipple cake? Really dude?
  11. Rhylee should have sex a few times daily. Seems it's the only thing that checks her craziness. Laura has a very warped view of the world around her. I didn't like the Mafia crap - again. I don't get why they would air this. It's offensive.
  12. Thanks! I'll mark the new calendar.
  13. Does anyone know when the next episode will air? I see reruns listed all the way to 1/1/19.
  14. Natalie attempting to revise history. Honey, you were on the defensive because you were offensive.
  15. Yet she seems to believe in her brilliance to read everything :) A legend in her own mind.
  16. Angie pulling out "I am woman, hear me roar".
  17. Fireworks!!!!!!!!! Good for Nick beating "The Gruesome Twosome" An alliance made in a septic system. Mike can go stroke his ego with his $100K. He will whine about it forever to anybody who will listen.
  18. I really hope Mike's little cry baby speech doesn't win it for him. "i have hundreds or thousands of people working for ME" "It's all about ME! ME! ME! and some rainbow bullshit"
  19. Kara is over blowing this. Nah, TPTB soaked her tinder.
  20. Nick has to win this immunity or he's done.
  21. Allison goes and the stupid train rolls on.... eta A Mike win will kill this wonderful season. Ack! (hairball)
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