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Everything posted by PaperTree

  1. Elizabeth, to me, is a classic example of a stupid person totally convinced of their advanced superior intelligence. Bye!
  2. Women are usually women's enemies on these shows. Sad.
  3. Do we have new editors this season? Well done. Not sad to see Elizabeth go. Goliath strong? Not so much. I'm loving this cross tribe Gang of 6. Hope it lasts! Dueling cowboy hats! Carl really despises Elizabeth. Queen Angelina is my BEC this season. Counter goliath insurgency :) Nick has some serious vampire canines. I liked this challenge. Physics rules! Peachy drooling over John, shocker! Dinner bell at TC? wtf? Sorry Dan, your're not "the man". Well done Dr. Allison. Exponents! Factorials! LOL! Angie sez: "I am an authentic person!" Waaaah! Well, authentically entitled and obnoxious, yes. She can go next.
  4. So what. Once the merge happens with majority Davids, Nick and Lyrsa could easily have protected him for quite awhile with many other Goliaths in front of him to get voted off. He already betrayed Goliath by voting off Natalie. That bridge has been burned. He got scared and it will lead to a Goliath bro (not Christian) win.
  5. Bad move boys. Angelina will target both of you to ingratiate herself back with the Goliaths. Jackets, jackets, jackets, lol! Surprised Nick didn't name a F3 with Mike and Lyrsa. Peachy really hates her doesn't he. Then he trashes her again at the IC. He had a good one that night. Veggie kabobs and jalepenos? Lame reward. They need protein (and I hate most vegetables). No mention of the chickens. Or the eggs :) As a fellow nerd, I understand Christian being flattered by the Bros. Don't let it go to your head dude. They are trying to use you. The Bros. always do. "Hope is not a strategy" Indeed! Good move Gabby. Alison looks prime to hook up with Gabby and take out a bro. Ooh! I forgot she knows about Dan's idol. (But not #2 ??) Elizabeth pulls out the crazy. Not sure if it's the right approach, but when one is in pain, one will do most anything to make it stop. Carl dropped a bunch of points with his whining. Not sure how to take it. Editing? Peachy's play by play in this challenge will be in his Top 10 reel of how extremely annoying and obnoxious he can be. "She's not getting my jacket" lol I don't quite get how Mike thinks this "Goliath Strong" thing will help him down the road. Nick can go fuck himself. Lyrsa was amazing in her exit.
  6. I hadn't thought about it that way before. Excellent point!
  7. Different show. That's the "homesteaders" on Alaska: The Last Frontier. This is obnoxious people gold mining in Yukon Territory, Canada.
  8. Then it would just be Big Brother at the beach front resort. No, I watch this for the "suffering" aspects. Let them eat nasty critters for immunity, and all the other nastiness. $1,000,000 ain't what it used to be, but it's a nice payday for 39 days.
  9. He's getting a very good edit. Time will tell :)
  10. Karl has the "Idol Nullifier" if he knows when to use it.
  11. Thank you Mike! Oh Angelina groveling for your dom's jacket. And then The Queen kicks her in the teeth on the way out the door, and takes her jacket off to Ponderosa. Way Cool! (in the beginning....) Alec trying to smooth Cara. Big Storm. "Get my black ass outta here!" lol Indeed! Big Goliath Weather is the great equalizer. Serious wreckage, but the building materials are still there. Suck it up and put it back together. See the new teams. OOoooh! No! No mo' Nasty Natalia. Chickens!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Elizabeth for the win! Rooster dinner. Yum! Good call Elizabeth. Cara is bad news. I love Lyrsa! Have since Day 1. I hate to agree with Natalie, but I would boil up those eggs now. Eat one tonight and have the other one for breakfast. Or, if I had a frying pan, just scramble them all up and feast. Dan gets another idol. Ugh. I don't like cops. Never have. Never will. (cop peered through my window and I got busted for smoking weed in my living room. Cost me $6000 twenty five years ago.) I will give Dan credit for being smart and knowing to look for the idol, and making a fantastic move to snag it at the challenge. "I want Lyrsa's jacket" "I'll force Nick to get it for you" Evil bitches. No Mike. Angelina is a lost cause. She's Natalies bitch. Sales? I suppose she could sell water in the desert.
  12. Well "Poop my pants!" Bye Natalia! The Karl thing is a bit of a wildcard. I generally hate these swaps into a 3 way, so of course somehow the darling Goliaths end up majority of all 3 new tribes. Glad to see another blindside. Queen Natalie doing her act. Sucks that she's staying. Nick the Dick, doing his act. Sucks that he's staying. Charmpocolypse. Decent plan Christian. Dumb jocks enjoy when you make them feel smart :) Interesting wrinkle on the "blind caller" challenge. I so wanted Angelina to screw that up, but it worked out nicely. I felt bad for Gabby. So happy she wins the puzzle and saves herself. I give Elizabeth credit for working it. "You totally trust these girls, right?" Heh heh heh. I didn't understand Nat's exit whining. Ya got overthrown, Queenie.
  13. It's gotten me rather far in life :) Pick the right battles. Thanks, missed that.
  14. Catty women and whining men on David. Ugh I'm not liking this foreshodowing of Nat and Johnny wrestler going far Jeremy and this whole homage to dead daddy makes kind of ill. I spent too many years trying to get Dad's approval before I realized it was a futile exercise and moved on. I hope this edit leads to his demise. ya'all can get rid of snarling Natalie any time. Nick seems to think he's some kind of stable genius. Gabby was the lynchpin of booting Jessica. bad strategery. I loved Elizabeth's smile at the announcement of Jessica's boot. The nasty girls sit out. Natalie has this. Hahahahahahah! Well done geek Davids! This is why I still love this show after all these years. Natalie throws the race card at Jeremy right away, he fights back, and screws himself with the "house meeting". Dumbass. But the nasty girls and their boy-toys wanted Jeremy out, so she gets away with it. Careful what you wish for.... She's the new Phillip and will be around forever. Spelling is a lost art (sigh)
  15. I'm hoping to hear from some of her former (or soon to be former) employees :)
  16. Cool! Hashtag your way out of here, Jessica. She was really starting to bother me, Now we don't have to listen to this BS about her being too young to drink in any future rewards. I wish they wouldn't cast anybody under 21 and just avoid this moralistic nonsense. Besides, is there even a legal age in Fiji? I drank a fair amount of wine in Italy when I was 16. I'm old school. If you're old enough to vote and join the army, you're old enough to drink. I like Christian, but hate him hooking up with Nick, This alliance naming BS really grates on me. Natalie can go away any time. Don't keep her around until jury. I'll give credit to the three nasty girls for a good strategy. That gives them a decisive six votes at the first tribal. I guess it's cool now to search other people's stuff. Dan is not very bright. Expecting privacy is foolish. The Davids actually had a chance in that challenge. Too bad.
  17. I despise Marissa. She will never darken my video screen again. Flesh eating bacteria is too good for her.
  18. <blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Go back under your racist rock where you belong, nasty loser.</p>&mdash; glitter bug (@glitterybug79) <a href="https://twitter.com/glitterybug79/status/1045152906272542720?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">September 27, 2018</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> My reply
  19. Saying NO! on national would have made them famous forever. Now they will be forgotten in about 10 minutes.
  20. We just can't have nice things.....
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