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Everything posted by PaperTree

  1. Douchebros gonna douchebro. Ugh. Maybe some flesh-eating bacteria will find them.
  2. Or at least "Camp Director" with immunity and the power to roast some nuts.
  3. Or at least "Camp Director" with immunity and the power to roast some nuts.
  4. We really need a vomit emoji this season.
  5. Dammit Jessica! Much ugliness to come. Camp Comeback. Okaaaay. This has potential. Instead of sequester, the comebackers will be around to listen and stir shit, and 1 of the 4 gets back in. I'm happy David is a member. Not likely 0 - 12 Ovi keeps his power. His lovefest is either a TV move, or he really is that clueless. Did they get new, bad editors?
  6. Maybe it's a Philly thing. fwiw, back when I was commuting, the local radio "personality" I was listening to said the exact same thing one AM. I'm like, dude, do your windows get clean if you just throw soapy water at them? Idiots.
  7. That is horrible. All that flickering made me queasy.
  8. Have they ever fired someone at end of charter and not had an immediate replacement.? Lets pretend to believe the fiction that Sandy is doing the hiring... She can't find a chef, so she puts both interior and the deck one person down. So I guess she can't get a stew or deck hand for one charter either? I believe a chef could be hard to find on short notice. 3rd stews and deckhands, not so much 🙂 eta: Sandy "agonizing" over what she will cook next. Every charter tells you mostly what they want to eat. Ana can read 🙂
  9. This kind of shit is just wrong. Lying to promote some "cause" is BS. If your cause is just, the truth should be sufficient.
  10. 🎆 Sandy gets a clue and sends Mila back to Siberia. Go lick some raw meat, then microwave it, bitch. I was so hoping Ana can pull this off. And Travis has experience too, who knew! "Somewhere a Taco Bell needs a chef" LOL. Smart (and mature) of her to not party and get to work. The boyfriend was super supportive. Hey Chef Barfy, this is how you do Tex-Mex. I was in Mexico City decades ago and the food was great, but nothing like you get in the US. Still loving weird Aesha. Tough losing a brother at such a young age. Her mocking the video queen was hilarious. Rap is not my thang. Enough of the mangina talk. I missed most of that conversation and think I should be grateful for no subtitles. New charter guests are a bit strange. Not a fan of gnocchi, but Ana makes the primary happy with it. I totally get how she is a ball of nerves, yet "getting off" on pulling it all together. Then she kills breakfast, until the toaster catches fire. oops! The weather and Sandy totally messing with the deck hands. That anchor chain looks ugly.
  11. I worked 3 summers in a flavor factory and the company had a fragrance factory across the street. There are chemical combinations which can match almost any natural fragrance/flavor. Some were really bad. The fish flavors were kept in a separate "stink room". Coffee flavor smelled like dead skunk. Meat flavors were disgusting. I found a new career 🙂 They didn't need the actual natural stuff to create the odors.
  12. He's a "devout" Mormon. Who believe they are the top tier of Christians. Others disagree.
  13. Sad to see Russell go out like that. He did so well catching that baby eel. Of course Mr. King of the Jungle is not impressed. Now we know why cave men bashed other cave men (and women) heads in. Jeff and Laura won;t even give up one fishhook. I said last week the others should steal some. Finders keepers, jungle law. Now we find out he has 20 hooks. I'm done with Laura too. Then the scumbags try to sabotage the other;s lines. It is 10 against 2. They should not sleep soundly. Hoping a big Karma Train hits them right between the eyes.
  14. Kat talks herself on the block, she can go any time. And of course the old guy gets nominated, too. I liked his DR. He has no real choice about being a "pawn" and knows it. Self proclaimed "bitch" Kat is in the same spot. Christie isn;t selling this well, but it doesn't really matter. Gr8ful. Ew gross! Gag me with a fork. Lovestruck Tommy's crush wants him in the gang, for now. Ovi gets good intel and stupidly blabs to one of the 8. He should have talked to to the top of the boot order he heard. Whacktivity! Hey Jessica! Careful what you wish for! 1 out of 5 gets some power each week for 3 weeks. Hmmmm. The critters are cute! This is hilarious! I hate stinky stuff, but I love when they torture the hamsters. Production is really over doing the special effects this year. So Ovi wins. He can cancel one week;s noms? wow. I missed the details. Then the gang gaslights him with a phony alliance. Ouch! Did he spill that he won? Christie is really bugging me.
  15. I've studied German and the "h" following a "t" is always silent. Brendon is right (sigh!). In the German language, there is no equivalent to the English sound of "th", like in, "the", "thought", "there", etc. so when native speakers try, it comes out as "zee", etc. Their vowels with the umlauts have no English equivalents, so we native English speakers can't make those sounds properly. Can't wait for "Team Gr8ful" (ugh!) to implode.
  16. Reading the live feed thread makes the season for me. I'm up on everything and very grateful for the feedwatchers so I don't have to listen to it 🙂 . Lots of great stuff goes on that never makes it into the episodes, plus I love knowing who wins the comps in mostly real time.
  17. Somewhere in suburbia, a living room is missing its drapes.
  18. Congrats to Colin and Christie. I would have preferred a Tyler Korey win, but happy to see Vic/Nic and the Afghanimals lose.
  19. My speculation is he goes full Bro-lliance. Banishes the four "least attractive" women, knowing one is gone and doesn't think any of the other 3 can hurt him later on, while he and Jack win every HoH to a glorious victory.
  20. Nah, I didn't either and I'm not pissy at all 🙂 They all have a different flavor of very annoying, Jackson being on top of my list tonight.
  21. BB Camping. OK. I only camp in hotels, so I hope BB really makes these kids "rough it" 🙂 So glad it's all newbies with this Camp Director BS. I'm happy it's not really a great power, so far. Bad memories of The Bearded Troll. Jackson is annoying the crap out of me. Of course he wins Camp Director. Then whines about the power he so had to have. I hope it blows up in his face, but 3 enemies isn't a majority. I don't really like any of them so far. Quite a gang of annoying, but that may make it more fun as they backstab each other. I kind of like Bella and her attitude towards her overbearing mother. Girl Power? Not so much. Disclosure: I live in Washington Township, NJ. I have no clue who Nick is. "Township" as the locals call it is 50,000 mostly white people, middle class+ suburbia, half an hour south of Center City Philadelphia. I should read the free newspaper 🙂
  22. Sandy is going to be sorry she didn't fire Mila on the spot. You have chef Anastasia. You just need a 3rd stew. I don't care how sweet and happy she is while she's serving terrible food. Scenery is fantastic. Travis and Jack are a riot together. Jack (horndog) trying to make nice with Mila and Travis just ignores her. He's pushing it with Dr. Jen, but she is a piece of work. He needs to get a haircut for Sandy. It will grow back, idiot. A super easy way to please the boss. Good philosophy Hannah! Don't stress over what you can't control. We'll see how long this lasts 🙂 Mila continues to be incompetent, She can't even cook bacon and pancakes. How can you screw up Aunt Jemima pancakes??? Does she know how to read the directions? She's so bad you have to take the guests to a restaurant for lunch. Wow! Mila's little passive/aggressive act isn't going to cut it with Hannah. Dumping all the food on Ana is very childish. I I was keeping a close eye on that salad. She will do anything to wreck this. Spaghetti and meatballs? I'm not usually a meatball fan. Give me a sausage instead. Wrap the meat in some pasta and call it cannelloni. I would have gone for a veal piccatta. She had all day to come up with something with a bit more pizzazz. I was worried for her, but the guests cheered and they got a nice tip so it's all good. Raw meat carpaccio really is a thing. I had no idea. I'd try it, wth. Dessert was a home run. No Hannah, she's plotting. Don't buy her "oh, I'll just roll with it" act. Nice of her to dress in black for the farewell. I hope it's an omen. Joao and Brooke, just no. Enough.
  23. Thankfully my Fios displays Season (X), Episode (Y), and marks "new" episodes, otherwise I'd be lost too 🙂
  24. I don't get why they wanted to move so soon. Deplete all those bananas first, while leaving enough time for the extraction. You don't know what resources are available at a new location. I knew that team would be cursed with Rylie. She just bugs me. Christina didn't tap out, she was pulled by medical. Russell comes back from the dead. Don't eat so much of the fruit, dummy. I hope Charley doesn't get hurt again. That knee was so bad looking. Every time they show him walking I'm just waiting for him to fall and break something. He has a point about working, but there needs to be balance. A snake eating a frog. How cool is that. I don't know about moving to an interior cave system. I would not be happy with bats crapping on me all night. We moved into a house and a colony of bats moved in under the shutters outside of Mom & Dads bedroom. The smell was horrible and you could hear them scratching around all day, then coming and going all night, crawling on the screens. (No AC) We had to paint the house and replace the shutters with solid ones and then caulk up the edges. They were very unhappy the day we yanked the old shutters off. Of course Jeff & Laura snag the best spot. And an eel they refuse to share. Then they just rub it in singing and cooking right next to the others. I might go down and steal Jeff's hooks 🙂
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