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Everything posted by PaperTree

  1. I think you're right when it was reward then immunity in the same episode.
  2. Damn! I wanted to see her get busted!
  3. Amber shows a little game, and Natalie smokes her LOL!
  4. Hey Tyson, Sandra has an idol with a short shelf life. You can go.
  5. I missed some small bits. (Uninterested people talking to me while watching. grr) If the guests were cool with it than go for it.
  6. I get what he was trying to do, but did it in a really dumb way. Trying to serve and eat a meal while heeling hard isn't comfortable for anybody. Captain is upstairs and doesn't see the chaos. (And I don't care if he has to cook sideways 🙂 He needs to sit down with the Captain and work out some communication system so they can coordinate for the guests maximum comfort.
  7. It seems one of the prerequisites for a bosun position on these shows is being a jackass, in one way or another.
  8. I don't understand taking a one month old baby on a vacation like this. I've never had children, so I have (eta: NO) standing to really comment, but it just seems like a bad idea.
  9. Jenna and Paggg are really bad managers. T. They seem totally unable to recognize their peoples' strengths. Parker is a friendly guy. These guests seem to enjoy the interactions and tightass is jealous they don't want to talk to him. He's a greenhorn. Deal with it. Now Mr. Engineer is a mind reader. Go to Vegas and play poker. How the hell does he know what the guests know? That "diamond machine" comment was incredibly condescending..
  10. This. I love Sandra, but don't want her to win. ETA: If she does, she;s totally "The Queen".
  11. I have despised Rob since Marquesas and nothing since or tonight changed that. Parvati will cut his throat about F5. The "newbies" had their chance and blew it.
  12. Bad move. Let Rob go be with his beloved. Only one of them is coming back. Parvati is Queen of the Snakes.
  13. I'm impressed! Adam thinking with his big head. Lay off the wine Jenna. She recovered nicely. Paget gives me vibes he could be abusive. Ciera is strange. Couples fighting. A staple on reality TV. Milking almonds. LOL I like the captain. He's really hands on. These guests are, um, "challenging". The Georgia/Adam thing confuses me. Was she trying to collect laundry but not barge in on Parker? Then she's mad because Jenna talked to Adam. Not sure about Jenna's finger story. You can't really do that job until the bleeding is stopped. Madison has a couple screws loose.
  14. Courtney sends this mess off on a great note! FOAD Brian. I'm not buying Asston's "That's not who I am" BS. He's had awhile to conjure up this narrative. Buddy, that's exactly who you are. He does seem a bit nervous. Heh heh. I hope he's having serious real world consequences. Kate calls him on his "epiphany" after his doubling down on the after-shows. Rhylee's not buying it either. Has he really quit drinking? I hope we find out when he gets arrested somewhere. The brus didn't jump on Abby because she was always subservient and "girly" enough for them to drool over. ETA: She knew her place and stayed there. Courtney nails it! It's all about the expectations. She shut them down hard. Brian is still dumb. I can't follow Kevin's "logic". Cute how they all plead ignorance. "I had no idea it looked that way." barf Oh, and fuck you Andy with your bashing the women. "That mean girl threw laundry on the floor!". The brus ain't letting you in their clubhouse. Good job Lee! He's not buying their BS either. Therapist. Just this week! Right, douchebro. Sends Lee over the edge. Like hitting your head against a wall. It feels good to stop. Producers drug him back. This Ross hearsay is a bunch of crap. He wasn't a great bosun either. Ah well, time to go sailing.
  15. Me too. He won season 3 in Africa - Kenya. The episode where they bled the cows and then drank the blood mixed with milk was amazing.
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