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Everything posted by PaperTree

  1. At this point, I really can't tell if Owen is pissed because he was blindsided by his partner's "activities", the fact that he was spied upon by Alicia, even though she didn't knowingly initiate it, the disgust at her running for office, or just a big crap burrito of it all rolled up together. I loved his reaction. Yes. Zach didn't have an abortion. Nissa did. Alicia's reaction was totally selfish.
  2. I wouldn't have told my parents either. Especially if the girl's parents were consenting and I didn't need to ask them for money. I think Alicia would have totally supported it at the time, but from Zach's pov; don't go there if you don't have too. I always hated household drama. My folks would have been really pissed at first when they found out; but I think they would have gotten over it pretty quickly. The "I'm an adult and I dealt with it, but I knew you were there if I needed you" card is the one to play.
  3. Yes!! That slimeball Rocker gets blindsided. Another unplayed Idol. lol They did have me worried at the TC. Natalie won't last long though. Too much loud in too small an area. I wanted Jaclyn to say "John, you told us to vote out Dale and we agreed!" Jeremy, you must feel kinda silly now. Your dumb wife got herself voted out. eta: I think the Pagonging was well underway. Time for a tribe swap thing.
  4. That was a fun episode until the tear fest at the end. I felt bad for both of them, but that was a bit much Mr. Editor. Two English speaking legs up front is too easy on them. Nici needs to improve her technique. Do what you need to do and don't make a big deal out of it. If somebody catches you, call them a pervert and deny everything. I wouldn't worry about the water. Between the fish and the birds, dogs and other critters, her little squirt won't make much of a difference. Just keep her out of the fountains. I most enjoyed the guys in the other boat! Looks like the firemen are in trouble. They never seem to do well on these shows. Nice to not see any silly "alliances" . . . yet.
  5. Ha Ha John Rocker got beat by a gurrl. Julie should have sent Natalie with him. I really can't stand her. All that silly whining. It's not like twinnie got sent to a death camp or something, She's at least at Ponderosa or maybe a nice hotel, but the rest of the women seemed to eat it up. So everybody knows who Rocker is. Good. Sucks he found that idol. I understand Josh's thinking, but it could easily backfire on him. Same for Jeremy. Sometimes you can ride the tiger, sometimes the tiger eats you. Jeremy was really dumb sharing that clue with "Johnny Rock" ugh. "dude she's big" LOL Then Rocker loses to Mr. Fratboy. LOL Missy freaks out hurting her baby. Drew really is an asshole. I hope Alec gets to kick his "model" butt at some point. Fun challenge, good match-ups. Yellow team goes down again. Good tribal. I love it when they get all bitchy with each other. Good on Baylor standing up to Val. Bye Val. I took a big dislike to you tonight. Looks like that phony idol story bit you in the butt,
  6. Twinnie B should be safe since she is now a single. As soon as the merge happens, the remaining pairs should be the first targets. But we have seen the castaways behave in totally irrational ways many times before so anything is possible.
  7. " because I would have just taken a nap under the sink and then watched Bella claim to be able to tell the difference." LOL She won't be able to tell when the cartridge is spent either, if she lasts that long. Does a new loser come in to replace the evicted one?
  8. That creepy dentist isn't going anywhere near my teeth. Looks like we're stuck with them for awhile. Miami chicks playing dirty. I hope it bites them in the ass. Sun sets in the east. Smart girl. I see they don't teach geography in school any more. The college sweethearts are so cute. The wrestlers gotta go. I like the science women, mother daughter, the asian couple. I forget the rest. Survivor losers look like losers. That actual location graphic was hilarious! Penalty footrace! Nail the blondies! LOL A fantastic finish for episode 1. Looks like snagging that pen was a bad move. And now you whine about playing dirty?? eta: bummer preview. I like both of the teams.
  9. She's a nasty piece of work. When the Blue tribe loses, I hope Natalie goes first. Then they can go be bitchy together.
  10. Wu must be so happy that another dumbass threw away the grand prize because of "honor". Cody and Wu should go on TAR together. Imagine the promos "W & C, blindly loyal nice guys who collectively threw away $1.5 million" Frankie's reaction was priceless. America does not hate Frankie because he's gay; It's because he's an asshole.
  11. "And yeah, Christine's vote was a vote to save her marriage." No. It's a throwaway vote for her. I don't think her dweeb husband is going anywhere. After seeing his fluff piece mid-season, he is totally submissive to her skankiness. I can't agree with those feeling sorry for Christine, She's nasty and is lucky to have whats-his-name worship her.
  12. Donny voted for Cody. TA betrayal. Frankie is smart enough to play up how he got played and is such a good sport me me me me me. Giving Derrick his finger point lecture.. loser Donny AFP $25K !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Nobody likes a rat Derrick. But the votes are cast.
  14. Jacosta the fake christian knows all about fake prayin' (Bad Word)
  15. Jury tough to read. I think Derrick takes it.
  16. The live "interrogation " is next. LOL!!! Cody is the new Colby, except Tina was better looking than Derrick.
  17. Jacosta shut up. Wow V. What a dress! or wrap.
  18. This "competition" is pathetic. V doesn't have a chance. Twice the time. Yep!!
  19. Derrick plays Cody yet again. Sorry V, you are beyond saving.
  20. I just saw that Julie LIVE preview. Too funny with VaVaVaVoom picking her teeth while D & C (*) practice their speeches.
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