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Everything posted by PaperTree

  1. What a massive disappointment! Superman takes the wrong ferry and still pulls it out of his butt. Cry me a freaking river dude. I so hope they lose. I was ticked when they found that working cell phone so fast. Huge surprise The Bickersons came in first. Go figure. I would still rather they win over the greenheads. Ugh. Not a big fan of the tasks, but it was cool to see Macao.
  2. Not surprised they voted Joe out. Big threat if he's in your F4 though, too. Scary when he went down. I don't know about Wentworth, but every time I have passed out, there was really no option of stopping whatever I was doing and thus not pass out. Sometimes for a brief instant I've realized it was gonna happen, but there was no stopping that train. She can go any time now. And take whatever that TC face was with her. I can foresee Abi blowing up the new girls alliance with her catty craziness. Evil. She could do a cameo on Criminal Minds.
  3. Excellent! Marinate in that Fishback. Splitting the votes can bite you in the assI Oops Joe gets to keep bringing the pretty. Well played. I like these kind of reward challenges. "Abi's not wrong she's just slow" lol Fishback paints himself a bigger target with that reward win and taking Jeremy and Tash, while the rest of the gang stews and plots. Not very smart and he pays the price. But of course crazy Abi rears her ugly head to maintain the drama. Kelly stumbles her way into another idol. I think Spencer is my favorite now.
  4. Interesting damage control after both tribals. Jeremy is a smooth operator. This could be the worst weather they have ever shown us. Torrential and relentless. I wonder why they didn't do a little work and reinforce that shelter themselves. That reward challenge was wicked. Stephen was a mess, but seemed to recover Wentworth ticked me off. "He made his own bed....by winning" righteous BS. Interesting twist with the rocks for shelter. I guess TPTB couldn't have the whole cast get sick and tap out. Joe knows what a big target he is. He's screwed either way. Just not this week. Keith? Who knows. Savage needs to lose that stupid hat. Interesting TC. Very complicated the shifting of the blocs. I could see everybody's POV, they all seem to have good reasons for who they want to vote out. I won't miss Ciera, but I won't miss Fishback when he goes either. That was good. Psyched for Part II
  5. That all depends on which Christians you ask......
  6. I am so sick of the green team. The Paps should be called The Bickersons. Oy! As much as I dislike Team Texas, that "speed bump" was terribly unfair. A far cry from "sit on an ice block for a few minutes" I did go in and kiss my washing machine after watching that. Good move by the reporters insuring a strong team gets knocked out and Alabama almost screwed it up. The detours were very basic. I'm not sure I could handle visiting India
  7. The witches of Macbeth. I love it!! Conjured up some drama. Fishback, Jeremy and Spencer crack up the gang of eight. Reward challenge Abi looking like the forlorn little girl when she didn't get picked. Not sure if purple figured out to look at the size of the colored part of the pole vs. the dark part and that showed the order. Green was pathetic. Ciera is right about losing to Jeremy or Wiggles. Now he has another idol. Cool trek through the pitch dark jungle. Wow! Fishback beats Spencer for the mystery advantage. He has to survive tonight, first. Amazing balance by both Joe and Abi. Ferocious southeast asian rain. That tribal looked brutal.
  8. Nice guys finish last... Idol thought. Since both Kelley and Jeremy both told no one about their idols, and no clues surfaced, they all just kind of forgot about them. You just know they all looked while giving the stink-eye to anybody caught looking, but still, nothing came of it.
  9. My guess is the whole group, but I wondered that too.
  10. DAMN! That was orgasmic!! Well done Kelley. Cut off one of the heads of those snakes. Damn! Keith is tough. "Joe's balls continue to move......" Probst doing all he could to get everybody sweaty. Hey, it's ratings and Joe brings the pretty. Nice entry to tribal Kass. Fuck 'em all. Nice eye rolls Ciera. Amazing how she can cross-eye them! And then she trolls Savage on the way out and he sinks to Kass's level. Excellent! He'll have lots of time to stew at Ponderosa.
  11. Kass is an idiot. I'm glad she's gone. I think Spencer made the right choice. He should keep quiet about flipping. That whole thing with Tasha was stupid. Pushing a confrontation at that point in the game is a bad idea. Ciera was stupid to chime in too. The "anybody but me" strategy is best. Let somebody else make himself a target. "Let's Play!" She's right, but it's not a smart thing to say. I hope Tasha goes next. Never could stand her. Abi was strangely quiet. Why did she vote for Savage? He can go soon too. Not my favorite episode. eta: oops, missed the Savage vote.
  12. Justin is such a dick. Diane seems pretty fed up. Whatever you want, honey. Now we'll do it my way. Jerk. The attempted pronunciations of Liberte, Egalite, and Fraternite were embarrassing. What the hell is wrong with these people? Clueless Americans. I could have done without the sweaty hair. I'm a George Foreman fan too. "I gotta be more accurate with people" Funny as hell Doc! They all seemed to buzz through the seafood detour. No way I could have done that rap thing. The cheerleaders nailed it, of course. I felt sorry for Denise.....for about two seconds. TBC.... Oh well. Maybe Denise will be trapped there forever. lol. The crew certainly has had their fill of her. I had a feeling at the beginning that the Paparazzi were going to hang on somehow. Yet, they were strangely tolerable this episode. The airplanes were way cool. I've flown in a biplane, but couldn't get the guy to do a loop. Fun episode. Stunning scenery as always.
  13. Now THAT"S a bleeping Blindside.. Nice. Notes from the top: The grateful Woo. Savage or Tasha should make him a f2 deal. He'll give you the million. Abi clueless but strangely still in control Cat Fight!!!! Invisible Monica vs. old Kimmi. I lean to Monica. Sensible use of resources. I smell Tribal Council here. Go Woo. Get that ninja mojo going ya'all need it. Spitting Keith wins the top prize. TKO cleans up. At least Woo gets them some shelter. Now Keith stumbles into a F5. they could go far. Spencer: Where did the round boat come from? I recognize it from TAR as a regional thing, but I must have missed something. Abi goes psycho on the Woo story. (I agree with Abi, but she should STFU about it). Tasha maybe gets a clue. Grab the Woo! Repent later. They set up anybody losing immunity. Hmmmmmm I like the fact that everybody has to shoot. Challenge beast Woo. and Spitting Keith. Nice to see Fishback is staying. Monica wanted this TC. Careful what you wish for. Fun Episode.
  14. Well that was disappointing. Fantastic waterfalls and critters ! "We just wasted our express pass" Boo Hoo. Nice job stepping on that rake. THWACK! Blew the express pass on an easy one then an HOO bunching. Stop with the pointless scheming. Just run a better race. It's not Survivor, there is no immunity or alliances to vote people off. Some collaboration always happens, but it's usually on the fly out of mutual convenience and informal. Justin seems to have dialed it down a notch. He's dead right about proper U Turn strategy. Croquet looks like the better choice. That staining looks tedious and then there's the drying delay. I hope somebody caught all the spitting locations. The Reporters got it like in the stomach, then Texas got nailed in the face. Team Green got it in the chest and the Trackstars were hit in the feet. I missed the rest until the last place cheerleaders got nailed in the face.
  15. Justin is a dick. The Texas boys are a holes. A pox on both of them. Diana seems to be trying to hide from embarrassment. I hate this whole "alliance" idea and hope it bites them in the butt. I guess it's human nature to jump in with a group having a common target, but this isn't Survivor. Trying to bribe people with the cursed Express Pass is really tacky, but in typical jock a hole self-centeredness, they seem to think that everyone else will let them run the show. Even God wants them to win. Ughh. I would yes them death and UTurn them if I got the chance. Read the clue first Doctors, everybody. They are my guarded favorites among a mostly unlikeable cast. I like the reporters, never thought I would. I can't stand mamma. I feel sorry for her son. Did she intentionally name him after the man who murdered MLK or is she just that stupid?? Big screw up on the penalty. Cheerleaders are OK. I keep confusing them with the Trackstars. The Paparazzi didn't get a lot of screen time thankfully. I was pulling for the dancers. They were so far out of their league, but seem like really nice guys. Never complained.
  16. That Varner is a crafty bastard! Well played, after a huge screw up. Why talk to Wiggles?? You certainly don't need her advice. "....middle of a big ol' mess." Of your own making. Funny I won't miss PG, I would rather Savage be gone, but this will do. He annoys the crap out of me. I cheered when he got whacked the first time. Too much foreshadowing on Terry, I knew he wasn't leaving. Damn. That's the most even tribe split I can remember. All three have an old tribe majority of four with two people on each with huge targets on them. Rotten trick that the new tribe got absolutely no food. At least they have fire. Don't be so confident there Fishback. At least Savage is out of his face for awhile. So now it's cool to idol hunt after trashing Fishback for it. Is Jeremy going to keep it to himself or tell the big happy gang of four? One more time. Enough with the tears. Decent episode.
  17. Varner uses Spencer and Shirin to take out Vitas, then turns on them. Well done, but don't get too comfortable. Pinky swear with Woo. He might give you $900K. He should know a swap is coming. Enough of the crying already! It's only the first week.
  18. Great interview. He seemed very honest and humble. Thanks for posting it.
  19. Vanessa couldn't do it all alone and in the end lost by one crapshoot question.
  20. Men usually stick together. Women cat fight among themselves over the men and get wiped out. Vanessa and Lizlia had no problem taking out Jackie, Becky and Meg while keeping JMac, Steve and Austin. The few women who win these things don't do that.
  21. James has been leading the Jokers fan favorite poll since day 47 so his winning was no surprise. Jmac and Meg went back and forth for second place.
  22. "Who is shocked that Vanessa is bitter? I can't wait for her to justify her vote." Not me. She shouldn't even try to justify it. He beat her in the F3 and booted her or she would have booted him. And it pissed her off. She whacked anybody she perceived as a threat. She can cry in her $4.6 million. Good for James winning FF. I voted for JMac, but i'm not bitter. It's only a game show. On to TAR!
  23. Day kills Judas. Now the scumbag runs away from it like the (insert your insult here) that he is. Vanessa comes clean. Good for her. Go Jason!! Keep it together Audrey. OK that was enough. so the others just get shut out. typical
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