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Everything posted by PaperTree

  1. Absolutely, but this is supposed to be "Survivor" If I were to somehow to stupidly get myself into a real survival situation, I wouldn't expect a 'loved one" to show up.
  2. My Dad was away for weeks at a time when i was a kid. That's just what it was like when he came home. eta; Mom always put out a kick-ass dinner :)
  3. Newbies, OK. (grumble) Veterans only? No. spare me the phony tears.
  4. And momma Cirie seems to be using her as a weapon quite nicely, for now :)
  5. Good strategy Cirie. Pull in Tai and have a goal. Eyebrows (nice close-up, editors) drops legacy info. "pretty president" wtf. Good groveling with the adv. Hope that Brad goes will be dashed. Never believe the intro. InstaReward! More massive amounts of food and the "Loved Ones" i hate these episodes............ Sibling bonds. Gag me. My little sister has been trying (and failing. lol) to screw me over for the last 30 years. I'm obligated to look out for her, but would never help her win Survivor. Nasty challenge. I love the beach, but hate to dig in the sand and get all gritty. Uh Oh! Andrea thinks Mik will "get over it". I love Momma Mik. She knows her girl. I still hate you Monika. Edit preps for a Mik flip. Don't do it! Brad and Eyebrows will then toss you. Interesting new challenge. Ewww...this will not end well. Idols still floating in the ether. Go Sarah! . End up on the jury looking stupid. Qoute of the season. Jury Debbie is just so freaking gross. No idols. Woooo Hooooo! Walks those phony caterpillars off to Ponderosa and tosses Officer Sara the legacy.
  6. Venice. Speaks for itself. This is a race for $1,000,000. The idea that other teams are supposed to help you is ridiculous and annoying. Deliberately giving false or misleading information may not be socially cool, but I don't know if even that is against the rules. This is not a popularity contest like some other shows. When there's a lot of money at stake, social niceties usually go right out the window. Sheesh. Those poor tourists on those gondolas. At least they don't have to listen to me sing :) I hope their rides were comped. Jump in the water Brooke. Please! Do us all a favor. Flo was so much more entertaining. The painting party was cool. Watch the demo people!! Then of course Brooke has another meltdown. Demanding little snowflake. Then she somehow gets it done. Oy! Liz totally botched that task. Saved again by the NEL. Matt and Red are just so nice, when they are winning. They can still go any time. Floyd & Becca FTW!
  7. Cheesecake. Oy! These rewards are out of conteol. too much. Go Mik. Tied at the puzzle.......culpepper gang must lose. Damn. I hope this is Brad's last meal I can see this crew plotting to boot Cirie. Cry me a river miss eyebrows. i despise you, tai Aubrey is tuned in. Andrea too. Did cirie move on Sara too soon? Sara is not very smart and overestimates her ability. This Zeke Brad lovefest makes me gag. Well done Andrea!. I hope they whak Eyebrows and Tai wastes an idol Groveling Sierra is pathetic. Stipid of A and c to go to sara Mik is right. Too soon for Zeke! Whack one of the 4. (and they don;t know they have 3 idols!) Sara is right to stfu. scary. WHY ARENT THEY GOING AFTER BRAD!! No tribal munching for Mik tonite at TC :( Sierra prostituting herself. How genuine are these relationships, really, what BS Idol free....................... I'm happy Zeke is gone, but I think it was a bad move by the ladies. \I would have bagged that Culpepper The Clustersuck of Tai,Sierra, Brad, and floaty Troyzan survives. Being something of an old, dirty hippie myself, i have a soft spot for Troyzan TBC :) I've been off the grid in Bar Harbor, ME. Good to be back.
  8. I forgot about the Express Pass. Why does Team Fun need the FF? Interesting strategy. Now the XP is just a mystery in the ether Vanck & Ashton, Brooke&Scott endless bickering. Norway is stunning. Brooke still doing her Flo impression. Shut up and eat your fish. Then Scott tries to out whine her. They can go any time. 13 stories 31,000 pallets. Wow! And the fire looks awesome Figures Matt is a climber. Sorry Brooke, Scott can't do every Roadblock. I was hoping this fishing thing was really hard. Crap! Chill out Tara. Don't collude with those axxholes. Dumb move. Norwegian trolls are cool. That looks harder. Liz & Mike meltdown. Smart move taking the car V&A. I've always kind of wanted to sky dive, but never had the nerve. Now I think I'm too old. Amazing how long that skydiving excursion took. I think it was worth it. Not climbing those steps was a nice bonus. Mike figures it out and then screws up bigtime. Bummer. Very lucky to walk away from that fender bender. He could be a bit much, but I like him overall. Going in the garage was the final killer. They might have made it had they stayed on the road. Saved by the NEL. Quitting? TBC...........
  9. Matt & Red pick up where they left off...ugh.. Oops! Mike & Liz totally messed up. I thought Joey & Tara skipped something at first! Chill out Ashton. You're bothering me. Shamir & Sara trying to regroup. We'll see.... Wow! She says thank you in the native language! I have never understood why the racers can't seem to learn even a few local words. That lock detour was tough. L&M nail it. The door search looked much easier. Still loving Becca & Floyd. Super lucky Scott handed over that key. And Logan&London luck out. ...... All that to bunch up on the ferry. We're sorry Shamir & Sara. Not. The noise at that roadblock would make me insane. Mike kicking it as usual. Vanck is just a classic nerd. Brooke is the new Flo. Very sporting of Becca to help her. Debt paid. Scott was stupid making her do it. Well done Tony. #1. Will S&S catch up? Not today. I really liked Sara tonight. She was on the right track with the doors, just couldn't navigate her way out of a paper bag. We owe the other teams for getting rid of them by helping Brooke.
  10. This language is truly vile. That whole segment just dripped with racist contempt. Then these racists will defend it by saying they never used the "N" word so it's all OK and ya'all just know how those people are. disgusting.
  11. That was all fun. Well said Sara. this freaking out over trans people is just silly. Good for you Zeke. The neverending whining is not productive. Uh oh! Cirie reappears Starving eyebrows whining she's hungry. wah! Twist! Volunteer for martyr. First thought, take it you will grt something better eventually Of course, Alpha Culpepper doing his thing He disgusts me. Tai does the same to maintain rep. Thanks Brad, you can go tonite Cirie stepping up her game, is she out.? This Brad Tai love team is really grossing me out. Interesting strategy Debbie. Faking drunken craziness, sucks up to Brad. The last boss i had was named Brad and was a total bastard. Women should bounce immunity loser, Oz or culpepper or even tai I hate this mikhala bashing. fuck you Sierra. tension Smart hali. 7 is the magic number. don't explode mik. good advice cirie. perception really is reality in our bizzaro world today. Feeling better or just a nasty tease burnett? Tough challenge. "we'll" work on our tans" oy. Well done Andrea, but I might have let tai win. Unless he's the target. "it's about who's going to take control of this game" Until next week. Idol? I hate you Sierra. Hush Mikala. Why is nobody targeting tai or ozzy or brad. He's such a loser he's not even top ten of most obnoxious players, yet seems to think he's just all that. Tribal Council Strip search LOL! I hate you more Sierra. I don't understand Cirie voting Mikala. I guess to keep her street cred as part of the Brad gang. Ah well, Sorry Hali "We are soldiered up!" Maybe not... EZ Zeke. EVERYBODY is trying to CONTROL THE GAME including YOU. You need your own soldiers and Brad and Sierra are not your friends. Oz and Troy appear with them too, so you can get to #5? Yet more luxury. whoops! And the scheming begins. Good mea culpa Cirie. playing? Zeke is foolish going for Cirie/Andrea. We shall see. The Dreaded Pole Cling challenge. Cirie, tough as always, down firsy, bye brad, bye aubrey, bye, skinless debbie, zeke, eyebrows down, Troy, Sara, bummer Mikala, Andrea falls hard, Tai vs. Oz. Loser needs to go tonight, hope springs eternal. Pipppi Lognstocking is going to be very unhappy. Timing is everything...Debbie throws a curve forgot she has an extra vote. Quite a set up for tribal Shifting sands.......... Secret Agent Oz. Turmoil!! Provider gambit. Aubry being the intellectual. glasses are a nice touch. Zeke wtf. Tai . The AF Auxiliary LOL Cirie voting on "trust" Debbie pulls her Xtra Exile Vote! Boom! Bye Ozzy. So pretty (except in those pigtails), but will never know how to win this game. at least he gets to spread the pretty around Ponderosa.
  12. Like the man had never carried a large item in his life. I was hoping it would drop and shatter into rubble.
  13. Nice the way the teams are mostly coming together. Matt and Red can leave any time. Sorry, you asked for that U turn. You made that stupid deal, and you broke it and you laugh about it. I think Ashton is a bit over the top too, but I wasn't there. Then they cut in line and brag what jerks they are. Then they're jerks about being U turned. Then they go all a**hole on Vanck& Ashton. Their baskets looked ratty. I can't believe how fast they put that desk together. Liz & Michael. A carpenter and a chef! Logan the weaver & London. Not! Seth & Olive crush it desk making fail on the weaving Wow! Palm tree dude. Shamir still whining, of course. He can leave any time too. Brooke's injury seems much improved. Crazy road block. I hate crowded places like that. Halal chicken was tricky. Cost Tara & Joey the win. Sara pleading for a refund was hilarious. Then Matt & Red are jerks at the mat too. "Everybody likes us". Right. I hope TPTB are setting up a big takedown of them. Oh no!! Lost passports! Whew!!! I like them. Sad to see Seth & Olive leave. They went out with class. U Turning them was good strategy for taking down a strong team.
  14. A quick play by play... Super Secret Agent Debbie is back on the job! I don't think her extra vote will save her. Tai still stupid. Ozzy wants you gone. Not like Ozzy isn't already an immunity threat. It's all-stars Tai, they know! Go Varner. Keep yourself afloat. New new Nuku. Ozzy nails the rope twist. Faster Debbie faster. Skee ball. Ozzy kicking. No not another Culpepper comeback. Whew! I'm from Jersey too Cirie, I sooo understand. I have 20+ pizza places within 10 mins of my patch of suburbia. "It's gonna make 'em sluggish" ??? No, but it dulled their brains. Couldn't they have laid out all the letters on the dock first, like Scrabble, and get some ideas? Mix them around? Not seeing all the letters I had no clue. The Bushy Brows Return!. Stop whining Mana. Thanks editors. Mikhaela flicking sand while Culpepper whines. Enough of Monica. Don't be fooled Aubrey. I like you. He's scum. Maybe bad strategy Varner. Too soon to go after oz.? Sara? Oz is huge immunity threat, yet also a meat shield.? Immunity Ozzy in the water.....Pepper flailing lol!.... invisible Andrea appears ....aaand they blow it. Stunning parrot. Zeke meat shielding, Varner counter-attack with the women. If Oz was winning challenges you wouldnt be at Tribal Council. Varner playing at TC. Trans bomb! Wow! Epic bonehead move and Probst shovels on the guilt, of course. The idea that Varner could paint Zeke "deceptive" with this was a really bad idea. But I have convinced myself of some pretty stupid things too....... I never would have assumed Zeke was trans, but the thing is that truly nobody should care. He is who he is now and the past is irrelevant. Our current trans hysteria is really harmful. I miss Sandra. .
  15. Massachusetts, where speed limits truly are just suggestions. It's crazy up there. I'm going through it in 2 weeks and need to mentally prepare for the adventure :)
  16. Well this has to be a first! I don't think anybody has caught their junk in a harness before and cried like a baby. He will live forever in Reality TV history. Then he gets snippy at Phil! Good job, bankster. The tasks were good. I like them different enough that players have a real choice. Sao Paulo is incredible. A true megacity of the future. Nasty trick sending that team in the wrong direction. I'm sorry to see them go. Karma? Shamir can go any time now. I like the 1st place team. I still can't get their names.
  17. "It's the betrayal", stupid. They should have whacked Tai and his idols. Interesting swap. Loser gets Debbie. Tai now has 2 idols? Gag me with a spoon. Painting a F3 goat?? Culpepper immediately goes to Troyzan for a meat shield. No, he hasn't changed in spite of his attempts to be humble. And Debbie gets reward by being exiled. Game Changer (tm). Then she goes off. I've met Presidents, Prime Ministers, Sultans, Emperors, Chancellors, Czars, Queens, Kings, etc., etc. and noe the epitome, Johnny Cochran........ he knows she's crazy, but did a good job trying to explain some strategy to her'. Well Johnny you may be correct "IF" she takes your advice. I have a feeling that is not going to happen. Even with her extra vote, I don't think it will save her from her own delusions Zeke playing Varner. Interesting. Sandra smells a rat. Big Stakes! You lose. Somebody gets whacked and you get Debbie. Super tough challenge pushing those sleds. But the puzzle.....fastest in history. Oh my. That spit-take by Sandra was priceless. May be her finale. Caught on the wrong side of a Game Changer (tm) swap. Sandra working her magic? Black tipped shark. Tai catching on? Ozzy gives it away? More Sandra magic? Tai is going to play an idol? gag. Now he has 2 idols and a big goat on his head. Adios Sandra, you are still the Queen. "There will never be another two-time winner". Are we now winner free this season? I'm so old I can't remember :)
  18. Thanks for the Osten memories. He really was... um... something. Muscle-bound cry-baby quitter, perhaps? I've watched every season live and they just become a big blur anymore, after the first bunch. I thought Debbie might be bailing when she was "moving out". Who knows what lurks in her delusional mind.
  19. Boom! The Queen reigns another cycle. Great con by Sandra, Varner and Mik. JT goes home with an idol. LMAO! eta: Aubrey was classy after the vote, I like her flying low.
  20. This times 1000. I predict he will be a F3 goat.
  21. "A deer in the headlights" Waiting for the eyebrows to sprout. Pandemonium at TC. "I will soil myself" Me too. Tai idol boots Malcolm thanks to a rat (f) by JT Both move into the top ten survivor players I hate the most. Brad (spit) is voting off all his meat shields. He won't last. The Queen survives.
  22. Good point. I think if Player B did that, TBTB would have to let him/her have it. Outplay, outwit and all. But if Player A fails to snag the idol at the challenge, I assume a new clue would be planted. Player A could also be seen by one or more players while snagging it, opening another "can of worms" of silly dramatic idol circular thinking.
  23. I'm warming up to this season. On goat killing: They made a smart decision. In this age of social media, the condemnation would be swift and severe. The whole mama/baby dynamic is just too emotionally powerful. Especially with four chickens available. Once those chickens are gone, those goats will be a lot easier to kill come day 27 or so. They should try and catch a male one which I imagine would be much more difficult. I have no qualms with killing for food. I watch all the Alaska shows (except that totally fake BS Alaskan Bush People). These "subsistence" people intrigue me. They prattle on about their "freedom" to kill their food every day, while constantly whining and worrying about it. I don't think that is freedom at all. I appreciate my freedom to go to the grocery store a couple times a week and pay somebody to nicely dress and package my meat. Where their flour, sugar, coffee, tea, liquor, salt, pepper, etc. comes from never seems to get mentioned. I liked the return of the spice rack in tonight's episode. Tasty food is good for morale, It only took two buckets to drop the gate? Nice grab Troyzan! He played that very, very well. Keep it to yourself! Hali was the obvious boot, but! Take out Caleb to whack Tai? Does strength matter that much in an all-star game knowing how fluid any "tribal loyalty" is? I would have booted Tai. He's just so annoying and so unpredictable. I guess Brad (spit) thinks he can control him. Very windy tribal council. I didn't notice Sierra's eyebrows last time. I hope she lasts long enough so I can see the bush out. BOOM! Well done Hali and Sierra. "Not, poor little me! Take out the big dude with friends." Ahh! cui buono?, "Who benefits?" I did a little searching and discovered goat hunting is a big deal in New Zealand and other parts of the South Pacific. http://www.sctrophyhunting.com/goats-hunting-goat-new-zealand-mcbride-spey-wild-south-pacific-charter-guides-lodge-kaikoura-newzealand.php It seems lots of animals were set loose by sailors back in the day so there would be food later for themselves or other travelers. Of course, the native species were hurt by this. The governments have been trying to eradicate them for a long time. An interesting link to a Robinson Crusoe story. http://www.spiegel.de/international/zeitgeist/trapped-on-a-pacific-island-scientists-research-the-real-robinson-crusoe-a-605963.html Ex: "Selkirk was not the first person to live there. In 1575, Spanish explorers brought goats to the island, and subsequent ships brought cats and rats, as well as radishes and parsnips. Selkirk tamed feral cats so that they would defend him against the rats that nibbled on his feet at night. But a herd of wild goats became his greatest source of amusement. Hunting goats became a sport for Selkirk. He learned to outrun them and throw them to the ground while running. He released many of them but, as he told his rescuers, he killed 500 goats for their meat and skins. He even recorded each goat he killed." He was there 4+ years. Some goat info: http://www.scirecordbook.org/feral-goat-south-pacific/ ex: "Now widely established in Australia, New Zealand and many South Pacific islands, feral goat populations persist despite long-term government programs to eradicate them." I notice one, maybe two of the camps are located a good climb up from the beach. That seems different. They are usually right on the edge of the woods at the beach. Maybe there are big tidal swings there. Made me think of Rupert's disastrous dugout shelter that got flooded at high tide. A top 10 ROFL moment! I was wondering the same thing. I know next to nothing about farm animals so I have no idea how much milk one goat is going to produce.
  24. If people were involved in an actual shipwreck, there may be an opportunity to salvage lots of things from the ship. Food would be a smart thing to grab even if it going to spoil, along with tools. I think it adds a little to the "realism". It certainly isn't "Naked & Afraid". Those idiots lose some serious weight. Somebody would probably have a lighter in their pocket too. :)
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