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Everything posted by Bella

  1. I remember liking her - it's good that she's working. Thanks for the update.
  2. I totally agree about the "name as many animals as you can in 10 seconds" and "wow, Sue and Stu really are best buddies - but no romance!" clips. They could compile all that additional time and figure out a way to extend the routines a bit, add another group number, bring in an alum, or do something more interesting.
  3. Talk about the cookbooks from the show and the chefs here. Carla Hall just came out with a new cookbook, Carla's Comfort Foods. http://www.amazon.com/Carlas-Comfort-Foods-Favorite-Dishes-ebook/dp/B00DPM7ZKS/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1398861351&sr=1-1&keywords=carla+hall I'm curious about this one because I liked her first cookbook, Cooking with Love. However, I have so many cookbooks, along with recipes clipped from magazines and saved from online, that I'd have to make a new recipe every night for the rest of my life to get through the ones I'm most interested in. That's not going to happen. But still, they can be good reads. Anyone buying this one?
  4. I am laughing so hard! Busty 20-something niece is studying to be a mammography tech. I will have to share this with her.
  5. Did anyone else think that Melissa's creature's face looked like the Grinch That Stole Christmas? I started out this episode thinking that I was disappointed in this show thus far, but of course they finally did something that I enjoyed. I loved the top two looks, and I'm glad Melissa got her second win. I suspect the guys have been underestimating her. Ben was annoying, but I do think his creature was better than Russ's. I'm still convinced that this show is one big long job interview in which just about everyone will get hired and the winner will get the equivalent of a signing bonus.
  6. Or a sweetheart neckline. That does not look good on everyone, yet it's become omnipresent. It will be interesting to see what my 20-something niece eventually does, though it will likely be a while because she confided that her current beau isn't likely to be in the picture long-term. She's tall and busty, so she'd look good in just about anything.
  7. Good morning! New policy here: We are no longer editing out offensive content. Instead, whenever you refer to others, which we keep telling you to NOT do, we are hiding your entire post. That means that no one sees any of it, including any valid points that might otherwise contribute to the conversation. Do not refer to other posters in any way, shape, or form.
  8. I know some "second responders" who assist people once the National Guard et al have declared it safe for them to enter, and they have put word out that anyone self-deploying (i.e., not verified as being with an approved organization) will be arrested. As of yesterday, that was to apply for 3 days. Any Duggars going into the area to help would have to be affiliated with such a group.
  9. Unfortunately, Kromm, they'll probably more money there than from all their tours and music sales. The Asian promotional market is obscenely lucrative.
  10. I fell madly in love with Tara Lipinski and Johnny Weir during the Olympics. I'm self-employed and had a work gap then, so I stayed home and binge-watched. They were so much fun. At this point, I think I'd watch the two of them reading telephone numbers. So I'm delighted that she's on SYTTCD and would be thrilled if he were also on the show. And I say this as someone who wasn't overly fond of her as a skater. A spoiler thread would be great if we get any. I thought there was a spoiler site devoted to this show, but I just did a 6-minute (exhaustive!) search online and found nothing. And that Australian dancer was amazing. Great video, Eli, thanks for sharing.
  11. I had browser issues when I first started here, Lamb. Chrome is working best for me.
  12. Click on the red box that says "spoiler."
  13. One of my cats had diabetes. If nothing gets you going on the nutrition front, that will. I yanked the dry food and he went into remission for 2 years, then lived another 4 after that being mostly healthy. But I don't think we'll see a nutrition show for the very reason Possibilities mentioned: Animal Planet advertising. Jackson has his Cat Mojo videos on YouTube, and there he addresses a lot of the issues like free-feeding, etc., that we'd like to see. However, those are only about 4-6 minutes long.
  14. I was just curious about the "I was a soldier" bit, so I looked her up on Wikipedia. Our Pnina has quite the interesting personal life and career: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pnina_Tornai
  15. I end up coming here, reading the comments, and deleting episodes from our TiVo unwatched. I initially liked Dave and Connor, but they sound like they've unleashed their inner jackasses.
  16. If you were in charge of the show, what would you have Jackson do?
  17. China is so cute! And I'm sorry about Pumpkin. It's always so hard to lose them.
  18. Great idea for a thread, Possibilities. Chattygal, Paris is about 12 pounds. The vet says he's "very muscular" and he's a good jumper. He's also only 4.5 years old. We get the Armakat brand of cat trees, which are quite reasonably priced, though you have to assemble them yourself. They have lots of models, and some do have stairs or multiple levels for cats that don't jump well. We find that wayfair.com and Amazon have significantly lower prices than the Armakat site itself, but here it is just so you can see what they have. http://www.armarkat.com/
  19. From a practical standpoint, Dill should have thought this through better. I had 2 friends marry in their mid-30s, and of course they already had everything and ended up tossing out a lot of stuff when they combined households. They asked for picture frames, backyard gardening supplies, and donations to two favorite charities. The donation idea would have been so appropriate for a religious couple, who supposedly would believe in that whole "be good to others" thing.
  20. I just watched the second half of this episode. IMHO, Bijan should have let Heather go and take the cat with her. She was ridiculous! Btw, here is one of our cat trees - complete with cat - in the transition area between the dining area and living room. No need for anything fancy:
  21. Yeah, the bare-hand thing is weird, and I hate it. I was doing feline rescue for a while and had to handle a cat who didn't want to be picked up. When I was at my doctor's office that afternoon waiting to see the PA and get antibiotics following the cat attack, I counted 41 bite and puncture wounds, mostly on my right hand and most of those on my palm. I switched to using leather gloves after that and it didn't make any difference to the cats. I'm behind on watching this episode, but I did get through the first half. Observations I've not seen above: We have the same quilt as Jacques. Same color. It's a great all-weather quilt. I sort of liked his decor otherwise, too, but it certainly wasn't cat-friendly. Loved what Kate did with the cat-ification. I also love Jackson's beard flying up over his mouth when he was weightless. This seemed a bit less structured and stiff than much of what the show had in previous seasons, but I haven't watched the second half yet. I wish they'd send him into some normal cat owners' homes and address more pedestrian issues that we face now and then. Cats that run under the bed when company comes. Cats that rush the door. Cats that wake up their owners an hour before the alarm goes off (I have my own theory about this, but I want to see what he says). Long-haired cats that aren't crazy about being brushed. Calming cats that are moving to a new home. Etc., etc., etc.
  22. Possibilities, I am very fond of Pam Johnson-Bennett's books. Here's her website: http://www.catbehaviorassociates.com/ She is based in Nashville, TN, but has a show very much like My Cat from Hell that broadcasts in the UK. I find her overly optimistic, as all of these feline behaviorists are, but I also find her to be more realistic than most, and I like her advice and insight. I can't think of an area where she diverges significantly from Jackson Galaxy. I would like to see a cat care book from him, though. He and his collaborator wrote extremely well when they did his bio. I went onto Amazon to verify that he did in fact have a co-writer (because it's too much trouble to go downstairs and look at the actual book in my house) and found this: http://www.amazon.com/Catification-Designing-Happy-Stylish-Home-ebook/dp/B00INIXQKW/ref=sr_1_3?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1398641398&sr=1-3&keywords=jackson+galaxy Yes, he and that woman he has on to do cat environments have written a book together about design. That's probably a real need in addition to the more standard behavior advice. Cat introductions are a bitch. I've never managed it. It's another reason to get bonded pairs from a rescue group - pairs can be hard to place, and no one wants to break them up. Plus, it's cute that they already love each other.
  23. His autobiography is pretty good, but I don't remember reading much about childhood pets. (His mom has at least one cat now.) He was living in Colorado when he became a hard-core cat person.
  24. Once more, folks: Do not refer to other posters directly, indirectly, upside down, sideways, inside-out, subtly, by implication, in Ancient Greek, while skydiving, etc., etc., etc. Do. Not. Do. It.
  25. I just have one question, since I only started watching this show in order to be a mod here: Have they recycled Danuschka onto it yet? Because she seems to be on every competition this network has. She's hard to miss - she's a tall, willowy blonde with a fake Russian accent (she's from Canada) and a great disdain for everyone and every task. (I think she's hilarious.)
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