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Everything posted by Insomnia

  1. Cover songs for SoA that are simply, awesome. LOVING the remake of Rhapsody!
  2. It's true! Jaime was a very little dick, by comparison. (Something I never thought I might be typing.) But he's still a bit of a dick since it's been going on for a while (I missed if Claire said a month or months). Edited for context: Re Jaime's peace offering. Frank isn't a dick (probably).
  3. I think taking Claire along is just a matter of if Dougal takes all the men with him, who is going to be left around that Dougal trusts to make sure she doesn't run off. He's got all the able castle men with him, or near enough they can't waste people on one Sassanach spy. As much as Jaime is at the same time smoldering and so just darn cute, he looses a teeny bit from me tonight for initially being a dick like everyone else. He excluded her at the start pretty much the same as the other guys. For months. It just doesn't ring true as the guy who would take a beating for a girl he didn't know, or sleep across the threshold of a woman, but not her room. Intentional dick, or accidental dick, it's a dick still the same. *insert force grumpy face here because I just called Jaime a dick, and I don't like it.*
  4. They wouldn't need to reshoot anything for a brief deleted scene. I would agree it might be a legend if it was reported after the show had aired, however it was not. (The last link is from the BBC, and posted on the 4th.)
  5. I'm just guessing, but since he did have a blacksmith's apron on, his horse through a shoe or something similar, but being British, the Scots weren't going to help him so he had to do it himself, and being British, he just went and took what he wanted anyway.
  6. The Sheriff was also a robot - though we didn't get to see it, so I'm not sure it's going to come in to play, unless he comes back which will make the hand shot make more sense. See, the Sheriff was supposed to get his head cut off and he re-attached it according to a leaked script. However, due to recent happenings in the world, BBC decided to remove that bit.
  7. So new screwdriver next week, then, since his was in the castle?
  8. I disagree! The significance has been spelled out on the show, but you need a really keen eye to see it. This isn't a spoiler, since it's in plain sight, but unless you know to look for it, you might not. and also, well, some people just like to be surprised: Of course it's something Claire would likely never notice much like she doesn't understand the language and there are no subtitles, so we are Outlanders with her. It's the nice subtle touches like this among so many other things is why I love the show. I'm really, really happy with it. When I was reading the books, I wanted it to be a movie (because books weren't done on TV as series' then) But now I'm glad it is a series and not just a short movie. There's no way a movie could do it justice.
  9. I'm sorry but if Jaime smoldered at her in the books the way he has on TV and Claire didn't notice she is either: 1) Too young to think boys aren't yucky. 2) Blind. 3) Lesbian. Married or not she still has to look at him. I don't care if she was used to her patients falling in love with her so she just didn't notice. I refuse to believe that book or TV Claire wouldn't notice the smoldering. I noticed the smoldering in the books and I was old enough to notice boys, but still young enough want to go out looking for my own Jaime because boy I wanted to be that princess stuck in the castle that he would come and rescue. And it wasn't even directed at me me. And the smoldering on the TV, well... Yeah. I'll be in my shallow end of the pool - it's so shallow it's dry.
  10. Right? I had this great idea to just start calling shows Assholes, because that's how people ended and it summed up everything about the show easily. Then I realized that Assholes was on several times a week, sometimes even the same night and couldn't keep them straight. I think Revenge was the first show that is now just Assholes to me. But this will have to be Boston Irish Assholes, or something. (True Blood is, and will always be True Assholes). Dexter of course was the exception: it was just Asshole. Bunch of course was the only person who wasn't an asshole, kept proclaiming he wasn't gay. Fitting.
  11. Oh yeah, Bill's a dick. I'm not arguing that. I'm just saying it didn't have to be a supe Sookie ended up with because she might have listened-in away all her powers and met a real boy! And no, Producer Guy: When you make the show all about Sookie, and her magical fairy vagina that everyone loves and wants to get into - yes, it actually does matter who she ends up with. If the show had been a true ensemble then maybe it might not have mattered much, but given how you got to the ending for Sookie, you might as well have just filmed someone standing there flipping off the camera. You would have gotten the point across a whole lot better, and saved the fans a lot of time.
  12. Except, Sookie was loosing her powers anyway; the big ball of lightning was going to be an instant thing, that's all. But they told her the more she used them, and I for one have no doubts that Sookie wouldn't listen in to people until she ran her batteries out. I mean, eventually... supposedly. *hic*
  13. SPOILERS behind this link. So many spoilers. Well not many, just one but interesting enough to post and for some reason the title is spoilery, the jerks! Well not the title, but like, the first paragraph. Anyway it's spoilery.
  14. So, personally I don't think so, and I really haven't seen any mention of it, so I thought I will: Wedding Ring? This was pointed out by a friend of mine, and the friend was male and had been married, so should know what a male wedding ring looks like. To me it looks like just a ring as a band is normally a band, but he's a Timelord so who knows, really. I told him so and he countered with: This post. Relevant bit: So to me it looks like something that was mocked up so he could wear his RL ring, and the gem was given a backstory. But now my friend is convinced it's an In Character wedding ring too. Soooo? Possible still married to Riversong even though it's a new generation and timey wimey already both had the last time they saw each other they thought? Someone else? Just a pretty stone that will come into play sometime this season, or there really isn't a backstory. (I'm the last one.)
  15. @ichbin: You can do anything you put your mind to, when you have a magical fairy vagina.
  16. *hic* Okay, so here is my headcanon for the end of True Blood, the Southern Vampire chronicles, and Dexter. Spoilers, I guess, if anyone cares. If you care about any of the three you either already know, or should be warned off the original endings anyway, so you have been warned. NO TAGS! ----- After dumping his sister's body in the ocean, Dexter hopes on a trans-continental train. Needing something to occupy his mind during the long ride, he throws a couple of dollars into the bargain book bin and buys a handful of books. These happen to include all of the Sookie Stackhouse books of which he reads in their entirety. Disappointed, once he reaches Alaska, after securing a job as a lumber Jack, he hunts down HBO in the hopes that the TV series will be better. He falls asleep just as Bill becomes Billith. Everything we see on True Blood after that is all a dream in Dexter's head. Credits roll in his dream and he sits up with a start, and Dexter ends on the slack-jawed lumberjack Dexter we saw in that series ending. Fin. *hic*
  17. Likely the surgery was the place he could be alone with her and not get tongues waggling, Claire being a single woman and all. It's different her being alone in the room with the MacKenzie and doctoring him, and being alone with Jaime in her chambers while he smoldered at her at night. I mean, he'd be smoldering anywhere and that part isn't strictly part of the answer, I just had to mention it because damn it was hot. This is Jaime, he's a gentleman. He just took a beating for a young woman because she was accused of being loose and it would take her forever to get over the embarrassment, and he didn't even know her. And he's already promised nothing would happen to Claire while she was with him. He's not going to let a woman he smolders at be the subject of gossip, or anything that could get her hurt in any way. Smolder. ...Excuse me. ETA: Re, the plants: Could it be something along the lines of Daddy Long Legs? I'm Canadian, and my ex was from England. We had an interesting conversation about them (with me freaking out, and him wondering why since I was talking about spiders) because they really are different things but use the same name. If they were that careful about getting the correct plant maybe that was it; right for Claire, wrong for us.
  18. It's been shown many, many times that vampires don't actually have to disrobe to have sex. Sex with them is just that awesome. Not only that, but since he was introduced, he's supposed to have been in every episode that's been shown since then, somehow.
  19. I'm hoping Missy is a is delusional and the Promised Land is really an insane asylum, and he's not really her boyfriend at all. Although the whole he couldn't have been Clara's boyfriend because he was already married to Riversong makes a good point; if you can travel anywhere in time and space, and time, and time marches on in all times, relative to you, then is it really cheating? And how would Till Death Do Us Part work? Dammit, I need a Doctor Who / Outlander cross-thread like, right now!
  20. Llywela: But the thing is she does remember, unless they are throwing that out, right before the special where she threw herself into the stream and became fractured in the first place. AND she remembers the War Doctor and the three of them running around together. IF they had kept it that she didn't remember anything, I could buy it, but they've said she remembers everything - that's how that ad finds her in the first place for her to know she is the Impossible girl. And then add in to the fact she's upset that he looks so old now and it just doesn't feel right, to me anyway. And the more I think about it, maybe they are trying to tell us there is something off with Clara, there was a lot of mention of companions. I mean sure it was cool to have a mutton-chopped Alphie doppelgänger in Victorian England... but really, half face was around for millions of years, why did it have to steal muttonchops Alphie's eyes? Something is up. I liked the call, not because it had Smith again, but because he admitted that the Doctor was scared too, and it's not often that the Doctor has admitted he was truly scared, really. ETA: Maybe it's because I grew up with Tom Baker as my Doctor (There I go dating myself again) but I really don't mind an older Doctor. Ten took a little getting used to for me since he was young - but he was older than me - if only by a few years, so that way okay, he wasn't really young. Just normal aged guy on TV, really. And then he became my TV boyfriend, so it was okay. Eleven was the one I had a really hard time with - the Doctor should NOT look younger than me, it was just this big cloud of wrongy wrongness that was just really wrong. And then he became my TV boyfriend too, so it was okay. I think that's why all the mention of Capaldi being old is throwing me off, because he's not that old to me, not really.
  21. I really do love it, and am happy to share it whenever I can. Though, I admit it's the Daleks giving the instructions that really does it for me.
  22. My guess about the whole "Hey! We're married!" thing was probably because they just had gotten married. Any time before it was always so vague and hinted at. They are in the honeymoon of the marriage and if they were around on Facebook would be the people who have to mention it all the time with photos and that sort of thing. It's probably still so new for them it's weird in a good way to just say it to each other, still.
  23. Yeah, Portia didn't care because there would be no babies, so he made her terrified of him whenever she saw Bill. In the books Anyway, they could go that way and not have Bill die. Is it too early to start drinking preparations yet? If the season was still 12 episodes it wouldn't be! I just don't know what loose ends they have to tie up, that they actually will. Tara is dead. Sam is gone (and honestly, I just find that stupid. Sure, all this weird shit happens in Bon Temp, but that's only because that is where the show is set. The blood infection is a world-wide problem, except for the northern hemisphere, but only because it hasn't gotten dark there, yet. But that's just me ranting, it's waaaay too late for me to hope the characters would have more of a world view, despite having several characters who have been to the far corners of the earth and back again, sometimes multiple times.) But I mean, what really is there left to do? Someone needs to go pick up Andy's truck from Fort Bellfleur, I guess. It was just left there. And um... things? It would be ballsy (and awesome) if an asteroid just came out of nowhere and flattened Bon Temp, and then the credits roll, just to show how pointlessly pointless all the drama and magical fairy vaginas and everything really is in the grand scheme of things. Because like I said earlier, it's happening everywhere, Bon Temps really isn't all that special in the grand scheme of things. If they had a sense of humour, they would do the one or two line endings before the credits. Soandso died suddenly. The Merkin went on to have many adventures. Can I you tell I'm already ready to be disappointed? *hic*
  24. Oh, I know when it airs; it just feels to me little bit by bit, it's slowly moving away from a kids show. Blink would have terrified me as a kid. (It terrifies me as an adult who stayed up to watch Chucky when the movie first came out.) And I don't really think that's a bad thing. It's going to start earlier again next week. And I went back and re-watched everything for the anniversary. It was a kids show, sure, but some of the things that happened were pretty dark, they just never registered for me then. So maybe I'm just more aware of it now that I'm an adult. And I don't think having younger Doctors made it more kid friendly, really, or that it's going to get so much more dark now there is an older Doctor. But then that look the Doctor gave the camera after half face "fell." Yeah, it's going to be dark from now on, no doubt. But I mean, Blink would terrify Daleks, no matter how kid friendly the show was. If I had to guess why the latter time tonight, I would say the "kiss". It wasn't a kiss, but still, close enough to maybe bump it a little later.
  25. I wonder why they stopped doing the fear factor for the episodes. They just sort of stopped. And while I don't have kids, nor am I a child myself they were really informative. I think with the globalization of the audience, it's become less of a kids show now than it once was, which on one hand I find sad, and the other I'm glad the show I loved growing up, has grown up with me. The kids who could watch it now will grow up, and they'll be able to watch it too. Doctor Who isn't going anywhere!
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