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Madame Helvetica

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Everything posted by Madame Helvetica

  1. So. Much. Word. Every time Brittney opens her mouth, I'm surprised by the stupidity/ignorance. Though I shouldn't be because she's dating Jax. WTR to the roast, I actually thought Ariana's set was pretty funny.
  2. While the episode was fairly boring, I totally cracked up at Kyle's talking head when she was imitating Erika in front of the camera. "How many fucks do I give???? ZERO! ZERO! ZEROOOOOO!" Well done, Kyle. Well done.
  3. I've wondered the same thing! "Oh hey mom! I was wondering what you think I should do for dinner? Spaghetti? Sounds good! What would I do without your unfailing support?!" I don't get it either ... though I also get annoyed when my husband calls me during the day while I'm at work and asks what I'm doing. Uh, working? (And reading snark on the interwebs.)
  4. ....that he's from Transexual, Transylvania? I have to give it to Kyle for being so open and nonchalant about his preferences/sexuality on camera with people who are basically strangers. He just put it all out there, no fucks given.
  5. I actually have a wine opener like Kelly's, only it's just black and grey - no bling, and it's the easiest thing in the world to operate. Vicki had trouble with it because Vicki is a moron.
  6. I mean, to Shannon, she is the victim here. If my husband cheated on me, I'm not sure my focus would be on understanding the other scorned party's needs and feelings. Straight up, I would probably not care. At all. It's not Shannon's responsibility to "consider the children". It was David's responsibility to consider what his actions would do to his marriage and his children and what kind of example he should set for them. Same goes for the other woman. It's not Shannon who needs to be considerate of them - David and the McMackin lady certainly weren't considering Shannon, McMackin's husband and the kids.
  7. Just coming here to post this (not sure if it's already been posted): Logan doesn't think Rory should have married him either. I can't believe they called him the "the annoying, pompous Logan Huntzberger on Gilmore Girls." Seriously? I think that mainly describes Jess.
  8. THIS! You make an adult decision and end up suffering adult consequences, you don't get to go "find yourself". I don't think dinner once a week is all about control. It's about being a part of their daughter and their grandchild's life - which their daughter has kept them firmly at arms, or longer, length. I think it was stated they only saw them once a year or so for the holidays? Emily saw an opening to re-establish a relationship and so she did. I can't blame Emily being upset about this. She knew that Lorelai would go back to little communication with her parents and they wouldn't see Rory as much as they would like, so she got defensive about it. And maybe Lorelai could have reached out to her parents and not gotten prickly anytime they wanted to talk about how they were hurt by her actions. Which she did anytime the subject was broached or she became the victim of her rich parents and their RULES. I'm not saying Richard and Emily are saints - they're not - but Lorelai's actions created more strife with their relationship than anything, which in turn, affected their relationship with their granddaughter. (Rory followed Lorelai's lead on pretty much everything. If Lorelai was mad at someone, so was Rory.) Someone up thread mentioned Emily rubbing the fact that Rory liked golfing with her grandfather in Lorelai's face (I don't have the energy to go find the qoute) and I had such an opposite reaction to that scene. When Rory was all goofy and wearing her golf hat with the poof ball that her grandfather got her, she was proud of it and smiling, telling Lorelai that she enjoyed her time. Lorelai got all butt hurt about it and acted weird that Rory would get along with her parents in ways that she was never able to. Instead, she made jokes about the hat and made Rory feel ridiculous about having fun and wearing it (i'm basing this opinion on how her face falls when talking to her mom and slowly taking off her hat). Lorelai then kind of attacks? Emily about their outing to which Emily responded something equally snarky about "is it inconceivable that Rory could possibly enjoy spending time her grandfather" something like that. In that instance, Lorelai was being a jerk, not Emily rubbing it in her face.
  9. I'm with Kenya on this one. The last time she saw NeNe, they were laughing and carrying on and agreed to be "cordial". Then then next time she sees Nene, it's all "who the fuck do you think you are trying to greet ME?" Just a total dick move that was uncalled for. You can be nice without being friends. That doesn't mean being fake, either. That's handling your buisness like a GROWN ASS WOMAN. I wasn't really paying attention to this part, but I do remember Kandi telling Phaedra that she had to then break the news about the show being cancelled to the staff and actors - all the people who were depending on her. I think that's implied that they're losing money by not getting paid for the work they thought they were going to be doing. It sucks, and Phaedra was cold as ice. I think Kandi is just going to explode one day. Between the disrespect her mother constantly shows her, the issues in her marriage, her employees constantly telling her that Todd's the issue (and make fun of him to his and her face?! WTF?! ), and the play cancelling, she seems near the tipping point of going off. I honestly didn't see an agenda or a "take down." Nene made the session about Nene and all the women were calmly stating facts about how they felt about situations. When Nene acts like an asshole to everyone, don't sit up next to the therapist and try to tell everyone else what's wrong with them without taking any criticism for her actions. Also, I thought Phaedra's comment about Cynthia being a plus-sized model was pretty heinous. Throwing stones in glass houses and all that. Making fun of anyone's age or weight is just classless.
  10. This is pretty much the best description of Jess that I've read.
  11. I think Kim was too bombed to have any sort of plan, let alone pull it off. Brandi wouldn't know strategery if it slapped her on her ass and called her a c***. Brandi and her "takedowns" are about as subtle as a mack truck.
  12. I don't think Brandi can hurt the Bravo network in any way. She can screech and holler and yell and tweet all she wants about Andy's "bullying" (people, get a new word! Not everything is bullying.) on WWHL, or that Bravo coerced her into saying things, but I seriously doubt that any of it will have an impact on Bravo - or even the RH shows in general. I don't think any viewer thinks these shows are 100% reality. I'll admit that I'm one of the few that don't think everything is contrived and planned or that these women are all master manipulators of the highest order with grand schemes and plots that they puppet master over. I chose to believe that the situations are set up and we're watching the women react genuinely, for the most part. Not always, but generally. I just truly don't believe any of these women, Lisa V. included, are savvy enough to have the foresight and ability to manipulate the viewing audience to the degree that they are given credit for. But to say that Brandi makes Bravo nervous is laughable to me. This girl, who is barely able to tweet a coherent, legible statement in 140 characters or less is not going to make a successful network nervous. I'm sure Bravo has hours and hours and hours on the cutting room floor that they could use to discredit anything that Brandi says and thoroughly embarrass her. If anything, Bravo's probably got her by the short and curlys and she's too dumb to know better. Methinks that Brandi places more importance on who will listen to her drivel AND take her seriously than she has any right to.
  13. Good point. I think that Rory in academics was on solid footing. What I was really referring to in regard to special snowflake status was the comment that Mitchum made to Rory about not being cut from the right cloth to be the kind of reporter she aspired to be which, in turn, caused her world to crash down around her and spiral to yacht stealing and dropping out of school. That's really where my impression of inability to take criticism and suck it up came from. She wasn't so bad in the earlier seasons. Completely agree! While the quote you posted leans toward the deadbeat dad status, I think Taryn74 laid out a pretty good argument for the inconsistent portrayal of Christopher as an absentee father vs. Lorelai keeping him at a distance and then making it all about her when he was around. Honestly, I find it fascinating how we can all watch the same scenes and come away with totally different impressions. It's kinda like when I watch the Real Housewives and think that it's pretty clear cut what happened in a scene only to read the boards and be flabbergasted at how others interpreted a scene depending on which housewife they like or despise. Because my bias leans more to the UO of Chris not being horrible and Luke being the worst (second only to Lorelai), I'm more apt to forgive his transgressions than I am Luke for hiding the whole April thing and being an all-around irritable guy who needs to turn his baseball cap forward and wear something other than flannel. Yaknowwhatimean?
  14. I completely agree! Rory was pretty much the most mature Gilmore, but still had some fuck ups that she didn't handle well that I thought were true to her character. When everyone (like an entire town!) tells you that you are a special snowflake, you start to believe. She never had to develop coping skills for when she screwed up or when someone tells her that she's not entitled to a career just because she says that's what she wants to do. There has be work done. So Rory going off the rails doesn't bother me as much as none of the elder Gilmores sitting down with her and laying it out that shit happens, people say things and sometimes you need to buck up. I think Emily and Richard were just glad to feel useful and needed (because let's face it, Lorelai basically always told them how unnecessary they were to her and her life in all aspects and was constantly antagonizing them) and that overshadowed the root cause of Rory's about face when she left Yale. In regard to the post that had said that Lorelai was always making excuses to Rory so she'll quickly forgive her grandparents or Christopher, I actually don't see it that way. I just re-watched the Season 3 penultimate episode after Lorelai had paid back the Chilton money and called off Friday night dinners. She had gone to the senior Gilmores who were with the crazy clothing lady. Emily is still pissed/hurt that FND have been cancelled and is acting childish, granted. However, instead of being an adult and asking/telling her mom that she would like to stay and have dinner with them, she just pushes Emily's buttons and gets into right in front of Rory and storms out. Then, of course, Rory follows her mom and takes up her cause/case to be upset with her grandmother and Lorelai just seems to be ok with it. Lorelai talks about Rory maintaining good relations with her grandparents, but she is constantly telling Rory how awful they are, in an almost "you can like them, but here's why they are they worst rich parents in the world!" kind of way. Same with Christopher. And on this re-watch, I have more questions about Rory's early years, because it seems like Chris wanted to be involved in Rory's life but it was Lorelai who kept everyone away. Not that Chris should have fought more if he wanted to be involved in his daughters life, but with what's been discussed, it seems like Lorerlai's the reason he was kept at a distance. Which is just an asshat thing to do. Maybe I missed some crucial dialogue that counters this?
  15. This post is CHOCK FULL of unpopular opinions! I'm doing a re-watch of the show thanks to Netflix, and maybe it's because I'm watching them back-to-back in quick succession, but I never really realized how big of an asshole Lorelai is. When I first watched the show as a teen then college student, I thought she was a pretty cool mom and funny. Now as 31-year-old mom, I just can't handle her. Count me as firmly on Emily's side in most cases. Ya know wanna know why your relationship with your parents always sucks and never gets any better, Lorelai? It's because you're self-centered, sanctimonious ass hat who doesn't think how your actions affect others. Currently watching Season 3, and I want to throw dinner rolls at the TV - Lorelai REALLY DIDN'T KNOW that you're supposed to apply to more than one school? I just can't even with her immaturity. I mean, JUST ANSWER ONE FUCKING QUESTION DIRECTLY! It doesn't all have to be quirky and a rabbit trail into the inner workings of her stunted thought process. Also, I like Chris instead of Luke. Granted, I haven't really gotten to the later seasons when they get married, but I remember watching them the first time around thinking that Luke should just go off with April and find someone else who digs the lumbersexual look, and Chris should be the end game. But, actually, now that I'm thinking about it...maybe Luke deserves Lorelai because she's so awful. And he's awful. And they can be awful together. Additionally, I can't stand Jess. I'm all for the mysterious loner dude archetype, but Jess is more rude and ridiculous rather rough-around-the-edges mysterious. I'm actually really looking forward to Logan being back on my screen. Overall, I'm just really surprised how much this show is making my blood pressure rise with my disappointment at Lorelai and pretty much everything that comes out of her mouth.
  16. My takeaway was that Shannon was perplexed as to why the Dubrows were going after the Beadors at the table when Shannon herself said that Tamra told her the Dubrows made the ridiculous "take down" comment. Even Lizzie's husband asked why they were still talking about it since Shannon said she talked to Tamra to confirm the statement and when Tamra didn't, Shannon dropped it. The Dubrows, at that point, should have turned their attention to Tamra and started asking questions. However, they kept going after Shannon and David. Terry with his little bitch comments to David, Heather with her "when you yelled at me at your house" crap - in the middle of Shannon's apology, no less. Heather keeps inserting herself into situations and then trying to spin it back on Shannon. It's like that time at the CUT fitness dinner, when Alexis said something along the lines of "you girls are attacking me" referring to Gretchen at Tamra only, and Heather piped in with "don't include me in this" and the proceeded to put herself in the middle of the argument, fanning the flames further and frustrating Alexis even more. Even after Alexis said "I wasn't including you, Heather. You're just sitting between them." All that to say, Shannon freaked out because Heather just kept saying that Shannon was yelling her - when she wasn't and then twisting everything so that she and Terry were victims of the Beadors. Tamra was putting her hands all over Shannon which compounded the situation and exacerbating her anger. Shannon was plenty mad at Tamra for putting her hands on her and told Tamra multiple times to take her hands off of her. Heather and Terry continued to act like the Beadors accused them of saying the Dubrows wanted to take them down. Heather is accusing Shannon of misplaced anger, but it seems that Heather should take her own advice and be upset with Tamra as well. I usually want to punch Vicki in the face when she does the rude snoring bit, but a well timed snore at that dinner table from Beadors to the Dubrows would have been amazeballs.
  17. I don't think Shannon is only mad at Heather for repeating what Tamara told her. She's mad because, even when Shannon is apologizing and then explaining where she is coming from, Heather makes it all about Heather and says that Shannon just yells at her all the time. Which has not been the case. I totally get why Shannon lost her shit that night. Heather keeps twisting everything so that Shannon is made out to be some unhinged lunatic who is constantly berating and blaming Heather for everything that is wrong in Shannon's marriage. However, that's not what Shannon has done. The night she when to the DuBrow's, she was asking for confirmation about what she already knew - that Tamra was lying when she said that she never told Heather about David's email. That's all Shannon was looking for - the source to Heather's information. But, of course, Heather made it all about her and tried to play the part of the victim. Then she kicked Shannon out of her house, which to me, is a far worse sin than any of the "yelling" Shannon has done to Heather. I do believe that Shannon is mad at, puts the blame on, and no longer trusts Tamra, but since Tamra has apologized, Shannon is being nice but keeping Tamballs at arms length. She's obviously re-thinking the things Tamra told her, so she wanted to get confirmation on camera that what Tamra had said about Terry is true. Good ol' Tammy Sue goes back on what she had said about Terry wanting to "take the Beador's down" (what the shit does that even mean?) and so Shannon dropped it. TAMRA brought it up at dinner. TERRY acted like a little bitch at the dinner table. HEATHER escalated it and re-hashed the whole "yelling at me at your Christmas party" fiasco. I don't blame Shannon for losing her shit one little bit. She doesn't like Heather, for sure, but Heather really has been in the instigator in a lot of ways with Shannon, not the other way around. I really hope so! I also hope Andy grows a set and asks more than just softball questions.
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