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Everything posted by Oldernowiser

  1. Well, she is the grift that keeps on giving...
  2. Maybe Anna noped out and used the pandemic as the reason. Which actually would make all kinds of sense, so probably not.
  3. The hell with that, I hope the first thing they do post-wedding is order a large deep-dish pizza with extra everything and six pints of Haagen Dazs from room service.
  4. I hope Jill knew the FabulousWallers were posting those...if they scooped her somebody’s going to get SEVERELY injured.
  5. Well, they look very happy. Clearly need some practice on the kissing thing, though...
  6. Okay, so my excuse is I didn’t get much sleep last night but I SEVERELY thought that was an actual Jill post for much too long. Oy.
  7. As much as I am hopeful for you, I have to believe that Anna gave up on embarrassment long about the toilet birth and it’s been downhill from there.
  8. So Luke finding out that Mr. Too-Cool-for-School was working at Wally World made my WEEK. I enjoyed it almost as much as Luke!!!
  9. If that’s really from Jinger, it’s a big old bag of Take A Damn Hint Already. Didn’t know the girl had it in her. Bravo.
  10. As much as I loathe Jill’s decorating, I’ve thought that more than once. As someone who’s done a lot of this stuff (tiling, woodworking, painting, etc.), I will begrudgingly admit his skills are good. He could do handyperson for hire stuff and still work as his own boss. Then I realized that even if I hired him and he did good work, I would never have him back due to the inevitable proselytizing. I don’t pay someone by the hour to tell me I’m hellbound and I suspect I’m not alone in that .
  11. That’s way more leg hair than anyone needed to know about, RFP. Too bad you can’t transplant some onto your forehead.
  12. Nah, she lives for that sense of persecution. Besides, attention is attention.
  13. Well, since Daffy, Goofy, Sleepy, Sneezy, Bashful, and Grumpy were already taken... Yikes. Hopefully he has an obvious nickname that won’t sound quite so much like they got it off a Double Bubble gum wrapper?
  14. “You’re so pretty.” ”No, you’re so pretty.” ”No, you’re prettier.” ”No, you’re prettier.”
  15. Oy, with the poodles already! (Had to go there...) That gene pool is clearly getting a tad shallow. So it finally hit me...Christopher looks like a young John Stamos. But without the sincerity.
  16. That was great...I just wish I believed that Feckless Christopher won’t be back in the Gilmores’ good graces sooner or later. Why they continue to think he’s fabulous makes no sense to me.
  17. So I’m working my way through season 3 (I save these for when I am on the treadmill) and... 1) Christopher is one self-obsessed human being. He’s going to marry pregnant Sherrie but, “that’s not what I want!!!!” He sounds exactly like a toddler, not a grown-ass man. Oh, and BTW, pal, I’m pretty sure you had a little something to do with that pregnancy, so stop acting like it somehow happened without you being there. Blech.* 2) Jess. Mostly I hate Jess because of how Rory acts because of his existence, which isn’t his fault, but the way he mouths off to Luke about being “a golden retriever” is pretty damned snotty for a kid whom Luke is feeding, housing and employing AND who let him come back after being such a punk the first stint. 3) Lane makes me sad. Her mother controlling her isn’t even funny anymore...it’s just creepy. 4) Rory. What happened to you? You were such a sweet, grounded kid. 5) Thank goodness for Michel and Paris...they never disappoint! * Oh, and how could I forget...by all means, dump it on Lorelai to “tell Rory” that her father’s promise that they would be a family was all “oops, guess not.” Then Christopher has the stones to crash Friday dinner with a terminal case of the PutUpons because neither Lorelai or Rory are returning his phone calls? He’s an ass.
  18. I just canceled what would have been my first haircut appointment since January...and I normally have very short, ignorable hair and have for decades. It’s now down to my collar in the back and I keep thinking something’s crawling on me. But cases are started back up here, too...not worth it. Although I look a lot like a psychotic shih tsu. Back to Jill...it’s got to be SEVERELY frosting her cookies that Nurie’s wedding might not be the fundie event of the season. She’s going to do this event her way if it kills her...and it might. Stupid broad.
  19. Oh, honey. Lie down for awhile...maybe it’ll pass. We love you anyway.
  20. Well, I debated whether to post this link for quite a while. It’s your decision, obviously, but maybe rethink the masks? https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/health/how-a-small-birthday-lunch-in-tacoma-became-a-coronavirus-cluster/
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