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Everything posted by Oldernowiser

  1. Well, still not sure how much of Mama J’s transformation was surgery and how much was her meth addiction...
  2. Translation: “You’re already being scammed, so why are you being mean and not letting us scam you?”
  3. I forget these two exist most of the time. They’re curated to such a level of blandness that my brain just can’t be bothered to remember them.
  4. Nope, still not cute IMO. But from outward appearances she’s loved and that’s what counts.
  5. Oh, Lookey, sweetie. I am so, so sorry.
  6. Is it wrong that my first reaction was, Hmmmm...RFP, what did you do????
  7. Nah. That’s just life in 2020 under Covid. My good news is that PupWiser hopefully will not require a second surgery, as the walloping infection in his incision site is healing up nicely on the antibiotics. (Since it’s supposed to be only good news I will spare you my sheer panic that my vet is leaving the state...he’s incredibly good with both my nervous boys, lets me inject their vaccines and will swap vet stories with me until they drag him into his next appointment. I saw him three times this week trying to cram everything in with both dogs before his last day and it was all I could do not to throw myself at his ankles and beg him not to do this to me. Yes, I was pathetic. I cried in the car, FFS.) Other than that, I continue to cling to our 2020 Motto: Ain’t broke, ain’t sick. Hugs all around...
  8. Lifting Up Lookey Lou from the very gray Northwest...sending light, love, and comfort to you and SweetSon. ❤️
  9. Hubris. They are assuming the Duggar Brand will be on teevee forever because they’re just that beloved.
  10. Happy Birthday, Scarlett! Be safe out there...we need you!
  11. I can tell you from bitter personal experience that there’s no such thing as one bedbug. (Mr. Wiser got stranded by a canceled flight and United put him up at an available hotel...two days after he came home I had bites all over one hand that itched like nothing I’ve ever experienced before...and I’ve had poison ivy three times.)
  12. Aw, Lookey. How utterly shitty. I’m so very sorry. Big hug.
  13. When I was sixteen I had a crush on my first cousin. Hell, I didn’t know. I was a kid. He was handsome. Point is, kids shouldn’t “court.”
  14. What’s with the cheap leopard print blankey....that is soooo off-brand.
  15. 1) Wear masks. 2) Video everything. 3) Do try to engage Jill in a Biblical knowledge throwdown. My money says you would kick her ass...she’s a whole lot more about thumping it than reading or living it. You are my heroes...
  16. Okay, the good news is that we’re home from the vet and PupWiser is now on major antibiotics and has more pain meds. The EXTREMELY SEVERELY bad news is that this vet, who is so good with my dogs, including my old nervous rescue boy who has behavioral issues and is A Challenge To Examine, is moving out of state next week. DAMMIT. Would 2020 just fuck off already?
  17. There’s a Jackson? (Hey, someone had to say it. It’s tradition.)
  18. Wow, that’s a cliché-fest. Do they have a random-word generator called, “Shit You Say: Courting”?
  19. PupWiser’s incision is worse and he’s in pain. He’s a retriever...they have an almost limitless pain threshold and I am UPSET. I have an urgent call into the vet and if I get even a inkling of “we’re fully booked” I am going to cut a bitch. ETA: Vet is seeing him at noon on his lunch hour, so I will hold off on the violence...for now. 😡 The stupid part is that I had them remove that cyst because it kept scabbing over and then opening up and I was afraid it would get infected. Did I mention how irony is my life theme?
  20. You needed the sleep! And I’m so glad you got it. Hooray, you!
  21. Honestly, the fact that Jill is a judgmental, nasty, thirsty, lying famewhore is one thing. Indoctrinating her helpless litter to be the same is another.
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