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Everything posted by Oldernowiser

  1. Ah, LookieLou. It’s a void within a void within an abyss, I know. To have this happen in the middle of Covid is just beyond beyond. Left foot, right foot, breathe. Repeat. Sending a hand to hold.
  2. Maybe one of our Arkansas experts knows more, but at least in Maine and Washington keeping up a real estate license costs money and time. There are ongoing continuing education requirements, MLS dues, Errors and Omissions insurance premiums, and license fees. My guess is JB & Sons are too lazy to bother, so they probably just have this guy on an extra low percentage commission deal and shovel listings his way.
  3. Dear Hillary is just begging to get JRodded by the King and Queen Duggar. Nobody is ever, ever allowed to out-famewhore the founding famewhores.
  4. Hey, maybe you’ll be pleasantly surprised? First time I had a flu shot, I was miserable for 48 hours. Second time? My arm was sore and I was tired for a day, but that’s it. I’ve had worse hangovers...in my younger days, of course.😁 But I will reiterate...YOU DO NOT WANT SHINGLES. My husband contracted shingles in 2009...he still has pain and itching on that side nearly every day. Oh, and he got them again a few years ago...on his scalp. He had been told by the very small town clinic where we then lived that the vaccine wouldn’t be effective as long as he still had shingles pain. I would give a lot to have another chance at that decision or at least to have gotten a second opinion. Honey? I will hold your virtual hand. But don’t risk going through this disease...it’s freaking awful.
  5. Awww, see? You’re a big softie, too... RFP has shown only rudimentary understanding of the implications of unmasked photos. Hell, he pulled his mask down for a selfie in what supposedly was a pediatric clinic waiting room. Something else is up.
  6. I’m guessing you’re right. I naively assumed since they already pimped out the birth that would be the end of the pimpage, at least until the baby gets more interesting. I underestimated their greed. Or at least I would have thought their delight in their new baby might override it. So, basically, I am an old softie idealist. How embarrassing.
  7. So I’m much too uninterested to go find the actual date, but Prop 2.0 is what, two-ish weeks old now? But only two photos since the announcement and you can’t really see the baby in either one? This seems highly unlike RFP, especially since they have The Candle and Cap Crap Emporium to promote?
  8. Take it from a shingles survivor...get the vaccine. I was “too young” to qualify at that time...it started with severe pain in my left elbow, spread down my arm, through the left side of my chest, into the left side of my upper back, and the left side of my face. I ended up vomiting in the ER while they did a workup for a possible heart attack and a pulmonary embolism. Nope, “just” shingles. THE PAIN. I never felt anything close and never want to again. I was flat on my back for a month and it took two years for my left eye to recover...the pupil couldn’t constrict normally. Good times. So if you can get the vaccine, I can’t recommend avoiding shingles enough.
  9. May I just say how much it warmed my cold cynical heart this morning when both the ICU nurse receiving the first Covid vaccine and the person administering it were women AND women of color? 🥂
  10. How about we just give it to the household staff and secret service? God knows they’ve earned it. Yes, I’m bitter. I’m sick to my core when deniers with money and power get whisked instantly away to VIP priority treatment in the best hospitals while people who have no choices suffer.
  11. This makes sense, but my opinion is that anyone, especially those in the public eye, who downplayed the consequences of this virus and/or refused to wear a mask goes to the back of the line. FWIW, I just read this morning they’re supposedly putting the White House vaccinations on hold. Guess the PR backlash hit home for once.
  12. Hooray, you!!!!! I have been wondering how you were and if you were able to extricate yourself at all. My friend, YOU ROCK. Keep on keeping on with your badass self!!!
  13. It’s my fervent wish that every retail, grocery, and food processing worker be at the head of the line, right behind medical professionals, first responders and seniors in group settings. Those people have put up with a ridiculous amount of risk and abuse while getting paid very little. Without them, nobody eats. I just read that the White House staff are receiving the vaccine as top priority. That, my friends, is seven kinds of hypocritical bullshit. 🤯🤯🤯
  14. Oh, what a cupcake! Such a sweet face...
  15. You know it’s 2020 when my first thought isn’t, “awwww,” it’s, “MASKS!!! AND NO LAP SITTING!!! STAY SIX FEET FROM SANTA AT ALL TIMES!!!”
  16. Oh...God. I knew it was going to be Awful. Direct meteor hit to the house awful. 🤯
  17. Ha. If you have nothing else better to do, like me, Google “Gilmore Girls jumps shark.” People have a LOT of feelings on this topic! And I found my favorite description of Logan of all time: ”Logan, the son of a bitch psychic vampire layabout partying rich fuck with wretchedly uncharming friends, a vague undercurrent of misogyny, and a criminal disregard for the feelings of others, who almost ruined her life and makes original Jess lovable by comparison... Why, he deserves a second chance because he's all puppy-dog eyes now and brings her dinner! Maybe Rory will get to have it all!!!” (Credit goes to some blog person called MrDanKelly. Bravo!)
  18. And while I’m ranting... Why do the show runners enjoy torturing viewers with references to key scenes/events we never get to see? Luke proposing? The letter Lorelai wrote to Rory? Lorelai dumping Max? And those are just the three that immediately come to mind. I realize Luke and Lorelai are both kinda snarky, unsentimental characters...but they never seem to use endearments with each other. It’s odd. My husband and I are pretty snarky, too, but the only time we address each other by our actual names is when an argument is about to commence or one of us is about to get hit by a car and needs to be warned in a hurry. L/L? It’s always Luke and Lorelai. I think she called him “babe” once...sarcastically. I have a more verbally affectionate relationship with my physical therapist. Again: ugh.
  19. Where to begin... I fear I am Gilmore Girl broken. And I haven’t even gotten to the Lorelai sleeps with Christopher episode yet, and yes I know about that and it’s like waiting for the speeding meteor to drop out of the sky, not knowing if it’s going to land on the house, or just slightly to one side, sparing everyone but traumatizing them for all eternity. Shit. Why do writers of successful television romcoms end up despising their viewers??? Seriously, because it’s the only reason I can think of that we end up with garbage like this. 1) At this point, pretty much every man in this series is an Idiot, an Asshole or just plain Weird. Some are more than one (Zach, for example, is all three). I struggle to think of an exception...maybe Gil? Michel? Borderline. 2) I can’t believe they trotted out that “we were on a break” crap. Seriously? Have some shame, writers. Have some originality. 3) Lorelai....USE YOUR DAMNED WORDS. If you’re pissed that Luke has cut you out of the whole April deal (I’m sorry, she leaves me cold), SPEAK UP. If you’re heartbroken and nervous about postponing the wedding, SPEAK UP. SPEAK THE FUCK UP. 4) On a related note, Anna Nardini is Lorelai’s slightly older body double (I was on the treadmill and thought for a second I had had some kind of hypoxia incident because that door opened and I honestly thought it was Lorelai). I note Anna isn’t afraid to tell Luke her mind and in no uncertain terms. Lorelai, take lessons. 5) What have they done to my Paris? Why? Why? I love her. Now she’s crazy again. Why? 6) Rory only seems to have two modes these days: she flips back and forth between overly arrogant and overly sad sack. I would like to blame Logan but I can’t, not entirely. And WTF with Lorelai’s suddenly switching back to Team Logan? 7) If I want to watch a obnoxious entitled three-year-old having tantrums for half an hour, I’ll go to Target. There’s always a few there. Of course, Christopher’s kid is going to be a mess. No need to drag that out for an entire episode. 8). Luke. Oh, Luke. You used to not have much of a clue, but at least you knew you didn’t have much of a clue. What happened to you? TL;DR: Ugh. Just ugh.
  20. It really is far more afraid of you...it’s disoriented and has no experience with how to escape. Try throwing a thick towel over it, while wearing gloves, and scoop it up and throw the whole thing outside, towel and all. You can also try putting a bucket over it, slide a sheet of cardboard under it, and then take the whole works outside, holding the card against the bucket with your hand. I’ve rescued a zillion spiders, two hummingbirds and a lizard that way.
  21. If she were the tiniest bit photogenic, RFP would have spun Jinger around to show the baby’s face.
  22. I’m guessing she’s one of those red squirming inconsolable screamers who never sleeps. (Hey, I was one.) Also...baby acne. Just guessing.
  23. Jinger looks like she no longer even remembers what sleeping is like.
  24. Of course you didn’t, please don’t feel bad about anything! We all view things from different perspectives. No need to apologize for that, ever.
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