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I thought V didn't work well on adults... so I'm assuming Ashlee might end up all messed up or just a tentacle monster thing like Butcher...
But also you could look at that as Aziraphale calls him when nothing is happening, or something good is happening or something bad is happening- that's everything, that's all the time. And does Crowley call Aziraphale?
Really, really enjoyed the 2nd season and have now re-watched the first season again along with S2 for a 2nd time. it's also pushed me down the rabbit hole of Neil Gaiman's tumblr and the questions he answers- which does explain a bit some of the things people haven't liked about this season. I haven't read the book (yet- just picked it up this week) so that I'm sure impacts my take on things as well... but this season seems like it wasn't meant to be an everyone story, it was a Crowley and Aziraphale story, which is whey we didn't see a lot of the characters from the first season. It's meant to be more of a bridge between seasons- to put the characters in the right place for Season 3 (per Neil Gaiman) and also just give us more Crowley and Aziraphale and their relationship. I would watch Michael Sheen and David Tennant goof around with each other all day, so more Aziraphale and Crowley was fine by me. The nuance of their relationship is fascinating... because it's not a normal human relationship- they aren't human, they both have their ideas of what love is- A kiss under an awning or an old fashioned dance... without realizing that what they have is also love. I don't buy into all of the grand conspiracy/complicated trickery theories floating out there about the end of the season... I think it's just showing us how messy relationships are along with Aziraphale's struggle regarding heaven/being loved by heaven and also loving humanity and things on earth (plus Crowley of course). Jon Hamm was great and really went for it with the amnesia plot... his relationship with Beezelbub did seem quick, but we didn't get the whole season of build up since he didn't remember. I can buy them both finding companionship that they couldn't get in their respective hell/heavens. The maggie and nina plot was silly at times, but I think it did what it was supposed to- it moved the story along, it forced Aziraphale and Crowley to think about love and what that means. It showed us again how much they try to blend in with humans, but also still don't really understand human relationships/emotions all that well. Anyway... I enjoyed it and really hope we get a S3 to pull everything together.
Lisa was so shady from the start! Makes sense that she had something she was hiding... the bondurant thing never made sense, so I'm glad they at least explained why she was so shifty and shady... (it wasn't just lingering Evil Queen-ness) I'm not familiar with the books and haven't seen the movie either... but it's a nice little show with a good cast and I hope we get another season.
I don't know anything about the books/games, but it wasn't a stretch to assume Vigelfortz was injured when Ciri blew up the monolith building thing... I was more surprised to see him alive, though not that surprised since off screen deaths don't really happen. Granted there are plenty of other things that don't really make sense- like the suicide that could have used more explanation... or even I was hoping Tissaia's death was to sacrifice for some other power/healing/something that would benefit the rest of the mages, not just to kill herself.
I didn't realize until halfway through the episode that the below decks thing was another reality show... but I get to distracted by other not TV things when the episodes start, so sometimes I miss some of the direction/instructions. I like the uniform re-design stuff, though something like the post office challenge would have probably been more fun than reality TV drama. I did mostly agree with the judges tonight, which was surprising. Bishme's look was great, but I agree with the breathable neoprene comments... though he did put that mesh panel in the back, so it probably is better than just neoprene. It would have the upside of not getting damaged/deformed/see through when wet, so that's good. I loved Rami's look and would have probably chosen it for the winner, but either way it looked nice and was functional for what she needed. Brittany's romper was the only one that made sense, the rest looked ill fitting and not practical. I think Anna's kimono inspired look could have worked if it fit better/ the pants maybe were more fitted instead of a romper- like a kimono top with well fit pants etc, but I'm not sad she is gone. Her looks have not been great, so she was destined to leave soon. Karasauns look was way too much.. it looked hot and uncomfortable for on a boat in addition to costumy. Korto's made me think of flight attendant and while the vest was interesting, the dress didn't seem that interesting or professional. I didn't mind the other captain look- yes it was a little frilly, but I thought tying in the captain stripes over the shoulder into the pattern was kind of cool. The peplum was unnecessary and like many of the looks this week the pants/bottom half seemed like an afterthought.
I wouldn't have minded this ending if we were getting another season with the same cast... A small part of me was hoping there would be a fitting end for Geralt this season and then Liam Hemsworth would be playing a different witcher or something... but I know that was far fetched. It would have been nice to have a little closure on some things, even if they wanted to set up a new season, this didn't seem to really finish anything aside from destroying Aretuza. It's almost fitting that this season they all started together, but ended up apart, compared to other seasons where they are separated until the end... but still, it's a bummer note to go out on for Henry Cavil's time as Geralt.
That's because the rules are made up and the points don't matter...
I'm glad Christian saved Rami... I loved him on his original season and wasn't ready to see him go yet. I didn't think his out fit was bad, though the high waist weaving was probably the main issue to me, but aside from that I liked it. Prajie's look was interesting and I liked the jumpsuit idea... I thought Anna's was terrible and she should have gone home. In white it wouldn't have been any better. KaraSaun's was okay- but would have just been safe to me. I did really loke Korto's look and what she did with the fabric to make it look different. She should have been the winner. I would have put Laurance in the bottom... that boobs/ vagina arrow were terrible... If she hadn't pieced it together that way, I would have liked it a lot more. I didn't mind the shoulder spike at all and did like the back of the dress... but that front, oof. Bishme's coat was cool and I liked the top of the dress, but the skirt wasn't anything special. Overall though, it wasn't a bad runway for all denim looks. Some of the styling choices probably also didn't help the bottom looks. I forgot about the head to head thing until halfway through judging... but I think that's just me not giving the show my undivided attention.
The judges continue to be insane... though this week I think they had both the winner and the auf right, it's just everything else that made no sense. I wonder if this was a "lets pick rami and fabio for drama/just to talk to them" knowing that Hester was going home long before. I get people being annoyed that Anna did a similar look, but also, don't say that to her face... the editing made it look like Korto was really going over the top with her frustration and bitching at Anna. I don't think Anna's look was great, it belonged somewhere in the middle probably... but just keep it to yourself and we will complain about it on the message boards :P But PR has always been this way, some people get away with doing the same look over and over, and others get reamed about it almost immediately if anything is slightly similar. The judges do what they want and then make shit up to make it work.
As is tradition for PR, the judging is getting more whack each episode... I do agree with the winning look, that gown was royal with a capital R and so well made... definitely the fabric choices helped a lot, but it was very well done. I do not understand why Kara Saun and Laurance were in the top... that was a hot mess of a dress. The skirt was ridiculous and the coat/cape didn't fit with it at all. It looked like she was being choked by the neck of the outfit... hard pass. I also think it's crazy that they sent Viktor home when they had that horrible dress from Anna and Brittany. It wasn't as bad at first on the runway, but once they took a closer look, oof... poorly fit, not a great color choice... it seemed very matronly as well. I didn't mind Viktor and Kayne's look. it was definitely a little over the top, but looked well made and the corset was a nice "different" detail. I think if they had toned down some of the styling/head piece etc. it wouldn't have been so costume-y but it was still miles better than Anna and Brittany. I was surprised how much I liked Hester and Fabio's dress, but I hated the pattern... I think if they had picked a more regal fabric, it would have been a better look. Rami's team made a really beautiful dress, I would have put that or Hester/Fabio in the top over Kara Saun and Laurance. But it's PR, when has the judging ever made sense :P It was nice to see each outfit more up close this time since it was a team challenge.
Like last week, I was good with the winner and the auf, but also don't know what the judges are smoking when it comes to some of the commentary/top/bottom/safe etc. Rami's dress was definitely safe and didn't belong in the bottom. Either one of the other two could have definitely gone home, but I wasn't surprised Mila was sent home. Did she run out of puzzle pieces or just feel that was enough? I think even if she had attached the strips together loosely so they still had good movement but were connected, it would have looked better and more like a skirt... they were too much just dangling strips that whipped around... Laraunce's look was just bad.. boring/drab and not at all whimsical. The dress just didn't have any shape or details that made it special... I wasn't surprised by Nina saying it looked like she didn't try. Kayne's look was a lot of fun... definitely gave me panda lazer eye vibes more than blood though... which is probably better :P I liked how Viktor's dress turned out, the little dino head jacket over the dress looked put together/finished and had a shape/design that you could see. I think that's usually the biggest problem with the looks for the unconventional materials challenge is just that a lot of it looks so unfinished. Hester's was a joke... did she use regular fabric for the top and skirt? And then just tack random stuff over it? The keychain belt was giving me Wendy Pepper strings and washers vibe... It was a fun episode, but the early challenges are always hard since there are so many contestants we don't get a great look at the dresses. I wish they could get down to like 6 people and then not eliminate anyone for 3-4 weeks...
I didn't realize this show was coming back, and was so happy to see it mentioned somewhere yesterday!! It had crossed my mind to check, since Top Chef just ended... but I feel like PR has been vanishing, so wasn't sure if we were even getting a new season. It's fun to see familiar faces, though there are a few I think we all could do with out. For this week I agreed with the judges on the win and the auf, but there were plenty of other designs that could have fit in the bottom. Kayne's dress definitely had drama, but was classy and edited to not be too much. I always liked him on his season, so glad to see he can do some good stuff still. Kara Saun was lucky she didn't get eliminated... her fabric was cool, but definitely over designed and too much happening. I didn't mind Viktor's look, though it was definitely a lot, but I also think he had a harder look to re-imagine and making the legs look long/mechanical at least referenced the stilts for me. I didn't think Bishme belonged in the top, i didn't want him to go home or be booted for his look, and while it was miles better than the look he was re-doing, it was just still off to me and we didn't like it at all in our house when it came down the runway. Looking forward to the rest of the season! Yay, I missed PR!
S03.E08: Chapter Twenty Four - The Return
roctavia replied to formerlyfreedom's topic in The Mandalorian
My hand wave is that the Axe Woves group just has better jet packs with better range than the culty clan. Or that dragon thing flies way way way way farther than we think for hunting. -
S03.E08: Chapter Twenty Four - The Return
roctavia replied to formerlyfreedom's topic in The Mandalorian
This was a great episode, I thought it was a fun season even if it was a little different from before... but things have to change and evolve. Surprised how few side quests Mando had to go on this season, though they could be setting up a return to that kind of fun adventure next season with him and Grogu going back to bounty hunting. We were laughing about the lack of railings over the giant pit... and I loved Grogu jumping into the fray to protect Mando, I should rewatch, but it looked like Grogu was making the red guard guys fall over, and it was hilarious- they would just go tumbling. It was a nice to end on a happy note for now... though I was hoping for Mando to take off his helmet. I actually wanted him to do it when they were down by the waters of Mandalore, and be all like, I'll just hop back in the water for my special bath again, it's cool...