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Sew Sumi

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Everything posted by Sew Sumi

  1. You know the Duggars, they're all about conformity. They'll send her to Weight Watchers and make her starve herself to get down to size 0 so she fits in her sisters' clothes.
  2. Who can say whether Derick will stay mainline Southern Baptist (although he's apparently getting an MDiv online through the Southern Baptist Seminary in Texas)? He may well take his degree and apply Gothard teachings he learns from Jill. Don't forget, Boob has Derick's balls in a sack right now, renting them (or letting them live for free in) one of his houses. One thing we've learned about Boob though the years is that he rules through total control.
  3. I don't think Smuganna were able to negotiate their own paycheck until the lead-up to Mack's birth (and of course, 1st Grandduggar VSE). I don't think Famy has ever been paid, until she got the special, that is. I don't think any Duggar spawn couple is going to get a paycheck until they can provide a viable storyline (family business?) or pop out more Grand Duggars. We've already seen life as a Young Fundie Couple with little kids with Smuganna (including more than a few contrived storylines...ZOMG 85 family members are coming in 15 minutes rather than two days!!!!1111). Overkill will kill ratings.
  4. Hilarious article that discusses the pros and cons of most of the over-18s (and a couple littles) breaking free. But the best part paints Smuggar as Little Edie Beale and the TTH as Grey Gardens. LOL http://powderroom.jezebel.com/which-duggar-is-most-likely-to-break-free-from-the-fami-1587846451/+snacktasticc
  5. Boob does have an element of control though. He (or the Duggar Trust) owns the house in which Jerick will reside. He just HAS to have that leverage to keep his adult, married children under his thumb. He did the same with Smuggar (however, once the babies came, Smuggar started to get his own checks), and will likely tether Benessa to him in some way. Kid needs a real JOB if he's going to marry Jessa. I don't think TLC is going to divvy up checks for the girls until they give birth to their first children.
  6. Does she really have money? Will Boob gift her a huge rental house like he did with Jerick? And once she starts shooting out the kids, who's going to care about her looks? No one really cares about Anna's, other than to comment on her weight. Sure, Bin will likely be put to work for Boob, but let's face it, aside form the TLC checks and perks, Smuggar really wasn't living that large before he landed the FRC gig. And he's the Duggar Golden Boy. I hope Boob gives Jessa the money she's earned by doing this show, but I see him doing something to tether her to the dog and pony show (ie. Bin working for him) rather than giving her the means to set her free.
  7. I can see it if these people knew the bride/mother-to-be. But in the case of the Florida shower for Alyssa, why not just throw her a housewarming party a couple of weeks after they've had time to settle in? It's still a gift grab for the couple, which as was pointed out above, is the main purpose of these things (for the Bateses...can't comment on others).
  8. I disagree that Jessa is less into her courtship than Jill. She just has a different way of expressing it. She's posting selfies with Bin under the duggarfam IG account on almost a daily basis. Bin posted one yesterday, but the ratio is probably about 5:1 in favor of Jessa. She obviously enjoys the attention from the leghumpers, as evidenced when the account thanked the fans for 100k followers a few days ago. She obviously loves the way she looks and the adulation she gets, and obviously ties this in with the relationship with Bin. That said, I don't see them lasting, at all. She's going to have to face real life one of these days, and when she does it won't be pretty.
  9. Don't get me started on Stevehovah Maxhell....err....Maxwell. Kelly Bates put up a post on the blog with pictures from Alyssa's three wedding showers. I'm sorry, but isn't one enough? Why did a bunch of the groom's parents' friends feel the need to throw one? Sure, she'll be going to church with them, but they don't even know the girl, not to mention most of these ladies were old enough to be her granny, or older aunties. That just doesn't compute with me.
  10. LOL, burns are illegal in CA, especially now during a severe drought. Burning went by the wayside for environmental reasons, mostly, in the 70's. Boob had the property on the market for about 6 months. Going from memory, it went up for sale around 8/12 and off the market around 2/13. The document I saw also had the initial sale price, which is why the upsell was so astounding!
  11. Well, it's confirmed that they're going to live in the Cat House. A new pic today from the house shows a stairway through the kitchen entrance, which matches up with screengrabs from the Kittens and Konstruction episode. I saw the county listings for the property. Boob did indeed try to get 1.5 mil for the property after renovations and brush removal: a permit was found in JD's name to clear the brush - and do a burn? not sure how that works in that part of the world.
  12. He is (or was as of this past semester) taking business courses at a local CC near his home, and that the college offers an Associates' program. That said, it's rumored that he moved out of the family home not long ago and plans to transfer to the University of Arkansas in the fall. Take that FWIW; we'll see if he's spotted there. That said, if he's transferring to a 4 year school, this could be the longest fundie courtship on record. Most of these people don't waste any time getting on to engagement and the altar. The only exception is Michael Bates and her boyfriend, but that's because he's in some Gothard program that doesn't allow its students to be in relationships (I guess engaged or married) while matriculating. I guess courtship is okay, but Kelly has said no engagement until he finishes in November. But with them, at least there's an end in sight; can't say the same for Benessa, or is that Binessa?
  13. I watched that today as well. I think Ms. Query had to swing by and pick up Michelle at 0 dark thirty (they said they left for Fort Smith around 6am) just to meet up at the Smuggars' house for the drive. I don't think she had time to do whatever the hell she does to her hair every day. Still skeeved out by her expression in the car. She offered no support to Anna; she was essentially a third wheel, along because the cameras were there. She was able to brag that she's been at the births of all 3 of her grandkids. Then, of course, she forgets they exist since she doesn't have to nurse them.
  14. If you go back to this past weekend on the Jerick thread at FJ (in the Duggar subforum), all of the information is posted there.
  15. Yes, "Sin in the Camp" was totally debunked. It was traced back to someone who had many names on the interwebz over the years, but was outed as the same person (who also claimed to know Jon & Kate, and played Razing Ruth, for those keeping score) last year.
  16. By the time Derick asked Boob for Jill's hand (end of February) he'd already been back home for a month. His LinkedIn indicates that he's been at WalMart since January, which fits with his timeline. So Boob knew Derick had more than a job offer, he knew that he had a 9-5 JOB. But that doesn't work with the Interrogate the Boyfriend storyline they wanted to sell.
  17. Sadly, Joy did go to a Journey last fall. Jana was a group leader, so she was properly chaperoned. However, she did get one on one time with Gothard, who was hopefully smart enough to leave his cash cows, the Duggar girls, alone.
  18. The kitten house was purchased in 2012, so not the same babies. I'm sure there are plenty of cats on the property. Obviously, there are dogs; three or four bowls were lined up next to the front door in the shot when Derick showed up to ask for Jill's hand. They have the money; they should pony up and get some of these animals fixed, especially if their only care is some food and water, but not shelter or any real human contact.
  19. Pinterest has locked down its search feature, but I found Jill's beforehand: http://www.pinterest.com/ipreferatext/ She's obviously looking at mint green/seafoam for her bridesmaids. I haven't seen a Pinterest from either Jessa or "the girls," but a couple of the Bates girls have them (but should be posted on the right thread).
  20. Mullet still uses that verbiage ("train" a child) all the time. They may not use the Pearls' more extreme methods any longer because cameras, they still ascribe to the idea that children aren't to be raised, they're to be trained like circus animals.
  21. It was a Sunday and there was some big fundie protest that weekend (forget the issue, but there's only a couple that drive the Duggars). I guess Smuggles did a two-fer, knowing TLC's filming schedule. I imagine he wrote the trip off. Lazy fuck.
  22. The book tour started in NYC at the beginning of March. The proposal was 3/29 (all Duggar social media confirmed this, plus Jill joined the ranks of the unwashed masses that day as Jill Dillard). Someone looked up the bridal shop and it is on 2nd Ave between 57th and 58th, on the second floor of a building. So, not a place they would have just randomly strolled by, especially now that they're filming GMA in Times Square and no longer doing the Today Show at 30 Rock (closer to the actual bridal shop). So yeah, totes staged.
  23. How rude of Jill to take that chat in the middle of a book signing. TLC certainly could have filmed these momentous lunch plans at pretty much any other time of the day. Heck, five minutes before the signing would have worked. People drive long distances and wait in long lines for a few seconds of interaction with these people they worship. I'm sorry, but that was damn disrespectful.
  24. It's been confirmed on the interwebz that Jerick will be living in the house Boob bought where they found the kittens. Pictures of the layout and molding (and black kitchen tile) match up with screen shots from the episode in which the house was featured. Interesting fact, Boob bought the place in 2012 for $95k (on 20 acres!), renovated, and put it back on the market for $1.5 mil. No takers, so it was off the market 6 months after it was put up for sale. I assume Jerick's rent will be minimal, since mortgage payments are on the lower amount. Or if he paid cash, they might only have to pony up for the taxes (which might be a problem now that improvements have been made to the real property as well as the land). Back to the episode, I am convinced that TLC found that musician. Here is a sample of his other music. Totally NOT Duggar-approved! NIKE!!! The ironic juxtoposition is actually genius.
  25. For a formal invite format, they should have used formal names. My dad went by his middle name, but my husband and I circumvented this by using the phrasing, "Together with our parents we, [names here] joyfully invite you..." But then again, my parents didn't foot the bill for the wedding; we were older and paid for most of it ourselves.
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