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Everything posted by ZeroDiscipline

  1. Great catch! I believe they said her name is Gina, does that check out? Even though they ditched most of the events of the finale, I still think they did a great job of continuity, for those of us that remember the original.
  2. The show also tried to convince us he had a threesome with two girls named Mary when they went skiing. No way can David pull that off.
  3. Yes but no one will miss him.
  4. I can't believe she's still here! I had forgotten that she was around for the Emma Bennett thing-- how did she not get dragged into that? We have her until next Thanksgiving, and then we get Dylan back but the show gets even worse somehow and then goes on for another year or two.
  5. Why would they need a wristwatch to time pasta? Is there no clock or timer anywhere in that entire kitchen? Dumb plot contrivance. These Mary Tyler Moore/ bouffant hairstyles are killing me, but they did reflect the times. With Donna's hair, it's like, I see what they are going for, but they always seem to take it a step too far with her. Emma's bangs remind me of when I used to cut my daughter's hair like that, when she was 2. By the time she was 4, the bangs had become so thick and had started spreading further and further back until her face just became swallowed by her haircut.
  6. That is a question for the ages. I am going with my previous theory- Fox kept it on as a favor to Aaron Spelling, possibly related to keeping his daughter working as an actress.
  7. Like Donna and Noah would just happen to show up at David's car wash. No fucking way. Also no way is Noah buying a condom from a vending machine. Also no way does Kelly not figure out Brandon is the guy in the story. All of these plot contrivances are so sloppy and just just plain stupid. The former season of this, when they were seniors, is not nearly this shittily written. I have got to think this show was totally cancelled, then revived as a favor to Aaron Spelling over the summer and everyone had to rush back for filming.
  8. Why is Kelly so dowdy now? She used to be so cool, amongst this group of dorks, anyway. Now she is always in a robe or reading in bed, just like 22 year olds always do. Remember just a few months ago when she wasn't ready to have Brandon's baby? Seems like a baby actually would not have changed much at all about her current life. Except it would be her babydaddy cheating on her, instead of just her dumb boyfriend.
  9. He was just being nice so she didn't feel bad about being rejected! It's Kelly that is being so unreasonable about not taking him back immediately after he cheated, lied, blamed Steve and made a fool out of Kelly!
  10. So awful listening to that lady talk to Kelly about her sexual harassment case. I know this show sucks and all, but this is one thing that actually accurately reflects the times. So hard to believe we are just getting around to addressing this as a people now in 2017-2018.
  11. Yes, and also "Randall, I do not feel better". Those two have really learned how to act like brothers.
  12. That sure looked like Toby was suffering from severe depression, not "going to die" kind of sick. So the tables have turned, and now Kate has to be strong for Toby. That is how marriage works. But a total bummer to see that this is her future, when we are still on her happy wedding day. I didn't like that. They ended on a truly happy moment, and I know they are just minutes away from discovering what Deja did and having to deal with all that. I hope there is an episode next year where this family can just have a nice lunch together and then all go home without incident.
  13. OMG Timbits! Are you serious that Jason Priestly came up with his own flavor? What was it? We just got a Tim Horton's, it's the only one in Minnesota besides the one at the Mall of America, and it's on my street! Timbits have captivated us. Just like New York-- has anyone working on this show ever been to Los Angeles? There is no way they could have driven around and visited all of those things in the time allotted. I continue to be offended, as I did not just fall off the proverbial turnip truck. Edited to add-- thank you for the Timbit update, I have a smidgeon of respect for Priestly now. Canada is really charming that way. Edited again because I just found out several other Tim Horton's have opened in Minnesota since the one on my street.
  14. Has anyone involved with this show ever been to New York City? I would think that industry professionals would have at least visited there once for work. No one casually goes 50 miles per hour down 5th Avenue, that is not even possible, not even in 1997. I am so offended that they think those of us still watching their shitty show is that naive. Lol Richard Belzer reference.
  15. ooh I missed that, because it was sooooooo obvious Deja was going to cut her hand on that can of tomatoes, and I cannot deal with blood so I had turned my head and covered my eyes. Obvious show is obvious.
  16. I am always alone with all of my doctors, even my gyno, who is also a woman. This is in Minnesota. Never had a problem, but if I did, I sure as hell wouldn't get Kelly involved. She would probably just go home and tell Brandon and he would just tell her she's wrong and she would accept that.
  17. Kelly and Donna's apartment is like, not cool at all. This was the same time as Friends and maybe even Sex and the City. Wouldn't they have decorated their apartment by now? Their high school bedrooms had more pizazz.
  18. You know, yes, we give Donna Martin a lot of shit, but I have never had much of a negative opinion about Tori Spelling. She seems to fuck up her life a lot, but that's her business. Her mother seems to be very spiteful. Maybe Tori was so horrible she deserves to be cut off, but I really don't think so. It seems like she was never taught how to handle money, and now she is in way over her head. Her mother has BILLIONS of dollars. I feel like she could help her out with a loan. Or perhaps she did all of that and Tori keeps fucking it up. But is she really that horrible? I don't think she is. Michael Douglas's son, for example, is a criminal. Tori is not a criminal, just super dumb and terrible with money because she was spoiled rotten.
  19. OMG and then he set the place on fire and threw a temper tantrum and now the guy that is dating his ex-girlfriend is the boss and it's ridiculous and none of this would be happening if Valerie still owned the club and now it looks like she is going out with that dumbass David and I am totally going to quit.
  20. Kelly and Steve pretty much have the same haircut.
  21. Would be even better if he realized that was what was indeed happening. Can you imagine rising to a position where you own your own nightclub in L.A., and then piss it all away because you're plain stupid? I mean, he didn't even have a fun coke habit! And to give it all away to some guy and be like "you took my girl, here take my club!" and walk away in your huge pants and continue to be an asshole. So spiteful. In other news, I would like to see a "Sliding Doors" style re-shoot of this from the perspective of Kelly's co-workers at the Foundation Foundation Clinic or Whatever. It would go like this: "Ugh. We hired this dumb rich girl, and she already missed her first day to go to Hawaii and then she says she got shot and has amnesia or something? So they transferred her, and now her boyfriend is in jail for helping a pimp or something? So much drama, and I couldn't even take a half-day last Friday to get ready for Ashley's wedding!"
  22. I don't know any real life adults who care about their birthdays this much. Here is a great article about Surya in Minnesota: http://www.citypages.com/news/figure-skatings-bad-girl-star-surya-bonaly-makes-new-life-in-minnesota/392501041
  23. I remember watching this in real time, and completely agreeing about Michelle Kwan. Get this. Sureya Bonaly lives in the twin cities area and hangs out at the local roller rink in St. Louis Park (The Roller Garden). Here she is at the Halloween party:
  24. That's how loan sharking works, I guess. Punish them indefinitely. Just like how the bookies wanted to rough up Brandon when he didn't pay his gambling debt in high school. Nefarious bad men like to make a point, regardless of logic. How do these kids keep ending up in this kind of severe trouble? I sense a lack of parenting skills in the 90210.
  25. They are saying the loan sharks presumably know that he is a piano player, so that is why they will take his fingers first, so he can't play the supposed piano. That line would be a lot more clear if David's piano-playing was not only trotted out sporadically. The last time we saw him play was back at the freshman carnival with Babyface, so I can see why it might be confusing to hear that David is a "musician". Do you think that's what Mel was referring to, with grad school? Like, David could go get a master's in music, in Los Angeles, even though he never practices and seems to have lost interest in it anyway? The title of this episode, more than any of the other episodes, should be "That's Not How Any of This Works."
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