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  1. I have been bingeing since from the start and the first season drove me nuts with the Macarooooooons. (since I love macaroons, the chocolate and coconut kind, and don't care for macarons). Not sure if it was this episode but definitely this season they all started saying macarON. Maybe it started with Mel and Sue pretending to have french accents or maybe they had a lot of complaints from North Americans. This episode also taught me why my mom always made trifle with jello (and whip cream, not always custard which was probably a pudding mix anyways). She said my Grandma who came from England but was Welsh gave her the recipe. Now I have learned that it is the Welsh way to use jelly in trifle but that transferred to the Canadian Prairie way of using Jello.
  2. Mr Blackie and I were just talking about this. It kind of threw me off at first as it has been awhile since I read the book. I had to try to remember back if there were black characters in the book. But when I realized that they weren't playing a black character I kind of got used to it . (Also Young Hugh from The Detectorists as the barber was a bit weird). I don't know if these are the right casting decisions for a period drama.
  3. I am just watching from the beginning and that happened in Season 1. Seems like this forum is quite old so I don't know if this is the place to ask but since I started watching from the beginning (season 1 and the Wedding Cake special ) it is driving me nuts that they say macaroon (that rhymes with balloon). I am from Canada and a macaroon is a chocolate and coconut cookie which I LOVE and I don't like the other too sweet confections which we pronounce and I think spell macaron. Help it is driving me nuts and making me crave a chocolate and coconut macaroon.
  4. Great finale with probably the best top three ever on the Canadian version. I thought it was going to be Jen but her showstopper was kind of a let down. I really want to go to Elora's tea party, her flavours sound so amazing.
  5. I haven't been watching regular for awhile (I cut the cord) but I looked up the Sam scenes. There was some good acting but too many with the "no Sam's not dead,I just saw her and she was fine so she can't be dead" response. It got a bit monotonous. For sure it would be shocking to people since she was not expected to die but not everyone is going to do the big denial speech.
  6. is equivalent to BLQ saying that Finn was in a "full blown alcoholic downward spiral" after getting drunk once or Chase comparing Finn's drinking to what he has seen on the job(very very bad situations I imagine) after Finn had a few drinks. The writing has gone from 0 to 100 for everyone, way too much catastrophizing the situation. The the actors have been doing a good job with what they are given though.
  7. He needs some empathy and support, what his family has been doing has been no help to him what so ever. I agree, I hate this storyline.
  8. That is the recommendation when he was in rehab for his drug addiction and but I do not believe there is any scientific evidence that he will automatically become an alcoholic just because he went on a bender in a state of grief.
  9. This exactly!! This writing is insulting to anyone who has had a family member actual in a "full blown alcoholic spiral".
  10. Doesn't Lady parts have publishing rights over their songs,shouldn't they be making money if another group is singing it? It seems natural that when the women are alone with each other that Amina and Ayesha take off their hijabs, so I don't understand why Momtaz would still wear her hijab and niqab. In my experience (living in the Mid East), women do not cover when they are just with women. So happy this show is back, but I am without TV for awhile so will have to find a place to watch it online.
  11. A "full blown alcoholic spiral" ??? Please show, that is insulting.
  12. And MB was better when he wasn't in a super mobby story with Jason, hmmm?
  13. Ugh I liked Finn's dialogue yesterday about not being an alcoholic so I was bummed that they had him doing shots today. Yes lying and drinking are what alcoholics do, but I don't believe he is an alcoholic just because he had a drug problem before. Not interested in that story.
  14. And I can also see Blaze's mom's concern, although it has nothing to do with being a gay couple. I would be concerned about any new couple with one being a surrogate (esp for a family member) without extensive counselling. It could be too easy to get into the "playing family" mode.
  15. Were they chem testing Valentine and Brennan? Meeting in a stairwell,that hand on the shoulder, the hushed talking ...... I saw sparks
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