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Everything posted by Blackie

  1. Ok maybe I have just been ff and missed them .
  2. Interesting, I thought this was the best of the season, best for a long time. It was over filled but I felt that at first they did give some long enough scenes to the Millicent story before they started chopping them up, as per usual. They did one glaring cut while Millicent was talking to Nurse Crane. How the directors/writers of CTM think this good story telling is beyond me. But I still was invested in her storyline and teared up at the end, I noticed that this episode had a "disturbing scenes "warning before it started, I have only noticed that once before (not sure if they always do this on PBS and I just fast forward through). I can't remember what happened in the first one with the warning but I don't know what was so potentially disturbing about this episode, Trixie getting amniotic fluid squirted in the face??
  3. I was out of town yesterday so I went to specifically find those scenes. That was fantastic, I think I saw actual smoke come out of Ava's ears!!
  4. Wait what??? DZ is married, or has that changed? Frankly when Dante and Sam first got together I couldn't stand it because all the did was kiss and "canoodle", they had no storyline. They looked too much like they were personally enjoying it IMO. I know an actor's partner has to be able to put up with love scenes, but I wouldn't have been very happy if I was DZ's wife. What is different now is that they actually have dialogue between them. Sonny was never a smart mobster and always a temperamental big baby so I am not noticing too much difference. The almost kissing Ava thing is probably the biggest sign, but no one else knows about that. Maybe he just has brain damage from almost drowning and having amnesia and then getting bonked on his head and getting his memory back.
  5. If you sign up to be a surrogate you should be prepared to say :"the baby", if not, there is only going to be trouble for everyone involved. I was trying to nap, so all I heard was Carly at level 11, and Sonny at his usual underwhelming state. They just haven't done enough to show that Sonny is really acting extremely. It is the usual MB mumble mumble interspersed with his smashing his fist down off cue. Then I woke up to the weird scene of Trina and Joss talking interspersed with Dex getting dressed. so weird.
  6. Yes does make more sense and sounds yum!! I be the Q's have yummy leftovers in their fridge to put in the fancy cake.
  7. Even with my French I know gateaux soleil is sun cake. The recipe looks like it is a puff pastry and it wounded like Sasha stuffed it with all the fridge leftovers. But it looked like Tracey was just eating a piece of pound cake. Honestly I would be very happy if I could afford a cook that just made me cakes everyday 🤣
  8. For sure the continuity issues were way weird today. I didn't notice it being a different Aiden actor though, seem like the same to me. (OK on second look, he is different or is he WednesdayAiden's brother?) Also the nurses finishing an overnight shift and it is almost lunch time??? GH must have weird shift times. Also isn't Aiden old enough to go home by himself. It just seemed kind of weird that he ended up over a the Q's for lunch (unless he will be the next new cook LOL!) Is GH trying to save money by having the tutor one day so they have to have all the kids on the same day. I liked the James actor, I thought it was hilarious when he was talking about how the creme didn't work. ETA: Olivia was worried about the kids seeing Cody and Sasha getting it on, and it was Willow and Michael almost caught in lunchtime sex. At least they were in bed, not on the couch. Georgie and Aiden's look to each other was funny.
  9. That is why it was so freakin' scary when Fred got a main plot (tetanus).
  10. Not to mention, turnips are HARD, I can barely chop one with a sharp knife. I don't know how those kids were carving it with a spoon. Glad you said that LOL! She said she took random antibiotics so maybe she cured herself or maybe she could have secondary syphilis but didn't recognize the symptoms.
  11. Did Jason not have access to google the whole time he was gone? Was he not even curious to check in on the news of Port Charles?
  12. Ugh why would Sasha want to go from spokesmodel to cook. I laughed when Sasha asked if she had to eat her own cooking. I guess the Q mansion is going to turn into Downton Abbey and Cody and Sasha are going to be the "downstairs".
  13. Yaa for the Ace scenes!! But he is so chatty now, he is taking over the scene! Such a cute little man! MB is such a bad actor, did he totally miss his cue when to slam his hand on the desk?? Even SB stopped like he knew that wasn't the right timing but then just kept going. But I guess bad acting MB fits with off-his -meds-acting-erratic Sonny. ETA: how many weeks pregnant is Kristina supposed to be? Is she going to have a giant baby like Esme did?
  14. I had the feeling that there was no babysitter, which if that's the case, that's just negligence on Finn's part. Finn had said yesterday that the baby sitter had to leave at midnight (?) , (some specific time) and when he and Chase arrived, he commented that they were 20 minutes later than when the baby sitter had to leave, I didn't catch his excuse for being late.
  15. Do they actually have music playing or is each actor dancing to whatever music is in their head? I always chalk it up to that.
  16. She said something about leaving Ireland. I forget what exactly, but it made the cut. Cyril said he was going to check with all the Irish families in the district. The boys didn't say a peep so how he knew they were Irish?? I don't think the letter included their last name. I thought the older boy might run up to his mommy when they were reunited but I guess you can't depend on little kid actors. That wee baby girl was gorgeous though. Trixie looked amazing in her pantsuit and it sounds like she really planned it out for the car pick-up lol. I'm miffed that I missed the shout out or the Canadian Air Force exercises!
  17. We may be looking at this from a 2024 lens were we have all probably had swimming and water safety education.(Although Fred the safety guy should have been on it, I agree) But even these days children drown every year at pool parties and beaches because people assume because lots of adults and lifeguards are around that the kids are safe. As a lifeguard - in-previous -life , I go nuts at pools and beaches at how inattentive some people are with their children. Drowning can and does happen so quickly. Yaa I am better than I thought!!
  18. Another day at the beach in England LOL! That's why the beaches of Turkey and Croatia etc are full of Brits with really bad sunburns (in my experience no offence to British people)
  19. I don't want to defend these scenes because they were really bad, but as a PSA I will say she was floating on the Lido and they can get out far really fast if there is any kind of wind or current. And some kids seem oblivious to water temp if they are having fun.
  20. Armchair diagnostician here too, but I didn't think of delayed drowning, just pneumonia from water aspiration. I thought syphilis too for a second (not sure if they did the preventative eye drops then) but then guessed correctly the retinoblastoma. I can totally appreciate how children in a crowd can drown and it happens quite often but how these scenes were filmed were so badly and so fake it really took me out of the story. Plus it took me half the episode to figure out what a lido was. The sneak peak from the week before was Teddy asking his mother why she was sewing him a dress, and then PBS cuts that scene 🫤 I hate what they are doing with Trixie. If Mr Trixie actor wants to leave the show then just don't write storylines with him. Have Trixie stay at Nonnatus house 3 nights a week and mention his name a couple times and focus on her as a competent midwife. Or kill him at the next Christmas special.
  21. How many pairs of overalls does Sasha own?
  22. Since a wedding is coming up, and I might not be around here for the wedding I wanted to post that, for the first time in my life, I actually was at a wedding where the officiant asked the "is there any reason for these 2 not to be married" question. It was a civil ceremony with an officiant and he kind of made a joke of it. I was half expecting someone to barge in because that is what I am accustomed to from watching SOAPs 😅
  23. I watched this episode the evening of the total eclipse in my area. The moon landing was totally a bigger thing but similar vibe. I can't believe Trixie would make a mistake like that no matter what. .
  24. Good thing because that did not happen, maybe you had Drew and Nina on your bingo card😅 Seriously though I thought the desk sex happened a little too fast and I wish it wasn't contingent on Nina's begging to be close to Willow, but oh well it was something different on this show,that's for sure. I hate that Ava has just turned into a sculker in Sonny's house. Kristina clocked her serving Sonny a drink at least. I like bangs, wish I could get my bangs back but didn't like Ava's.
  25. There was also a good dose of Dante being sweet giving his donut choice to Scout.
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