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Josh & Anna Smuggar: A Series of Unfortunate Events
yogi2014L replied to maraleia's topic in Counting On
Prison is going to permanently and perhaps catastrophically change Josh. It will be very interesting to see what happens to him upon his release. Assuming he serves 4-5 years- his children will be grown, they will not know him, and what they do know of him they probably aren't going to like ( at least the older ones) I agree with the previous poster who said he could get out and realize he wants to leave Anna ( which I think is very , very likely) . I don't know if any amount of money Daddy Duggar dangles in front of him could keep him in his warehouse with the kids he doesn't want and a wife he doesn't love. Anna will not go anywhere unless she is forced to. GF is in her own prison too. -
Jill is definitely in the best position- she has a husband who seems to actually care about her well being, she is used to being 'cut off' from the immediate family ( I could see Lauren and Josiah/ Abbie and whoever wanting to be far away from this mess, but have no idea how to go about functioning as adults). Jill also had the fortune of being publicly distant from her family so any backlash from this definitely misses her. Her husband can take care of her financially and emotionally. Jinger is in a rough position, Jeremy can't be pleased about the negative publicity, seems to be unlikely to help her mentally ( I genuinely don't think he cares all that much about Jinger's well being, truly. He wanted a helpmeet and coattails to ride- not a true partner in life). She is slightly better off than say Josiah and Lauren because Jeremy at least has real world experience/ could probably get a real job if he actually needed too. And I don't think the Vuolos would let the girls suffer- they seem supportive ( financially and otherwise). I think we will see Vuolos come out with the tell all first, because Jeremy might think that will get them the most positive attention.
I also was wondering what was the deal with the mom. I definitely thought we would hear that she was an alcoholic or at least WAS an alcoholic at some point Seriously- who lets their 13 year old just do heroin in hotels with older men? It sounds like Dad left to Wisconsin and mom stayed behind and drank?? Why wouldn't she go with? I don't think we got the full story from them. And yeah, Lexi mentally is 13, and seems majorly stunted in almost every way. I don't see a bright outcome for her unless she forever lives in some sort of sober/supported living environment.
Not to mention, who actually bothers to repair infant or toddler clothing? Unless it is like super fancy special occasion clothing? They grow out of it in 2 seconds, just get a new pair of pants. You can get old navy pants for literally 3 dollars.
That is disgusting And I am SURE all of these fundies ( and non fundie) influencers get all sorts of insane, inappropriate, disgusting comments about their children All the more reason they ( all influencers ) should stop showcasing their children on social media to thousands ( and sometimes millions) of people
I don't know if Jessa is depressed but she is just a mini Michelle. Lazy, bare bones parenting. Bin is equally as lazy and I actually think he is WORSE than Jessa in all this because he has to know better- he grew up better. Jessa didn't. Michelle and Jim Bob are lazy, negligent, self absorbed parents just like Jessa. Little kids are hard, and that is why most normal people don't knock them out rapid fire, and many of those who do have resources to help them- babysitters, pre school, full time daycare ect. Responsible parents don't have more children than they can adequately care for.( and in my opinion- adequate parenting includes regular schedules, meal times, parental attention , education, space, toys, ect) Both Spurgeon and Henry are old enough for preschool a few times a week and if Jessa would get off her butt she would likely find herself to feel way better having a break from having to deal with 3 kids under 6 all day every day. It is exhausting, and I wouldn't want to do it especially pregnant yet again. I am a SAHM and my 2 year old goes to pre school one day a week, and will go three days a week when she is 3 just in time for the second one to be born. I would never in a million years survive being pregnant with 3 kids home all day every day, especially with no activities ( play classes ect) . So I bet Jessa and Ben ARE miserable, and the responsible thing to do would be to STOP HAVING KIDS.
Joy and Austin: This One Time At Family Camp
yogi2014L replied to frenchtoast's topic in Counting On
Kendra ( like many second generation fundies) are so, so trapped in this life. I do hope she enjoys it too, because she's stuck. Especially being married to an inept duggar male. Unlike her parents, or Boob and Mechelle, she has no frame of reference for normal. They will be the most screwed ( right up there with Josh and Anna) when the Duggar money stops rolling in because they will have the most children, and the least life experience. At least Josh knows that if it ever got bad enough, a tell all book/media tour ect would get him enough to get by. I'd read it if it was a true honest account. There will be hope for Joy and Austin to slow down the baby train though- I don't see Austin really aggressively pursuing 10+ children the way Boob did. I think he has enough sense to have a year or two of bad headaches. Boob and Mechelle went out of their way to have that many children- they never were leaving it up to God. I am sure there were many times that neither of them wanted to do the deed but it was the right timing for a blessing so they went on with it. I think if they actually just had a natural relationship to childrearing and sex ( also unprotected) they would have had less children because who on earth is having that much sex with 4 under 5 or whatever IDK if Kendra and Joe are going out of the way to get pregnant immediately like Michelle, time will tell I think if the baby train continues as rapidly as it has been. -
I have a toddler and am pregnant with #2 due in May. I work part time. My work just finally reopened after being shut down for ten weeks , and this was my first weekend back at work. My Husband was parenting from 8 am to 12 pm ( only 4 hours) and both days when I came home he had a nap when my daughter did. It is Exhausting!!I feel like I've been on vacation all weekend, honestly. LOL. However, with two parents fully at home for the most part, Jinger should not feel the entire burden of childcare day in and day out. I am sure Jeremy is completely useless and unhelpful. My husband has a very demanding, out of the house job, and every day I still get about 2 hours of a break + post bedtime to relax/ do what I want to do. There are no excuses to why Jeremy seems to be this way aside from 'patriarchy' But, at any rate, maybe this will inspire them to STOP having kids and only take on what they can handle. I feel like Jill learned this lesson, and hopefully Jinger will too.
Jinger would have came off way better just being like ' OMG I am so sleep deprived, you're right this was from Japan! My bad!" or something along those lines. just own up to the mistake and move on. And seeing she is a mom of a toddler and a newborn, that is a believe able mistake ( though I have no doubt she forgot where the Japan picture was taken, haha) They are so pompous and self righteous. Which is why they will never succeed with a broader fanbase.
I would do this for my daughter to help hold the diaper in place. when She would be running around crazy in a diaper and dress, sometimes the diaper would come flying off or be sideways on her haha! I often would put little shorts on her under her dresses in the warmer months too, strictly for the diaper haha. But i definitely think Duggars do it to stick to their weirdo modesty requirements
Well, not entirely. I am in IL which has had the stricted lock down measures from the start and my daughters pre school ( private) has been open the whole time. Public schools are another story. Private sports clubs and dance ect have been open as well. Anyway, COVID lockdowns really make no difference in the duggar universe. Their entire life is a lockdown aside from church. it is quite sad. We will soon see major differences in Israel and Spurge. Spurge needs to start going to some sort of formal pre school or kindergarten
Or at least get some couch covers. I Have a toddler and a dog and our upstairs couch has a cover on it. I wash those covers all the dang time, and when company comes over I can just take them off quickly and have a decent looking couch. Though my dog is way messier than my kid is. Dog hair and drool, ick. It looks horrible I will admit but its better than constantly sitting on a mess and I like the convenience of being able to clean it super easily!
Jinger and Jeremy are dumbos. Like everything else the Duggars do, this is half ass effort and makes no sense. Jeremy is trying real hard to promote himself as an intellectual of sorts, so whats with the trashy looking baseball hats? I think they would have had more success making some sort of christian daily devotional app, with an extra weekly sermon add on. Or one that follows their podcast. Or a hope and stead pen and journal since he loves pens so much. The baseball hats are ugly stupid and make no sense with their brand. The candle is weird too. I'm not spending 18 dollars on a candle unless it comes from Anthropologie haha. Also, with the pandemic, people are less likely to spend money on useless crap, but self improvement is a hot market. It even makes more sense for Jeremy to make a workout app since he was an athlete. There is a personal trainer I know who runs special Sunday fitness group classes that are kind of a combination of worship music/devotional and a workout. I'm not into organized religion these days but if I was, I'd probably attend something like that. Jinger could also do her own Christian mom devotional too. There are many other better, cohesive ideas but they require more effort than slapping a logo on a hat.
Same, and i think they will be correcting people until the end of time. Most people will say 'Lean"
Derick and Jill definitely were virgins when they married. I am happy I wasn't, and I am happy my husband wasn't. I feel like that could lead to always wondering if the grass is greener on the other side, truly. I also think that it helps you figure out where sex lands on your priority list. Sowing my wild oats definitely helped me prioritize the more critical qualities I was looking for in a partner. Our sex life is great, but I would MUCH rather be highly compatible in other areas like parenting, family relationships, work life balance ect vs lacking in those areas. I really do feel bad for these fundies who marry with hardly knowing their partner just to find out that they suck at everything and always wondering if there's more out there. Probably leads to more infidelity I'd imagine too.