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Everything posted by eXiled

  1. You know you have a way with words, right? I returned to read this passage today because when I first saw it last night, it took me out. I was howling in front of my computer screen, and I don't know why. Lawd, I saw all sorts of Christian, karmic, and schadenfreude-ic retribution in that phrase, and it made me feel just a little bit bad for Rob. But only a little bit. If Robyn returns next year, she needs to earn her check. Period. We know she's got plenty of skeletons in her closet. Time for her to open the door and let us peek inside.
  2. I don't think Bethenny ever forgave Lu for her cold dismissiveness back when B was still showcasing her baked goods in grocery stores. The countess only cares about the HAVES and back when B was a HAVE NOT, Lu never went out of her way to be friendly or accommodating. And while I hate to be the type of person to say "She's just jealous!" -- because that kind of sucks -- in this case, I believe it's warranted. I believe that B (and Ramona) hate the power Lu has over men. Luanna meets men easily. She's attractive, certainly, but she also gives off a vibe of actually liking men. Lu seems like someone who likes to have a good time. That's sexy. A try-hard like Bethenny (constantly wisecracking and negging) and a narcissistic prude like Ramona (blunt and cold, while awkwardly pretending to be sexual) both come off as a little desperate in comparison, IMO.
  3. I like this. It made me think that maybe Gizelle can forgive Karen so easily because, well, she never had that much respect for Karen to begin with. She may not take Karen seriously due to Karen's grandiose delusions and need to look wealthier than she is. Gizelle and Robyn went out of their way to stalk Karen's home to determine if she and Ray really lived there. Gizelle made T-shirts about Ray's tax woes to ding Karen ... and to keep her in her place. I also recall Gizelle talking about her pedigree, claiming that since Karen was raised on a farm, there is no comparison. Meanwhile, Wendy is a hardworking woman. Whether people care about her four degrees or not, she obtained them, all the while maintaining a career, as well as a marriage and children. Dr. Wendy is not as easily dismissed as Karen -- a social-climbing pretender who puts on airs and seems to move to a new rental home each year. In a weird way, perhaps Wendy's opinion means more to Gizelle than Karen's opinion does. Gotta think on this some more. And yes, those of us who can separate our dislike for a housewife from right and wrong will definitely remember that Mia assaulted Wendy. Mia's so foul. I can smell her funky ass through my TV screen.
  4. These shows are so fake they can barely be called "reality." Wendy was introduced as a friend of Candiace's (the same way Mia was introduced as Karen's friend). Now I wonder how well Wendy and Candiace really knew each other before the show. Or if they knew each other at all.
  5. I loved Sonja before she fell into the bottom of a bottle. She was so sweet and fun. While she's not quite as bad as Dorinda, seeing her drinking and delusion made me so sad while I was still watching. My favorite NY wife is Ramona. She's a horrible person, but she stands firmly in her horribleness and is unashamed -- probably even unaware of it. I knew I wouldn't be watching again after she was dismissed. I could take losing Bethenny (the other narcissist in residence who made me cringe and giggle at the same time). But Ramona is so intense with her awkward truthfulness that the show won't be the same without her. Here's my list of Housewife shows from my favorite to least favorite. Keep in mind that I've not watched them all, so there are many I have no idea about: - RHONY (the best, IMO, at least during Seasons 1-3) - RHOBH (the best clothes, real estate, jewelry, and vacation porn) - RHOPotomac (funny, close-knit group, but nothing lavish; off the rails after Season 5) - RHOAuckland (ran only a season, but I loved it!) - RHOAtlanta (the most watched for a reason -- funny and quick-witted women) - RHONJ (didn't like that real families were at each other's throats) - RHOC (tried watching, but all the blondes looked the same to me; couldn't keep anyone straight 😊) - RHODubai (dry and try-hard first season) I haven't watched the others, though I'm curious about Salt Lake City and Dallas.
  6. @RealHousewife I see you've buckled down and are tearing through this series! When this show was at its best, there was nothing like it, IMO. My absolute fave of all the Housewife series I've watched. Do you have a favorite season? A favorite housewife or storyline? What did you think about Cindy and the brother who dated a woman who could have been Cindy's twin? (Random, I know). What are your thoughts about Sonja and Luann's habit of sharing men? I personally have always rooted for these two to ditch the third wheel and get together on their own, lol.
  7. Don't forget Harry Dubin! Aviva married him, while Ramona, Sonja, Kelly, and Luann dated him. The New York women have no problem passing around a man -- as long as he has the right kind of money, breeding, and social connections. Looks like slim pickings in that social circle.
  8. You and @drivethroomay be correct in that assertion. I've witnessed it several times on the internet. Some viewers have basically said that they don't like Wendy because she's not African-American and thinks too highly of herself. I saw the same kind of nastiness surrounding Nigerian-American OG, a woman who was featured in a few seasons of Basketball Wives. I got the same vibe when the cast turned against OG when she verbally defended herself (more eloquently than many of those hoodrats could ever hope to muster). Puerto Rican Evelyn Lozado got to throw bottles, run across tables, and threaten anyone she thought she could bully, and people thought it was the cutest thing. Meanwhile, OG, who rarely raised her voice, calmly let it be known she could beat all their asses, and suddenly, she was aggressive. And don't let me get started on Tami Roman, who assaulted a few people, yet, no one was afraid to film with her. I hate that Wendy appears to be alone. It's so bad that she extended an olive branch to the thug who assaulted her. Not even Candiace is a real friend to Wendy (especially since I always get the impression that, if Ashley were to stop throwing her under the bus, Candiace would LOVE to be Ashley's friend). Wendy definitely tore her own ass, but in my opinion, not more so than some of the others who were easily forgiven. What makes Wendy so different? Why can Karen tell the world about Gizelle's supposed visit to Sing Sing (code for mental ward) and her rumored incurable disease, yet Gizelle has no problem laughing with Karen like nothing happened? Meanwhile, Wendy defends her marriage, and she becomes a pariah. Something ain't right.
  9. They made quick work of dispatching the Inappropriate-Chris and Happy-Eddie narrative. Candiace is right (save for her uterus comments): Gizelle used her supposed discomfort as a storyline. I'm so glad that shit backfired. At a function about fifteen years ago, a young man asked me to step into a room so he could tell me something. I told him that he was free to tell me right where we stood. After he insisted that we go somewhere else to chat, I stood my ground. Until this day, I still don't know what he wanted to tell me. Gizelle could have chosen to decline Chris's invitation. She doesn't strike me as a people-pleaser, you know? The first episode (where Giz shot down Wendy) shows that she's not above sidestepping anything she thinks is out-of-bounds. Gizelle will continue to come for her castmates' marriages as a way to remain relevant. Meanwhile, I would rather have watched her efforts to save/revive EveryHue or learn more about Reasonably Shady. Mia is a dangerous pathological liar. Does anyone truly believe Wendy slept with Peter "Peach" Thomas? I'm so happy Karen clamped her foot on Robyn's neck when Rob tried to act like Karen needed to intervene between Mia and Wendy. I used to let Robyn slide because she was the more likable of the two Bandits, but she's really shown her ass this season. Hell, even Andy admitted that Robyn rolled up on Wendy during the argument Charrisse got in the middle of. Andy usually stans for his faves, but he was tougher on the Bandits than I've ever seen him. The colorism debate was a waste of time. People who benefit from it will never see it. Just like people who benefit from racism will never see it. The audience that picks and chooses who they perceive as aggressive even as the women perform the same behaviors probably won't see that their perceptions may lie in colorism/racism/featurism. Andy's change-up is because the VIEWERS came through this season, y'all. You can tell that Bravo heard us. The PRODUCERS earned their paychecks too. I'll end on these infamous words by our prestigious, prodigious Dr. Wendy: "We all showed each other our vaginas. It was tequila!"
  10. Advertise for a new mark? At the rate Ashley's going, she'll leave her next serious relationship with LESS than what she brought into it. If she's really gold-digging, sis is doing it wrong. Though ... she seems so happy and self-satisfied that I wonder if a divorce is even going to happen. While not quite as much of a prevaricator as her sister in old-dick-sucking Mia is, Ashley ain't above lying. Ashley may just be smart enough to not discuss the terms of her divorce on television. After seeing various housewives get taken down by the IRS, that might be for the best. I would rather people think me broke instead of having my assets audited and siphoned off before I could trade my Forever 21 maxis for some Chanel. Can't wait to see how it all shakes out. I was one of those who never believed Robyn and Juan would re-tie the knot, so what do I know? (Michael Darby must have himself a new boo somewhere, otherwise, that wedding would never have happened, y'all. You can't tell me old Gollum didn't have a private investigator on the Dixons trail, keeping him notified about Juan's every move.) See the lengths we stoop to when we're unloved or aren't provided for when we're little? Ashley ain't the only one. Ashley, Mia, Bethenny, Ramona, and Kenya need their own "My Mother/Daddy Didn't Love Me" reality show; I'd watch that shit like it was my job. All of the named wives are hot messes. They'd eat each other alive.
  11. After years of watching this play out, I don't believe Ashley is a gold digger -- at least not in this instance. I'm really starting to believe she actually loved Michael. Ashley is attractive to men, so she had options. If she had really wanted to gold dig, it would have been so much easier for her to choose a baller who wouldn't even know how to spell prenuptial agreement, much less make Ashley sign one. It would have been so much simpler for her to marry some marble-mouth hood guy who thought Ashley was HIS come-up. She didn't. She specifically set her sights on a successful businessman who knew exactly how to cut her out when he was done with her. Ashley's a snake. We've watched her forked tongue slime several of the housewives over the seasons. Yet, like many people, her venom only poisons people outside her home. Most of us know this kind of person. She's the psychotic office manager or a loudmouth street chick constantly challenging others, meanwhile, when her man comes around, she's a different person entirely. She ain't talking shit to him. In fact, she rarely speaks unless he allows her to do so. That's Ashley. We all saw what happened that one time she got out of pocket. She was banished to a one-bedroom in Alexandria for her trouble. I really think Ashley thought being married to Michael would be a good thing for her life -- not just her lifestyle. Sheila really did a number on her.
  12. See, y'all are really making me wanna gas up my Bravo app and watch the last episode just to see Candiace pay these hens DUST. It's like she finally heard some of us yelling at the screen, begging her to leave these thirsty chicks thoroughly and entirely parched. Ashley and Gizelle's lips should be cracked and bleeding due to this dry-ass storyline. Y'all think I should try to finish out the season? I just don't know if I have anything left in me to limp toward the finish line. The show has left me bored and frustrated both at the same time. RHOP's producers are obviously aware of the issues (I've never seen a team so obviously PRODUCING) but I don't know if there's anything left to save.
  13. I'm pulling my own coat, I guess, because I DID feel a little bad after I posted it. Even if you were stepping on my skinny neck, I'm not averse to a good burn from time to time. It keeps me humble. Whatever your intentions, I'm glad you posted it. You reminded me of changes I need to make. It's so easy to fall back into old habits and patterns (Candiace knows all about this -- trying to hang with Ashley and immediately being reminded of why she shouldn't). I just want to grow and be more intellectual. And classy. One day...
  14. I was feeling petty when I wrote it. I giggled when it posted, then I felt bad a few moments later. But you're right: It's childish behavior. I don't much like it when others do it, so I don't want to be a hypocrite. Thanks for pulling my coat. I'll be spending much of 2023 building my intellect by working on my third degree. While I know Dr. Wendy won't be impressed, I hope to learn something.
  15. I'm sitting in bed at 4:30 AM watching the freebie Youtube episode of Money Court. I'm enjoying it, along with Bethenny's chemistry with Kevin O'Leary. To be fair, I'll admit something*: I generally enjoy Bethenny's shows (the ones I've seen). While I know she'd be a nightmare to know in real life, I find her hypnotic. Hell, I even liked The Big Shot, so there you go. I'll never call myself a fan of this woman's, but I've always found her to be strangely watchable. That said: I doubt this show will last. Bethenny has lost all the vulnerability that made her a hit during her first seasons on RHONY. She can't get that back. I'm a native New Yorker, so B's style -- fast-talking, glib patter, jokey sarcasm -- just sounds like "home" to me. Alas, most of the rest of the country doesn't relate. That's why her talk show (which I never watched) was canceled. She doesn't have the warmth, patience, or vulnerability to connect with her guests, much less an audience. I never watched her real estate show, but from what I hear, she fell out with her co-star. I suspect we'll hear the same here. Bethenny needs to B In Control. We've seen that on RHONY, Bethenny Ever After, and in the way she handled her divorce -- her daughter's needs be damned. Either viewers will not tune in or Bethenny will clash with the co-host. *But I'm kinda weird. Ross Gellar was my favorite Friend.
  16. Robyn is really working for her check this year, but I doubt she realized her tactics would backfire with a lot of the audience. Many viewers who thought she was okay aren't feeling her after this season's antics. Gizelle was really feeling herself this episode. Sure enough, she's never been the one that "goes into the pool." Meanwhile, there's nothing particularly important or impressive about her that would keep her various necks from being stepped on. Yet she always gets a pass. Monique went out of her way to allow Gizelle to shade and disrespect her, yet Mo made sure to reward Candiace's friendship with an assault. Gizelle stood in Mia's face and doubted her cancer diagnosis, yet Mia would rather fight with Wendy, a woman who simply talked about Mia's swinging relationship with her husband -- something Mia herself is open about. Candiace and Ashley shutting down Mia and her friend was great to see. I had to think a minute on Jacqueline's name myself, so when Candiace pretended she didn't know it, I hollered. I'm also glad that Ashley was unimpressed with Jacqueline's little crush. Jacqueline had sex with G (and probably Mia too) so, she's not particularly choosy. Candiace has a short memory. In addition to Ashley continuing to knife her in the back, she seems to have forgotten that Karen called producers about having Candiace fired. I ain't forgot. While I don't believe Candiace is afraid to tangle with Karen verbally, I do think she saw her as a mother/auntie figure. Someone worthy of respect. That's why she holds back. After seeing Candi's dealings with Dot, I'm not surprised she would look for warmth and maternal acceptance elsewhere. But Candiace need to realize that she won't find what she seeks in Karen.
  17. This was actually my favorite part of the episode before things went left. The RHONY chicks did it at least twice a year back in the day: read each other for filth, sometimes until someone cried, before heading out to the club/pool to party the night away like nothing happened. That used to tickle me so bad. It gave the show balance. It didn't become all Fight Club all the time until that nasty drunk Dorinda showed up. It worsened with Leah and Bravo's decision to diversify the cast. No more balance.
  18. Candiace is going to be really mad at the reunion when they play the clip of her gossiping with Ashley. She came off as unhinged screaming at Robyn toward the episode's end. She was practically in hysterics. It's shocking how easy it is to set her off. Every thought, every feeling, must be shared with others. There is never a moment of self awareness or self-containment. Arrested development. Her vibe is more teenager than adult woman. I still don't understand Candiace's need to be friends with Ashley. Ashley will always sell her out. Always. It's happened before, and will happen again because Candiace is quick to forget that Ashley isn't here for any of them like that. She's here for her check. That's it.
  19. I loved how pressed Monique had Gizelle from her very first scene. I badly wanted her to do well on this show because she had everything a Housewife needed to win .... except I don't think Monique realized that herself. By her last seasons, when she'd began kissing up to the women who'd shaded her from jump, I was done. Her decision to assault Candiace -- instead of Gizelle, her main antagonist -- has always left me scratching my head. I'm not a fan of violence at all, but if you're gonna throw down, why choose a former bestie over the chick who's had it in for you from Day One? A chick who started a rumor that your supposed premarital affair spawned a child who isn't your husband's? How was anything Candiace said worse than something that could have ended Monique's marriage?
  20. This was the first episode in a long time where I actually giggled and enjoyed some of the show. Mia really thought she was doing something when she told Ashley and Candiace they couldn't stay with the rest of them. I like that Ashley paid her childish ass no mind. Though, I wouldn't have minded if that crew had joined Wendy at her hotel. I ignored most of the Mia clique scenes, so I'll have to go back to see Robyn trying to work her Mrs. Robinson on a sweet young thang. On second thought, even the imagery isn't giving me anything good. I'll probably just pass on that mess entirely... I had no idea that a team up of Karen, Ashley, Candiace, and Wendy would be so entertaining. I loved their chemistry. Candiace and Wendy slithering was hella cute, and I agree with posters who said that these moments are what keep me tuning in. RHOP, please bring back your lighter, funnier moments! Of course Ashley's hateful ass will spoil the good vibes next week, but I just can't quit this two-face ho. Ashley knows the assignment, and since none of these women is truly her friend, she goes for the jugular without hesitation. No fucks, chile. She is determined to keep her flute, and I respect that. I'm just going to need Candiace to wake the fuck up and stop engaging with Ashley on a personal level. Candiace regrets it each and every time. Something about Ashley's personality keeps Candi going back for more.
  21. Wendy probably doesn't realize that her actions have probably helped Mia remain on the show. If she hadn't gone after Mia, inciting a feud that began with barbs about plastic surgery, Mia would probably have blended into the background like so many other "Friends Of" have. Yet Wendy came on so hot that she practically gifted the thick-tongued fabulist her flute. Funnily enough, I see Wendy and Mia as two sides of the same bogus coin. I sense falseness in them, a lack of authenticity that makes both women unlikable to many viewers. Mia's playing the young, hot trophy wife to the hilt, yet all I see is a coarse, hard woman whose had a rough life. Really rough. Meanwhile, Wendy is desperately trying to ditch the books and good girl persona because she's betting on home goods and a sassy attitude to help her level up. I don't think she's naturally as confrontational in her real life as she portrays herself on the show. It makes sense that each woman sees a nemesis staring back at her when they look at each other. The same fake chick is being reflected back.
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